949 resultados para ORGANIC MATERIAL


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The organic matter contents of sediments and rocks sampled during DSDP Leg 93 have been characterized by CHN and Rock-Eval analyses. Most samples from Sites 604 and 605 on the New Jersey continental slope and from Site 603 on the Hatteras outer continental rise contained less than 0.5% organic carbon. Some Neogene samples from the slope contained 1 to 2% organic carbon, and Cretaceous samples from the outer rise were as rich as 13.6% organic carbon by weight. Thin layers of black claystones of Santonian, Cenomanian, and Albian age were found interbedded in organiccarbon- lean, bioturbated, turbiditic claystones. Similar layers of turbiditic black marlstones were interspersed among Neocomian limestones and sandstones. Although the organic matter in many of the samples appeared to be detrital continental material, according to Rock-Eval and C/N values, Cenomanian black shales, in particular, contained substantial proportions of marine-derived organic matter.


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Stable isotopic compositions of carbon and nitrogen and organic carbon content of sediments ranging from the Pliocene to the Pleistocene-Holocene in age from the Oman Margin (ODP Sites 724 and 725) are reported. In general, the organic carbon content is greater than 2% at Site 724. Prior to the Pleistocene-Holocene at this site, sediments with higher content of organic matter were deposited owing to favorable preservation conditions and/or higher productivity. In the Pleistocene, lower amounts of organic matter have been preserved; this material generally has more enriched nitrogen isotopic compositions. This may indicate intensification of the Oxygen Minimum Zone and denitrification with the onset of the Pleistocene. A correlation of carbon isotope content of these sediments with oxygen isotope stages at Site 724 indicates an enrichment in 13C during glacial events. Based on the stable isotope evidence of both carbon and nitrogen, there does not appear to be major input of terrigenous-derived allochthonous material in this marine environment. The timing and extent of monsoon winds on the productivity of this region are not evident, but require further studies for collaborative interpretation of small-scale features in the isotopic and carbon content of this environment.


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It has long been known that extreme changes in North African hydroclimate occurred during the late Pleistocene yet many discrepancies exist between sites regarding the timing, duration and abruptness of events such as Heinrich Stadial (HS) 1 and the African Humid Period (AHP). The hydroclimate history of the Nile River is of particular interest due to its lengthy human occupation history yet there are presently few continuous archives from the Nile River corridor, and pre-Holocene studies are rare. Here we present new organic and inorganic geochemical records of Nile Basin hydroclimate from an eastern Mediterranean (EM) Sea sediment core spanning the past 28 ka BP. Our multi-proxy records reflect the fluctuating inputs of Blue Nile versus White Nile material to the EM Sea in response to gradual changes in local insolation and also capture abrupt hydroclimate events driven by remote climate forcings, such as HS1. We find strong evidence for extreme aridity within the Nile Basin evolving in two distinct phases during HS1, from 17.5 to 16 ka BP and from 16 to 14.5 ka BP, whereas peak wet conditions during the AHP are observed from 9 to 7 ka BP. We find that zonal movements of the Congo Air Boundary (CAB), and associated shifts in the dominant moisture source (Atlantic versus Indian Ocean moisture) to the Nile Basin, likely contributed to abrupt hydroclimate variability in northern East Africa during HS1 and the AHP as well as to non-linear behavior of hydroclimate proxies. We note that different proxies show variable gradual and abrupt responses to individual hydroclimate events, and thus might have different inherent sensitivities, which may be a factor contributing to the controversy surrounding the abruptness of past events such as the AHP. During the Late Pleistocene the Nile Basin experienced extreme hydroclimate fluctuations, which presumably impacted Paleolithic cultures residing along the Nile corridor.


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CTD and nephelometric sounding data are considered along with parameters of the near-bottom currents and particulate fluxes measured by a subsurface mooring station in the northern part of the Bear Island Trough. It is shown that the near-bottom current is characterized by highly variable parameters, while distribution of suspended particulate matter demonstrates surface and bottom maxima. Horizontal and vertical fluxes of sedimentary material in the nepheloid layer are studied.


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Upper Devonian rocks of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) in southwest Spain, comprising the Phyllite-Quartzite Group (PQ) and the lower part of the overlying Volcano-Sedimentary Complex (VSC), contain a diversity of terrestrial and marine palynomorphs (miospores and organic-walled microphytoplankton, respectively), which constitute the basis of this biostratigraphically oriented research project. Part One of the report has previously detailed the miospore content of the constituent 117 palyniferous samples. In the present paper (i.e., the concluding Part Two), the organic-walled microphytoplankton (acritarchs and prasinophyte phycomata) are systematically described and illustrated, and their occurrence in the study material is fully documented. The acritarchs are represented by 23 species (including one species complex) allocated among 14 genera (one of which, Dupliciradiatum, is newly established), together with a very rare and novel category (informally termed Gen. nov. A). The following new acritarch species are formally instituted: Dupliciradiatum crassum (type species), D. tenue, Histopalla languida, and Winwaloeusia repagulata. Five genera allied with the prasinophycean algae are identified; these accommodate a total of 15 species of which two - Cymatiosphaera tenuimembrana and Maranhites multioculus - are formally proposed as new. In addition, representatives of the prasinophyte genera Leiosphaeridia and Tasmanites are recorded but are not discriminated at species level. The microphytoplankton suite is clearly consonant, from previously published occurrences in other regions, with a Late Devonian dating. However, most of the species are known to be relatively long ranging through (and in some cases beyond) that epoch and hence are not amenable to detailed biozonal subdivision of the IPB succession. Moreover, the distribution of the species therein tends to be erratic in comparison with the more consistently occurring miospores, possibly due to stress factors induced by fluctuating conditions in the IPBs Upper Devonian marine environment. By contrast, the land-derived (miospore) assemblages are readily applicable in a blostratigraphic context: they can be correlated precisely with the Devonian miospore biozonation scheme for Western Europe. In those terms, the sampled PQ strata are assignable to the Diducites versabilis-Grandispora cornuta (VCo) Biozone of late Famennian age; while the samples from the anoxic sequence at the base of the VSC belong to the Retispora lepidophyta-Verrucosisporites nitidus (LN) Biozone (latest Famennian = latest Devonian). The biochronostratigraphic data, in conjunction with the findings from earlier IPB studies, imply two appreciable palynostratigraphic breaks within the PQ. These are representative, respectively, of the lower Frasnian-middle Famennian interval and of part of the Strunian/upper Famennian. Speculation currently remains as to whether the inferred gaps are more apparent than real; i.e., whether one or both represent actual hiatuses in IPB sedimentation or are simply a manifestation of hitherto unsampled and/or non-palyniferous PQ strata.


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We review the role of strong electronic correlations in quasi-two-dimensional organic charge transfer salts such as (BEDT-TTF)(2)X, (BETS)(2)Y, and beta'-[Pd(dmit)(2)](2)Z. We begin by defining minimal models for these materials. It is necessary to identify two classes of material: the first class is strongly dimerized and is described by a half-filled Hubbard model; the second class is not strongly dimerized and is described by a quarter-filled extended Hubbard model. We argue that these models capture the essential physics of these materials. We explore the phase diagram of the half-filled quasi-two-dimensional organic charge transfer salts, focusing on the metallic and superconducting phases. We review work showing that the metallic phase, which has both Fermi liquid and 'bad metal' regimes, is described both quantitatively and qualitatively by dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). The phenomenology of the superconducting state is still a matter of contention. We critically review the experimental situation, focusing on the key experimental results that may distinguish between rival theories of superconductivity, particularly probes of the pairing symmetry and measurements of the superfluid stiffness. We then discuss some strongly correlated theories of superconductivity, in particular the resonating valence bond (RVB) theory of superconductivity. We conclude by discussing some of the major challenges currently facing the field. These include parameterizing minimal models, the evidence for a pseudogap from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments, superconductors with low critical temperatures and extremely small superfluid stiffnesses, the possible spin- liquid states in kappa-(ET)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3) and beta'-[Pd(dmit)(2)](2)Z, and the need for high quality large single crystals.


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We report on the effect of the replacement of the conventional ITO anode with the semitransparent metallic material on the performance of microcavity OLEDs. We performed comprehensive simulations of the emission from microcavity OLEDs consisting of widely used organic materials, N,N′-di(naphthalene-1- yl)-N,N′-diphenylbenzidine (NPB) as a hole transport layer and tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) (Alq3) as emitting and electron transporting layer. Silver and LiF/Al were considered as a cathode, while metallic (Au and Ag) anode was used and simulations were performed on devices with both the metallic and conventional ITO anode. The electroluminescence emission spectra, electric field distribution inside the device, carrier density, recombination rate and exciton density were calculated as a function of the position of the emission layer. The results show that the metallic anode enhances light output and that optimum emission from a microcavity OLED is achieved when the position of the recombination region is aligned with the antinode of the standing wave inside the cavity. The microcavity OLED devices with Ag/Ag and Ag/Au mirrors were fabricated and characterized. The experimental results have been compared to the simulations and the influence of the different anode, emission region width and position on the performance of microcavity OLEDs was discussed.


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The infra-red detector material cadmium mercury telluride can be grown by the technique of Metal Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy using simple alkyl telluride compounds as the source of tellurium. New tellurium precursors are required in order to overcome handling and toxicity problems and to reduce the growth temperature in preparing the material. A range of diaryltellurium(IV) dicarboxylates and some 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenyl-tellurium(II) and tellurium(IV) monocarboxylates have been synthesised and characterised by infra-red, 13C N.M.R. and mass spectroscopy. Infra-red spectroscopy has been used to determine the mode of bonding of the carboxylate ligand to tellurium. Synthetic methods have been devised for the preparation of diorganotritellurides (R2Te3) and mixed diorganotetrachalcogenides (RTeSeSeTeR). A mechanism for the formation of the tritellurides based on aerobic conditions is proposed. The reaction of ArTe- with (ClCH2CH2)3N leads to tripod-like multidentate ligands (ArTeCH2CH2)3N which form complexes with the ions Hg(II), Cd(II), Cu(I), Pt(II) and Pd(II). Synthetic routes to aryltelluroalkylamines and arylselenoalkylamines are also reported. The crystal structure of 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenyltellurium(II) bromide has been solved in which there are six molecules present within the unit cell. There are no close intermolecular Te---Te interactions and the molecules are stabilised by short Te---N intramolecular contacts. The crystal structure of 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenylselenium(II)-tribromomercurate(II) is also presented. A study of the Raman vibrational spectra of some tellurated azobenzenes and 2-phenylpyridines shows spectra of remarkably far superior quality to those obtained using infra-red spectroscopy.


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Zirconium-containing periodic mesoporous organosilicas (Zr-PMOs) with varying framework organic content have been synthesized through a direct synthesis method. These materials display the excellent textural properties of the analogous inorganic solid acid Zr-SBA-15 material. However, the substitution of silica by organosilicon species provides a strong hydrophobic character. This substitution leads to meaningful differences in the environment surrounding the zirconium metal sites, leading the modification of the catalytic properties of these materials. Although lower metal incorporation is accomplished in the final materials, leading to a lower population of metal sites, hydrophobisation leads to an impressive beneficial effect on the intrinsic catalytic activity of the zirconium sites in biodiesel production by esterification/transesterification of free fatty acid -containing feedstock. Moreover, the catalytic activity of the highly hybridised materials is hardly affected in presence of large amounts of water, confirming their very good water-tolerance. This makes Zr-PMO materials interesting catalysts for biodiesel production from highly acidic water-containing feedstock. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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The self-assembly of cobalt coordination frameworks (Co-CPs) with a two-dimensional morphology is demonstrated by a solvothermal method. The morphology of the Co-CPs has been controlled by various solvothermal conditions. The two-dimensional nanostructures agglomerated by Co3O4 nanoparticles remained after the pyrolysis of the Co-CPs. The as-synthesized Co3O4 anode material is characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and galvanostatic charge-discharge measurements. The morphology of Co3O4 plays a crucial role in the high performance anode materials for lithium batteries. The Co3O4 nanoparticles with opened-book morphology deliver a high capacity of 597 mA h g-1 after 50 cycles at a current rate of 800 mA g-1. The opened-book morphology of Co3O4 provides efficient lithium ion diffusion tunnels and increases the electrolyte/Co3O4 contact/interfacial area. At a relatively high current rate of 1200 mA g-1, Co3O4 with opened-book morphology delivers an excellent rate capability of 574 mA h g-1.


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Freshwater ecosystems have been recognized as important components of the global carbon cycle, and the flux of organic matter (OM) from freshwater to marine environments can significantly affect estuarine and coastal productivity. The focus of this study was the assessment of carbon dynamics in two aquatic environments, namely the Florida Everglades and small prairie streams in Kansas, with the aim of characterizing the biogeochemistry of OM. In the Everglades, particulate OM (POM) is mostly found as a layer of flocculent material (floc). While floc is believed to be the main energy source driving trophic dynamics in this oligotrophic wetland, not much is known about its biogeochemistry. The objective of this study was to determine the origin/sources of OM in floc using biomarkers and pigment-based chemotaxonomy to assess specific biomass contributions to this material, on a spatial (freshwater marshes vs. mangrove fringe) and seasonal (wet vs. dry) scales. It was found that floc OM is derived from the local vegetation (mainly algal components and macrophyte litter) and its composition is controlled by seasonal drivers of hydrology and local biomass productivity. Photo-reactivity experiments showed that light exposure on floc resulted in photo-dissolution of POC with the generation of significant amounts of both dissolved OM (DOM) and nutrients (N & P), potentially influencing nutrient dynamics in this ecosystem. The bio-reactivity experiments determined as the amount and rate of CO2 evolution during incubation were found to vary on seasonal and spatial scales and were highly influenced by phosphorus limitation. Not much is known on OM dynamics in small headwater streams. The objective of this study was to determine carbon dynamics in sediments from intermittent prairie streams, characterized by different vegetation cover for their watershed (C4 grasses) vs. riparian zone (C3 plants). In this study sedimentary OM was characterized using a biomarker and compound specific carbon stable isotope approach. It was found that the biomarker composition of these sediments is dominated by higher plant inputs from the riparian zone, although inputs from adjacent prairie grasses were also apparent. Conflicting to some extent with the River Continuum Concept, sediments of the upper reaches contained more degraded OM, while the lower reaches were enriched in fresh material deriving from higher plants and plankton sources as a result of hydrological regimes and particle sorting.


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Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) is the least known component of the nitrogen cycle, in part as a result of the lack of adequate analytical methods for its molecular characterization. In this study proteinaceous material in DON, collected at six geomorphologically different sites in the Florida coastal Everglades, was characterized by amino acid analysis and protein gel electrophoresis. The amino acid composition of the samples suggests that the canal DON was more degraded and subject to higher microbial inputs than the mangrove marshwater and marine end-member stations. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) results supported this observation as distinctly different protein profiles were obtained for the canal waters compared to samples collected at other stations. These preliminary results highlight the potential of combining amino acid and intact protein analysis to fingerprint the sources of DON in different aquatic environments, and show SDS-PAGE as a potentially useful method to characterize DON.


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Fluorescence properties of whole water samples and molecular characteristics of ultrafiltrated dissolved organic matter (UDOM > 1,000 D) such as lignin phenol and neutral sugar compositions and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra were determined along a freshwater to marine gradient in Everglades National Park. Furthermore, UDOM samples were categorized by hierarchical cluster analysis based on their pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry products. Fluorescence properties suggest that autochthonous DOM leached/exuded from biomass is quantitatively important in this system. 13C NMR spectra showed that UDOM from the oligotrophic Taylor Slough (TS) and Florida Bay (FB) ecosystems has low aromatic C (13% ± 3% for TS; 2% ± 2% for FB) and very high O-alkyl C (54% ± 4% for TS; 75% ± 4% for FB) concentrations. High O-alkyl C concentrations in FB suggest seagrass/phytoplankton communities as dominant sources of UDOM. The amount of neutral sugars was not appreciably different between the TS and FB sites (115 ± 12 mg C g C-1 UDOM) but their concentrations suggest a low level of diagenesis and high production rates of this material in this oligotrophic environment. Total yield of lignin phenols (vanillyl + syringyl phenols) in TS was low (0.20–0.39 mg 100 mg C-1 UDOM) compared with other riverine environments and even lower in FB (0.04–0.07 mg 100 mg C-1 UDOM) and could be a result of photodegradation and/or dilution by other utochthonous DOM. The high O-alkyl and low aromatic nature of this UDOM suggests significant biogenic inputs (as compared with soils) and limited bioavailability in this ecosystem.


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Detection canines represent the fastest and most versatile means of illicit material detection. This research endeavor in its most simplistic form is the improvement of detection canines through training, training aids, and calibration. This study focuses on developing a universal calibration compound for which all detection canines, regardless of detection substance, can be tested daily to ensure that they are working with acceptable parameters. Surrogate continuation aids (SCAs) were developed for peroxide based explosives along with the validation of the SCAs already developed within the International Forensic Research Institute (IFRI) prototype surrogate explosives kit. Storage parameters of the SCAs were evaluated to give recommendations to the detection canine community on the best possible training aid storage solution that minimizes the likelihood of contamination. Two commonly used and accepted detection canine imprinting methods were also evaluated for the speed in which the canine is trained and their reliability. As a result of the completion of this study, SCAs have been developed for explosive detection canine use covering: peroxide based explosives, TNT based explosives, nitroglycerin based explosives, tagged explosives, plasticized explosives, and smokeless powders. Through the use of these surrogate continuation aids a more uniform and reliable system of training can be implemented in the field than is currently used today. By examining the storage parameters of the SCAs, an ideal storage system has been developed using three levels of containment for the reduction of possible contamination. The developed calibration compound will ease the growing concerns over the legality and reliability of detection canine use by detailing the daily working parameters of the canine, allowing for Daubert rules of evidence admissibility to be applied. Through canine field testing, it has been shown that the IFRI SCAs outperform other commercially available training aids on the market. Additionally, of the imprinting methods tested, no difference was found in the speed in which the canines are trained or their reliability to detect illicit materials. Therefore, if the recommendations discovered in this study are followed, the detection canine community will greatly benefit through the use of scientifically validated training techniques and training aids.


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Flocculent material (floc) is an important energy source in wetlands. In the Florida Everglades, floc is present in both freshwater marshes and coastal environments and plays a key role in food webs and nutrient cycling. However, not much is known about its environmental dynamics, in particular its biological sources and bio-reactivity. We analysed floc samples collected from different environments in the Florida Everglades and applied biomarkers and pigment chemotaxonomy to identify spatial and seasonal differences in organic matter sources. An attempt was made to link floc composition with algal and plant productivity. Spatial differences were observed between freshwater marsh and estuarine floc. Freshwater floc receives organic matter inputs from local periphyton mats, as indicated by microbial biomarkers and chlorophyll-a estimates. At the estuarine sites, the floc is dominated by mangrove as well as diatom inputs from the marine end-member. The hydroperiod (duration and depth of inundation) at the freshwater sites influences floc organic matter preservation, where the floc at the short-hydroperiod site is more oxidised likely due to periodic dry-down conditions. Seasonal differences in floc composition were not consistent and the few that were observed are likely linked to the primary productivity of the dominant biomass (periphyton in the freshwater marshes and mangroves in the estuarine zone). Molecular evidence for hydrological transport of floc material from the freshwater marshes to the coastal fringe was also observed. With the on-going restoration of the Florida Everglades, it is important to gain a better understanding of the biogeochemical dynamics of floc, including its sources, transformations and reactivity.