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Electrical conductivity measurements show that Ln1-x Sr x CoO3, (Ln = Pr or Nd) undergoes a non-metal-metal transition when x≈0 3. The d.c. conductivity of compositions with 0
Detailed magnetization and magneto-transport measurements studies are carried out to unearth the anomalous magnetism of Pr in PrCoAsO compound. The studied PrCoAsO sample is single phase and crystallized in the tetragonal structure with space group P4/nmm in analogy of ZrCuSiAs type compounds. Detailed magnetization measurements showed that Co moments in PrCoAsO exhibit weakly itinerant ferromagnetic Co spins ordering at below 80 K with a small magnetic moments of similar to 0.12 mu B/f.u. High temperatures Curie-Weiss fit, resulted in effective paramagnetic moment mu(eff) (exp) of 5.91 mu(B)/f.u., which can be theoretically assigned to 3d Co (3.88 mu(B)) and 4f Pr (3.58 mu(B)). Further, a positive Curie-Weiss temperature (Theta) of 136 K is seen, indicating predominant ferromagnetic interactions in PrCoAsO. Detailed transport measurements showed that PrCoAsO exhibit metallic behavior and negative magneto-resistance below ferro-magnetically (FM) ordered state. Surprisingly, the situation of PrCoAsO is similar to non magnetic La containing LaCoAsO and strikingly different than that as reported for magnetic Nd, Sm and Gd i.e., (Nd/Sm/Gd)CoAsO. The magnetic behavior of PrCoAsO being closed to LaCoAsO and strikingly different to that of (Nd/Sm/Gd)CoAsO is unusual. (C) 2014 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
A new series of inorganic-organic hybrid framework compounds, Ln(2)(mu(3)-OH)(C4H4O5)(2)(C4H2O4)]center dot 2H(2)O, (Ln = Ce, Pr and Nd), have been prepared employing a hydrothermal method. Malic acid and fumaric acid form part of the structure. The malate units connect the lanthanide centers forming Ln-O-Ln two-dimensional layers, which are cross-linked by the fumarate units forming the three-dimensional structure. Extra framework water molecules form a dimer and occupy the channels. The water molecules can be reversibly adsorbed. The dehydrated structure did not show any differences in framework structure/ connectivity. The presence of lattice water provides a pathway for proton conductivity. Optical studies suggest an up-conversion behavior involving more than one photon for a neodymium compound.
Quantitative use of satellite-derived rainfall products for various scientific applications often requires them to be accompanied with an error estimate. Rainfall estimates inferred from low earth orbiting satellites like the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) will be subjected to sampling errors of nonnegligible proportions owing to the narrow swath of satellite sensors coupled with a lack of continuous coverage due to infrequent satellite visits. The authors investigate sampling uncertainty of seasonal rainfall estimates from the active sensor of TRMM, namely, Precipitation Radar (PR), based on 11 years of PR 2A25 data product over the Indian subcontinent. In this paper, a statistical bootstrap technique is investigated to estimate the relative sampling errors using the PR data themselves. Results verify power law scaling characteristics of relative sampling errors with respect to space-time scale of measurement. Sampling uncertainty estimates for mean seasonal rainfall were found to exhibit seasonal variations. To give a practical example of the implications of the bootstrap technique, PR relative sampling errors over a subtropical river basin of Mahanadi, India, are examined. Results reveal that the bootstrap technique incurs relative sampling errors < 33% (for the 2 degrees grid), < 36% (for the 1 degrees grid), < 45% (for the 0.5 degrees grid), and < 57% (for the 0.25 degrees grid). With respect to rainfall type, overall sampling uncertainty was found to be dominated by sampling uncertainty due to stratiform rainfall over the basin. The study compares resulting error estimates to those obtained from latin hypercube sampling. Based on this study, the authors conclude that the bootstrap approach can be successfully used for ascertaining relative sampling errors offered by TRMM-like satellites over gauged or ungauged basins lacking in situ validation data. This technique has wider implications for decision making before incorporating microwave orbital data products in basin-scale hydrologic modeling.
We investigate the direct correspondence between Co band ferromagnetism and structural parameters in the pnictide oxides RCoPO for different rare-earth ions (R = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) by means of muon-spin spectroscopy and ab initio calculations, complementing our results published previously G. Prando et al., Common effect of chemical and external pressures on the magnetic properties of RCoPO (R = La, Pr), Phys. Rev. B 87, 064401 (2013)]. We find that both the transition temperature to the ferromagnetic phase T-C and the volume of the crystallographic unit cell V are conveniently tuned by the R ionic radius and/or external pressure. We report a linear correlation between T-C and V and our ab initio calculations unambiguously demonstrate a full equivalence of chemical and external pressures. As such, we show that R ions influence the ferromagnetic phase only via the induced structural shrinkage without involving any active role from the electronic f degrees of freedom, which are only giving a sizable magnetic contribution at much lower temperatures.
Two bifurcation transitions of the floating half zone convection in a fat liquid bridge of larger Pr
The transient process of the thermocapillary convection was obtained for the large Pu floating half zone by using the method of three-dimensional and unsteady numerical simulation. The convection transits directly from steady and axisymmetric state to oscillatory flow for slender liquid bridge, and transits first from steady and axisymmetric convection to the steady and non-axisymmetric convection, then, secondly to the oscillatory convection for the fatter liquid bridge. This result implies that the volume of liquid bridge is not only a sensitive critical parameter for the onset of oscillation, but also relates to the new mechanism for the onset of instability in the floating half zone convection even in case of large Prandtl number fluid.
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) using method of snapshots was performed on three different types of oscillatory Marangoni flows in half-zone liquid bridges of low-Pr fluid (Pr = 0.01). For each oscillation type, a series of characteristic modes (eigenfunctions) have been extracted from the velocity and temperature disturbances, and the POD provided spatial structures of the eigenfunctions, their oscillation frequencies, amplitudes, and phase shifts between them. The present analyses revealed the common features of the characteristic modes for different oscillation modes: four major velocity eigenfunctions captured more than 99% of the velocity fluctuation energy form two pairs, one of which is the most energetic. Different from the velocity disturbance, one of the major temperature eigenfunctions makes the dominant contribution to the temperature fluctuation energy. On the other hand, within the most energetic velocity eigenfuction pair, the two eigenfunctions have similar spatial structures and were tightly coupled to oscillate with the same frequency, and it was determined that the spatial structures and phase shifts of the eigenfunctions produced the different oscillatory disturbances. The interaction of other major modes only enriches the secondary spatio-temporal structures of the oscillatory disturbances. Moreover, the present analyses imply that the oscillatory disturbance, which is hydrodynamic in nature, primarily originates from the interior of the liquid bridge. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
El presente estudio, se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento productivo y económico de novillos de finalización sometidos a dos suplementos nutricionales como parte de la dieta alimenticia que utiliza la Asociación de Ganaderos de Camoapa. Los suplementos correspondieron a suministro por animal de miel-urea al 10 % (180 g de urea-0.6 kg de melaza-120 g de sal común y mineral) y 2.7kg de concentrado comercial El Ranchero al 16 %, este suplemento se suministró durante 50 días a dos grupos conformados por 9 novillos correspondientemente, con pesos inicial es de entre 304-309 kg. Después de realizar análisis de muestras pareadas de t-student a los promedios de peso final y ganancia media diaria (GMD), se encontró diferencia significativa (Pr=0.03; gle=17) para los tratamientos: El Ranchero 16% tuvo un peso final promedio de 382.5 ± 10.7 kg y 366.9 ± 20.1 kg con suplementado con miel-urea 10 %. La GMD tuvo el promedio de 1.46 kg para El Ranchero 16% y 1.25 kg para miel-urea 10%. Los costos de suplemento miel-urea 10% fue de C$12.30 y de C$27.6 para El Ranchero 16%. La relación beneficio-costo para miel-urea reflejó que por cada córdoba invertido se generan C$ 2.82 y para concentrado el Ranchero al 16% se generan C$1.43.
Trata do Programa de Implementação do Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (Pró-Sinase) e a realidade no Distrito Federal, assunto relevante para o contexto atual, objetivando analisar a realidade das Unidades Executoras das medidas socioeducativas de internação, internação provisória, e semiliberdade. Pretende verificar, à luz do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, da Resolução nº 46 do Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (Conanda) e das diretrizes do Pró-Sinase, qual o provável distanciamento das condições das Unidades de Atendimento Socioeducativo em relação ao que determinam os instrumentos legais, nos seguintes aspectos: gestão dos programas, parâmetros de gestão pedagógica no atendimento socioeducativo e os parâmetros arquitetônicos para Unidades de Atendimento Socioeducativo.
Avalia as demonstrações contábeis do Pró-Saúde por meio do balanço patrimonial e da demonstração do resultado do exercício de forma a dar transparência contábil à situação líquida do Programa, na hipótese de não mais haver recursos oriundos da dotação orçamentária da Câmara dos Deputados para pagamento das despesas de saúde de seus servidores e beneficiários.
[ES]Cuando a partir de 1564 las salinas de Añana comenzaron a producir para la Corona, sus propietarios se vieron obligados a pagar al rey un tributo anual por el uso de las mueras, admitidas como un ius regalia de la monarquía: el diezmoseñor. Desde entonces, todo el entramado de la fabricación y venta de la sal se organizó en torno a él. En este artículo se analizan algunas de las características de este canon tan singular que se mantuvo en vigor hasta el siglo XX.
[ES]La sustitución de los millones por el crecimiento en el precio de la sal que Felipe IV estableció en 1631 provocó reacciones generalizadas en toda Castilla, y en particular entre las provincias que se hallaban exentas de pagarlos. Son conocidos los violentos disturbios de Vizcaya. En cambio, poco se sabe acerca de lo sucedido en las otras dos Provincias Exentas. El presente artículo analiza, en conjunto, la actitud que tanto Vizcaya como Guipúzcoa y Álava adoptaron ante el nuevo impuesto. Aunque las tres coincidieron en rechazarlo, lo hicieron mediante discursos y métodos bien diferentes. No en vano, lejos de lo que suele pensarse no gozaban de una plena equiparación fiscal ni jurídica.