983 resultados para Nickel-titanium alloys


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An attempt has been made to review current information on the microscopic thermodynamics of liquid alloys. For complex alloys, and for alloys of simple metals with strong "compound-forming" tendencies, the fluctuation approach developed by Bhatia and his co-workers provides a useful link between the fluctuation in concentration and number density of atoms in the mixture on the one hand, and macroscopic thermodynamic properties on the other. Some selected examples of the application of structural data of liquid alloys to estimating macroscopic thermodynamic properties such as the Gibbs free energy of mixing, coupled with the fluctuation approach are given. The relevant thermodynamic quantities such as vapor pressure and entropy are also discussed, to facilitate the understanding of the present status of the fundamental and powerful links between macroscopic and microscopic (atomic scale) structure of liquid alloys (Mg--Sn, Li--Pb, Hg--K). 63 ref.--AA


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The equilibrium partial pressures of Mn over bcc Cr--Mn alloys have been measured using Knudsen cell technique in the temp. range 1200-1500K. The alloys in particulate form were contained in thoria crucibles inside Knudsen cells made of tungsten. The rates of mass loss of each cell under vacuum was monitered as a function of time at constant temp. using a microbalance. Activities exhibit mild negative deviations from Raoult's law, contrary to indications from an earlier study using a fused salt emf technique. The Cr--Mn system is characterized by negative enthalpy and excess entropy of mixing. There is close similarity between the composition dependence of enthalpy and excess entropy. These findings suggest strong vibrational and negligible magnetic contributions to excess entropy of mixing in bcc phase at high temp. 10 ref.--AA


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Two solid state galvanic cells:Pt, Ni + Ni2Si04 + Si02/(Y203)Zr02/Ni + + NiO, Pt (1) and Pt, Ni + NizSiOj + Si02/CaF2/Ni + + NiO, Pt (11) have been employed for the determination of the Gibbs' energy of formation of nickel orthosilicate(Ni2Si04) from nickel oxide and quartz. The emf of cell (I) was reversible and reproducible in the temperature range 925 to 1375K whereas emf of cell (11) drifted with time and changed polarity. From the results of cell (I), the Gibbs' energy of formation of nickel silicate is obtained as,2Ni0 (r.s.) + Si02 (quartz) + Ni2Si04 (olivine)Gibbs' energy of formation of the spinel form of Ni2Si04 is obtained by combining the data for olivine obtained in this study with high pressure data on olivine to spinel transition reported in the literature. The complex time dependence of the emf of cell (11) can be rationalised on the basis of formation of calcium silicates from calcium oxide, generally present as an impurity in the calcium fluoride electrolyte, and silica. The emf of cell (11) is shown to be the function of the activity of calcium oxide at the electrolyte/ electrode interface. The results provide strong evidence against the recent suggestion of mixed anionic conduction in calcium fluoride.


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The activity of Cr in solid Cr-Mo alloys has been measured at 1873 K using a metal-oxide-gas equilibrium technique. Thin foils of Mo were equilibrated with solid Cr203 under flowing gas mixtures of argon, hydrogen and watervapourof known composition. The equilibrium concentration of Cr in Mo was determined by chemical analysis. These measurements indicate positive deviations from Raoult's law. The activity data obtained in the study at 1873 K are combined with free energy of mixing at 1471 K, calorimetric enthalpy of mixing at 1673 K, and experimental evidence of phase separation at lower temperatures, reported in the literature, to obtain an optimised set of thermodynamic parameters for the Cr-Mosystem in the solid state.


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The limiting solubility of oxygen in liquid nickel in equilibrium withα-alumina and nickel aluminate has been measured by inert gas fusion analysis of suction samples in the temperature range 1730 to 1975 K. The corresponding oxygen potential has been monitored by a solid electrolyte cell consisting of calcia stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte and Mo + MoO2 as the reference electrode. The results can be summarized by the following equations: log(at. pct O) = \frac - 10,005T + 4.944 ( ±0.015)log(atpctO)=T−10005+4944(0015) % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn DmO2 /4.606RT = log P O2 1/2 = \frac - 13,550T + 4.411 ( ±0.009)O24606RT=logPO212=T−13550+4411(0009) From simultaneous measurements of the potential and concentration of oxygen in melts, not in thermodynamic equilibrium with alumina and aluminate phases, information on the composition dependence of the activity coefficient and the standard free energy of solution of oxygen is obtained. For the reaction, $\frac{1}{2} O_2 \to \underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$Missing close brace ΔG o = -72,930 - 7.11T (±840) J gr.at.–1 = + 0.216 at. pct OlogfO=T−500+0216atpctO where the standard state for dissolved oxygen is that which makes the value of activity equal to the concentration (in at. pct) in the limit as concentration approaches zero. The oxygen solubility in liquid nickel in equilibrium with solid NiO, evaluated from thermodynamic data, is compared with information reported in the literature. Implications of the results to the deoxidation equilibria of aluminum in nickel are discussed.


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It has been experimentally established that nickel and cobalt can be extracted from their ferrites with sodium sulphate melt containing femc ions. The kinetics of extraction from synthetic ferrites using a melt of sodium and ferric sulphates of eutectic composition has been studied as a function of the particle size of the ferrite and temperature in the range 900 to 1073 K. The divalent ions in the ferrite exchange with the ferric ion in the melt, leaving a residue of hematite.The rate of reaction conforms to the Crank-Ginstling-Brounshtein diffusion model. The reaction rate is governed by the counter-diffusion of ~ e an~d ~+i ' +(or co2+) ions in the hematite lattice. Analytical expressions for the rate constants have been derived from the experimental data as a function of particle size and temperature. The activation energy for the extraction of nickel from nickel ferrite is 154(+10) kJ mol-' and the corresponding value for cobalt is 142(+10)kJ mol;'. In sulphation roasting of minerals containing nickel, the yield of nickel is generally limited to 75% due to the formation of insoluble ferrites. The use of melts based on sodium sulphate provides a possible route for enhancing the recovery of nickel to approximately 98%.


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A methodology for evaluating the reactivity of titanium with mould materials during casting has been developed. Microhardness profiles and analysis of oxygen contamination have provided an index for evaluation of the reactivity of titanium. Microhardness profile delineates two distinct regions, one of which is characterised by a low value of hardness which is invariant with distance. The reaction products are uniformly distributed in the metal in this region. The second is characterised by a sharp decrease in microhardness with distance from the metal-mould interface. It represents a diffusion zone for solutes that dissolve into titanium from the mould. The qualitative profiles for contaminants determined by scanning electron probe microanalyser and secondary ion mass spectroscopy in the as-cast titanium were found to be similar to that of microhardness, implying that microhardness can be considered as an index of the contamination resulting from metal-mould reaction.


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Metal-mold reaction during Ti casting in zircon sand molds has been studied using scanning electron microscope, energy and wave length dispersive analysis of X-rays, X-ray diffraction, microhardness measurements, and chemical analysis. Experimental results suggest that oxides from the mold are not fully leached out by liquid Ti, but oxygen is preferentially transferred to liquid Ti, leaving behind metallic constituents in the mold as lower oxides or intermetallics of Ti. The electron microprobe analysis has revealed the depth profile of contaminants from the mold into the cast Ti metal. The elements Si, Zr and O were found to have diffused to a considerable distance within the Ti metals. A possible mechanism has now been evolved in regard to the reactions that occur during casting of Ti in zircon sand molds.


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The experimental observations of casting titanium in sodium silicate bonded zircon sand mould are presented in this paper. Metal-mould reactions, in general, involved dissolution of oxides in liquid titanium resulting in contamination of the casting. Minimal metal-mould reactions occurred when titanium was cast in zircon sand mould containing about 7.5 wt% of ZrO2. It has been further shown that the metal-mould reaction is considerably reduced if moulds were fired at high temperatures (> 1273K). This ensured elimination of moisture from the mould and also resulted in some beneficial changes in the mould chemistry. The reduction in metal-mould reaction is reflected in the decrease in oxygen and hydrogen contamination and decrease in hardness. Thus microhardness profile and oxygen analysis seems to provide a good index for evaluation of severity of metal-mould reaction. The method has been demonstrated to be satisfactory for casting titanium components.


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The activity of strontium in liquid Al-Sr alloys (X(Sr) less-than-or-equal-to 0.17) at 1323 K has been determined using the Knudsen effusion-mass loss technique. At higher concentrations (X(Sr) greater-than-or-equal-to 0.28), the activity of strontium has been determined by the pseudoisopiestic technique. Activity of aluminium has been derived by Gibbs-Duhem integration. The concentration - concentration structure factor of Bhatia and Thornton at zero wave vector has been computed from the thermodynamic data. The behaviour of the mean square thermal fluctuation in composition and the thermodynamic mixing functions suggest association tendencies in the liquid state. The associated solution model with Al2Sr as the predominant complex can account for the properties of the liquid alloy. Thermodynamic data for the intermetallic compunds in the Al-Sr system have been derived using the phase diagram and the Gibbs' energy and enthalpy of mixing of liquid alloys. The data indicate the need for redetermination of the phase diagram near the strontium-rich corner.


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The oxygen potentials of four rare-earth metal – oxygen (RE–O: RE=Gd, Dy, Tb, Er) solid solutions have been measured by equilibration with yttrium – oxygen (Y–O) and titanium – oxygen (Ti–O) solid solutions. Rare-earth metal, yttrium and titanium samples were immersed in calcium-saturated CaCl2 melt at temperatures between 1093 and 1233 K. Homogeneous oxygen potential was established in the metallic samples through the fused salt, which contains some dissolved CaO. The metallic samples were analyzed for oxygen after quenching. The oxygen potentials of RE–O solid solutions were determined using either Y–O or Ti–O solid solution as the reference. This method enabled reliable measurement of extremely low oxygen potentials at high temperature (circa pO2=10−48 atm at 1173 K). It was found that the oxygen affinity of the metals decreases in the order: Y>Er>Dy>Tb>Gd>Ti. Values for the standard Gibbs energy of solution of oxygen in RE metals obtained in this study, permit assessment of the extent of deoxidation that can be achieved with various purification techniques. It may be possible to achieve an oxygen level of 10 mass ppm using an electrochemical deoxidation method.


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The removal of oxygen from rare-earth metals (RE, RE=Gd, Tb, Dy, Er) by an electrochemical deoxidation method was investigated. A titanium basket containing the rare-earth metal sample, submerged in molten CaCl2 electrolyte, formed the cathode of an electrolysis cell. A high-purity graphite anode was used. The calcium metal produced at the cathode effectively deoxidized the rare-earth metal. Carbon monoxide and dioxide were generated at the graphite anode. Rare-earth metals containing more than 2000 mass ppm oxygen were deoxidized to 10–50 mass ppm level by electrolysis at 1189 K for 36 ks (10 h). Cyclic voltammetry was used to characterize the molten salt at different stages of the process. The effectiveness of the process is discussed with the aid of a chemical potential diagram for RE–O solid solutions. The new electrochemical technique is compared with the conventional deoxidation methods reported in the literature. The possibility of nitrogen removal from the rare-earth metals by the electrochemical method is outlined.


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The phase relations in the system Dy–Mg–Cl at 1073 K have been established by isothermal equilibration and chemical analysis of quenched samples. Liquid Mg-rich alloy was found to be in equilibrium with molten DyCl2. Therefore, DyCl2 can be synthesized by reduction of MgCl2 with excess of metallic Dy at 1073 K. The Gibbs energy of formation of DyCl2 at 1073 K was evaluated by two different methods. From voltammetric determination of decomposition voltage, the upper limit for the standard Gibbs energy of formation of DyCl2 was estimated to be −505(±20) kJ mol−1. A value of −543(±10) kJ mol−1 was deduced from phase relations using Gibbs–Duhem integration. The value for the standard Gibbs energy of DyCl2 indicates that the Dy2+ ion has a potential capability for reducing TiCl4 to metal titanium. At the same time, Mg is a reductant for Dy3+ produced during the reduction of TiCl4. Thus, it is thermodynamically confirmed that reduction of TiCl4 by magnesium using a reaction mediator in the salt phase is feasible.