999 resultados para Preferência do paciente
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Poster apresentado no Congresso O Norte da Anestesia, 19-21 Novembro 2015, Hotel Ipanema Park, Porto, Portugal.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Mode of access: Internet.
Partiendo de la sociología de la salud, el siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo reconstruir la relación medico-paciente desde las experiencias y percepciones del paciente en el contexto hospitalario. Cabe aclarar que este trabajo nació de un ejercicio propuesto en el marco de una materia, por ello los datos provienen de las primeras 4 entrevistas en profundidad y las primeras 4 observaciones realizadas en el 2010 en el Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín. El uso combinado de las técnicas de recolección nos permitió empezar a explorar el punto de vista de los pacientes, mientras comenzamos a vislumbrar las relaciones e interacciones en la dinámica hospitalaria. Elegimos este hospital porque los pacientes construyen significados relacionados con atenderse en esa institución por pertenecer a la UBA y por el nivel de "excelencia" de los médicos que ayudan a entender el tipo de relación que los actores crean. Por lo tanto, intentaremos mostrar por un lado como se construyen los roles del médico y del paciente en la interacción hospitalaria, y, por otro lado, la relación de confianza que se desarrolla entre ellos, denominada ?Weggenossenschaft? (compañerismo itinerante), para referirnos al vinculo afectivo desarrollado por las experiencias y percepciones que devienen, sobre todo, de una situación satisfactoria de atención. Al mismo tiempo, en contraposición a esta relación el paciente mantiene relaciones con otros actores hospitalarios
A pesquisa resulta do esforço de investigação sobre o exercício do direito à informação na comunicação interpessoal entre médicos e pacientes na enfermaria do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal do Maranhão. Com o objetivo de associar o princípio da percepção interpessoal ao processo da comunicação e do uso da informação sobre saúde, demonstrou-se que o exercício da cidadania dos pacientes internados é profundamente influenciado pelas características da interação entre os sujeitos. Empregouse, para tanto, o método compatível com a pesquisa do tipo exploratória, com abordagem de natureza qualitativa, que determinou a adoção da entrevista semi-estruturada e da observação direta, como instrumentos de coleta. Entrevistou-se 70 pacientes internados e 30 médicos atuantes em 13 especialidades no referido hospital, dos quais foram registradas as percepções expressadas por meio de depoimentos, que fornecem relevantes subsídios para a compreensão da configuração da relação entre o médico e o paciente, e de como ela influencia a realização de um dos mais elementares direitos socialmente instituídos: o direito à informação.(AU)
A reabsorção condilar interna no adolescente (RCIA) é uma doença progressiva que afeta a articulação temporomandibular (ATM) e que pode resultar em maloclusão, deformidade facial, disfunção de ATM e dor. O aparecimento desta doença ocorre entre os 10 e os 15 anos, sendo mais freqüente em adolescentes do sexo feminino. Esses pacientes apresentam sinais clínicos característicos como: ângulo do plano oclusal e do plano mandibular aumentados, retrusão progressiva da mandíbula e maloclusão Classe II, com ou sem mordida aberta. Nos exames de imagem (tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética), observa-se reabsorção interna dos côndilos e deslocamento dos discos articulares da ATM. Tendo em vista a dificuldade em determinar a causa da RCIA e a importância em eliminar a dor e melhorar a função mastigatória, este estudo se propôs a avaliar as alterações promovidas no posicionamento mandibular, a sintomatologia dolorosa e a estabilidade do tratamento da RCIA, utilizando o protocolo de tratamento (Dr. Larry M. Wolford) em pacientes adolescentes submetidos a cirurgia de reposicionamento do disco articular e cirurgia ortognática, realizadas no mesmo ato cirúrgico. Neste estudo retrospectivo, foram avaliadas as telerradiografias laterais adquiridas na avaliação inicial (T1), pré-cirúrgica (T2), pós-cirúrgica imediata (T3) e de maior acompanhamento, com pelo menos um ano pós-cirurgia (T4) e questionários de dor e função mandibular de uma amostra de 24 pacientes com maloclusão de Classe II (20 do sexo feminino e 4 do sexo masculino) diagnosticados com RCIA, os quais foram submetidos ao protocolo de tratamento composto pela cirurgia de reposicionamento do disco articular da ATM concomitantemente à cirurgia ortognática. O protocolo de tratamento utilizado mostrou-se bastante positivo, uma vez que a estabilidade foi adquirida e uma melhora significativa nos níveis de dor e função mandibular foram atingidos. O tratamento dos pacientes diagnosticados com RCIA, através do protocolo de tratamento proposto, é um procedimento estável e atua diretamente em um ganho na redução da dor.
A visão biopsicossocial de homem é de fundamental importância para que os fisioterapeutas sejam capazes de atuar com seus pacientes, de forma global, sem focar a atenção apenas à doença, mas sim à pessoa doente. A compreensão acerca da profissão e dos conceitos de saúde-doença e paciente, também se faz necessária para que esses profissionais possam considerar sua intervenção num âmbito mais amplo do que a reabilitação. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a compreensão que os alunos do último ano de Fisioterapia de uma Universidade privada de São Paulo têm sobre saúde-doença, paciente, Fisioterapia e relacionamento fisioterapeuta-paciente e como associam estas compreensões aos modelos de saúde existentes. Para isso toma por base autores da Psicologia da Saúde que defendem uma visão biopsicossocial de homem, assim como autores da Fisioterapia e Medicina que escrevem sobre os modelos adotados nos currículos de formação dos profissionais da saúde. Foram realizadas 10 entrevistas semi-dirigidas com os alunos, apresentando questões a respeito dos temas em questão. Os resultados foram analisados de forma qualitativa através da construção de categorias de análise visando responder aos objetivos da pesquisa. Conclui-se que os alunos percebem alguns aspectos psicológicos e sociais do paciente, mas não de forma clara e, na maioria dos casos, este conhecimento se dá através de conhecimentos que não foram adquiridos na Universidade. Esta, apesar de fornecer os conteúdos para a formação mais humana do fisioterapeuta, não alcança os objetivos ao final do curso, já que os alunos oscilam entre os modelos biomédico e biopsicossocial
O presente estudo teve como objetivo, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa segundo a abordagem fenomenológica existencial, investigar os pensamentos, sentimentos e atitudes do oncologista na informação do diagnóstico de câncer à paciente. Foram realizadas 5 entrevistas semi-dirigidas com oncologistas que atendem em consultório particular, e foi delimitada a análise compreensiva fenomenológica do conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que: A informação do diagnóstico de câncer de mama para pacientes jovens em idade reprodutiva foi considerada a mais marcante para os médicos, lhes causando maior preocupação, medo e tristeza, devido às limitações impostas pela doença aos planos de vida da paciente e às questões da maternidade. Os entrevistados referiram que em qualquer caso, o momento da notícia lhes repercute emocionalmente, pela vivência do sentimento de tristeza, ou por fantasias relacionadas à responsabilidade pela doença. Eles apontaram como mais difícil nesse processo, o confronto com as reações emocionais da paciente e falar sobre o câncer utilizando palavras para amenizar o impacto dessa informação. Diante dessas dificuldades, a evolução da medicina, a possibilidade de cirurgia conservadora e a reconstrução mamária foram consideradas atenuantes. Os médicos afirmaram que informam a paciente de maneira clara, objetiva e gradativa, mas nem todos eles utilizam sempre a palavra câncer . Procuram encorajar a paciente com otimismo e solidariedade, engajando-a no tratamento como participante ativa. Além disso, sentem-se responsáveis por motivar aquela que demonstra desânimo ou que reluta em seguir o tratamento. Eles percebem que a partir da informação do diagnóstico a paciente estabelece um vínculo de confiança e dependência, e identificam que em alguns casos eles também se vinculam à paciente. Entretanto, reconhecem que desse vínculo deriva um desgaste emocional que os leva ao questionamento sobre a escolha de sua especialidade. Constatou-se que alguns oncologistas podem emitir sua opinião sobre determinado diagnóstico, às vezes, a pedido da paciente, mas que ao errarem nesse pré-julgamento, evidenciam sentimentos de impotência, ou fracasso, ou culpa, por não se prepararem, nem à paciente, para o momento da informação. Os casos em que a família interfere com questionamentos ou com o pedido de ocultação da informação não foram vistos por eles de modo negativo, contudo, o pedido de ocultação nem sempre é acatado. Os entrevistados referiram algum tipo de aprendizado através do contato com a paciente oncológica, ou por meio da reavaliação de seus valores morais, ou da reflexão sobre sua própria finitude. Particularmente nos casos de câncer avançado ou terminal, esse aprendizado abrangeu o apoio nos momentos que precedem a morte, ou o reconhecimento da própria impotência. Conclusão: A análise dos resultados revelou os conflitos e as dúvidas do médico como ser ético , que assume os riscos ao escolher quanto, quando e como informar o diagnóstico à paciente, sua consciência de culpabilidade, a ansiedade existencial desencadeada pelas reações emocionais da paciente, a manifestação de sua maneira preocupada de existir no mundo, a busca pelo encontro autêntico e criativo, a subjetividade utilizada como caminho para a compreensão do ser doente e a possibilidade do fracasso de um projeto resultar em frustração e num rebaixamento temporário da confiança em sua própria capacidade. Desse modo, esse trabalho demonstra a inevitável influência dos fatores subjetivos na atitude do médico que informa o diagnóstico de câncer para sua paciente e que esse processo está muito além de qualquer pretensa objetividade.
Stroke is nowadays one of the main causes of death in Brazil and worldwide. During the rehabilitation process, patients undergo physioterapic exercises based on repetition, which may cause them to feel little progress is being made. Focusing on themes from the areas of Human-Computer Interaction and Motor Imagery, the present work describes the development of a digital game concept aimed at motor rehabilitation to the neural rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a stroke in a playful and engaging way. The research hypothesizes that an interactive digital game based on Motor Imagery contributes to patients' raised commitment in the stroke sequel rehabilitation process. The research process entailed the investigation of 10 subjects who live with sequels caused by stroke - it was further established that subjects were over 60 years old. Using as foundation an initial survey regarding target-users' specificities, where an investigation on subjectrelated aspects was carried out through Focus Group (n=9) and Contextual Analysis (n=3), having as subjects elderly individuals, a list with the necessary requirements for the conceptualization of a digital game was fleshed out. The initial survey also enabled the establishment of preliminary interactions for the formulation of game prototypes. At first, low-resolution prototypes were used, with two distinct interaction models for the game - one with a direct approach to the Motor Imagery concept, and another using a narrative with characters and scene settings. The goal was to verify participants' receptivity regarding the addition of playful activities into game dynamics. Prototypes were analyzed while being used by five patients, through the Cooperative Evaluation technique. The tests indicated a preference for option with elements in a playful narrative. Based on these results high fidelity prototypes were created, where concepts close to the game's final version were elaborated. The High Fidelity prototype was also evaluated with four patients through the Cooperative Evaluation technique. It was concluded that elderly individuals and patients were receptive to the idea of a digital game for the rehabilitation from sequels caused by stroke; that, for the success of devices aimed at these cohorts, their contexts, needs and expectations must be respected above all; and that user-centered design is an essential approach in that regard.
The role of steroids hormones on the behavior of vertebrates have been described as organizational and activational effects. These actions occur in different periods of the ontogenetic development as fetal, early post natal and during puberty (organizational effect) or modifying the expression of behavioral patterns during time life (activational effects). Studies on brain lateralization in hand use in human and non-human primates have shown that sexual hormones seems to participate in the process of handedness strength that begins in the puberal period and is stabilized at the adult age. The aim of this study was to investigate in adult male Callithrix jacchus if the strength of use of the hand in common marmoset adult male is stable (organizational effect) or androgens variations could affect its stability (activational effect). The preferential use of one hand in 14 common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus was studied in two contexts: (1) spontaneous holding food and directing the food to mouth (feeding episodes), and (2) forced reaching food tests where the animal have to reach the food through a hole within a cover plate with a central hole that allow the use of one hand only to reach the food. The records were made during 5 sessions/20 bouts each during baseline totalizing 100 episodes before two treatments. Firstly it was used GnRH antagonist: a single subcutaneous injection of 100µg de Cetrotide – acetate of cetrorrelix (Baxter Oncology GmbH, Germany) (n=10). Secondly, a single GnRH injection of 0.2mg of GnRH (Sigma – Aldrich) (n= 8) was used. After injections 20 successful attempts of hand use episodes was recorded in the 1st , 2 nd, 7th, 15th and 30 th days, totalizing in the whole period 100 episodes for each context, after both treatments. Fecal sampling to measure extracted fecal androgens was performed in all days of data collection across the length of the basal and during the experimental periods. Statistical analysis by mixed model, Tukey test to compare mean values after the two treatments, and Levene test to compare mean variance were used, all for p-value < 0.05. In basal phase 6 animals used preferentially the right hand, 5 the left and 3 were ambidextrous. Mean handedness index in basal phase were different from that after both treatment starting at 7th day. Mean variance of handedness index for spontaneous and forced activities does not differs before and after both treatments but the mean values for GnRH index were higher than that observed for its antagonist. These findings suggested that androgens have an activational effect on handedness in adult male C. jacchus
The present study aimed to understand the experience of being a family caregiver of a patient with Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA). The relevance of the study is to prove existence of a large number of caregivers of incapacitated patients, due to the CVA and it is not an academic research object, according to the literature. It is a qualitative research, which the guiding principle is the oral history of life, according to the theoretical foundation and operating of Meihy. Therefore, the following steps were highlighted: the target community, composed of all family caregivers of CVA patients; the colony, composed by family caregivers of CVA patients assisted by Home Care Service (HCS) of the Hospital José Pedro Bezerra (HJPB), in the city of Natal/RN; the network was composed of six caregivers who met the criteria for inclusion, and as zero point the first volunteer group. The population was composed of all family caregivers of patients attended by the HCS, of the HJPB having been addressed through interviews. For the empirical research there was the consent of that institution and approval by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as CAAE 24569413.0.0000.5537 and, above all, with the acquiescence of employees in participating in the investigation, signing an informed consent. Of the empirical material, five categories of analysis were identified: the sense of being a caregiver; what has changed in the life of the caregiver; the feelings emerge in the relationship of care; the distance from family and friends; difficulties faced by the caregiver. The results show that the caregiver's life goes through profound transformations within the family as well as in all spheres of life. For the caregivers, assuming the care of a relative with CVA means renunciation and donation, compromising sometimes the individual projects and the family as a whole. In addition, they point out the confrontation of difficulties within the the assistance and humanization in healthcare, information, physical and emotional overload, as well as financial problems. Despite all the adversities that compromise the caregiver's life, it was possible to identify attitudes of resilience among caregivers, making them their daily life less strenuous and with more lightness. It is expected, therefore, that this research can contribute to a better orientation of professionals with the caregivers
This study aimed to analyze the practice of nurses regarding the development of the nursing process in the consultation to the patient with tuberculosis. This is a descriptive study with quantitative approach, performed with 60 nurses of the Primary units of the city of Natal, RN Health. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. To collect data, we used a structured questionnaire, developed from the "Consultation of Nursing," the Nursing Protocol for the Treatment of Tuberculosis Directly Observed in Primary Care, Ministry of Health. The instrument was subjected to pre- -test and contained questions regarding the elements used by the nurse in consultation with the patient with tuberculosis and an open question about the feasibility of implementing the Nursing Process in Primary Health Care. data collection was conducted between September and October 2014, in health units work of each participant. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20. The answers to the open question were analyzed for themes and quantified for analysis. With respect to the elements of nursing process used in consultation with the patient with tuberculosis, were on the history of nursing at the expense of survey nursing diagnosis, action planning, implementation and evaluation. Step in the history of nursing, however, the actions were toward complaints and symptoms of the disease (100% of the nurses always investigating). Social and cultural aspects involved in for tuberculosis, as stigma and difficulties in routine work, were less addressed by nurses (43.3% never investigated suffering stigma; 46.7% sometimes investigating changes in the work routine patient ). The physical examination was focused on measuring patient weight (100% held). To the understanding of nurses on the implementation of the nursing process Primary Health Care, favorable factors were identified, such as that this implementation can promote greater scientific basis for nursing (36.7%); and hindering aspects, such as the understanding that Primary Health Care is pervaded by bureaucratic issues and high demand (13.3%). Be established in consultation with the nurse fragmentations, since elements as identification of nursing diagnoses, action planning and evaluation were not made in full by the professionals. Highlights the need for continuing education for nurses who are included in Primary Health Care, seeking to maximize the autonomy of these professionals in developing a practice grounded in scientific knowledge
Obesity is a chronic disease that has multi-factorial aetiology, characterized by high degree of body fat; the degree of obesity will vary according to the Body Mass Index (BMI=m2 /kg). The severe degree of obesity is characterized by BMI>40 and it is regularly associated to endocrine-metabolic or mechanic clinical alterations, and to psychological disorders. Binge Eating (BE) results were overly high for this population. The Bariatric Surgery has been the treatment chosen by those diagnosed with severe obesity as this intervention provides prompt outcomes for loss of weight and clinical improvement conditions. However, recent research has acquiesced that after two years between 20% and 30% of people subject to this intervention gained weight. The main objective of this research is to assess the psychological and behavioral characteristics of those diagnosed with severe obesity that have been subject to Gastric Bypass Surgery in the past 24 months. Specific aspects were investigated: (1) characteristics of different personalities and diagnose of clinic and personality disorders; (2) BE and its relation with loss of weight; (2) the difference between the groups regarding post-surgery care, e.g. physical activity, psychological and dietician input. Method: 40 adults (women and men) aged 23 and 60 year-old who went through a bariatric surgery in the past 24 months, in the city of Natal-RN (Brazil); they were assembled in two groups n=20, Gain group displaying loss of < 50% of their initial surplus of weight, and the Loss group displaying loss of >50%. The research protocol is made of a socio-demographic questionnaire and 3 psychometric instruments: Rorschach – Comprehensive System; Millon Personality Inventory (MCMI-III); and the Binge Eating Scale (Escala de Compulsão Alimentar Periódica (ECAP). Through Rorschach significant differences between these groups were verified according to the kind of personality (EB) - more EB Extratensivo in Gain group and Intratensivo in Loss group – and the lack of control to express affect, increasing the answer for Color Pure at Group I. Concerning the people standardization, the sample as a whole tends to show psychic pain, denigrated selfperception, high levels of self-criticism, distorted perceptions, vulnerability to develop mood disorders and high scores regarding Suicide. MCMI-III results showed more clinic and personality disorders in Group I: Depressive Disorder and Schizotypal, Anxiety, Dysthymia, Major Depressive Disorder; Thought Disorder, Bipolar- Manic and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In relation to ECAP, the results indicated significant differences, showing increased BE results in Gain group. There were found significant differences between BE severity and the presence of clinic and personality disorders. Concerning the post-surgery care, the observed differences are statistically significant regarding physical activities with median-increased differences in Loss group. There is a difference between the initial weight and the time post-surgery, indicating that the higher the initial weight and the time after the surgery the higher the re-gain of weight post-surgery. Finally, the results show that the participants with more than 3 years of surgery will have Clinic and Major Depressive Disorders; Somatoform Disorder; Dysthymia. These results confirm prior studies related to BE post-surgery and re-gain of weight as well as the proneness of clinic disorders in severe obesity people. That means the results reinforce that the surgery process is a facet of the severe obesity treatment. The post-surgery process needs to be the main focus of attention and have a long-term input to sustain the care of the surgery results and the quality of life of the patients.