969 resultados para Prado, Adélia, 1935- Crítica e interpretação


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A partir da denncia da contraditria presena de pressupostos morais dogmticos na formulao dos princpios norteadores da atividade cientfica, Nietzsche concebe uma outra noo de cientificidade, compatvel com a opo hegemnica pelo saber, que ele reconhece como presente na cultura ocidental. O presente artigo visa a discutir sob quais parmetros Nietzsche, no perodo intermedirio de sua produo filosfica, empreende sua interpretação da cientificidade ocidental e como, apresentando-se como seu fomentador, ele formula uma crítica desmistificadora desta.


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Como tm sido publicados, em nmero crescente, trabalhos baseados na noo/conceito de alegoria sobre a obra rosiana, dos quais alguns tm tido repercusso e visibilidade nos meios acadmicos pela seriedade e tambm pela originalidade com que analisam seu objeto , examinamos trs estudos que tratam a obra de Guimares Rosa, sobretudo Grande serto: veredas, como alegoria histrico-poltica e social do Brasil: de Heloisa Starling, de Willi Bolle e de Luiz Roncari, que, recentemente, sobretudo os dois ltimos, publicaram estudos alentados nessa direo. Esses autores tm procurado realizar uma reinterpretação de Grande serto: veredas a partir da concepo de alegoria, em especial, a de Walter Benjamin, estabelecendo um paralelismo entre o romance rosiano e estudos de historiadores e socilogos como Oliveira Vianna, Caio Prado Jr., Srgio Buarque de Holanda, Raimundo Faoro, Gilberto Freyre. Trata-se de leitura que tem razes, principalmente, nos ensaios de Antonio Candido e de Walnice Nogueira Galvo e que, pelo modo de interpretar a relao realidade/obra de fico, traz implicaes que merecem ser discutidas.


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A quantidade voclica trao fundamental da prosdia em lngua latina e, embora no seja usualmente aproveitada na leitura de poemas, o dado mais relevante de sua natureza e constituio, visto que, sem ela, no h versos na antiguidade clssica. A quantidade , assim, fundamental para o canto potico dos pastores, praticado na poesia buclica, cujo paradigma, instaurado por Tecrito nos Idlios, tem em Virglio um digno continuador. Nos poemas buclicos virgilianos, comum o poeta retratar pastores alternando cantos entre si, forma potica conhecida como amebeu. O objetivo deste artigo , pois, o de fazer uma leitura de tal topos literrio, tendo como ponto de partida a relao intertextual que se funda na derivao genrica, de Tecrito a Virglio, mas tambm e principalmente a que se obtm pela leitura integrada da prosdia e da mtrica latinas ao texto potico, tendo em vista no apenas os cdigos especfi cos do gnero buclico, mas sobretudo os dados que, inferidos da realidade moderna, como os que nos apresenta o lingista e romancista Gavino Ledda, podem ser aproximados da realidade dos antigos guardadores de rebanho da Siclia cenrio comum aos dramas do universo pastoril virgiliano ao mesmo tempo que se estuda como quantidade voclica e ritmo verbal atuam para consubstanci-lo e dar-lhe expresso potica caracterstica.


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Em sua vasta trajetria intelectual que atravessa os mltiplos campos tericos das cincias humanas Michael Lwy destacou-se pela capacidade de estabelecer um dilogo profcuo entre tradies diversas do pensamento social. Partindo desta constatao, o objetivo deste artigo a apresentao e sistematizao de alguns aspectos decisivos da trajetria terica e intelectual de Michael Lwy, com nfase especial: 1) na importncia da sua formao intelectual, ainda no Brasil (no final da dcada de 1950), para a constituio de uma leitura no-dogmtica do marxismo; e 2) sua incorporao da dialtica no diagnstico weberiano da modernidade. O artigo argumenta que essa interpretação aberta do marxismo permitiu-lhe reinterpretar autores do passado como Marx e Weber a partir das condies de possibilidade do cenrio histrico e intelectual contemporneo. Esta disposio para enfrentar os desafios do presente sem abandonar as perspectivas do passado comprova a importncia da obra de Lwy para as cincias sociais e, mais especificamente, para o marxismo contemporneo.


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A proposta do presente livro oferecer ao leitor uma descrio fonolgica das qualidades voclicas vigentes na primeira fase (perodo trovadoresco) do portugus arcaico a partir da anlise das rimas e da grafia das Cantigas de Santa Maria, de Afonso X, o Sbio, Rei de Leo e Castela, elaboradas na segunda metade do sculo XIII.


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This article presents some aspects of the relationship between the philosophies of Frege and Stuart Mill, from the standpoint of the fregean critic of psychologism and empiricism. I defend the thesis that, in Foundations of Arithmetic, Frege directs his criticism to the empiricism professed by Mill in his System of Logic; this critic does not constitutes a charge of the English philosopher as being a psychologist. For this, we presented several aspects concerning the role that the antipsicologismo has in the Fregean thought and its direct relationship with the logicist project of reduction of arithmetic to logic. To defend our thesis, some arguments intended to show that empiricism not necessarily and directly imply psychologism are presented.


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This research aims to analyze, based on the theories of French semiotics (or greimasian), the development of the critical text by Barbara Heliodora and drama criticism, a very popular genre in journalism and therefore of great relevance for scholars in the area. The corpus of this research will analyze nine texts by the author, giving priority to her early career (texts from 1957, 1958 and 1962) and her most recent texts (two from 2007 and one from 2010). The choice for greimasian Semiotics is justified because it is a methodology that provides all the necessary elements for interpretation of textual content and its relationship both in the business of the theater and journalism


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This proposal offers a possibility of approximation of mathematical knowledge at the prospect of Critical Education defended by researchers such as Ole Skovsmose and Paulo Freire. Using storytelling as a methodological resource is intended to develop an activity that allows students to think critically about real-life situations that have democratic questions as ground. The research is part of the branch of mathematics concerned with the education goals of teaching mathematics in basic education. We discuss the relevance of an educational process that enables the development of a democratic competence in the first years of primary education by showing students that their classroom can and should be seen as a community, where everyone has rights and duties. The interpretation and understanding of real situations can be something very complex and uninteresting for students of that age, looking for an attractive feature such as storytelling, which is based on the tendency of Reading and Writing in Mathematics, proposed by Nacarato and Lopes; Cardoso and Fonseca. Adopting a phenomenological attitude in the research seeks to understand if the storytelling can contribute to the formation of the critical student. Assuming this perspective has developed a didactic sequence from the story 'o que os olhos no vem' from writer Ruth Rocha. The student's writing, favored by the proposed sequence, subsidizes the understanding of their thinking and acting on the democratic situations


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A poesia de Adlia Lopes merece nossa ateno crítica pela singularidade com que se recorta no atual panorama literrio portugus. Em Louvor do lixo, por exemplo, poema contido em sua obra A mulher-a-dias (2002), redimensionado o papel da poeta em um mundo marcado pela entropia e por formas desgastadas de sobrevivncia. Operando com imagens alusivas ao cotidiano e dotando a linguagem potica de um funcionamento desestabilizador das convenes, Adlia instiga no leitor questionamentos, no apenas sobre a subjetividade potica, como tambm sobre uma nova concepode lirismo, o qual inclui em seu fazer materiais imprevisveis, desconcertantes. Nosso propsito analisar como a autora promove tal desconcerto, por meio de procedimentos de construo presentes no poema mencionado. O gauchismo de Adlia recupera um posicionamento transgressor que, embora j patente em poticas de vanguarda do sculo XX, assume novas implicaes ao gerar outros efeitos de sentido. A tradio cultural, o meio familiar, os valores poticos, o erotismo so alguns dos aspectos que esto na mira da viso corrosiva da poeta, que no receia expor a si e prpria linguagem.


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Ps-graduao em Economia - FCLAR


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This paper examines the conceptions of democracy in the Brazilian left among 1930-1935, in particular those expressed in the manifestos of the National Liberative Alliance (ANL) and the texts written by Luis Carlos Prestes, Virgnio Santa Rosa and Caio Prado Jr. I argue that the Brazilian left started from a common troubled field, according to which land concentration represented the biggest obstacle to genuine political expression of the Brazilian people. Despite the convergence towards land reform, designed as a sine qua non condition to democracy in Brazil, the left has developed two different answers to the practical implementation of the principle of the people's government: the first, which I call altruist vanguard, which is more emphasized on texts of Virgnio Santa Rosa and Lus Carlos Prestes, and the second, the Republican participacionismo, which is explored on the writings of Caio Prado Jr. and ambiguously in the manifests of the National Liberative Alliance.


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This paper presents the trajectory traced by the Literary Criticism on the poetry of Alfonsina Storni, an Argentine writer of the early twentieth century. The first literary production of Alfonsina Storni, called modernist or tardorromntica (SARLO, 1988), is produced in the period 1916-1925; from Ocre (1926), she marks a break, confirmed in their last two books of poetry, Mundo de siete Pozos (1935) and Mascarilla y Trbol (1938), with the label of vanguardism and new aesthetic experiences such as antisoneto. Regarding the Criticism built over the poetic work of Alfonsina Storni by his contemporaries, we have three positions of reading: approaches biographical criticism and proposals for readings of critics and poets linked to Vanguard Argentina and made some critical texts by women from the middle academic. According to Salomone (2006), the criticism made by third trend marks another landmark of the constitutive deed of Alfonsina Storni, show tensions and positions that differ from the hegemonic critical. Subsequently, there is setting up a Women's Literature, along with a normative critique, which will consider the production book produced by women as produced by a subject biological woman, and that represents certain textuality with naturalized features peculiar to women. Today, in light of the Critical Feminist and contributions of Discourse Analysis, especially on the concepts and the connections between language and power, a critical reading of the production female, consists of texts of women writers since the mid-nineteenth century, is focused as a result of an ideological perspective and typically androcentric patriarchal, for example, on poems by Alfonsina Storni. According to Alice Salomone (2006), from the 80s of last century, the look on the production literary Latin American writers has another approach, which she calls "critical current: feminist criticism and modernity cultural".


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In this paper we propose to analyze the relationship established by Fernando Novais with Caio Prado regarding the studies about the colonization. Putting himself as his disciple, Novais exposes his conception of colonization as a deepening means and a way to overcome the way by which the author of Formao do Brasil contemporneo understood the colonial phenomenon. This way of putting this relationship has been accepted by both the critics and supporters of Novais, thus acquiring certainty of truth. We show in this paper that by rooting his conception of colonization in Prados conception, Novais conceived him in a particular way: as an historian of the sense of colonization. The analysis of Prados concept of colonization shows, however, that this is part of his interpretation of the history of Brazil, as a whole. It follows that we cant isolate one from the other without disturbing the comprehension of Prados conception. The result of our text is thus retaking the Prados conception in its historicity.


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This article seeks to historically contextualize Kracauers aesthetic-political position regarding this successful literary genre among German writers in the early 1930s: the novel report. It is inevitable the reference to the Berlin journal, Die Linkskurve, and to Lukcss critiques developed in the period when he resumes aesthetic questions on the novel as a literary genre in a Marxist interpretation and outlines his thesis on critical realism. Kracauer wrote a critique about the film Kuhle Wampe, directed by S. Dudow with a script by B. Brecht and E. Ottwald and music by H. Eisler, which engendered a discussion full of misunderstandings, but extremely interesting, between E. Bloch and Kracauer and between Kracauer and Brecht. Finally, I comment the journal project Krise und Kritik, which failed with the rise of Hitler.


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This assignment aims to do a critical and interpretative review of the masterpiece Tempo e Eternidade, published by the Brazilian poets Jorge de Lima and Murilo Mendes in 1935. It is a result of a project called Restaurando a poesia em Cristo, created by many different Brazilian poets as Tristo de Atade, Augusto Schimdt, and others. It is worth highlighting the importance of these poems, because of the period when they were published and for the modern proposal, as the theme, which the poets denounce the bad aspects of modernity of the century through the Holly Bible, as also for the new esthetics. In the 30s, Brazil was passing through many changes; in aspects of history - the transition between the governments of Oligarchy to the New State, in governance of Getlio Vargas; and in the literary context, it was the beginning of the second phase of Modernism, from 1930 to 1945. This period remains the consolidation of the literary movement, in terms of esthetics, since the major proposal of Modernism is freedom of the verse and, in this second phase, the search for a renovation of the language and the enlargement of the themes in poetry, such in the religious aspect or the social-political' themes. In this perspective, it aims to show the importance of the masterpiece for the history of Brazilian literature, coated as part of a turning point between the first and second phase of Modernism, also for the thematic renovation in religious poetry and esthetics, with a new proposal of esthetics. The methodology for the analyses of the poems will be through Antonio Candido's proposal, in O estudo analtico do poema, based on interpretation and comments. Therefore it intends showing through the analyses the relevance of the masterpiece written by the Brazilian poets, to the area of religious poetry and for the literary movement of that time