864 resultados para Porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio (MIP)
Background: The inspiratory muscle training (IMT) has been considered an option in reversing or preventing decrease in respiratory muscle strength, however, little is known about the adaptations of these muscles arising from the training with charge. Objectives: To investigate the effect of IMT on the diaphragmatic muscle strength and function neural and structural adjustment of diaphragm in sedentary young people, compare the effects of low intensity IMT with moderate intensity IMT on the thickness, mobility and electrical activity of diaphragm and in inspiratory muscles strength and establish a protocol for conducting a systematic review to evaluate the effects of respiratory muscle training in children and adults with neuromuscular diseases. Materials and Methods: A randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, controlled trial, sample of 28 healthy, both sexes, and sedentary young people, divided into two groups: 14 in the low load training group (G10%) and 14 in the moderate load training group (G55%). The volunteers performed for 9 weeks a home IMT protocol with POWERbreathe®. The G55% trained with 55% of maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and the G10% used a charge of 10% of MIP. The training was conducted in sessions of 30 repetitions, twice a day, six days per week. Every two weeks was evaluated MIP and adjusted the load. Volunteers were submitted by ultrasound, surface electromyography, spirometry and manometer before and after IMT. Data were analyzed by SPSS 20.0. Were performed Student's t-test for paired samples to compare diaphragmatic thickness, MIP and MEP before and after IMT protocol and Wilcoxon to compare the RMS (root mean square) and median frequency (MedF) values also before and after training protocol. They were then performed the Student t test for independent samples to compare mobility and diaphragm thickness, MIP and MEP between two groups and the Mann-Whitney test to compare the RMS and MedF values also between the two groups. Parallel to experimental study, we developed a protocol with support from the Cochrane Collaboration on IMT in people with neuromuscular diseases. Results: There was, in both groups, increased inspiratory muscle strength (P <0.05) and expiratory in G10% (P = 0.009) increase in RMS and thickness of relaxed muscle in G55% (P = 0.005; P = 0.026) and there was no change in the MedF (P> 0.05). The comparison between two groups showed a difference in RMS (P = 0.04) and no difference in diaphragm thickness and diaphragm mobility and respiratory muscle strength. Conclusions: It was identified increased neural activity and diagrammatic structure with consequent increase in respiratory muscle strength after the IMT with moderate load. IMT with load of 10% of MIP cannot be considered as a placebo dose, it increases the inspiratory muscle strength and IMT with moderate intensity is able to enhance the recruitment of muscle fibers of diaphragm and promote their hypertrophy. The protocol for carrying out the systematic review published in The Cochrane Library.
Produced water is a by-product of offshore oil and gas production, and is released in large volumes when platforms are actively processing crude oil. Some pollutants are not typically removed by conventional oil/water separation methods and are discharged with produced water. Oil and grease can be found dispersed in produced water in the form of tiny droplets, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are commonly found dissolved in produced water. Both can have acute and chronic toxic effects in marine environments even at low exposure levels. The analysis of the dissolved and dispersed phases are a priority, but effort is required to meet the necessary detection limits. There are several methods for the analysis of produced water for dispersed oil and dissolved PAHs, all of which have advantages and disadvantages. In this work, EPA Method 1664 and APHA Method 5520 C for the determination of oil and grease will be examined and compared. For the detection of PAHs, EPA Method 525 and PAH MIPs will be compared, and results evaluated. APHA Method 5520 C Partition-Infrared Method is a liquid-liquid extraction procedure with IR determination of oil and grease. For analysis on spiked samples of artificial seawater, extraction efficiency ranged from 85 – 97%. Linearity was achieved in the range of 5 – 500 mg/L. This is a single-wavelength method and is unsuitable for quantification of aromatics and other compounds that lack sp³-hybridized carbon atoms. EPA Method 1664 is the liquid-liquid extraction of oil and grease from water samples followed by gravimetric determination. When distilled water spiked with reference oil was extracted by this procedure, extraction efficiency ranged from 28.4 – 86.2%, and %RSD ranged from 7.68 – 38.0%. EPA Method 525 uses solid phase extraction with analysis by GC-MS, and was performed on distilled water and water from St. John’s Harbour, all spiked with naphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene, and pyrene. The limits of detection in harbour water were 0.144, 3.82, 0.119, and 0.153 g/L respectively. Linearity was obtained in the range of 0.5-10 g/L, and %RSD ranged from 0.36% (fluorene) to 46% (pyrene). Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are sorbent materials made selective by polymerizing functional monomers and crosslinkers in the presence of a template molecule, usually the analytes of interest or related compounds. They can adsorb and concentrate PAHs from aqueous environments and are combined with methods of analysis including GC-MS, LC-UV-Vis, and desorption electrospray ionization (DESI)- MS. This work examines MIP-based methods as well as those methods previously mentioned which are currently used by the oil and gas industry and government environmental agencies. MIPs are shown to give results consistent with other methods, and are a low-cost alternative improving ease, throughput, and sensitivity. PAH MIPs were used to determine naphthalene spiked into ASTM artificial seawater, as well as produced water from an offshore oil and gas operation. Linearity was achieved in the range studied (0.5 – 5 mg/L) for both matrices, with R² = 0.936 for seawater and R² = 0.819 for produced water. The %RSD for seawater ranged from 6.58 – 50.5% and for produced water, from 8.19 – 79.6%.
The behaviour and fate of spilled oil in harsh marine environments, such as the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean are complex due to environmental factors and the composition of the crude. In order to develop appropriate oil spill prevention and management methods, we must first understand how the oil behaves in these harsh environmental conditions. This study focuses on determining the fate of oil in harsh marine environments by first identifying target compounds in the oil that can be used to determine the fate of a spill. This thesis presents the partitioning behaviour of six polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which represent different groups, and phenols in cold conditions. The smallest PAH, naphthalene, dominated in terms of concentration in water accommodated fraction (WAF) of oil, while the larger ringed PAHs presented at lower concentrations. The smallest oil-water partition coefficient was recorded by phenol which partitioned into the seawater more quickly than PAHs. The partitioning of larger PAHs was slower and they indicated high partition coefficients. The oil partitioning increased slightly as temperature increased from 4ᴼC to 15ᴼC. The oil loading (0.1 g/L to 10 g/L) also contributed in deciding the concentrations in water. The use of chemical dispersants is a common response to spills. This study identified that chemical dispersants can change the fate of an oil spill by increasing the availability of oil in seawater. The concentration of larger PAHs such as pyrene and chrysene increased significantly with the application of dispersants. The information obtained are used in developing a molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) sensor to identify oil spills in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Il seguente lavoro di tesi si pone come obiettivo di ottimizzare il mix design di materiali geopolimerici a base di metacaolino in modo da ottimizzare il procedimento di formatura tramite pressatura tipico delle piastrelle ceramiche. La parte iniziale del lavoro sperimentale è stata incentrata sullo studio dell’ottimizzazione delle formulazioni per ottenere impasti geopolimerici a base di metacaolino idonei per la pressatura e il colaggio; sono stati quindi preparate diverse formulazioni ottenute variando diversi parametri di processo, quali il contenuto totale di acqua dell’impasto e la concentrazione di quarzo utilizzato come filler inerte. Su tali mix è stato individuato il processo di formatura più idoneo dal punto di vista di temperatura di consolidamento, modalità e tempi di cottura ed è stato messo a punto il procedimento ottimale per la preparazione dei materiali, procedimento che è stato poi mantenuto per l’intero decorso dello studio. Nella produzione degli impasti si è deciso di eliminare sistematicamente quelle formulazioni che avevano prodotto materiali con peggiori prestazioni fisiche, come alcune formulazioni testate per il colaggio. Successivamente, dopo avere preparato i campioni, su di essi sono state eseguite le prove di assorbimento d’acqua e porosimetria ad intrusione di mercurio, per valutare le caratteristiche fisiche dei vari impasti prodotti, osservazioni al microscopio ottico e al microscopio a scansione elettronica, per analizzare i campioni selezionati dal punto di vista microstrutturale e morfologico e prove al microscopio riscaldante, per studiarne il comportamento alle alte temperature. I risultati ottenuti sono stati messi a confronto con quelli dei materiali ceramici tradizionali, per avere indicazioni sulla potenzialità dei prodotti a base geopolimerica come alternativa alla produzione di piastrelle ceramiche.
In this work, the oxidation and mineralization of paracetamol, based in an advanced oxidative process promoted by heterogeneous photocatalysis, was evaluated. The action of two photocatalysts (titanium dioxide, and a composite based on the association between titanium dioxide and zinc phthalocyanine dye) was studied. First of all, experiments in laboratory scale were performed using as radiation font a 400 W high pressure mercury lamp. The mineralization of paracetamol, promoted by both photocatalysts, was evaluated working with 4L of solution containing 10 mg L-1 of paracetamol and 100 mg L-1 of photocatalyst. To find the best experimental conditions, the influence of hydrogen peroxide concentration and pH was evaluated for the reactions. The best results for the reactions in laboratory scale was obtained using 33,00 mg L-1 of hydrogen peroxide in natural pH (6,80). Under these conditions, 100% oxidation was reached in just 40 minutes of reaction using TiO2 P25, while the mineralization was 78%. Using the composite, the mineralization was 63% in 2 hours of reaction and a oxidation of almost 100% was reached after 60 minutes. A CPC reactor (compound parabolic concentrator) was employed in the expanded work scale, using the sun as irradiation source. In this case the experiments were performed using 50 L of aqueous solution containing 10 mg L-1 of paracetamol and 100 mg L-1 of photocatalyst. The assays were done at pH 3,00 and natural pH (6,80). The used concentration of hydrogen peroxide was 33,00 mg L-1, adopted after laboratory scale studies. The reaction at pH 3,00 shows to be more advantageous, since under natural pH (6,80), the use of deionized water was necessary to prepare the solutions, probably because the deleterious action of carbonate ions, known hydroxyl radical scavengers. Using solar irradiation, the reaction mediated by the composite was more efficient when compared with the assays under laboratory scale since the composite presents the advantage of promoting a better use of visible radiation. Under these conditions, the mineralization increased from 40% to 56% under pH 3,00. At natural pH the oxidation occurred more slowly and the mineralization decreased from 56% to 50%. Thus, the use of pH 3,00 will be more interesting in real scale applications, even if it is necessary the pH correction before the discard of the treated effluent to the environment.
The transport of people and goods contributes to the deterioration of the environment in urban areas because of the generation of pollution, such as, air, noise, soil, water or visual degradation. The heavy vehicles that use diesel as fuel are mainly responsible for the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM), contributing to participation of the transport sector in air pollution. In addition, there is emission of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) whose main component is carbon dioxide (CO2). In most major cities, public transportation is often considered as a less polluting alternative compared to the private vehicle, in view of the potential to reduce, per passenger, the emissions of GHG and air pollutants. The study area was the city of Uberlândia and the objects of study were the trunk lines of the Sistema Integrado de Transporte (SIT). The emissions of NOx, PM and CO2 were estimated through the bottom-up approach which used the route of each bus line and also fuel consumption obtained through simulation from the TSIS software. The software has some result limitations, there are no report about the emission of pollutants by bus, and it is not able to change specifications for the fuel used by the fleet. The results obtained through calculations of pollutants and GHG emission by the bottom-up approach show that the emission is higher when using fuel comsuption obtained in simulation than using distance. For the results considering fuel and distance there was a reduction in emissions comparing ethanol and diesel.
Acknowledgements This project was also supported by Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant 249156 (A. Lionikas) and the grants VP1-3.1-SMM-01-V-02-003 (A. Kilikevicius) and MIP-067/2012 (T. Venckunas) from the Research Council of Lithuania as well as the grant from the Ministry of Higher Education of Saudi Arabia (Y. Alhind). We wish also to thank Mrs Indre Libnickiene for her excellent technical assistance provided during the project
Acknowledgements This project was also supported by Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant 249156 (A. Lionikas) and the grants VP1-3.1-SMM-01-V-02-003 (A. Kilikevicius) and MIP-067/2012 (T. Venckunas) from the Research Council of Lithuania as well as the grant from the Ministry of Higher Education of Saudi Arabia (Y. Alhind). We wish also to thank Mrs Indre Libnickiene for her excellent technical assistance provided during the project
BACKGROUND: Postoperative delirium is prevalent in older patients and associated with worse outcomes. Recent data in animal studies demonstrate increases in inflammatory markers in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) even after aseptic surgery, suggesting that inflammation of the central nervous system may be part of the pathogenesis of postoperative cognitive changes. We investigated the hypothesis that neuroinflammation was an important cause for postoperative delirium and cognitive dysfunction after major non-cardiac surgery. METHODS: After Institutional Review Board approval and informed consent, we recruited patients undergoing major knee surgery who received spinal anesthesia and femoral nerve block with intravenous sedation. All patients had an indwelling spinal catheter placed at the time of spinal anesthesia that was left in place for up to 24 h. Plasma and CSF samples were collected preoperatively and at 3, 6, and 18 h postoperatively. Cytokine levels were measured using ELISA and Luminex. Postoperative delirium was determined using the confusion assessment method, and cognitive dysfunction was measured using validated cognitive tests (word list, verbal fluency test, digit symbol test). RESULTS: Ten patients with complete datasets were included. One patient developed postoperative delirium, and six patients developed postoperative cognitive dysfunction. Postoperatively, at different time points, statistically significant changes compared to baseline were present in IL-5, IL-6, I-8, IL-10, monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α, IL-6/IL-10, and receptor for advanced glycation end products in plasma and in IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, MCP-1, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, IL-8/IL-10, and TNF-α in CSF. CONCLUSIONS: Substantial pro- and anti-inflammatory activity in the central neural system after surgery was found. If confirmed by larger studies, persistent changes in cytokine levels may serve as biomarkers for novel clinical trials.
Research on women prisoners and drug use is scarce in our context and needs theoretical tools to understand their life paths. In this article, I introduce an intersectional perspective on the experiences of women in prison, with particular focus on drug use. To illustrate this, I draw on the life story of one of the women interviewed in prison, in order to explore the axes of inequality in the lives of women in prison. These are usually presented as accumulated and articulated in complex and diverse ways. The theoretical tool of intersectionality allows us to gain an understanding of the phenomenon of women prisoners who have used drugs. This includes both the structural constraints in which they were embedded and the decisions they made, considering the circumstances of disadvantage in which they were immersed. This is a perspective which has already been intuitively present since the dawn of feminist criminology in the English-speaking world and can now be developed further due to new contributions in this field of gender studies.
Este artículo se propone analizar la escena del cresmólogo intruso en Aves, revalorizando la comedia aristofánica como fuente de conocimiento histórico. Este análisis se centra en la práctica oracular como una técnica de producción escrita vinculada a la autoridad religiosa. De esta manera, se exploran dos campos de estudios, como la comedia antigua y la adivinación griega, cuyo vínculo no ha sido explorado en profundidad. Para dar cuenta del momento crítico de la institución oracular durante la Guerra del Peloponeso, se reconstruyen perspectivas sobre dicho fenómeno en otras fuentes como Tucídides o Demóstenes. Esto no solo ofrece una mirada «cómica» sobre la adivinación, sino que también permite comprender la práctica oracular como técnica y, en consecuencia, qué elementos de su funcionamiento podían ser manipulados.
What is the human being? Which is its origin and its end? What is the influence of the nature in the man and what is his impact on nature? Forthe animalists, men are like other animals; freedom and rationality are not signs of superiority, nor having rights over the animals. For the ecohumanists, human beings are part of nature, but is qualitatively different and superior to animals; and is the creator of the civilization. We analyze these two ecological looks. A special point is the contribution ofecohumanists -from the first half of the Renaissance, who dealt in extenso the dignity and freedom of the human being-, of Michelangelo and finally, of Mozart, through his four insurmountable operas, which display the difficulty of physical ecology to engender so much beauty, so much wealth, so much love for the creatures and so much variety.
A Cadeia Varisca Europeia, formada no final do Paleozóico, estende-se desde a Europa de Leste até à Península Ibérica e inclui extensas áreas ocupadas por rochas graníticas, representando, por isso, uma das regiões do globo em que mais se têm investigado os processos de reciclagem e acreção crustal em contexto de colisão continental. O Maciço Ibérico constitui o segmento mais ocidental do orógeno varisco europeu e uma das áreas onde a actividade plutónica está mais bem expressa e mostra uma maior diversidade tipológica. No Maciço Ibérico, em particular na Zona Centro Ibérica (ZCI), a intrusão de rochas granitóides de idade varisca está preferencialmente associada com a terceira fase de deformação (D3). De acordo com as suas relações com este evento de deformação, os granitóides da ZCI foram subdivididos em dois grandes grupos: sin-D3 e tardi-pós-D3. Em termos petrográficos e geoquímicos, os maciços graníticos sin- e tardi-pós-D3 têm sido integrados em duas séries principais: (a) a série dos granitos de duas micas e dos leucogranitos fortemente peraluminosos e (b) a série dos monzogranitos e granodioritos, metaluminosos a fracamente peraluminosos, com biotite ± anfíbola. Os granitos da primeira série apresentam uma filiação de tipo S e resultam da anatexia de materiais supracrustais durante o clímax de metamorfismo regional, enquanto.os granitóides da segunda série exibem características transicionais I-S e têm sido interpretados, quer como produtos da hibridização de magmas félsicos crustais com magmas básicos de proveniência mantélica, quer como resultantes da anatexia de protólitos metaígneos da crosta inferior. O trabalho realizado no batólito das Beiras revela que o clímax de metamorfismo regional foi atingido neste sector durante um evento extensional (D2), que foi acompanhado por intensa migmatização. No ínício da D3, o volume de fundidos crustais já seria suficientemente grande (ca. 15-35%) para que pudesse ocorrer a sua separação do resíduo sólido. Assim, durante a tectónica transcorrente D3, dá-se a ascenção, diferenciação e consolidação de abundantes quantidades de magmas graníticos, fortemente peraluminosos e isotopicamente evoluídos (tipo-S), que vêm a originar enormes batólitos de leucogranitos de duas micas, com idades entre 317-312 Ma. No final da D3, com a progressiva substituição do manto litosférico pela astenosfera, mais quente, diminui a densidade da coluna litosférica e ocorre o levantamento isostático e exumação da crusta. A fusão por descompressão da astenosfera gera líquidos básicos que hibridizam com os fundidos félsicos crustais, em proporções variáveis, e produzem magmas metaluminosos a ligeiramente peraluminosos, de afinidade calco-alcalina. A ascenção destes magmas terá tido lugar nos últimos estádios da deformação transcorrente e a sua instalação no nível crustal final ocorre após a D3, dando origem aos inúmeros maciços compósitos de granitóides biotíticos híbridos tardi-pós-cinemáticos, presentes no batólito das Beiras. Os dados de campo mostram que estes granitóides são intrusivos nos plutões sin-D3, cortam as estruturas regionais e provocam metamorfismo de contacto nas sequências do Carbónico Superior. Com base nas idades U-Pb obtidas em zircões e monazites, é possível datar este importante período de plutonismo granítico com 306-294 Ma. A assinatura geoquímica e isotópica dos granitóides híbridos tardi-pós-D3 revela que, para além da mistura de componentes com proveniência distinta (manto empobrecido e crusta continental), a sua evolução foi, em grande parte, controlada por processos de cristalização fraccionada (modelo AFC).
L’endométriose est une maladie gynécologique, touchant les femmes en âge de procréer. Cette pathologie est caractérisée par la présence de tissu endométrial ectopique, c’est-à-dire en dehors de la cavité utérine. Des dysfonctions du système immunitaire sont de plus en plus souvent suspectées comme étant un des éléments responsables de la pathogenèse de cette maladie. L’objectif général de ce projet a donc été d’étudier les mécanismes cellulaires de molécules pro-inflammatoires aux propriétés variées et à l’expression anormalement élevée dans cette pathologie, que sont MIF et les prostaglandines PGE2 et PGF2α, dans les anomalies inflammatoires et invasives en cause dans cette pathologie. La première partie de nos travaux a porté sur l’étude d’un modèle murin de l’endométriose déficient du gène MIF. Le nombre et le volume des lésions collectées à partir des souris déficientes pour le gène MIF sont significativement inférieurs à ceux mesurés dans des souris sauvages utilisées comme contrôle. L’analyse par PCR des cellules isolées des lésions de souris déficientes du gène MIF a révélé une expression réprimée des protéines d’adhésion, d’inflammation et d’angiogenèse. Ces données démontrent pour la première fois que le MIF agit directement sur la croissance et la progression de lésions d’endométriose in vivo. Une partie de nos travaux a porté sur les molécules nécessaires au métabolisme de PGE2 et PGF2α dans l’endomètre eutopique des femmes normales et l’endomètre eutopique et ectopique des femmes atteintes d’endométriose. Selon nos données, l’expression de certains de ces facteurs est perturbée durant cette maladie, ce qui peut avoir des effets délétères sur la physiologie de la procréation. La stimulation des cellules ectopiques par PGF2α entraîne une libération accrue de VEGF et CXCL-8, ceci via l’induction de COX-2 et des deux variants d’épissage du récepteur FP. De plus, la PKC joue un rôle dans ce phénomène, dépendamment et indépendamment de la PLC. Par son effet inducteur sur la libération de VEGF et CXCL-8, PGF2α pourrait favoriser l’aspect inflammatoire et le développement ectopique des lésions d’endométriose, notamment par des phénomènes d’angiogenèse et de prolifération cellulaire accrus. L’effet de PGF2α sur la libération de VEGF et CXCL-8 par les cellules endométriales ectopiques pourrait également expliquer les quantités élevées de ces cytokines dans le liquide péritonéal des femmes atteintes d’endométriose, un phénomène suspecté dans l’infertilité et les douleurs associées à cette maladie. Nos derniers résultats obtenus à partir du liquide péritonéal montrent un profil cytokinique en faveur de l’angiogenèse et la prolifération des lésions d’endométriose, avec une forte augmentation des facteurs suivants : EGF, FGF-2, IL-1α, MIP-1β, TGFα, PDGF-AA, PDGF-BB, MCP-3, sCD40L, Gro Pan, IL-17α, MDC et Rantes, confortant nos observations préalables redéfinissant la maladie comme étant d’origine angio-inflammatoire. L’endométriose et ses symptômes sont des phénomènes complexes ayant probablement plus qu’une seule origine. Parmi les nombreux facteurs à l’expression altérée dans l’endométriose, notre étude montre que MIF, PGE2 et PGF2α, ainsi qu’une pléthore de facteurs pro-angiogéniques pourraient être de ceux jouant un rôle dans l’infertilité et les douleurs reliées à cette maladie.
This dissertation present an analysis of the interethnic conflict between Makuxi and Wapixana at the current moment in the Maloca of the Adobe, Aboriginal Land Fox-Mountain range of the Sun, in the State of Roraima. The theoretical field was boarded in the Ethnology, pursuing situations in local history, with edges in ethno-history. The research elapsed of the deepening necessity on the social relations and aboriginal politics, for the intercultural professional exercise of educator, appealing the bibliographical survey and participant comment as method; not directive interviews, photographs, filmings and daily register in of field, as techniques carried through in the period of 2006 to 2007. Although to inhabit in the same area and to establish marriages between itself, individuals and groups express tensions, aggravated with the landmark and legal recognition of the area, which generated inter dispute and intraetnias, mainly with the intrusion of farmers, rizicultores and the form of governmental influence. A relation of rivalry, individual and collective was evidenced, suggesting the strengthenig and not it fractionly, of the fights external politics, interns and in way to the cultural diversity and social adversity