821 resultados para Ovine Tibia
Purpose: To detect Brucella melitensis in the milk of reared sheep and goats from Isfahan and Shahrekord regions, Iran. Methods: A total of 225 milk samples (sheep = 125; goat = 100) were collected from Isfahan and Shahrekord regions, Central Iran. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect the presence of B. melitensis in the milk following standard procedures. Results: From 225 milk samples, 20 (8.9 %) were positive for B. melitensis. Out of 125 sheep milk, 12 (9.6 %) had B. melitensis, and of these, 8 (66.6 %) were milk collected from Shahrekord and 4 (33.3 %) from Isfahan region. On the other hand, out of 100 goat milk samples, 18 (18 %) were positive for B. melitensis, out of which 10 (55.5 %) were from Shahrekord and 8 (44.4 %) from Isfahan. Conclusion: The findings show that B. melitensis is present in a significant proportion of caprine and ovine milk in a section of Iran.
Toxoplasmosis is one zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii protozoan. Goats, amongst the production animals, are one of the species most susceptible to this parasite, being one them main involved agents in ovine and goat abortions, determining great economic losses and implications for public health, since the presence it parasite in the products of goat origin, consist in one of the main sources of infection for the man. In this study 244 blood samples in 8 farms situated in 4 cities from the Sertão do Cabugi region, Rio Grande do Norte State, northeast of Brazil and, tested by ELISA assay. The results had shown a prevalence of 47.13% for anti- T. gondii antibodies and a significant association between positivity and variable evaluated as age, locality and property. The IgG avidity assay evaluated in 115 positive samples was carried to discriminate acute and chronic infection. Twelve samples (10.4%) had presented antibodies of low avidity while 103 (89.6%) presented high avidity antibodies; indicating that most of the animals was precocious exposure to the parasite. Significant difference was verified only for the variable sex. We also evaluate the capacity of recombinant adenoviruses codifying SAG1, SAG2, SAG3 and CMV in inducing activation of specific immune response in goat. These 109 animals received 109 pfu of the AdSAG1, AdSAG2, AdSAG3, AdCMV or PBS in vaccine protocol with 3 immunizations. Serum samples of the each animal, before and after mmunization, had been submitted to the ELISA. The results demonstrate that the immunizations had induced the production of IgG antibodies specific against T. gondii proteins
Cette étude vise à caractériser le «crampage», une entité relativement nouvelle dans l’industrie ovine au Québec. Les signes cliniques se manifestent au pas, par une hyperflexion (hanche, grasset, jarret), d’un ou des deux membres pelviens. Cinq agneaux naturellement affectés et cinq agneaux appariés cliniquement normaux ont été soumis à des examens physique, neurologique et orthopédique, à des techniques d’imagerie avancée (tomodensitométrie, résonance magnétique), à des tests électrodiagnostiques (électromyogramme, vitesses de conduction nerveuse motrice et sensitive) puis à une nécropsie. Des hématologies, biochimies ainsi que des analyses du liquide céphalorachidien ont également été réalisées. Les résultats ont été comparés entre les groupes (affectés/cliniquement normaux). Il a été constaté à la tomodensitométrie que la surface du canal vertébral mesurée au niveau de la deuxième vertèbre lombaire était inférieure dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.045). Aucune répercussion n’a été constatée sur le segment de moelle épinière correspondant. La racine S2, quant à elle, était plus grêle dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.01). À l’issue de cette étude, une cause orthopédique, musculaire ou neurologique consécutive à une lésion structurale de la moelle épinière a été écartée. Il pourrait s‘agir d’une atteinte sensitive de la racine S2 altérant la sensation dans le membre affecté, toutefois, une anomalie fonctionnelle cérébrale ou de la moelle épinière dans le renflement lombaire, est également à considérer. Sans anomalie musculaire, l’appellation «crampage» est inexacte. Nous proposons de la remplacer par des termes plus descriptifs comme «syndrome d’hyperflexion» ou «high stepping gait».
Ovine enzootic abortion, caused by Chlamydia abortus, leads to important economic losses worldwide. In addition to reproductive failures, infection may impact lamb growth during the first weeks after birth, yet this effect has not been well characterized. Vaccination can help to control the disease but variable efficacy values have been described, possibly related with factors associated with the host, the vaccine, the parameter used for efficacy determination and the challenge conditions. In this context, we evaluated the efficacy of an inactivated standard commercial vaccine and a 1/2 diluted dose in pregnant sheep challenged with C. abortus by examining multiple indicators ofvaccine effect (including incidence of reproductive failures, bacterial excretion, and evolution of weight gain of viable lambs during the first month of life). Three groups of ewes [control non-vaccinated, C (n = 18); vaccinated with standard dose, SV (n = 16) and vaccinated with 1/2 dose, DV (n = 17)], were challenged approximately 90 days post-mating and tested using direct PCR (tissue samples and vaginal swabs) and ELISA (serum) until 31 days post-reproductive outcome. There were not significant differences in the proportions of reproductive failures or bacterial shedding after birth/abortion regardless the vaccination protocol. However, a beneficial effect of vaccination on offspring growth was detected in both vaccinated groups compared with the controls, with a mean increase in weight measured at 30 days of life of 1.5 and 2.5 Kg (p = 0.056) and an increase in the geometric mean of the daily gain of 8.4 and 9.7% in lambs born from DV and SV ewes compared to controls, respectively. Our results demonstrate the effect of an inactivated vaccine in the development of the offspring of C. abortus-infected ewes at a standard and a diluted dose, an interesting finding given the difficulty in achieving sufficient antigen concentration in the production of EAE-commercial vaccines.
Cette étude vise à caractériser le «crampage», une entité relativement nouvelle dans l’industrie ovine au Québec. Les signes cliniques se manifestent au pas, par une hyperflexion (hanche, grasset, jarret), d’un ou des deux membres pelviens. Cinq agneaux naturellement affectés et cinq agneaux appariés cliniquement normaux ont été soumis à des examens physique, neurologique et orthopédique, à des techniques d’imagerie avancée (tomodensitométrie, résonance magnétique), à des tests électrodiagnostiques (électromyogramme, vitesses de conduction nerveuse motrice et sensitive) puis à une nécropsie. Des hématologies, biochimies ainsi que des analyses du liquide céphalorachidien ont également été réalisées. Les résultats ont été comparés entre les groupes (affectés/cliniquement normaux). Il a été constaté à la tomodensitométrie que la surface du canal vertébral mesurée au niveau de la deuxième vertèbre lombaire était inférieure dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.045). Aucune répercussion n’a été constatée sur le segment de moelle épinière correspondant. La racine S2, quant à elle, était plus grêle dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.01). À l’issue de cette étude, une cause orthopédique, musculaire ou neurologique consécutive à une lésion structurale de la moelle épinière a été écartée. Il pourrait s‘agir d’une atteinte sensitive de la racine S2 altérant la sensation dans le membre affecté, toutefois, une anomalie fonctionnelle cérébrale ou de la moelle épinière dans le renflement lombaire, est également à considérer. Sans anomalie musculaire, l’appellation «crampage» est inexacte. Nous proposons de la remplacer par des termes plus descriptifs comme «syndrome d’hyperflexion» ou «high stepping gait».
Objectives: Serra da Estrela native (SEN) breed of sheep is one of the most important in Portugal, standing responsible for the production of one of the most internationally recognized cheeses in the world, "Queijo Serra da Estrela” (protected designation of origin). One of the major risks to the sustainability of SEN dairy flocks if footrot, an infectious diseases that causes lameness, decrease in milk production, weight loss and decrease in fertility. The aim of this work was to determine which parameters become decisive for the appearance of footrot in SEN dairy flocks, while establishing associations with environmental and nutritional variables. Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out by performing an especially designed 27 multiple choice questionnaire, based on the underlying causes of lameness in livestock and in the clinical diagnosis performed by the vet techinichian of the clinical cases evaluated at the moment of the inquiry. The survey was performed during the execution of the oficial veterinary health program between February and September of 2014 by a veterinarian team from the Association of SEN Sheep Breeders (ANCOSE). The ovine producers (N=30, with a total of 1270 animals) were randomly selected from the extense area of production of “Queijo Serra da Estrela”. The parameters evaluated in the study were: season and consequent weather changes during the period of the study, floor types, hygiene conditions, bed types, the existence and use of footbaths, location of footbaths, foot trimming and foot hygiene procedures. After the construction of the database and using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 16.0 the frequency response for each item was calculated. Results: All SEN livestock producers are proactive in the treatment of lameness (70%). About 99.7% of lameness was related with footroot and most appeared in winter (36.7%). In some occasions there was not a specific season distribution (56.7% rainiest years). From the analyzed farms, 70% use straw as a floor bed, followed by bush (21%). 45.6% of animals were clinically diagnosed with footrot and were sheltered in straw floor. Bed quality is good in 40%, however frequent changes in the floor bed in the preceding 15 days had a higher rate of footroot diagnosed cases (33,23%) compared to monthly changes. Regarding sheepfold animal number, the distribution is proper in 36.7%, elevated in 30%, overcrowded in 6.7% and low in 23.3%. Clinically ill diagnosed animals in last category were the lowest observed (3%). Concerning hoof trimming, 76.7% trims while 23.3% reported not to perform that task. From those that perform trimming, 73.9% do it only when necessary, 21.7% at the time of clipping and 4.4% when the animal is affected. One curious result was that animals who perform trimming at clipping had higher footrot cases (52.6%), unlike those who trim only when necessary (40.2%) or even when animals are clinically ill (0.91%). Mostly all in the presence of footrot choose a local treatment (95.2%) using antibiotic sprays, instead of parenteral antibiotic treatment. Footbath is rarely used in the prevention (13.3%) of this disease and when it is misconceived (25%) and incorrectly formulated (100%). Conclusions: This study was the first performed in Portugal focusing footrot caracterization in native SEN flocks.Economic impact in SEN dairy flocks is atributed to factors such as direct decrease in milk and meat production,early slaughter of affected animals due to non responsive treatment and medical expenses.The most effective eradication method combines first of all the ability to understand the problems of SEN producers and implementation of preventive measures and treatment of footrot.Often linked to lack of formation, the advance age of portuguese producers the mentality and social factors block the advance of veterinarian intervention itself.
Objectives: Serra da Estrela native (SEN) breed of sheep is one of the most important in Portugal, standing responsible for the production of one of the most internationally recognized cheeses in the world, "Queijo Serra da Estrela” (protected designation of origin). One of the major risks to the sustainability of SEN dairy flocks if footrot, an infectious diseases that causes lameness, decrease in milk production, weight loss and decrease in fertility.The aim of this work was to determine which parameters become decisive for the appearance of footrot in SEN dairy flocks, while establishing associations with environmental and nutritional variables. Materials and methods: The present study was carried out by performing an especially designed 27 multiple choice questionnaire, based on the underlying causes of lameness in livestock and in the clinical diagnosis performed by the vet techinichian of the clinical cases evaluated at the moment of the inquiry. The survey was performed during the execution of the oficial veterinary health program between February and September of 2014 by a veterinarian team from the Association of SEN Sheep Breeders (ANCOSE). The ovine producers (N=30, with a total of 1270 animals) were randomly selected from the extense area of production of “Queijo Serra da Estrela”. The parameters evaluated in the study were: season and consequent weather changes during the period of the study, floor types, hygiene conditions, bed types, the existence and use of footbaths, location of footbaths, foot trimming and foot hygiene procedures. After the construction of the database and using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 16.0 the frequency response for each item was calculated. Results: All SEN livestock producers are proactive in the treatment of lameness (70%). About 99.7% of lameness was related with footroot and most appeared in winter (36.7%). In some occasions there was not a specific season distribution (56.7% rainiest years). From the analyzed farms, 70% use straw as a floor bed, followed by bush (21%). 45.6% of animals were clinically diagnosed with footrot and were sheltered in straw floor. Bed quality is good in 40%, however frequent changes in the floor bed in the preceding 15 days had a higher rate of footroot diagnosed cases (33,23%) compared to monthly changes. Regarding sheepfold animal number, the distribution is proper in 36.7%, elevated in 30%, overcrowded in 6.7% and low in 23.3%. Clinically ill diagnosed animals in last category were the lowest observed (3%). Concerning hoof trimming, 76.7% trims while 23.3% reported not to perform that task. From those that perform trimming, 73.9% do it only when necessary, 21.7% at the time of clipping and 4.4% when the animal is affected. One curious result was that animals who perform trimming at clipping had higher footrot cases (52.6%), unlike those who trim only when necessary (40.2%) or even when animals are clinically ill (0.91%). Mostly all in the presence of footrot choose a local treatment (95.2%) using antibiotic sprays, instead of parenteral antibiotic treatment. Footbath is rarely used in the prevention (13.3%) of this disease and when it is misconceived (25%) and incorrectly formulated (100%). Conclusion: This study is the first performed in Portugal focusing on footrot caracterization in native SEN flocks. The economic impact in SEN dairy flocks is atributed to factors such as the direct decrease in milk and meat production, the early slaughter of affected animals due to a non responsive treatment, and medical expenses. The most effective eradication method combines first of all the ability to understand the problems of SEN producers and then the implementation of preventive measures and treatment of footrot. Often linked to the lack of formation, and the advanced age of portuguese producers, the mentality and social factors block the advance of veterinarian intervention itself.
Background Context Percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure and is frequently performed in humans who need surgical treatment of vertebral fractures. PVP involves cement injection into the vertebral body, thereby providing rapid and significant pain relief. Purpose The testing of novel biomaterials depends on suitable animal models. The aim of this study was to develop a reproducible and safe model of PVP in sheep. Study Design This study used ex vivo and in vivo large animal model study (Merino sheep). Methods Ex vivo vertebroplasty was performed through a bilateral modified parapedicular access in 24 ovine lumbar hemivertebrae, divided into four groups (n=6). Cerament (Bone Support, Lund, Sweden) was the control material. In the experimental group, a novel composite was tested—Spine-Ghost—which consisted of an alpha-calcium sulfate matrix enriched with micrometric particles of mesoporous bioactive glass. All vertebrae were assessed by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and underwent mechanical testing. For the in vivo study, 16 sheep were randomly allocated into control and experimental groups (n=8), and underwent PVP using the same bone cements. All vertebrae were assessed postmortem by micro-CT, histology, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-PCR). This work has been supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for collaborative projects (600,000–650,000 USD). Results In the ex vivo model, the average defect volume was 1,275.46±219.29 mm3. Adequate defect filling with cement was observed. No mechanical failure was observed under loads which were higher than physiological. In the in vivo study, cardiorespiratory distress was observed in two animals, and one sheep presented mild neurologic deficits in the hind limbs before recovering. Conclusions The model of PVP is considered suitable for preclinical in vivo studies, mimicking clinical application. All sheep recovered and completed a 6-month implantation period. There was no evidence of cement leakage into the vertebral foramen in the postmortem examination.
The objective of the present Ph.D. thesis was to investigate with a One Health approach the epidemiological patterns of T. gondii infection in Italy, to better understand the transmission dynamics of the parasite, following different research lines. The results of a retrospective analysis in animals and human showed the widespread distribution of T. gondii in the study area, with specific antibodies found in various animal species and human populations, indicating its constant presence across diverse environments. The environment plays a significant role in T. gondii's epidemiology. Migratory aquatic birds, rodents, wolves, and wild boars were investigated as sentinels of their spread, highlighting the potential transmission across geographic areas and infection risks for wildlife in natural settings. The study also provided insights into seroprevalence in wolves. Dogs, subjected to serological investigations exhibited risk factors for T. gondii infection, such as cohabitation with cats, coprophagy behaviours, and continuous outdoor. Correlation between serological evidence of exposure to T. gondii and pathological anxiety in large-size dogs was observed, and the consumption of raw meat was associated with a higher risk of infection in these animals. Results of the investigations conducted in this thesis, demonstrate the dynamic nature of T. gondii infection in cattle, characterized by new infections and declining antibody levels over the production cycle. The study also describes a co-infection between T. gondii and Sarcocystis hominis in bovine eosinophilic myositis. In the final part of the Thesis, a comprehensive genotyping of T. gondii in Italy reveals the predominance of Type II strains, particularly in cases of ovine abortion and fatal toxoplasmosis among captive Lemur catta. This approach enhances our understanding of the parasite's genetic diversity and transmission patterns, vital for effective management of its impact on human and animal health in Italy.
L'allungamento controllato monofocale viene eseguito nel caso di discrepanze della lunghezza degli arti. Il dispositivo Rekrea, ideato e realizzato dall'azienda Citieffe, viene utilizzato per lo svolgimento di tale trattamento. La stabilità del sistema di fissazione esterna è un fattore cruciale per il successo di un trattamento di allungamento osseo ma difficile da raggiungere in quanto dipendente da numerose variabili. Nello specifico, questo lavoro di tesi verte sullo studio del comportamento meccanico dei singoli morsetti Small e Standard e dell'innovativa configurazione Tandem impiegati in due contesti clinici particolari: i pazienti acondroplasici ed il trattamento di allungamento di tibia. A seguito di una iniziale ricerca bibliografica, sono state pianificate e svolte delle prove meccaniche di diverse configurazioni per caratterizzare il comportamento di tali dispositivi. Attraverso un'analisi dei risultati ottenuti è stato evidenziato quanto il singolo morsetto Small conferisca un'elevata rigidezza del costrutto e permetta di ridurre la distanza morsetto - analogo osseo. In più è stato evidenziato come la configurazione Tandem sia risultata un buon sostituto del morsetto Sandwich ed in particolare, come l'utilizzo di tre viti ossee conferisca una maggiore rigidezza del costrutto.
Il piede è la struttura anatomica multi-articolare che media il contatto dell’apparato muscoloscheletrico con il suolo ed è, quindi, fondamentale per la locomozione e per la maggioranza dei task motori. Per questo, l’analisi cinematica intrarticolare in-vivo del complesso piede-caviglia risulta essere di grande interesse in ambito biomeccanico e in ambito clinico. La quantificazione del moto relativo è, però, complessa a causa del numero di ossa presenti nel piede, ben 26, e alla loro distribuzione. Tali limitazioni possono essere superate ricorrendo a misure in risonanza magnetica dinamica (DMRI). Questo elaborato presenta un primo approccio esplorativo per determinare la cinematica del piede. In particolare l’analisi si è concentrata, per semplicità, sullo studio del retropiede, quindi sul moto relativo tra tibia, talo e calcagno, nel caso di flessione plantare libera, ovvero senza alcun carico applicato. Il complesso piede-caviglia è stato scansionato suddividendo il range di movimento in 13 pose statiche. Da ognuna delle 13 acquisizioni di tipo volumetrico sono state simulate delle scansioni dinamiche, in modo da ottenere una cinematica certa di riferimento, per poter valutare la precisione dell’algoritmo utilizzato. La ricostruzione della cinematica tridimensionale del complesso esaminato si è basata su un algoritmo di registrazione, composto da un primo processo di inizializzazione semiautomatico ed una successiva registrazione 2D/3D automatica basata sull’intensità dei voxel. Di particolare interesse in questa indagine è la ricostruzione dei tre moti relativi: tibia-talo, tibia-calcagno e talo-calcagno. Per valutare la precisione dell’algoritmo nella ricostruzione della cinematica è stato calcolato l’errore medio in valore assoluto tra le coordinate dei modelli nelle pose di riferimento e le coordinate fornite dal codice. I risultati ottenuti sono di notevole interesse visto il carattere esplorativo dello studio.