936 resultados para Precarious peace
The Office of the Drug Policy Coordinator is established in Chapter 80E of the Code of Iowa. The Coordinator directs the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy; coordinates and monitors all statewide counter-drug efforts, substance abuse treatment grants and programs, and substance abuse prevention and education programs; and engages in other related activities involving the Departments of public safety, corrections, education, public health, and human services. The coordinator assists in the development of local and community strategies to fight substance abuse, including local law enforcement, education, and treatment activities. The Drug Policy Coordinator serves as chairperson to the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The council includes the directors of the departments of corrections, education, public health, public safety, human services, division of criminal and juvenile justice planning, and human rights. The Council also consists of a prosecuting attorney, substance abuse treatment specialist, substance abuse prevention specialist, substance abuse treatment program director, judge, and one representative each from the Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police and Peace Officers, the Iowa State Police Association, and the Iowa State Sheriff’s and Deputies’ Association. Council members are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The council makes policy recommendations related to substance abuse education, prevention, and treatment, and drug enforcement. The Council and the Coordinator oversee the development and implementation of a comprehensive State of Iowa Drug Control Strategy. The Office of Drug Control Policy administers federal grant programs to improve the criminal justice system by supporting drug enforcement, substance abuse prevention and offender treatment programs across the state. The ODCP prepares and submits the Iowa Drug and Violent Crime Control Strategy to the U.S. Department of Justice, with recommendations from the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The ODCP also provides program and fiscal technical assistance to state and local agencies, as well as program evaluation and grants management.
This article studies alterations in the values, attitudes, and behaviors that emerged among U.S. citizens as a consequence of, and as a response to, the attacks of September 11, 2001. The study briefly examines the immediate reaction to the attack, before focusing on the collective reactions that characterized the behavior of the majority of the population between the events of 9/11 and the response to it in the form of intervention in Afghanistan. In studying this period an eight-phase sequential model (Botcharova, 2001) is used, where the initial phases center on the nation as the ingroup and the latter focus on the enemy who carried out the attack as the outgroup. The study is conducted from a psychosocial perspective and uses "social identity theory" (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986) as the basic framework for interpreting and accounting for the collective reactions recorded. The main purpose of this paper is to show that the interpretation of these collective reactions is consistent with the postulates of social identity theory. The application of this theory provides a different and specific analysis of events. The study is based on data obtained from a variety of rigorous academic studies and opinion polls conducted in relation to the events of 9/11. In line with social identity theory, 9/11 had a marked impact on the importance attached by the majority of U.S. citizens to their identity as members of a nation. This in turn accentuated group differentiation and activated ingroup favoritism and outgroup discrimination (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986). Ingroup favoritism strengthened group cohesion, feelings of solidarity, and identification with the most emblematic values of the U.S. nation, while outgroup discrimination induced U.S. citizens to conceive the enemy (al-Qaeda and its protectors) as the incarnation of evil, depersonalizing the group and venting their anger on it, and to give their backing to a military response, the eventual intervention in Afghanistan. Finally, and also in line with the postulates of social identity theory, as an alternative to the virtual bipolarization of the conflict (U.S. vs al-Qaeda), the activation of a higher level of identity in the ingroup is proposed, a group that includes the United States and the largest possible number of countries¿ including Islamic states¿in the search for a common, more legitimate and effective solution.
La coyuntura política del reino de Túnez repercutió de forma decisiva sobre las aspiraciones y fracasos de sus relaciones diplomáticas y comerciales con las potencias europeas. Tras un periodo prolongado jalonado por acuerdos sucesivos, las viejas pretensiones tributarias de la Corona de Aragón alcanzarán a ser reconocidas en el tratado suscrito en 1360, aunque aquel acuerdo no conseguirá hacer efectiva en la práctica dicha reclamación. El fortalecimiento del poder de los Hafsíes en las últimas décadas del siglo XIV reabre un periodo de confrontación velada con la intensificación de las actividades corsarias, que culminan en sendas expediciones de castigo sobre puertos magrebíes. El tratado de 1403 pondrá fin a dichas hostilidades y reabrirá una nueva estrategia en las relaciones con el Magreb Hafsída.
This article studies alterations in the values, attitudes, and behaviors that emerged among U.S. citizens as a consequence of, and as a response to, the attacks of September 11, 2001. The study briefly examines the immediate reaction to the attack, before focusing on the collective reactions that characterized the behavior of the majority of the population between the events of 9/11 and the response to it in the form of intervention in Afghanistan. In studying this period an eight-phase sequential model (Botcharova, 2001) is used, where the initial phases center on the nation as the ingroup and the latter focus on the enemy who carried out the attack as the outgroup. The study is conducted from a psychosocial perspective and uses "social identity theory" (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986) as the basic framework for interpreting and accounting for the collective reactions recorded. The main purpose of this paper is to show that the interpretation of these collective reactions is consistent with the postulates of social identity theory. The application of this theory provides a different and specific analysis of events. The study is based on data obtained from a variety of rigorous academic studies and opinion polls conducted in relation to the events of 9/11. In line with social identity theory, 9/11 had a marked impact on the importance attached by the majority of U.S. citizens to their identity as members of a nation. This in turn accentuated group differentiation and activated ingroup favoritism and outgroup discrimination (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986). Ingroup favoritism strengthened group cohesion, feelings of solidarity, and identification with the most emblematic values of the U.S. nation, while outgroup discrimination induced U.S. citizens to conceive the enemy (al-Qaeda and its protectors) as the incarnation of evil, depersonalizing the group and venting their anger on it, and to give their backing to a military response, the eventual intervention in Afghanistan. Finally, and also in line with the postulates of social identity theory, as an alternative to the virtual bipolarization of the conflict (U.S. vs al-Qaeda), the activation of a higher level of identity in the ingroup is proposed, a group that includes the United States and the largest possible number of countries¿ including Islamic states¿in the search for a common, more legitimate and effective solution.
L'època en que ens trobem, que és la de la gestació i l'engegada de la Reforma Educativa, ha vist una intensa i positiva reflexió sobre tots els aspectes de l'educació. En l'àmbit a que pertanyo, el de la Didàctica de les Ciències Socials, s'hi ha donat una valuosa i heterogènia tasca que ha dut com a resultat múltiples propostes de treball. De manera molt explicable, una part molt important d'aquestes propostes s'ha centrat en el tema deis continguts procedimentals, i dic que és explicable perquè les Ciències Socials escolars han topat amb greus dificultats de comprensió d'ençà del moment en què es va pretendre que fossin altra· cosa que una simple enumeració deis afluents de l'Ebre pel marge dret o bé de la tirallonga de reis gots: atès que ara es tractava de comprendre fets socials complexos, la forma i els mitjans amb que es presentaven a l'aula tenia una importància cabdal.
La coyuntura política del reino de Túnez repercutió de forma decisiva sobre las aspiraciones y fracasos de sus relaciones diplomáticas y comerciales con las potencias europeas. Tras un periodo prolongado jalonado por acuerdos sucesivos, las viejas pretensiones tributarias de la Corona de Aragón alcanzarán a ser reconocidas en el tratado suscrito en 1360, aunque aquel acuerdo no conseguirá hacer efectiva en la práctica dicha reclamación. El fortalecimiento del poder de los Hafsíes en las últimas décadas del siglo XIV reabre un periodo de confrontación velada con la intensificación de las actividades corsarias, que culminan en sendas expediciones de castigo sobre puertos magrebíes. El tratado de 1403 pondrá fin a dichas hostilidades y reabrirá una nueva estrategia en las relaciones con el Magreb Hafsída.
Over the last decades, there has been an increasing interest on the chronology, distribution and mammal taxonomy (including hominins) related with the faunal turnovers that took place around the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition [ca. 1.8 mega-annum (Ma)] in Europe. However, these turnovers are not fully understood due to: the precarious nature of the period's fossil record; the"non-coexistence" in this record of many of the species involved; and the enormous geographical area encompassed. This palaeontological information gap can now be in part bridged with data from the Fonelas P-1 site (Granada, Spain), whose faunal composition and late Upper Pliocene date shed light on some of the problems concerning the timing and geography of the dispersals.
English summary: Gender and violence in peace research
L’alta taxa d’atur juvenil a Catalunya i la precarització persistent del mercat laboral per als joves, han provocat que molts d’ells es plantegin marxar a l’estranger per a provar sort. Segons l’INE, al 2012 van emigrar 10791 catalans i el 35,7% són joves d’entre 16 i 34 anys. El Regne Unit va ser la tercera destinació preferida, amb 958 catalans emigrants reconeguts. La globalització ha difuminat les fronteres i ha obert els horitzons a empreses i treballadors. Les experiències internacionals són cada cop més necessàries si volem formar part d’aquest món, però tenen les seves contrapartides. La present investigació estudia el cas de 10 joves catalans amb titulacions universitàries que han marxat a Londres a la recerca d’aquesta experiència internacional, tot desitjant assentar les bases d’una carrera professional exitosa. El focus d’estudi és conèixer les motivacions de l’emigració que han trobat a la ciutat anglesa i quines són les expectatives de futur
Aquest document ens explica com afecta la crisi socioeconòmica del nostre país als infants que es troben en situació de risc social. En concret, la recerca es va centrar en una escola pública de Torelló on hi ha un predomini d’infants immigrants. La majoria d’aquests infants es troben en una situació precària i, a més, tenen dificultats per entendre la llengua del centre i per comunicar-se amb la mestra tutora de l’aula. Per concloure l’estudi es va elaborar un pla d’acció on es mostra que si es porten a terme estratègies educatives inclusives, com pot ser l’expressió corporal, dins l’aula ordinària els infants amb major risc social poden aprendre més amb la interacció.
The Office of the Drug Policy Coordinator is established in Chapter 80E of the Code of Iowa. The Coordinator directs the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy; coordinates and monitors all statewide counter-drug efforts, substance abuse treatment grants and programs, and substance abuse prevention and education programs; and engages in other related activities involving the Departments of public safety, corrections, education, public health, and human services. The coordinator assists in the development of local and community strategies to fight substance abuse, including local law enforcement, education, and treatment activities. The Drug Policy Coordinator serves as chairperson to the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The council includes the directors of the departments of corrections, education, public health, public safety, human services, division of criminal and juvenile justice planning, and human rights. The Council also consists of a prosecuting attorney, substance abuse treatment specialist, substance abuse prevention specialist, substance abuse treatment program director, judge, and one representative each from the Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police and Peace Officers, the Iowa State Police Association, and the Iowa State Sheriff’s and Deputies’ Association. Council members are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The council makes policy recommendations related to substance abuse education, prevention, and treatment, and drug enforcement. The Council and the Coordinator oversee the development and implementation of a comprehensive State of Iowa Drug Control Strategy. The Office of Drug Control Policy administers federal grant programs to improve the criminal justice system by supporting drug enforcement, substance abuse prevention and offender treatment programs across the state. The ODCP prepares and submits the Iowa Drug and Violent Crime Control Strategy to the U.S. Department of Justice, with recommendations from the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The ODCP also provides program and fiscal technical assistance to state and local agencies, as well as program evaluation and grants management.
ABSTRACT:¦BACKGROUND: The Spiritual Distress Assessment Tool (SDAT) is a 5-item instrument developed to assess unmet spiritual needs in hospitalized elderly patients and to determine the presence of spiritual distress. The objective of this study was to investigate the SDAT psychometric properties.¦METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed in a Geriatric Rehabilitation Unit. Patients (N = 203), aged 65 years and over with Mini Mental State Exam score ≥ 20, were consecutively enrolled over a 6-month period. Data on health, functional, cognitive, affective and spiritual status were collected upon admission. Interviews using the SDAT (score from 0 to 15, higher scores indicating higher distress) were conducted by a trained chaplain. Factor analysis, measures of internal consistency (inter-item and item-to-total correlations, Cronbach α), and reliability (intra-rater and inter-rater) were performed. Criterion-related validity was assessed using the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual well-being (FACIT-Sp) and the question "Are you at peace?" as criterion-standard. Concurrent and predictive validity were assessed using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), occurrence of a family meeting, hospital length of stay (LOS) and destination at discharge.¦RESULTS: SDAT scores ranged from 1 to 11 (mean 5.6 ± 2.4). Overall, 65.0% (132/203) of the patients reported some spiritual distress on SDAT total score and 22.2% (45/203) reported at least one severe unmet spiritual need. A two-factor solution explained 60% of the variance. Inter-item correlations ranged from 0.11 to 0.41 (eight out of ten with P < 0.05). Item-to-total correlations ranged from 0.57 to 0.66 (all P < 0.001). Cronbach α was acceptable (0.60). Intra-rater and inter-rater reliabilities were high (Intraclass Correlation Coefficients ranging from 0.87 to 0.96). SDAT correlated significantly with the FACIT-Sp, "Are you at peace?", GDS (Rho -0.45, -0.33, and 0.43, respectively, all P < .001), and LOS (Rho 0.15, P = .03). Compared with patients showing no severely unmet spiritual need, patients with at least one severe unmet spiritual need had higher odds of occurrence of a family meeting (adjOR 4.7, 95%CI 1.4-16.3, P = .02) and were more often discharged to a nursing home (13.3% vs 3.8%; P = .027).¦CONCLUSIONS: SDAT has acceptable psychometrics properties and appears to be a valid and reliable instrument to assess spiritual distress in elderly hospitalized patients.
Burn injuries are very frequent, most being trifle cases. Nevertheless every year about 200 patients need to be treated in one of the two specialised Swiss burns centres. Admission criteria are burns > 15% body surface or burns to critical areas (face neck, hands, genitalia, joints) and electrical injuries. The paper reviews the physiophathology of the burn wound which differs depending on the thermal or electrical aetiology. The airway may be threatened due to true inhalation, but also to burns to the face or neck. In major burns >20% body surface in adults, or > 10% in children, fluid resuscitation will be required; oral hydration is generally sufficient by smaller burns. Surgical treatment of 2nd and 3rd degree burns starts within the first 24 days after injury. While complex treatment is generally available in peace time, a major accident such as a disco-fire that can generate hundreds casualties in a few minutes, can threaten our system and force the adoption of triage rules, and simplified treatments. Attitudes to adopt in such conditions are discussed.