999 resultados para Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica


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Tomando como punto de partida mi colaboración en la recolección y la sistematización de datos vinculados al relevamiento territorial en distintas comunidades guaraníes del noroeste salteño, en apoyo al Programa de Relevamiento Territorial de Comunidades Indígenas (Re.Te.CI) y en el marco de la Ley de Emergencia en materia de posesión y propiedad comunitaria indígena (Ley 26.160), el presente artículo describe y analiza distintos momentos de la implementación del programa. Fundamentalmente, exploro las formas particulares que el mismo asumió en la provincia de Salta focalizándome en el Departamento General San Martín, siendo esta la región de mayor diversidad étnica de la provincia. Inspirada en la propuesta de Ferguson y Gupta (2002) de pensar al Estado como “una experiencia vivida” utilizo materiales etnográficos de tres comunidades indígenas donde se aplicó el programa de relevamiento territorial y me centro en una de ellas para pensar las formas que adopta la relación entre el Estado y los pueblos indígenas.


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A política de habitação no concelho de Matosinhos sofreu ao longo das últimas décadas profundas alterações. O trabalho apresentado analisa o processoi subjacente a uma nova política da autarquia no domínio da habitação, o Programa Municipal de Apoio ao Arrendamento. O interesse nesta temática surge como corolário de uma prática profissional na entidade empresarial municipal, organização que tem a seu cargo a intervenção neste domínio. O principal objetivo desta investigação é compreender de que forma o Programa Municipal de Apoio ao Arrendamento constitui uma resposta às novas configurações da questão habitacional no município e a implicação dos profissionais da área social, nomeadamente os assistentes sociais, na sua criação, implementação e avaliação. Por outro lado, pretendemos analisar os limites e possibilidades do trabalho dos assistentes sociais no Departamento de Gestão Social e Habitacional. A recolha de informação teve por base uma pesquisa bibliográfica, associada aos temas em análise e uma pesquisa documental, a qual incidiu sobre a documentação produzida na MatosinhosHabit, nomeadamente procedimentos, instruções de trabalho, processos de munícipes (de 1999 a 2013), sob a forma digital ou outra. A criação desta política surge como resposta aos problemas económicos e sociais sentidos pela população em meados de 2007 e para a qual os profissionais da área social tiveram um trabalho propositivo. Este trabalho passou pelo envolvimento ativo de vários profissionais da organização e de entidades parceiras locais, tendo subjacente os valores da equidade e desenvolvimento local e social. / The housing policy in the Municipality of Matosinhos has suffered profound changes over the past decades. The present assignment analises the underlying process to a new policy of the local authority in the field of housing, "O Programa Nacional de Apoio ao Arrendamento" (the Municipal Program for Support to Leasing). The interest in this subject arises as a corollary of a professional practice in the municipal business entity that is in charge of intervention in this area. The main objective of this research is to understand how the program for leasing is a response to the new housing issues in the municipality and the involvement of social workers, namely in their creation, implementation and evaluation. On the other hand, we intend to analise the limits and possibilities of the work of social workers in the Department of Social Management and Housing. The collecting of the data was based on a literature research, associated to topics in analysis and documental research, which focused on the documentation produced at MatosinhosHabit, namely procedures, work instructions, householder processes (from 1999 to 2013), under a digital format or any other format. The creation of this policy is a response to economic and social problems felt by the population in mid-2007, for which social workers had proposals. This work has involved the active participation of various professionals of the organization and local partner organizations, having underlying values of equity and social and local development.


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The inclusion of the dentist in the Family Health Program (FHP) teams designates a reorganization of the mouth health care in your country and establishes a new scenario in Brazilian odontology, through of a new way to organize the basic health care, creating conditions to consolidate in mouth health practice actions, in the level of the basic attention, the validation of Unique Health System (UHS) constitutional principles. The purpose of this research is to verify if the actuation of mouth health teams (MHT) dentists, in Natal city north sanitary district, is tuned with FHP goals.The target research population was composed by all dentists working in Basic Health Units (BHU) of Natal north sanitary district. Fifth-eight questionnaires were applied and using open and closed questions we look for identify the functional characteristics of each BHU, the dentists professional attributions on each BHU, as well as the clinical procedures that they execute. This research also searched to identify the factors that facilitate and/or difficult the inclusion process and the dentists activities performance on these BHUs, as well as the necessary actions to north sanitary district MHTs to fulfill the objectives proposed by FHP. The results point that the inclusion of mouth health actions in north sanitary district FHPs brought the incorporation of new values to the used practices. Whoever, its necessary a more frequent evaluation of the carried actions, in a way they can be adapted to the real community necessities, and, is fundamental the data accompaniment, for that these serve of base for planning and redirecting activities, in a way that we do not have only a reproduction of traditional practices, fragmented and isolated, but a truly substitution of the traditional practices and a new way of promoting health


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Tourism in the Northeast of Brazil was introduced as an alternative economic development for the Region by federal promoting policies that focused primarily in structuring the local geographic area. With the completion of these structuring actions, mass tourism expanding the area, as well as spread actions based on cooperation and formalization of governance institutions. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal and the cooperation strategies in a historical perspective. Thus was submitted to the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal ; the major projects of tourism development were mapped, the existing cooperation strategies were characterized, and investigated the influence of the cooperation actions for the current stage of product. The specific theoretical support to tourism was built on the perspective of the Theory of Population Ecology, System of Tourism and Touristic Product Life Cycle. Regarding to cooperation the theoretical foundation addressed issues of strategy, New Forms and Collective Efficiency. The survey consisted of a causal descriptive study, using a case study. We used the qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, and data collected by consulting of secondary data and semistructured interviews with twelve staff working in tourism in Natal. Results showed that the life cycle graph of product 'Coastal Cities of Natal is moving from one stage of growth to a stage of maturity, with a primary upward trend and with crises that are up over the graph. They have been mapped six of tourism development projects of relevance to the product: The Politics of Mega Projects, PRODETUR/NE, Municipalization National Program of Tourism, Regionalization Program, Urbanization Project Beach do Meio and Actions for the Promotion of Destiny. They have been identified sixty-four participating players in process of tourism development, which twenty were considered relevant to the respondents. The main strategies identified for cooperation were the consortium, collective strategy and clusters. Results indicated that co-operation strategies were adopted so that the benefits were obtained at the collective level, dedicated to the strengthening of Natal Destiny and its products. The main reasons were the need of cooperative marketing, international market entry and actions inducing the state. Finally, it was concluded that strategies for cooperation related to product life cycle 'Coastal Cities of Natal' as that work in the consolidation of projects for development of tourism, when the efficiency of collective action is achieved


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The present work turns on the public politics of digital inclusion and of the impact of the Technologies of the Information and Communication in the formation of the citizenship. For this, it was opted for doing an analysis of effectiveness of the performance of the objectives of the Proinfo (National Program of Computer Science in the Education) municipal district of Natal-RN. As instrument of collection of data, three types of questionnaires were used. The collected data were analyzed and discussed starting from it analyzes it descriptive of averages and analyze of multiple regression. The results of the research pointed that the teachers and the students use the computer science in a restricted way. On the other hand, the digital education is not still totally contemplated in the schools beneficiaries' digital rérumé by Proinfo municipal and thus, the inefficacy of the program was verified with relationship the educational training and the students' digital inclusion


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A água é um recurso essencial e escasso, como tal, é necessário encontrar medidas que permitam o seu uso de modo sustentável e garantam a proteção do meio ambiente. Devido a esta crescente preocupação assiste-se a um movimento legislativo, nacional e internacional, no sentido de garantir o desenvolvimento sustentável. Surge assim, a Diretiva Quadro da Água e a Lei da Água, que é complementada com legislação diversa. Como elemento constituinte do ciclo urbano da água, os Sistemas de Abastecimento têm sofrido evoluções nem sempre adequadas. É neste contexto que, em Portugal, nascem as diversas ferramentas para a melhoria da gestão dos recursos hídricos. As Entidades Gestoras têm como finalidade a gestão eficiente do bem água, e dispõe de dois importantes instrumentos, o Programa Nacional para o Uso Eficiente da Água e o Guia para o “controlo de perdas de água em sistemas públicos de adução e distribuição”(ERSAR). Esta Gestão passa, não só pela abordagem da problemática das perdas de água, reais e aparentes, como também pela análise do comportamento que origina o desperdício. A APA, enquanto entidade gestora, procura maximizar a eficiência do seu sistema de abastecimento, para tal, foram aplicadas as ferramentas propostas pelo ERSAR. Concluindo-se que este sistema tem um total de perdas de água de 34%, devendo-se estas perdas essencialmente ao envelhecido parque de contadores e perdas nos ramais de distribuição (teórico). As perdas comerciais representam cerca de 69%, o que revela que os volumes de água não faturados (medidos ou não) são muito elevados. Por outro lado, a realização do cálculo do Balanço Hídrico e dos índices de desempenho permitem classificar a performance do sistema de abastecimento e compará-la com os seus objetivos de gestão. Atendendo ao volume de água perdido nos ramais, foram efetuadas medições noturnas, verificando-se que no Porto de Pesca Costeira existe um volume de água escoado não justificado. Neste sentido, elaborou-se um plano de ação para aumentar a eficiência do sistema, ou seja, reduzir as perdas totais de 34% para 15%.


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Introdução: Uma grande parte de todas as consultas de medicina dentária realizadas em Portugal ocorre em prestadores de natureza privada, consequentemente a acessibilidade, principalmente entre os estatutos socioeconomicamente mais desfavorecido é dificultada. As crianças e os jovens são um grupo especial da população que necessita de particular atenção e proteção por parte dos serviços governamentais, investir na sua saúde e no seu bem‐estar garante ganhos de saúde ao longo das suas vidas. Tendo isto em conta, foi criado o Programa Nacional de Promoção de Saúde Oral (PNPSO). Os objetivos principais deste programa consistem na redução da incidência de doenças orais, melhoria dos conhecimentos e comportamentos sobre saúde oral e a promoção da equidade na prestação de cuidados de saúde oral. Desta forma são emitidos cheques-dentista para determinados grupos populacionais, sendo eles crianças e jovens com idade inferior a 16 anos, gravidas a ser seguidas no SNS, beneficiários do complemento solidário para idosos, portadores de Sida/VIH, e consultas no âmbito da prevenção do cancro oral. Participantes e Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo observacional transversal onde a população em análise foi constituída pelos responsáveis dos alunos de 10 e 13 anos abrangidos pelo PNPSO que no ano letivo 2013/2014 frequentaram o Colégio de Vizela e o Instituto Silva Monteiro. A recolha de dados foi feita através de um inquérito realizado por escrito com questões relativas à utilização dos documentos no âmbito do PNPSO. Em ambas as situações esteve presente o consentimento informado e garantiu-se a total confidencialidade dos dados. Os dados recolhidos neste estudo foram submetidos a uma análise estatística recorrendo ao software IBM SPSS Statistics v22. Resultados: Na população analisada quando questionados “O seu educando já tinha tido alguma consulta de medicina dentária?” 88,5% responderam “sim”, desses a maioria referiu que o médico dentista onde essas consultas foram realizadas estava incluído no programa (81,5%). Uma grande parte dos inquiridos referiu a escola como fator que lhes deu a conhecer o programa (sendo que 90,2% incluíram essa opção nas suas respostas). Quando questionados se fizeram tratamentos fora do programa 54,9% responderam que não. Em relação à utilização do(s) cheque(s)-dentista a que tiveram direito, 86,1% dos beneficiários referiu ter utilizado, desses, 67,6% mencionou a conclusão dos tratamentos com as consultas no âmbito do programa. Quando questionados o que os levou a escolher o consultório onde os tratamentos incluídos no PNPSO foram realizados, 57,9% do total de respostas foram para o “conhecimento prévio do médico dentista”. Na opinião de grande parte dos inquiridos (97,5%), o cheque-dentista é um incentivo para cuidados de saúde oral. No futuro, 99,2% dos beneficiários referiram que irão realizar os tratamentos a que tenham direito com o PNPSO. Conclusão: Com este estudo foi possível observar que grande parte dos beneficiários analisados utilizou o(s) cheque(s)-dentista a que tiveram direito. É possível observar que a maioria dos utentes referiram ter beneficiado com o programa, e afirmam que este constitui um meio de promoção e prevenção de doenças orais futuras e um incentivo para os cuidados de saúde oral. O processo de divulgação do PNPSO foi na sua maioria realizado pelas escolas, em que ambas se revelaram competentes a dar a conhecer o programa aos beneficiários.


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El principal objetivo de este estudio es estimar los errores de focalización, filtración y subcobertura, del Programa Beca 18 en su modalidad ordinaria, así como determinar la potencial brecha de atención que se pueda generar en los próximos años. Esto es importante dado que PRONABEC, y en particular Beca 18, tiene como finalidad orientar sus recursos a favor de los excluidos, de manera que se logre la inclusión y equidad en la educación. El documento se divide en siete secciones, incluida esta breve introducción. La segunda describe las dos formas de focalización más usadas a nivel internacional y define los errores de focalización antes mencionados (filtración y subcobertura). Además, provee evidencia de los niveles en los que dichos errores se encuentran en algunos programas sociales en el Perú. La tercera parte muestra cómo es que focalizan algunos programas de becas y créditos educativos en Chile, Brasil y Colombia. En la cuarta parte se explica la manera de elección de beneficiarios que tiene actualmente el Programa Beca 18, así como los principales problemas que estaría enfrentando para hacerlo. La quinta describe el procedimiento de cálculo de los errores de focalización para el programa Beca 18, modalidad ordinaria, utilizando la base de datos de PRONABEC; asimismo, se presentan y analizan los principales resultados. La sexta parte ofrece el cálculo de la población objetivo del programa al 2025 utilizando la ENAHO 2014 e información del Censo Escolar del MINEDU, así como analiza la posible brecha existente entre esta proyección y la oferta potencial de becas que el programa ha pensado ofrecer en los años venideros. El documento se cierra con las principales conclusiones y recomendaciones que se obtienen a partir del análisis realizado.


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A situação atual em Portugal e no mundo aponta para um aumento do número de novos casos de cancro, sobretudo associado à alteração da estrutura da pirâmide populacional e à alteração dos estilos de vida. De acordo com o Programa Nacional para as Doenças Oncológicas - Doenças Oncológicas em Números-2014, estima-se que, em Portugal, em 2030 a incidência de cancro se situe à volta dos 55.000 casos, o que representa um aumento de incidência de mais de 10.000 casos entre 2010 e 2030. Simultaneamente, o número de sobreviventes ao cancro tem aumentado, o que coloca novos desafios ao sistema de saúde. A prevenção, a deteção precoce e o tratamento têm contribuído para uma pequena diminuição da taxa de mortalidade, no entanto, o número de pessoas afetadas com doença oncológica tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos e torna-se essencial o seu acompanhamento permanente, de modo a proporcionar uma melhoria na sua qualidade de vida. Uma percentagem considerável de doentes oncológicos é sujeita a tratamentos de radioterapia cujos efeitos colaterais exigem, com frequência, a intervenção da fisioterapia, sobretudo nalguns tipos de cancro, como é o caso do cancro da mama.


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Analisa aspectos da educação profissional brasileira, que, a partir de 2011, passou a contar com uma nova iniciativa governamental, o Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego (Pronatec), instituído por meio da Lei nº 12.513, de 26 de outubro de 2011.


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The inclusion of the dentist in the Family Health Program (FHP) teams designates a reorganization of the mouth health care in your country and establishes a new scenario in Brazilian odontology, through of a new way to organize the basic health care, creating conditions to consolidate in mouth health practice actions, in the level of the basic attention, the validation of Unique Health System (UHS) constitutional principles. The purpose of this research is to verify if the actuation of mouth health teams (MHT) dentists, in Natal city north sanitary district, is tuned with FHP goals.The target research population was composed by all dentists working in Basic Health Units (BHU) of Natal north sanitary district. Fifth-eight questionnaires were applied and using open and closed questions we look for identify the functional characteristics of each BHU, the dentists professional attributions on each BHU, as well as the clinical procedures that they execute. This research also searched to identify the factors that facilitate and/or difficult the inclusion process and the dentists activities performance on these BHUs, as well as the necessary actions to north sanitary district MHTs to fulfill the objectives proposed by FHP. The results point that the inclusion of mouth health actions in north sanitary district FHPs brought the incorporation of new values to the used practices. Whoever, its necessary a more frequent evaluation of the carried actions, in a way they can be adapted to the real community necessities, and, is fundamental the data accompaniment, for that these serve of base for planning and redirecting activities, in a way that we do not have only a reproduction of traditional practices, fragmented and isolated, but a truly substitution of the traditional practices and a new way of promoting health


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Tourism in the Northeast of Brazil was introduced as an alternative economic development for the Region by federal promoting policies that focused primarily in structuring the local geographic area. With the completion of these structuring actions, mass tourism expanding the area, as well as spread actions based on cooperation and formalization of governance institutions. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal and the cooperation strategies in a historical perspective. Thus was submitted to the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal ; the major projects of tourism development were mapped, the existing cooperation strategies were characterized, and investigated the influence of the cooperation actions for the current stage of product. The specific theoretical support to tourism was built on the perspective of the Theory of Population Ecology, System of Tourism and Touristic Product Life Cycle. Regarding to cooperation the theoretical foundation addressed issues of strategy, New Forms and Collective Efficiency. The survey consisted of a causal descriptive study, using a case study. We used the qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, and data collected by consulting of secondary data and semistructured interviews with twelve staff working in tourism in Natal. Results showed that the life cycle graph of product 'Coastal Cities of Natal is moving from one stage of growth to a stage of maturity, with a primary upward trend and with crises that are up over the graph. They have been mapped six of tourism development projects of relevance to the product: The Politics of Mega Projects, PRODETUR/NE, Municipalization National Program of Tourism, Regionalization Program, Urbanization Project Beach do Meio and Actions for the Promotion of Destiny. They have been identified sixty-four participating players in process of tourism development, which twenty were considered relevant to the respondents. The main strategies identified for cooperation were the consortium, collective strategy and clusters. Results indicated that co-operation strategies were adopted so that the benefits were obtained at the collective level, dedicated to the strengthening of Natal Destiny and its products. The main reasons were the need of cooperative marketing, international market entry and actions inducing the state. Finally, it was concluded that strategies for cooperation related to product life cycle 'Coastal Cities of Natal' as that work in the consolidation of projects for development of tourism, when the efficiency of collective action is achieved


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Canine Visceral Leishmania (CVL) is an important zoonotic disease that has a world wide distribution and has a large impact on public health on the American Continent, especially in Brazil, where the nature of endemic diseases in humans affects a large part of the nation. The influence of the prevalence of CVL in the increased rate of human cases in endemic areas and in the unleashing of epidemic outbreaks shows the need for a more profound understanding, that would generate significant advances in the current measures used to control the reservoirs of sickness that are practiced by the Programa Nacional de Vigilância e Controle da Leishmaniose Visceral. The present work describes and compares the clinical-laboratorial and histopathological findings of twenty-three dogs that were naturally infected by Leishmania chagasi, from endemic areas in metropolitan Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. These animals, that were selected and given physical and serological exams (IFI and ELISA rK-39), were classified according to the degree of clinical severity and had blood samples drawn (whole blood and serum) for a complete hemogram and a coagulogram to be done as well as biochemical tests for kidney and liver function. The confirmation of infection by L. chagasi was done after the euthanasia of the animals, through the direct demonstration of the parasite in the impression of the spleen and liver crowned with GIEMSA and through a cultivation by means of NNN/Schneider. According to the clinical evaluation, the animals were classified as asymptomatic (7), oligosymptomatic (7) and polysymptomatic (9). Among the animals that were chosen to be autopsied, there were 2 asymptomatic, 3 oligosymptomatic and 3 polysymptomatic, for the purpose of studying their histopathology, having collected fragments of the spleen, liver, kidneys and skin and were fixed in 10% tamponed formol. The comparison between the average parameters of the clinical-laboratory tested animals in the groups was done through the Student t test (a<0.05). The main clinical signals observed were lymphadenomegaly, alopecy, dermatitis, exfoliation, cutaneous ulcers, onicogriphosis and emaciation. The main clinical-laboratorial alterations established, mainly in the polysymptomatic group, were anemia, hyperproteinemia, hyperglobulinemia, alterations in the albumin/globulin ratio and increased ALT activity. Renal alterations were not verified (urea and creatinine levels were normal). Thrombocytopenia was observed in three clinical groups. However, the other indicators of coagulation function (TAP and TTPA) did not have abnormal variations. There were inflammatory infiltrations and leishmania amastigotes in the skin of polysymptomatic dogs, however, they were not found in the skin of asymptomatic animals. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the phagocyte mononuclear system, leishmania amastigote parasites were found in the macrophages, extramedullary hematopoiesis and degenerative alterations were detected in the spleen and liver of 8 of the animals submitted to histopathological exams. In accord with these results, it was demonstrated that the expected alterations in the hematological and biochemical parameters in function of their viscerotropic nature of CVL are mainly observed in the more advanced stages of the disease. The absence of inflammatory infiltration and parasite load in the skin suggest that infected animals without symptoms may have an importance irrelevant to the infectiousness of the vector


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The present work turns on the public politics of digital inclusion and of the impact of the Technologies of the Information and Communication in the formation of the citizenship. For this, it was opted for doing an analysis of effectiveness of the performance of the objectives of the Proinfo (National Program of Computer Science in the Education) municipal district of Natal-RN. As instrument of collection of data, three types of questionnaires were used. The collected data were analyzed and discussed starting from it analyzes it descriptive of averages and analyze of multiple regression. The results of the research pointed that the teachers and the students use the computer science in a restricted way. On the other hand, the digital education is not still totally contemplated in the schools beneficiaries' digital rérumé by Proinfo municipal and thus, the inefficacy of the program was verified with relationship the educational training and the students' digital inclusion


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Clínica e Cultura, 2016.