1000 resultados para Point bar
Archivo Fotográfico
First edition printed by Nathaniel Hickman.
Snack bar inside the old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California in the 1970s. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
Various s e t s of single c rys t a l s and poly c rys t a l s of Cux TiSe2 were grown. X- r ay diffraction and ene rgy dispersive spe c t ros copy r e sul t s verified tha t the c rys t a l s were the cor r e c t compos i t ion and c rys t a l s t ruc tur e . Re s i s t ivi ty me a sur ement s and magne t i c sus c ept ibi l i ty me a sur ement s de t e rmined the supe r conduc t ing t r ans i t ion t empe r a tur e s for the c rys t a l s . The c rys t a l s in each growth had various supe r conduc t ing t r ans i t ion t empe r a tur e s . Also, the me a sur ement s indi c a t ed tha t the c rys t a l s were inhomogeneous. Point cont a c t spe c t ros copy expe r iment s were employed on various single c rys t a l s . Inspe c t ion of the da t a indi c a t ed tha t the ma t e r i a l ha s a single ene rgy gap . A progr am was bui l t ut i l i z ing the Levenbe rg-Ma rqua rdt me thod and theory on point cont a c t spe c t ros copy to de t e rmine the supe r conduc t ing ene rgy gap. Plot s of the supe r conduc t ing ene rgy gap a t various t empe r a tur e s were in di s agr e ement wi th wha t was expe c t ed for a convent iona l supe r conduc tor .
This investigation aims to gain a better understanding of the glacial history of the Pine Point Mining district, Northwest Territories, by examining the sedimentological properties of the glacial sediments including, geochemical analysis, heavy mineral concentrate analysis, clast macro-‐fabrics, pebble lithologies, and micromorphological investigation. Four till units were identified, and three were associated with identified erosional bedrock features and streamlined landforms in the area, indicating a minimum of three ice flow directions. Sedimentological properties suggest that these units were all Type-B tectomict/mélange till, emplaced as part of a soft subglacial deformable bed. The lack of ice-‐marginal advance and retreat sequences within the studied till, suggests the Middle Wisconsinan Laurentide Ice margin was likely north and west of the Pine Point area, as opposed to along the margin of the Canadian Shield and Western Sedimentary Basin where it has been suggested to have existed.
The King’s Royal Regiment of New York was a Loyalist regiment that served on the Canadian frontier during the American Revolutionary War. The regiment was commanded by Sir John Johnson, who recruited members from the settlers on his estates in the Mohawk Valley. After the War, the two battalions of the regiment were disbanded. The First Battalion settled on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, while the Second Battalion settled by the Bay of Quinte.
A drink manual for the establishment Sloppy Joe's Bar in Havana, Cuba. The manual is pocket size and contains 40 pages of drink recipes. The first few pages describe the bar in Havana, Cuba along with a brief biography of Jose Abeal (Sloppy Joe).
This book marks the one hundredth anniversary of the formation of the Long Point Company. There are penciled initials R.A.L. [Robert A. Laidlaw], Jan. 12th, 1967 within the front cover. See the full text of this item in the Brock University Special Collections and Archives.
Metal bar, 2 cm x 6 1/2 cm, with the words "P.C. Band, Toronto, Ontario" engraved on it.
The description of the image reads "(3) Looking down over the high preciptous Bluff at Prospect Point, Niagara, U.S.A."
The description of the image reads "(2) Admiring Tourists viewing the Falls, from Prospect Point, Niagara, U.S.A."
The description on the image reads "Free Niagara, Prospect Point, Niagara Falls".