935 resultados para Prosa griega s.III-IV


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This work deals with the synthesis and thermal decomposition of complexes of general formula: Ln(beta-dik)(3)L (where Ln=Tb(+3), beta-dik=4,4,4-trifluoro-1-phenyl-1,3butanedione(btfa) and L=1,10-fenantroline(phen) or 2,2-bipiridine(bipy). The powders were characterized by melting point, FTIR spectroscopy, LTV-visible, elemental analysis, scanning differential calorimeter(DSC) and thermogravimetry(TG). The TG/DSC curves were obtained simultaneously in a system DSC-TGA, under nitrogen atmosphere. The experimental conditions were: 0.83 ml.s(-1) carrier gas flow, 2.0 +/- 0.5 mg samples and 10 degrees C.min(-1) heating rate. The CHN elemental analysis of the Tb(btfa)(3)bipy and Tb(btfa)(3)phen complexes, are in good agreement with the expected values. The IR spectra evinced that the metal ion is coordinated to the ligands via C=O and C-N groups. The TG/DTG/DSC curves of the complexes show that they decompose before melting. The profiles of the thermal decomposition of the Tb(btfa)3phen and Tb(btfa)3bipy showed six and five decomposition stages, respectively. Our data suggests that the thermal stability of the complexes under investigation followed the order: Tb(btfa)(3)phen < Tb(btfa)(3)bipy.


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We studied how solvent, stirring method, PhIO/MnP molar ratio, presence of water and axial ligand affect the catalytic activities of Mn(TPP)Cl, Mn(MNPP)Cl, Mn(TDCPP)Cl and Mn(TFPP)Cl in the oxidation of cyclohexane by PhIO. A study of the catalytic intermediates in the reaction between Mn(TPP)Cl or Mn(TDCPP)Cl and PhIO was also carried out by UV-Vis and EPR spectroscopies. The reaction of Mn(TPP)Cl with PhIO showed the formation of a mixture of species Mn-IV(OP+ and Mn-V(O)P as intermediates, which were confirmed by the deconvolution of the UV-Vis spectra. Addition of imidazole as cocatalyst favoured the formation of the intermediate species Mn-V(O)P, evidenced by the UV-Vis band at 408 nm. The corresponding EPR spectra gave evidence that in the presence of imidazole, Mn-IV(OP+ species are formed only in very low amounts. For Mn(TDCPP)Cl the dominating intermediate species is Mn-IV(OP+. Addition of imidazole to halogen-substituted MnP systems does not result in increase of the C-ol yields because very stable bis-imidazole-MnP complexes are formed. Anchoring of such MnP on imidazole propyl gel (IPG) results in better catalytic activity because in this case, the catalyst is mono-coordinated to the support and imidazole favours the formation of the intermediate species Mn-V(O)P.


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An optimization study of the reaction conditions of Fe(TDCPP)Cl when it is used as catalyst in the hydroxylation of cyclohexane by iodosylbenzene (PhIO) has been carried out, It was found that Fe(TDCPP)Cl follows the classical PhIO mechanism described for Fe(TPP)Cl, which involves the monomeric active species Fe-IV(O)P-+. (I). In the optimized condition ([Fe(TDCPP) = 3.0 X 10(-4) mol l(-1) in 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE); ultrasound stirring at 0 degrees C; PhIO/FeP molar ratio = 100), this FeP led to a yield of cyclohexanol (C-ol) of 96% and a turnover number of 96, Therefore, Fe(TDCPP)Cl may be considered a good biomimetic model and a very stable, resistant and selective catalyst, which yields C-ol as the sole product. DCE showed to be a better solvent than dichloromethane (DCM), 1 DCE:1 MeOH mixture or acetonitrile (ACN). Since the Fe-IV(O)P-+. is capable of abstracting hydrogen atom from DCM, MeOH or ACN, the solvent competes with the substrate. Presence of O-2 lowers the yield of C-ol, as it can further oxidize this alcohol to carboxylic acid in the presence of radicals, Presence of H2O also causes a decrease in the yield, since it converts the active species I into Fe-IV(OH)P, which cannot oxidize cyclohexane. Addition of excess imidazole or OH- to the system results in a decrease in the yield of C-ol, due to the formation of the hexacoordinated complexes Fe(TDCPP)Im(2)(+) (low-spin, beta(2) = 2.5 X 10(8) mol(-2) l(2)) and Fe(TDCPP)(OH)(2)(-) (high-spin, beta(2) = 6.3 X 10(7) mol(-2) l(2)), the formation of both Fe(TDCPP)Im(2)(+) and Fe(TDCPP)(OH)(2)(-) complexes were confirmed by EPR studies. The catalytic activities of Fe(TDCPP)C and Fe(TFPP)Cl were compared, the unusually high yields of C-ol with Fe(TFPP)Cl obtained when ultrasound, DCM and O-2 atmosphere were used, suggest that a parallel mechanism involving the mu-oxo dimer form, O-2 and radicals may also be occurring with this FeP, besides the PhIO mechanism.


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In this work we have made use of the study of the interaction between Fe(TDCPP)(+) and the axial ligands OH- and imidazole in order to help characterize the heterogenized catalysts Fe(TDCPP)SG and Fe(TDCPP)IPG through UV-VIS and EPR spectroscopies and thus, better understand their different catalytic activity in the oxidation of cyclohexane by PhIO. We have found out that in Fe(TDCPP)SG (containing 1.2 X 10(-6) mol Fe(TDCPP)(+)/g of support), the FeP bis-coordinates to silica gel through Fe-O coordination and it is high-spin (FeP)-P-III species. In Fe(TDCPP)IPG 1 (containing 1.1 X 10(-6) mol Fe(TDCPP)(+) and 2.2 X 10(-4) mol imidazole/g of support), the FeP is bis-ligated to imidazole propyl gel through Fe-imidazole coordination and using NO as a paramagnetic probe, we present evidence that Fe(TDCPP)(+) is present as a mixture of low-spin (FeP)-P-III and (FeP)-P-II species. This catalyst led to a relative low yield of cyclohexanol (25%) because the bis-coordination of the (FeP)-P-III to the support partially blocks the reaction between Fe(TDCPP)(+) and PhIO, thus leading to the formation of only a small amount of the active species Fe-IV(OP+, while the (FeP)-P-II species do not react with the oxygen donor. Increasing the amount of Fe(TDCPP)(+) and decreasing the amount of imidazole in the support led to the obtention of high-spin (FeP)-P-III EPR signals in the spectra of Fe(TDCPP)IPG 5 (containing 4.4 X 10(-6) mol Fe(TDCPP)(+) and 2.2 X 10(-5) mol imidazole/g of IPG), together with low-spin (FeP)-P-III species. This latter catalyst led to better cyclohexanol yields (67%) than Fe(TDCPP)IPG 1. Fe(TDCPP)IPG 5 was further used in a study of the optimization of its catalytic activity and in recycling experiments in the optimized conditions. Recycling oxidation reactions of Fe(TDCPP)IPG 5 led to a total turnover number of 201 and total cyclohexanol yield of 201%, which could not be attained with Fe(TDCPP)Cl in homogeneous solution (turnover = 96) due to the difficulty in recovering and reusing it.


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A novel supermolecule constituted by four mu(3)-oxo-triruthenium acetate clusters coordinated to manganese(III)-meso -tetra(4-pyridil)porphyrin acetate ([MnTPyP]CH3COO) has been synthesized. Characterization has been performed by UV-Vis and H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The electrochemical behavior (cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemistry) in N,N'-dimethylformamide has been analyzed in terms of five redox processes: three related to peripheral clusters (Ru-IV,Ru-III,Ru-III/Ru-III,Ru-III,Ru-III/Ru-III,Ru-II,Ru-II) and two centered on the Mn-porphyrin core ((MnP)-P-III/(MnP)-P-II/(MnP2-)-P-II). A direct comparison has been performed between MnTCP and MnTPyP as catalysts for the cyclooctene and cyclohexane oxidation reactions. The improved selectivity exhibited by the supramolecular catalyst for cyclohexane oxidation has been ascribed to electronic effects on the oxomanganese(V) porphyrin species induced by the four peripheral clusters, in the formal (RuRuRuIII)-Ru-IV-Ru-III oxidation state. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. S.A. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the prevalence of virulent Rhodococcus equi in clinical isolates from 41 foals (19 sporadic and seven endemic cases) in Brazil between 1991 and 2003. of the 41 virulent isolates, six contained an 85-kb type I plasmid, 33 contained an 87-kb type I plasmid, both of which have been found in isolates from the Americas, and the remaining two contained a new variant, which did not display the EcoRI, EcoT221 and BamHI digestion patterns of the 11 representative plasmids already reported (85-kb types I-IV; 87-kb types I and II; 90-kb types I-V). We tentatively designated the new variant as the '87-kb type III' plasmid, because its BamHI digestion pattern is similar to that of the 87-kb type I plasmid. This is the first report of the molecular epidemiology surveillance of virulent R. equi in clinical isolates from Brazilian foals. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The influence of the axial organic ligand R on the electrochemical oxidation of the compounds [RCoIII(salen)DMF)], where salen is bis(salicylaldehyde)ethylenediimine, and R CH3, C2H5, n-C3H7, n-C4H9, s-C4H9, i-C4H9, CH2Cl, CF3CH2, c-C6H11CH2, c-C6H11, C6H5, C6H5CH2, p-CH3C6H4CH2, and p-NO2C6H4CH2, was studied by means of cyclic voltametry in dimethylformamide (DMF), 0.2 M in tetraethylammonium perchlorate (TEAP), at 25 and -20°C, with a platinum disc working electrode. The above-mentioned compounds can be classified according to their electrochemical behavior. (a) The complexes with R CH3, C2H5, n-C3H7, n-C4H9, c-C6H11CH2, and C6H5 undergo a reversible one-electron oxidation in the 10-50 V s-1 potential scan range. At slower scan rates, the oxidized product decomposes chemically. At -20°C, this chemical step is slow, and a reversible one-electron electrochemical oxidation is observed. (b) The compounds with R CH2Cl, C6H5CH2, p-CH3C6H4CH2 and p-NO2C6H4CH2 undergo a quasi-reversible one-electron oxidation at room temperaure. At -20°C, the electrochemical process becomes more complex. A following chemical reactions is coupled to the quasi-reversible one-electron transfer. Two reduction peaks are observed. (c) The compounds with R i-C4H9, s-C4H9, and c-C6H11 undergo a reversible one-electron oxidation at -20°C. At room temperature, the irreversible chemical reaction following the electron transfer step is too fast to allow the isolation of the electrochemical step. (d) At -20°C, the derivatives with R C2H5, c-C6H11 CH2 and c-C6H11 are adsorbed at the electrode surface. Evidence indicates that the reagent in these reactions is the pentacoordinated species [RCoIII(salen)]. A linear free-energy relationship between E1/2 (for reversible processes) and the Taft polar parameters o* was obtained with a slope of ρ* = 0.25 ± 0.03. As expected, the benzyl derivatives which present mesomeric effects do not fit this polar correlation. The rated of the electrochemical oxidation is also affected by the nature of the ligand R. For the ligands which are strong electron-withdrawing groups and for the benzyl derivatives, the rate of the electrochemical oxidation of the metal ion decreases at room temperature. At lower temperatures, it is suggested that the oxidation to the CoIV-R species is followed by a chemical reaction in which this complex is partly transformed into a CoIII(R*) species, which is reduced at a much more cathodic potential than the Co(IV) species. © 1979.


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A flow injection analysis (FIA) procedure for the speciation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) using the 1,5-diphenylcarbazide (DPC) method is presented. As Cr(III) does not interfere in the Cr(VI) - DPC reaction, both Cr(VI) and total chromium [after the on-line oxidation of Cr(III) by Ce(IV)] are sequentially determined. Cr(III) is obtained by difference. Under the experimental conditions described, the calibration graphs are linear up to 2 μg mh1 of Cr(VI) and 4 μg ml-1 of Cr(III). The detection limits found were 18 ng ml -1 for Cr(VI) and 55 ng ml-1 for Cr(III), at a signal to noise ratio of 3. The common interfering elements in the Cr(VI) - DPC reaction were investigated under dynamic FIA conditions. The FIA method was also compared with the conventional spectrophotometric procedure.


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Contiene los resumenes, los principales antecedentes, y las conclusiones y recomendaciones que se derivan de los diversos trabajos que ha preparado el ILPES en cumplimiento de las tareas que le fueran encomendadas por la III Conferencia de Ministros y Jefes de Planificacion de America Latina y el Caribe.


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Bone quality and quantity are important factors with regard to the survival rate of dental implants. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of dental implants inserted in low-density bone and to determine the survival rate of dental implants with surface treatments over time. A systematic review of the literature was undertaken by two independent individuals; the Medline/PubMed database was searched for the period July 1975 to March 2013. Relevant reports on bone quality and osseointegration of dental implants were selected. The search retrieved 1018 references, and after inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, 19 studies were selected for review. A total of 3937 patients, who had received a total of 12,465 dental implants, were analyzed. The survival rates of dental implants according to the bone density were: type I, 97.6%; type II, 96.2%; type III, 96.5%; and type IV, 88.8%. The survival rate of treated surface implants inserted in low-density bone was higher (97.1%) than that of machined surface implants (91.6%). Surface-treated dental implants inserted in low-density bone have a high survival rate and may be indicated for oral rehabilitation. However, more randomized studies are required to better evaluate this issue.


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The type IV secretion system (T4SS) is used by Gram-negative bacteria to translocate protein and DNA substrates across the cell envelope and into target cells. Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri contains two copies of the T4SS, one in the chromosome and the other is plasmid-encoded. To understand the conditions that induce expression of the T4SS in Xcc, we analyzed, in vitro and in planta, the expression of 18 ORFs from the T4SS and 7 hypothetical flanking genes by RT-qPCR. As a positive control, we also evaluated the expression of 29 ORFs from the type III secretion system (T3SS), since these genes are known to be expressed during plant infection condition, but not necessarily in standard culture medium. From the 29 T3SS genes analyzed by qPCR, only hrpA was downregulated at 72 h after inoculation. All genes associated with the T4SS were downregulated on Citrus leaves 72 h after inoculation. Our results showed that unlike the T3SS, the T4SS is not induced during the infection process.


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Herein we present results on the oscillatory dynamics in the bromate-oxalic acid-acetone-Ce(III)/Ce(IV) system in batch and also in a CSTR. We show that Ce(III) is the necessary reactant to allow the emergence of oscillations. In batch, oscillations occur with Ce(III) and also with Ce(IV), but no induction period is observed with Ce(III). In a CSTR, no oscillations were found using a freshly prepared Ce(IV), but only when the cerium-containing solution was aged, allowing partial conversion of Ce(IV) to Ce(III) by reaction with acetone. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The present work describes the electrochemical reduction of the azo dye Sudan III in methanol/0.01 mol l(-1) Bu4NBF4 at applied potential of -1.2V, which promotes 98% discoloration of the commercial sample. The reduction products were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography, after optimized conditions for 20 aromatic amines with carcinogenic potentiality. The harmful compounds such as: aniline, benzidine, o-toluidine, 2,6-dimethylaniline, 4,4'-oxydianiline, 4,4'-metileno-bis-2-methylaniline and 4-aminobiphenyl are formed after azo bond cleavage. The electrochemical reduction is compared with chemical reduction by using sodium thiosulfate. Our findings illustrates that commercial Sudan III under reductive condition can forms a number of products, which some are known active genotoxins. The technique could be used to mimic important redox reactions in human metabolism or environment, highlighting the possible formation of by-products more toxic than the original dyes.