971 resultados para Production Capacity
Continuous heat treatment by UHT processing has attracted interest as an alternative to the batch-heating method conventionally used in the production of yogurt. Several studies have been conducted on the manufacture of yogurt from milk heated by UHT processes and have compared it with the conventional method. This paper reviews the characteristics of yogurt made from UHT milk, including its apparent viscosity, gel strength, microstructure, syneresis (water-holding capacity) and flavour, as well as the behaviour of yogurt cultures in the UHT-treated pre-mix.
Raw milk samples from two different sources were stored at 2degreesC, 4degreesC and 7degreesC for 10 days and the growth of psychrotrophic bacteria, production of proteinase and proteolysis in the milks were measured during storage. Peptide analyses by the fluorescamine method and RP-HPLC were used in determination of proteolysis and proteinase activity. The average times taken for the psychrotroph counts to reach 10(7) cfu/mL at 2degreesC, 4degreesC and 7degreesC were approximately 9, 7 and 4 days, although there was considerable variation in growth rates in the different milks. There was little correlation between psychrotroph counts and either proteolysis or proteinase activity levels. At 2degreesC, no milk stored showed significant proteolysis by the fluorescamine method after 10 days' storage, but significant proteinase activity could be measured in some of these milks at 8 and 10 days. RP-HPLC analysis was a more sensitive means of detecting peptides than the fluorescamine method.
It was studied the parasitism capacity of Trichogramma acacioi on Anagasta kuehniella and Sitotroga cerealella eggs at different temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 ± 1°C). The parasitism of T. acacioi varied with temperature and host. The highest parasitism (³80%) were observed during the first days after emergence in both hosts, at all tested temperatures. The accumulated parasitism varied with both host and temperature, being higher on A. kuehniella at 20°C, what shows good parasitoid species adaptation to this temperature. Thus, we conclude that the best host and best temperature to be used at mass-rearing of T. acacioi is A. kuehniella and 20ºC, respectively. Moreover, this Trichogramma species has great potential to be used in field releases at regions where average temperature is around 20ºC.
Esta pesquisa é um estudo sobre o processo legislativo e a produção de leis na ALES, durante a 16ª Legislatura. O escopo do estudo foi o de analisar o impacto das regras, contidas no regimento interno e na Constituição estadual, na produção de leis entre 2007 e 2010. O pressuposto geral da abordagem advém do Novo Intitucionalismo como movimento teórico da Ciência Política contemporânea, que nos permite inferir que as regras institucionais, para além de serem simples regras de organização das Casas Legislativas, influenciam no processo decisório e, consequentemente, na produção de leis. Importando as análises dos modelos distributivo, informacional e partidário de organização dos Legislativos, a pesquisa permitiu concluir que, a ALES, de 2007 a 2010, manteve seus trabalhos alinhados à versão distributiva. O parlamentar capixaba atuou, individualmente, a fim de manter suas bases eleitorais. Com relação à atuação do sistema comissional, foi identificada a inaptidão das comissões da ALES para influenciar o processo decisório. As comissões permanentes não possuem capacidade de moldar os projetos que por elas tramitam. O regime de tramitação influencia diretamente a produção de leis da ALES, notadamente, nas leis de autoria do Executivo, já que estas, tramitaram, quase que na totalidade, em regime de urgência. No que tange aos partidos, a fragmentação partidária identificada na ALES acaba por refletir nos dados obtidos sobre a produção de leis, na medida em que não existe uma verdadeira articulação em torno dos partidos como atores determinantes no processo legislativo da ALES. Enfim, em apertada síntese, foi possível constatar a imposição da agenda de trabalhos pelo Executivo. Os projetos aprovados, de temas importantes e abrangência estadual, foram, em sua maioria, propostos pelo Executivo; a urgência impacta frontalmente os projetos do Executivo, que são aprovadas em pequeno espaço de tempo; as comissões não possuem poder mínimo de influência nos projetos de autoria do Executivo; e os partidos, altamente fragmentados, não constituem instância com capacidade de articulação.
The tear film plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the ocular suface. During general anesthesia, tear production is considerably reduced, which requires care to prevent adverse effects that result in diseases of these structures. Studies comparing the effects of induction of anaesthesia with thiopental and propofol on tear production have not been carried out yet. Because these drugs are used in veterinary medicine, we decided to evaluate the tear production in 30 dogs undergoing experimental surgery as well as routine procedures at the veterinary hospital of Federal University of Viçosa. Patients were divided into two groups of equal number. All animals were sedated with clorpromazine and maintained with isoflurane in diluted oxygen. Group 1 was induced with thiopental whereas group 2 with propofol. Schirmer tear test 1 was performed before sedation (T0), 15 minutes after sedation (T1) and 10 minutes after induction of anesthesia (T2) with the drug chosen for one of the groups. There was a significant decrease in tear production for both drugs, but no significant statistical differences were found between them. Thus, considering the results and the way in which the study was conducted, we suggest protecting the cornea and conjunctiva of patients during anesthesia using any of the drugs here evaluated.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of fruits and the nutritional status of cucumber CV. Aodai cultivated in nutrient solutions with different N:K ratios. The hydroponic cultivation was initially performed, during the vegetative growth, in nutrient solution with 1:2.0 mmol L-1 N:K, and, later, during fruit setting, in four different nutrient solutions with N:K (w/w) at the ratios 1:1.4, 1:1.7, 1:2.0 and 1:2.5. An additional treatment with a nutrient solution containing the ratio 1:2.2 (w/w) N:K during the vegetative growth and N:K 1:1.4 (w/w) during fruit setting, both with 10% ammonium (NH4+) was included. The treatments were arranged in a randomized design with six replicates. Irrigation was carried out with deionized water until seed germination, and then with nutrient solution until 30 days after germination, when plants were transplanted. Plants in the hydroponic growing beds were irrigated with the solutions for vegetative growth, and, after 21 days, the solutions were replaced by solutions for fruit setting. At 45 and 60 days after transplanting, the fresh weight, length, diameter, volume and firmness of the fruit were evaluated, and, at 45 days after transplanting, the macronutrient concentrations in the leaves were determined. The use of different N:K ratios during fruit setting influenced the cucumber production. The ratio of 1.0:1.7 N: K (w/w), with 10% of N in the form of ammonia, is recommended for the whole cycle.
Roots effect is not generally considered in studies assessing the performance of crops in response to green manuring. However, such effect can contribute to a better understanding of crop rotation. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of root and shoot of two legumes on the production of cabbage. The experiment was conducted in pots of 10 liters containing substrate of 2:1 soil/sand. The experiment was arranged in a factorial scheme (2x3 + 2) in a randomized block design with five replicates using two legume species (Crotalaria juncea L. and Canavalia ensiformis L), three plant parts (root, shoot, or whole plant), and two additional treatments (mineral fertilization with 100% and 50% of the recommended dose of N for growing cabbage). Pots with legume treatments received mineral fertilizer with 50% of the recommended dose of N for growing cabbage. The experimental plot consisted of a pot containing one plant of cabbage. Legumes were grown in pots and harvested at 78 days. The root biomass was determined in extra pots. Production was assessed using head fresh and dry weight. The application of the whole plant of both legume species reduced cabbage production. However, root or shoot of both legume species was equivalent to 50% of mineral N fertilization required for the cultivation of cabbage.
The optimal dose of nitrogen (N) in potato crop depends on the production system. The objective of this study was to determine the optimal dose of N for the production of basic potato seed minitubers and evaluate the effect of N rates on physiological and nitrogen indices in the youngest fully developed leaf (fourth leaf) and in the oldest leaf of the plants at 60 days after planting. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. The treatments consisted of five N rates (0, 45, 90, 180 and 360 mg dm-3), with 10% of each dose applied at planting and the remainder through irrigation water, daily, for 30 days. The nitrogen rates positively influenced the physiological indices (length, width, leaf area, number of leaves, fresh mass and dry mass) and nitrogen (level and content of N and N-NO³ in the dry mass and SPAD) both in the fourth leaf and in the oldest leaf. Likewise, the N rates positively influenced the number and mass of harvested tubers. The largest number (5.44 tubers/plant) and the maximum mass of tubers (243.5 g/plant) were obtained with 360.0 and 332.9 mg N dm-3, respectively. Therefore, the mass and number of tubers were not optimized by the same N rate. The critical SPAD index was 38.8 in the fourth leaf, which was more sensitive to the effect of N rates than the oldest leaf.
In vitro propagation has become an effective practice for large-scale production of strawberry plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the hyperhydricity and the multiplication capacity of two strawberry varieties (Fragaria x ananassa Duch. 'Dover' and 'Burkley') propagated in vitro. Plants maintained in MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg L-1 BA were individualized and transferred to the same medium solidified with Agar (6.5 g L-1) or Phytagel® (2.5 g L-1) and BA at different concentrations (0; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0 and 3.0 mg L-1). Biochemical and anatomical analyses were carried out, as well as the analysis of the morphological hyperhydricity characteristics. The analysis of data showed: a) the increase in cytokinin concentration increased hyperhydricity frequency in both varieties; b) at concentrations up to 2.0 mg L-1 BA, the replacement of Agar by Phytagel® induced a higher formation of hyperhydric shoots; and c) the addition of BA induced oxidative stress, which is characterized by increased antioxidant activity and lipid peroxidation, as well as alterations at the cellular level, such as malformation of stomata and epidermal cells. In conclusion, the culture medium containing 0.5 mg L-1 BA solidified with Agar provided lower hyperhydricity percentages in association with higher rates of shoot proliferation in strawberry.
Some ophthalmic surgeries require induction of mydriasis, however, drugs traditionally used for this purpose significantly reduces tear production. To evaluate the effect of acepromazine and tramadol, used alone or in combination, on pupil diameter, tear production, heart and respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure and rectal temperature, these drugs were administered to seven clinically normal dogs divided into three experimental groups (G1 - acepromazine; G2 - tramadol; G3 - tramadol + acepromazine) that differed only in the sedation protocol. Parameters were measured in four experimental moments. Miosis occurred in G1, in addition to reduced tear production and respiratory rate. No significant changes were found in the parameters assessed in G2, whereas in G3, there was decrease in tear production of the right eye, decrease in the respiratory rate and rectal temperature. Tramadol proved to be a drug suitable for pre-anesthetic procedures that require the maintenance of pupil diameter and keeps the tear production within normal parameters. However, the use of acepromazine alone or in combination with tramadol requires protection of the patient's eye surface to prevent the occurrence of undesirable ophthalmic changes.
An adequate supply of nutrients is essential for obtaining high yields of coffee. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of N, K and the N:K ratio on vegetative and reproductive growth of coffee. For this purpose, coffee plants were grown in nutrient solution containing K in the concentrations of 1.08; 2.15; 3.23 and 5.38 mmol L-1 combined with a dose of 6 mmol L-1 N, resulting in the N:K ratios (w/w): 1:0.5; 1:1; 1:1.5 and 1:2.5. The control treatment consisted of the doses 3 and 1.61 mmol L-1 of N and K respectively, resulting in the N:K ratio (w/w) 1.0:1.5. The following variables were evaluated: height, stem diameter, number of nodes of the eighth plagiotrofic branch (index branch), pairs of plagiotrofic branches and number of nodes in the orthotropic branch every three weeks from the beginning of the experiment. Additionally, it was evaluated the chemical composition of processed beans and leaves between the flowering and the rapid expansion stage of the cherry beans, production of cherry beans per plant and classification of beans according to the size. N influenced mainly the characteristics of vegetative growth and K influenced mainly the reproductive growth evaluated by the production. The lowest production resulted in the highest percentages of beans retained on sieves with holes larger than 16/64", while the highest production promoted an increase in the percentage of beans retained on sieves with holes smaller than 16/64".