879 resultados para Next-Generation Sequencing


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Human being’s visual attentional system is the direct results of millions of years of evolutionary selection. As an adaptation to the environment, the most prominent function of attentional system is to facilitate the effective selection and subsequent processing of the most critical information and events from the environment with the aim of enhancing a given individual’s chance of passing his/her gene to the next generation. In the living environment of ancestral human beings, animals were undoubtedly one of those stimulus categories of great evolutionary significance. Since the process of animal-related information had life-or-death consequences for ancestral human beings, some researchers proposed a so-called animate monitoring hypothesis which states that there exists a category-specific module in the attentional system of human beings which specializes in the detection and frequent re-inspection of animal stimuli. Drawing on the available findings and theories regarding the inhibition-of-return effect, the present study utilized several variants of the spatial cueing paradigm to test the two main predictions of animate monitoring hypothesis:(1) animal stimuli in the environment are capable of summon attention in a reflexive way; (2) the inhibitory effect of attentional process on animal stimuli is less pronounced when compared to stimuli of other categories. The results of the present study provide supportive evidence to the existence of a category-specific module for animals in the attentional system. The present study contributes to the further understanding of the important role played by attentional mechanism in solving the critical adaptive problem faced by ancestral human beings during the course of evolution.


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A novel design of a moving-coil transducer coupled with a low-hardness elastomer called “the gel surround” is presented in this thesis. This device is termed a “gel-type audio transducer”. The gel-type audio transducer has been developed to overcome the problems that conventional loudspeakers have suffered - that is, the problem with size of the audio device against the quality of sound at low frequency range. Therefore the research work presented herein aims to develop the “gel-type audio transducer” as a next-generation audio transducer for miniaturized woofers. The gel-type audio transducer consists of the magnetic and coil-drive plate assembly, and these parts are coupled by the gel surround. The transducer is driven by the electromagnetic conversion mechanism (a moving-coil transducer) and its output driving force can be greatly enhanced by applying the novel mechanism of the gel surround especially at low frequency range, resulting in the enhanced acoustic efficiency. The transducer can be attached to a stiff and light panel with both the optimized impedance matching and minimised wave collisions. The performance of the gel-type audio transducer is greatly influenced by the mass of the magnetic assembly and compliance of the “gel surround”. But as the size of the magnet and its weight have to be kept minimal for a miniaturisation of the device, the focus of the research is on the effect of the of the gel surround. As a result, the effect of the gel surround, made of the RTV (room-temperature vulcanising) silicone elastomer, TPE (thermoplastic elastomer), and the silicone foam, on generation of the output driving force, the energy transfer from the transducer to a panel to which the transducer is attached, and sound radiation from the vibrating panel, was investigated. This effect was studied by COMSOL multiphysics (FE analysis) and thereby, the simulated results were verified by experiments such as the laser scanning measurement, DMA (dynamic mechanical analyzer), and the acoustic test. Successful development of prototypes of the gel-type audio transducers, with an enhanced acoustic efficiency at reduced size and weight, was achieved. Implementation of the transducers into consumer applications was also demonstrated with their commercial values.


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Rodzina to wspólnota osób i instytucja społeczna. Jej podstawą jest związek małżeński mężczyzny i kobiety oparty na ich wzajemnej miłości i wolnym wyborze. To instytucja prawa naturalnego, którego twórcą jest sam Bóg. Małżeństwo i rodzina to głęboka wspólnota życia i miłości oraz komunia osób. Ta specyficzna wspólnota odpowiada wzajemnie za siebie, rodzi i wychowuje następne pokolenie, humanizując społeczeństwo. Rodzina jest dobrem społecznym, którego potrzebuje społeczeństwo.


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One relatively unexplored question about the Internet's physical structure concerns the geographical location of its components: routers, links and autonomous systems (ASes). We study this question using two large inventories of Internet routers and links, collected by different methods and about two years apart. We first map each router to its geographical location using two different state-of-the-art tools. We then study the relationship between router location and population density; between geographic distance and link density; and between the size and geographic extent of ASes. Our findings are consistent across the two datasets and both mapping methods. First, as expected, router density per person varies widely over different economic regions; however, in economically homogeneous regions, router density shows a strong superlinear relationship to population density. Second, the probability that two routers are directly connected is strongly dependent on distance; our data is consistent with a model in which a majority (up to 75-95%) of link formation is based on geographical distance (as in the Waxman topology generation method). Finally, we find that ASes show high variability in geographic size, which is correlated with other measures of AS size (degree and number of interfaces). Among small to medium ASes, ASes show wide variability in their geographic dispersal; however, all ASes exceeding a certain threshold in size are maximally dispersed geographically. These findings have many implications for the next generation of topology generators, which we envisage as producing router-level graphs annotated with attributes such as link latencies, AS identifiers and geographical locations.


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Complex systems, from environmental behaviour to electronics reliability, can now be monitored with Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), where multiple environmental sensors are deployed in remote locations. This ensures aggregation and reading of data, at lower cost and lower power consumption. Because miniaturisation of the sensing system is hampered by the fact that discrete sensors and electronics consume board area, the development of MEMS sensors offers a promising solution. At Tyndall, the fabrication flow of multiple sensors has been made compatible with CMOS circuitry to further reduce size and cost. An ideal platform on which to host these MEMS environmental sensors is the Tyndall modular wireless mote. This paper describes the development and test of the latest sensors incorporating temperature, humidity, corrosion, and gas. It demonstrates their deployment on the Tyndall platform, allowing real-time readings, data aggregation and cross-correlation capabilities. It also presents the design of the next generation sensing platform using the novel 10mm wireless cube developed by Tyndall.


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In this work, we investigate tennis stroke recognition using a single inertial measuring unit attached to a player’s forearm during a competitive match. This paper evaluates the best approach for stroke detection using either accelerometers, gyroscopes or magnetometers, which are embedded into the inertial measuring unit. This work concludes what is the optimal training data set for stroke classification and proves that classifiers can perform well when tested on players who were not used to train the classifier. This work provides a significant step forward for our overall goal, which is to develop next generation sports coaching tools using both inertial and visual sensors in an instrumented indoor sporting environment.


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Ultra Wide Band (UWB) transmission has recently been the object of considerable attention in the field of next generation location aware wireless sensor networks. This is due to its fine time resolution, energy efficient and robustness to interference in harsh environments. This paper presents a thorough applied examination of prototype IEEE 802.15.4a impulse UWB transceiver technology to quantify the effect of line of sight (LOS) and non line of sight (NLOS) ranging in real indoor and outdoor environments. Results included draw on an extensive array of experiments that fully characterize the 802.15.4a UWB transceiver technology, its reliability and ranging capabilities for the first time. A new two way (TW) ranging protocol is proposed. The goal of this work is to validate the technology as a dependable wireless communications mechanism for the subset of sensor network localization applications where reliability and precision positions are key concerns.


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The GENESI project has the ambitious goal of bringing WSN technology to the level where it can provide the core of the next generation of systems for structural health monitoring that are long lasting, pervasive and totally distributed and autonomous. This goal requires embracing engineering and scientific challenges never successfully tackled before. Sensor nodes will be redesigned to overcome their current limitations, especially concerning energy storage and provisioning (we need devices with virtually infinite lifetime) and resilience to faults and interferences (for reliability and robustness). New software and protocols will be defined to fully take advantage of the new hardware, providing new paradigms for cross-layer interaction at all layers of the protocol stack and satisfying the requirements of a new concept of Quality of Service (QoS) that is application-driven, truly reflecting the end user perspective and expectations. The GENESI project will develop long lasting sensor nodes by combining cutting edge technologies for energy generation from the environment (energy harvesting) and green energy supply (small form factor fuel cells); GENESI will define models for energy harvesting, energy conservation in super-capacitors and supplemental energy availability through fuel cells, in addition to the design of new algorithms and protocols for dynamic allocation of sensing and communication tasks to the sensors. The project team will design communication protocols for large scale heterogeneous wireless sensor/actuator networks with energy-harvesting capabilities and define distributed mechanisms for context assessment and situation awareness. This paper presents an analysis of the GENESI system requirements in order to achieve the ambitious goals of the project. Extending from the requirements presented, the emergent system specification is discussed with respect to the selection and integration of relevant system components.The resulting integrated system will be evaluated and characterised to ensure that it is capable of satisfying the functional requirements of the project


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This thesis covers both the packaging of silicon photonic devices with fiber inputs and outputs as well as the integration of laser light sources with these same devices. The principal challenge in both of these pursuits is coupling light into the submicrometer waveguides that are the hallmark of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) systems. Previous work on grating couplers is leveraged to design new approaches to bridge the gap between the highly-integrated domain of silicon, the Interconnected world of fiber and the active region of III-V materials. First, a novel process for the planar packaging of grating couplers with fibers is explored in detail. This technology allows the creation of easy-to-use test platforms for laser integration and also stands on its own merits as an enabling technology for next-generation silicon photonics systems. The alignment tolerances of this process are shown to be well-suited to a passive alignment process and for wafer-scale assembly. Furthermore, this technology has already been used to package demonstrators for research partners and is included in the offerings of the ePIXfab silicon photonics foundry and as a design kit for PhoeniX Software’s MaskEngineer product. After this, a process for hybridly integrating a discrete edge-emitting laser with a silicon photonic circuit using near-vertical coupling is developed and characterized. The details of the various steps of the design process are given, including mechanical, thermal, optical and electrical steps. The interrelation of these design domains is also discussed. The construction process for a demonstrator is outlined, and measurements are presented of a series of single-wavelength Fabry-Pérot lasers along with a two-section laser tunable in the telecommunications C-band. The suitability and potential of this technology for mass manufacture is demonstrated, with further opportunities for improvement detailed and discussed in the conclusion.


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This work focuses on development of electrostatic supercapacitors (ESCs) using process routes compatible with complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication. Wafer-scale anodised aluminium oxide (AAO) processing techniques have been developed to produce high-surface area templates. Statistically optimised atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes have been developed to conformally coat the templates and generate metalinsulator-metal capacitor structures. Detailed electrical characterisation and analysis for a range of devices, revealed ESC’s with high capacitance densities of ~12 μF cm-2 and equivalent energy densities of 0.28 Wh/kg . Finally the suitability of ESC’s toward next generation energy storage applications is discussed.


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The global rise in antibiotic resistance is a significant problem facing healthcare professionals. In particular within the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung, bacteria can establish chronic infection and resistance to a wide array of antibiotic therapies. One of the principle pathogens associated with chronic infection in the CF lung is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. P. aeruginosa can establish chronic infection in the CF lung partly through the use of the biofilm mode of growth. This biofilm mode of growth offers a considerable degree of protection from a wide variety of challenges such as the host immune system or antibiotic therapy. The threat posed by the emergence of chronic pathogens is prompting the development of next generation antimicrobials. The biofilm mode of growth is often central to the establishment of chronic infection and the development of antibiotic resistance. Thus, targeting biofilm formation has emerged as one of the principle strategies for the development of next generation antimicrobials. In this thesis two separate approaches were used to identify potential anti - biofilm targets. The first strategy focused on the identification of novel genes with a role in a biofilm formation. High throughput screening identified almost 300 genes which had a role in biofilm formation. A number of these genes were characterised at a phenotypic and a molecular level. The second strategy focused on the identification of compounds capable of inhibiting biofilm formation. A collection of marine sponge isolated bacteria were screened for the ability to inhibit the central pathway regulating biofilm formation, quorum sensing. A number of distinct isolates were identified that had quorum sensing inhibition activity from which, a Pseudomonas isolate was selected for further characterisation. A specific compound capable of inhibiting quorum sensing was identified using chemical analytical technologies in the supernatant of this marine isolate.


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High volumes of data traffic along with bandwidth hungry applications, such as cloud computing and video on demand, is driving the core optical communication links closer and closer to their maximum capacity. The research community has clearly identifying the coming approach of the nonlinear Shannon limit for standard single mode fibre [1,2]. It is in this context that the work on modulation formats, contained in Chapter 3 of this thesis, was undertaken. The work investigates the proposed energy-efficient four-dimensional modulation formats. The work begins by studying a new visualisation technique for four dimensional modulation formats, akin to constellation diagrams. The work then carries out one of the first implementations of one such modulation format, polarisation-switched quadrature phase-shift keying (PS-QPSK). This thesis also studies two potential next-generation fibres, few-mode and hollow-core photonic band-gap fibre. Chapter 4 studies ways to experimentally quantify the nonlinearities in few-mode fibre and assess the potential benefits and limitations of such fibres. It carries out detailed experiments to measure the effects of stimulated Brillouin scattering, self-phase modulation and four-wave mixing and compares the results to numerical models, along with capacity limit calculations. Chapter 5 investigates hollow-core photonic band-gap fibre, where such fibres are predicted to have a low-loss minima at a wavelength of 2μm. To benefit from this potential low loss window requires the development of telecoms grade subsystems and components. The chapter will outline some of the development and characterisation of these components. The world's first wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) subsystem directly implemented at 2μm is presented along with WDM transmission over hollow-core photonic band-gap fibre at 2μm. References: [1]P. P. Mitra, J. B. Stark, Nature, 411, 1027-1030, 2001 [2] A. D. Ellis et al., JLT, 28, 423-433, 2010.


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Long reach passive optical networks (LR-PONs), which integrate fibre-to-the-home with metro networks, have been the subject of intensive research in recent years and are considered one of the most promising candidates for the next generation of optical access networks. Such systems ideally have reaches greater than 100km and bit rates of at least 10Gb/s per wavelength in the downstream and upstream directions. Due to the limited equipment sharing that is possible in access networks, the laser transmitters in the terminal units, which are usually the most expensive components, must be as cheap as possible. However, the requirement for low cost is generally incompatible with the need for a transmitter chirp characteristic that is optimised for such long reaches at 10Gb/s, and hence dispersion compensation is required. In this thesis electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) techniques are employed to increase the chromatic dispersion tolerance and to enhance the system performance at the expense of moderate additional implementation complexity. In order to use such EDC in LR-PON architectures, a number of challenges associated with the burst-mode nature of the upstream link need to be overcome. In particular, the EDC must be made adaptive from one burst to the next (burst-mode EDC, or BM-EDC) in time scales on the order of tens to hundreds of nanoseconds. Burst-mode operation of EDC has received little attention to date. The main objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the feasibility of such a concept and to identify the key BM-EDC design parameters required for applications in a 10Gb/s burst-mode link. This is achieved through a combination of simulations and transmission experiments utilising off-line data processing. The research shows that burst-to-burst adaptation can in principle be implemented efficiently, opening the possibility of low overhead, adaptive EDC-enabled burst-mode systems.


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For efficient use of metal oxides, such as MnO(2) and RuO(2), in pseudocapacitors and other electrochemical applications, the poor conductivity of the metal oxide is a major problem. To tackle the problem, we have designed a ternary nanocomposite film composed of metal oxide (MnO(2)), carbon nanotube (CNT), and conducting polymer (CP). Each component in the MnO(2)/CNT/CP film provides unique and critical function to achieve optimized electrochemical properties. The electrochemical performance of the film is evaluated by cyclic voltammetry, and constant-current charge/discharge cycling techniques. Specific capacitance (SC) of the ternary composite electrode can reach 427 F/g. Even at high mass loading and high concentration of MnO(2) (60%), the film still showed SC value as high as 200 F/g. The electrode also exhibited excellent charge/discharge rate and good cycling stability, retaining over 99% of its initial charge after 1000 cycles. The results demonstrated that MnO(2) is effectively utilized with assistance of other components (fFWNTs and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) in the electrode. Such ternary composite is very promising for the next generation high performance electrochemical supercapacitors.


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Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease are associated with elevated levels of iron, copper, and zinc and consequentially high levels of oxidative stress. Given the multifactorial nature of these diseases, it is becoming evident that the next generation of therapies must have multiple functions to combat multiple mechanisms of disease progression. Metal-chelating agents provide one such function as an intervention for ameliorating metal-associated damage in degenerative diseases. Targeting chelators to adjust localized metal imbalances in the brain, however, presents significant challenges. In this perspective, we focus on some noteworthy advances in the area of multifunctional metal chelators as potential therapeutic agents for neurodegenerative diseases. In addition to metal chelating ability, these agents also contain features designed to improve their uptake across the blood-brain barrier, increase their selectivity for metals in damage-prone environments, increase antioxidant capabilities, lower Abeta peptide aggregation, or inhibit disease-associated enzymes such as monoamine oxidase and acetylcholinesterase.