966 resultados para PLASMON RESONANCE


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Resonance Raman (RR) spectra are presented for p-nitroazobenzene dissolved in chloroform using 18 excitation Wavelengths, covering the region of (1)(n --> pi*) electronic transition. Raman intensities are observed for various totally symmetric fundamentals, namely, C-C, C-N, N=N, and N-O stretching vibrations, indicating that upon photoexcitation the excited-state evolution occurs along all of these vibrational coordinates. For a few fundamentals, interestingly, in p-nitroazobenzene, it is observed that the RR intensities decrease near the maxima of the resonant electronic (1)(n --> pi*) transition. This is attributed to the interference from preresonant scattering due to the strongly allowed (1)(pi --> pi*) electronic transition. The electronic absorption spectrum and the absolute Raman cross section for the nine Franck-Condon active fundamentals of p-nitroazobenzene have been successfully modeled using Heller's time-dependent formalism for Raman scattering. This employs harmonic description of the lowest energy (1)(n --> pi*) potential energy surface. The short-time isomerization dynamics is then examined from a priori knowledge of the ground-state normal mode descriptions of p-nitroazobenzene to convert the wave packet motion in dimensionless normal coordinates to internal coordinates. It is observed that within 20 fs after photoexcitation in p-nitroazobenzene, the N=N and C-N stretching vibrations undergo significant changes and the unsubstituted phenyl ring and the nitro stretching vibrations are also distorted considerably.


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Picosecond time-resolved resonance Raman spectra of the A (intramolecular charge transfer, ICT) state of DMABN, DMABN-d(6) and DMABN-N-15 have been obtained. The isotopic shifts identify the nu (s)(ph-N) mode as a band at 1281 cm(-1). The similar to 96 cm(-1) downshift of this mode from its ground state frequency rules out the electronic coupling PICT model and unequivocally supports the electronic decoupling TICT model. However, our results suggest some pyramidal character of the A state amino conformation.


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Thioxanthone has been investigated extensively owing to its unique photochemical and photophysical applications and its solvatochromic behavior. Here, we report the time-resolved resonance Raman studies on the structure of the lowest triplet excited state of thioxanthone in carbon tetrachloride. In addition, FT-IR and FT-Raman techniques have been used to study the vibrational structure in the ground state. To corroborate the experimental findings, density functional theory calculations have been carried out. Isotopic calculations and normal coordinate analysis have been used to help in assigning the observed bands to Raman vibrational modes. Structural information derived from this study is expected to help in better understanding the triplet state photochemistry of thioxanthone.


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We report the far-infrared measurements of the electron cyclotron resonance absorption in n-type Si/Si0. 62Ge0.38 and Si0.94Ge0.06 /Si0. 62Ge0.38 modulation- doped heterostructures grown by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition. The strained Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels were grown on relaxed Si0.62Ge0.38 buffer layers, which consist of 0.6 μm uniform Si0.62Ge0.38 layers and 0.5 μm compositionally graded relaxed SiGe layers from 0% Ge to 38 % Ge. The buffer layers were annealed at 800 °C for 1 hr to obtain complete relaxation. The samples had 100 Å spacers and 300 Å 2×1019 cm-3 n-type supply layers on the tops of the 75 Å channels. The far-infrared measurements of electron cyclotron resonance were performed at 4K with the magnetic field of 4 – 8 Tesla. The effective masses determined from the slope of center frequency of absorption peak vs applied magnetic field plot are 0.20 mo and 0.19 mo for the two dimensional electron gases in the Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels, respectively. The Si effective mass is very close to that of two dimensional electron gas in Si MOSFET (0.198mo). The electron effective mass of Si0.94Ge0.06 is reported for the first time and about 5 % lower than that of pure Si.


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The study of reaction mechanisms involves systematic investigations of the correlation between structure, reactivity, and time. The challenge is to be able to observe the chemical changes undergone by reactants as they change into products via one or several intermediates such as electronic excited states (singlet and triplet), radicals, radical ions, carbocations, carbanions, carbenes, nitrenes, nitrinium ions, etc. The vast array of intermediates and timescales means there is no single ``do-it-all'' technique. The simultaneous advances in contemporary time-resolved Raman spectroscopic techniques and computational methods have done much towards visualizing molecular fingerprint snapshots of the reactive intermediates in the microsecond to femtosecond time domain. Raman spectroscopy and its sensitive counterpart resonance Raman spectroscopy have been well proven as means for determining molecular structure, chemical bonding, reactivity, and dynamics of short-lived intermediates in solution phase and are advantageous in comparison to commonly used time-resolved absorption and emission spectroscopy. Today time-resolved Raman spectroscopy is a mature technique; its development owes much to the advent of pulsed tunable lasers, highly efficient spectrometers, and high speed, highly sensitive multichannel detectors able to collect a complete spectrum. This review article will provide a brief chronological development of the experimental setup and demonstrate how experimentalists have conquered numerous challenges to obtain background-free (removing fluorescence), intense, and highly spectrally resolved Raman spectra in the nanosecond to microsecond (ns-mu s) and picosecond (ps) time domains and, perhaps surprisingly, laid the foundations for new techniques such as spatially offset Raman spectroscopy.


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Electron paramagnetic resonance studies under ambient conditions of boron‐doped porous silicon show anisotropic Zeeman (g) and hyperfine (A) tensors, signaling localization of the charge carriers due to quantum confinement.


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The Ulam’s problem is a two person game in which one of the player tries to search, in minimum queries, a number thought by the other player. Classically the problem scales polynomially with the size of the number. The quantum version of the Ulam’s problem has a query complexity that is independent of the dimension of the search space. The experimental implementation of the quantum Ulam’s problem in a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Information Processor with 3 quantum bits is reported here.


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The design of machine foundations are done on the basis of two principal criteria viz., vibration amplitude should be within the permissible limits and natural frequency of machine-foundation-soil system should be away from the operating frequency (i.e. avoidance of resonance condition). In this paper the nondimensional amplitude factor M-m or M-r m and the nondimensional frequency factor a(o m) at resonance are related using elastic half space theory and is used as a new approach for a simplified design procedure for the design of machine foundations for all the modes of vibration fiz. vertical, horizontal, rocking and torsional for rigid base pressure distribution and weighted average displacement condition. The analysis show that one need not know the value of Poisson's ratio for rotating mass system for all the modes of vibration.


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Carbon nanosheets (CNSs) have been synthesized by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) using a mixture of acetylene and argon gases on copper foil as the substrate. Micrometer-wide carbon sheets consisting of several atomic layers thick graphene sheets have been synthesized by controlled decomposition of carbon radicals in ECR-PECVD. Raman spectroscopy of these films revealed characteristics of a disordered graphitic sheet. Thick folded carbon-sheets and a semi transparent freestanding CNSs have been observed by scanning electron microscopy. This is a promising technique to synthesize free standing CNSs and can be used in the fabrication of nanoelecronic devices in future. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the design and performance analysis of a detector based on suprathreshold stochastic resonance (SSR) for the detection of deterministic signals in heavy-tailed non-Gaussian noise. The detector consists of a matched filter preceded by an SSR system which acts as a preprocessor. The SSR system is composed of an array of 2-level quantizers with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) noise added to the input of each quantizer. The standard deviation sigma of quantizer noise is chosen to maximize the detection probability for a given false alarm probability. In the case of a weak signal, the optimum sigma also minimizes the mean-square difference between the output of the quantizer array and the output of the nonlinear transformation of the locally optimum detector. The optimum sigma depends only on the probability density functions (pdfs) of input noise and quantizer noise for weak signals, and also on the signal amplitude and the false alarm probability for non-weak signals. Improvement in detector performance stems primarily from quantization and to a lesser extent from the optimization of quantizer noise. For most input noise pdfs, the performance of the SSR detector is very close to that of the optimum detector. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the results of magnetization and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies on nanoparticles (average diameter similar to 30 nm) of Bi0.25Ca0.75MnO3 (BCMO) and compare them with the results on bulk BCMO. The nanoparticles were prepared using the nonaqueous sol-gel technique and characterized by XRD and TEM analysis. Magnetization measurements were carried out with a commercial physical property measurement system (PPMS). While the bulk BCMO exhibits a charge ordering transition at similar to 230 K and an antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at similar to 130 K, in the nanoparticles, the CO phase is seen to have disappeared and a transition to a ferromagnetic (FM) state is observed at T-c similar to 120 K. However, interestingly, the exchange bias effect observed in other nanomanganite ferromagnets is absent in BCMO nanoparticles. EPR measurements were carried out in the X-band between 8 and 300 K. Lineshape fitting to a Lorentzian with two terms (accounting for both the clockwise and anticlockwise rotations of the microwave field) was employed to obtain the relevant EPR parameters as functions of temperature. The results confirm the occurrence of ferromagnetism in the nanoparticles of BCMO. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730612]


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Solvents are known to affect the triplet state structure and reactivity. In this paper, we have employed time-resolved resonance Raman (TR3) spectroscopy to understand solvent-induced subtle structural changes in the lowest excited triplet state of thioxanthone. Density functional theory (DFT) combined with the self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) implicit solvation model has been used to calculate the vibrational frequencies in the solvents. Here, we report a unique observation of the coexistence of two triplets, which has been substantiated by the probe wavelength-dependent Raman experiments. The coexistence of two triplets has been further supported by photoreduction experiments carried out at various temperatures.