963 resultados para National Cancer Institute (U.S.). Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention


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Background:There are wide international differences in 1-year cancer survival. The UK and Denmark perform poorly compared with other high-income countries with similar health care systems: Australia, Canada and Sweden have good cancer survival rates, Norway intermediate survival rates. The objective of this study was to examine the pattern of differences in cancer awareness and beliefs across these countries to identify where these might contribute to the pattern of survival.Methods:We carried out a population-based telephone interview survey of 19 079 men and women aged =50 years in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the UK using the Awareness and Beliefs about Cancer measure.Results:Awareness that the risk of cancer increased with age was lower in the UK (14%), Canada (13%) and Australia (16%) but was higher in Denmark (25%), Norway (29%) and Sweden (38%). Symptom awareness was no lower in the UK and Denmark than other countries. Perceived barriers to symptomatic presentation were highest in the UK, in particular being worried about wasting the doctor's time (UK 34%; Canada 21%; Australia 14%; Denmark 12%; Norway 11%; Sweden 9%).Conclusion:The UK had low awareness of age-related risk and the highest perceived barriers to symptomatic presentation, but symptom awareness in the UK did not differ from other countries. Denmark had higher awareness of age-related risk and few perceived barriers to symptomatic presentation. This suggests that other factors must be involved in explaining Denmark's poor survival rates. In the UK, interventions that address barriers to prompt presentation in primary care should be developed and evaluated. © 2013 Cancer Research UK. All rights reserved.


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Background: We investigate whether differences in breast cancer survival in six high-income countries can be explained by differences in stage at diagnosis using routine data from population-based cancer registries. Methods: We analysed the data on 257 362 women diagnosed with breast cancer during 2000-7 and registered in 13 population-based cancer registries in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the UK. Flexible parametric hazard models were used to estimate net survival and the excess hazard of dying from breast cancer up to 3 years after diagnosis.Results:Age-standardised 3-year net survival was 87-89% in the UK and Denmark, and 91-94% in the other four countries. Stage at diagnosis was relatively advanced in Denmark: only 30% of women had Tumour, Nodes, Metastasis (TNM) stage I disease, compared with 42-45% elsewhere. Women in the UK had low survival for TNM stage III-IV disease compared with other countries. Conclusion: International differences in breast cancer survival are partly explained by differences in stage at diagnosis, and partly by differences in stage-specific survival. Low overall survival arises if the stage distribution is adverse (e.g. Denmark) but stage-specific survival is normal; or if the stage distribution is typical but stage-specific survival is low (e.g. UK). International differences in staging diagnostics and stage-specific cancer therapies should be investigated. © 2013 Cancer Research UK. All rights reserved.


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Background: Beta-blockers have potential antiangiogenic and antimigratory activity. Studies have demonstrated a survival benefit in patients with malignant melanoma treated with beta-blockers.

Objectives: To investigate the association between postdiagnostic beta-blocker usage and risk of melanoma-specific mortality in a population-based cohort of patients with malignant melanoma.

Methods: Patients with incident malignant melanoma diagnosed between 1998 and 2010 were identified within the U.K. Clinical Practice Research Datalink and confirmed using cancer registry data. Patients with malignant melanoma with a melanoma-specific death (cases) recorded by the Office of National Statistics were matched on year of diagnosis, age and sex to four malignant melanoma controls (who lived at least as long after diagnosis as their matched case). A nested case–control approach was used to investigate the association between postdiagnostic beta-blocker usage and melanoma-specific death and all-cause mortality. Conditional logistic regression was applied to generate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for beta-blocker use determined from general practitioner prescribing.

Results: Beta-blocker medications were prescribed after malignant melanoma diagnosis to 20·2% of 242 patients who died from malignant melanoma (cases) and 20·3% of 886 matched controls. Consequently, there was no association between beta-blocker use postdiagnosis and cancer-specific death (OR 0·99, 95% CI 0·68–1·42), which did not markedly alter after adjustment for confounders including stage (OR 0·87, 95% CI 0·56–1·34). No significant associations were detected for individual beta-blocker types, by defined daily doses of use or for all-cause mortality.

Conclusions: Contrary to some previous studies, beta-blocker use after malignant melanoma diagnosis was not associated with reduced risk of death from melanoma in this U.K. population-based study.


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Background: The association between body size and head and neck cancers (HNCA) is unclear, partly because of the biases in case–control studies. Methods: In the prospective NIH–AARP cohort study, 218,854 participants (132,288 men and 86,566 women), aged 50 to 71 years, were cancer free at baseline (1995 and 1996), and had valid anthropometric data. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to examine the associations between body size and HNCA, adjusted for current and past smoking habits, alcohol intake, education, race, and fruit and vegetable consumption, and reported as HR and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: Until December 31, 2006, 779 incident HNCAs occurred: 342 in the oral cavity, 120 in the oro- and hypopharynx, 265 in the larynx, 12 in the nasopharynx, and 40 at overlapping sites. There was an inverse association between HNCA and body mass index, which was almost exclusively among current smokers (HR = 0.76 per each 5 U increase; 95% CI, 0.63–0.93), and diminished as initial years of follow-up were excluded. We observed a direct association with waist-to-hip ratio (HR = 1.16 per 0.1 U increase; 95% CI, 1.03–1.31), particularly for cancers of the oral cavity (HR, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.17–1.67). Height was also directly associated with total HNCAs (P = 0.02), and oro- and hypopharyngeal cancers (P < 0.01). Conclusions: The risk of HNCAs was associated inversely with leanness among current smokers, and directly with abdominal obesity and height. Impact: Our study provides evidence that the association between leanness and risk of HNCAs may be due to effect modification by smoking. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev; 23(11); 2422–9. ©2014 AACR.


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The Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGFbeta) superfamily of cytokines is comprised of a number of structurally-related, secreted polypeptides that regulate a multitude of cellular processes including proliferation, differentiation and neoplastic transformation. These growth regulatory molecules induce ligand-mediated hetero-oligomerization of distinct type II and type I serine/threonine kinase receptors that transmit signals predominantly through receptor-activated Smad proteins but also induce Smad-independent pathways. Ligands, receptors and intracellular mediators of signaling initiated by members of the TGFbeta family are expressed in the mammary gland and disruption of these pathways may contribute to the development and progression of human breast cancer. Since many facets of TGFbeta and breast cancer have been recently reviewed in several articles, except for discussion of recent developments on some aspects of TGFbeta, the major focus of this review will be on the role of activins, inhibins, BMPs, nodal and MIS-signaling in breast cancer with emphasis on their utility as potential diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic targets.


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BRCA1 and BRCA2 are highly penetrant breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility genes that are mutated in a significant proportion of familial breast and ovarian cancer syndromes. Both of these genes are tumour suppressors, the products of which play vital roles in the cellular response to DNA damage. These proteins function in a number of cellular pathways in order to maintain genomic stability including DNA damage signaling, DNA repair, cell cycle regulation, protein ubiquitination, chromatin remodeling, transcriptional regulation and apoptosis. This chapter will discuss the functions of these proteins and how they relate to tumour development, and therapy. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Modern approaches to biomedical research and diagnostics targeted towards precision medicine are generating ‘big data’ across a range of high-throughput experimental and analytical platforms. Integrative analysis of this rich clinical, pathological, molecular and imaging data represents one of the greatest bottlenecks in biomarker discovery research in cancer and other diseases. Following on from the publication of our successful framework for multimodal data amalgamation and integrative analysis, Pathology Integromics in Cancer (PICan), this article will explore the essential elements of assembling an integromics framework from a more detailed perspective. PICan, built around a relational database storing curated multimodal data, is the research tool sitting at the heart of our interdisciplinary efforts to streamline biomarker discovery and validation. While recognizing that every institution has a unique set of priorities and challenges, we will use our experiences with PICan as a case study and starting point, rationalizing the design choices we made within the context of our local infrastructure and specific needs, but also highlighting alternative approaches that may better suit other programmes of research and discovery. Along the way, we stress that integromics is not just a set of tools, but rather a cohesive paradigm for how modern bioinformatics can be enhanced. Successful implementation of an integromics framework is a collaborative team effort that is built with an eye to the future and greatly accelerates the processes of biomarker discovery, validation and translation into clinical practice.


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Medication adherence is a well-known risk factor in internal medicine. However in oncology this dimension is emerging due to the increasing number of oral formulations. First results in the oral oncology literature suggest that patients' ability to cope with medical prescription decreases with time. This might preclude patients from reaching clinical outcomes. Factors impacting on medication adherence to oral oncology treatments have not been yet extensively described neither strategies to address them and support patient's needs. Oncologists and pharmacists in our University outpatient settings performed a pilot study which aimed at measuring and facilitating adherence to oral oncology treatments and at understanding determinants of patient's adherence. The ultimate purpose of such a patient-centered and interdisciplinary collaboration would be to promote patient self-management and complement the standard medical follow-up.


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Tetrasomy, pentasomy, and hexasomy 8 (polysomy 8) are relatively rare compared to trisomy 8. Here we report on a series of 12 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), or myeloproliferative disorder (MPD) associated with polysomy 8 as detected by conventional cytogenetics and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In an attempt to better characterize the clinical and hematological profile of this cytogenetic entity, our data were combined with those of 105 published patients. Tetrasomy 8 was the most common presentation of polysomy 8. In 60.7% of patients, polysomy 8 occurred as part of complex changes (16.2% with 11q23 rearrangements). No cryptic MLL rearrangements were found in cases in which polysomy 8 was the only karyotypic change. Our study demonstrates the existence of a polysomy 8 syndrome, which represents a subtype of AML, MDS, and MPD characterized by a high incidence of secondary diseases, myelomonocytic or monocytic involvement in AML and poor overall survival (6 months). Age significantly reduced median survival, but associated cytogenetic abnormalities did not modify it. Cytogenetic results further demonstrate an in vitro preferential growth of the cells with a high level of aneuploidy suggesting a selective advantage for polysomy 8 cells.


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Background: Oncological treatments are traditionally administered via intravenous injection by qualified personnel. Oral formulas which are developing rapidly are preferred by patients and facilitate administration however they may increase non-adherence. In this study 4 common oral chemotherapeutics are given to 50 patients, who are still in the process of inclusion, divided into 4 groups. The aim is to evaluate adherence and offer these patients interdisciplinary support with the joint help of doctors and pharmacists. We present here the results for capecitabine. Materials and Methods: The final goal is to evaluate adhesion in 50 patients split into 4 groups according to oral treatments (letrozole/exemestane, imatinib/sunitinib, capecitabine and temozolomide) using persistence and quality of execution as parameters. These parameters are evaluated using a medication event monitoring system (MEMS®) in addition to routine oncological visits and semi-structured interviews. Patients were monitored for the entire duration of treatment up to a maximum of 1 year. Patient satisfaction was assessed at the end of the monitoring period using a standardized questionary. Results: Capecitabine group included 2 women and 8 men with a median age of 55 years (range: 36−77 years) monitored for an average duration of 100 days (range: 5-210 days). Persistence was 98% and quality of execution 95%. 5 patients underwent cyclic treatment (2 out of 3 weeks) and 5 patients continuous treatment. Toxicities higher than grade 1 were grade 2−3 hand-foot syndrome in 1 patient and grade 3 acute coronary syndrome in 1 patient both without impact on adherence. Patients were satisfied with the interviews undergone during the study (57% useful, 28% very useful, 15% useless) and successfully integrated the MEMS® in their daily lives (57% very easily, 43% easily) according to the results obtained by questionary at the end of the monitoring period. Conclusion: Persistence and quality of execution observed in our Capecitabine group of patients were excellent and better than expected compared to previously published studies. The interdisciplinary approach allowed us to better identify and help patients with toxicities to maintain adherence. Overall patients were satisfied with the global interdisciplinary follow-up. With longer follow up better evaluation of our method and its impact will be possible. Interpretation of the results of patients in the other groups of this ongoing trial will provide us information for a more detailed analysis.


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Formal amendments to the division of powers provisions of Canada's 1867 federal constitution have always proved difficult to achieve. However, since 1982, this task has become hopelessly unachievable. Modifications to, and adaptation of, the division of power has consequently been left to judges called upon to interpret sections 91 to 95 of the Constitution Act, 1867, and to executives officers of the central and regional governments as they negotiate intergovernmental agreements. The end result of theses two processes has been highly favourable to the central government. Courts have given a liberal interpretation to the central government's exclusive fields of jurisdiction. Moreover, the latter's spending power, unobstructed by the fragile legal framwork imposed under interprovincial agreements, has enabled it to encroach upon the exclusive heads of power of the provinces. As we will see, one of the main reason behind the Canadian constitutional stalemate, and for the recurrent isolation of Quebec - even where informal modification are concerned - is the different conceptions of Canadian federalism respectively held by Quebecers and by English Canadian.


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Le centromère est le site chromosomal où le kinetochore se forme, afin d’assurer une ségrégation fidèles des chromosomes et ainsi maintenir la ploïdie appropriée lors de la mitose. L’identité du centromere est héritée par un mécanisme épigénétique impliquant une variante de l’histone H3 nommée centromere protein-A (CENP-A), qui remplace l’histone H3 au niveau de la chromatine du centromère. Des erreurs de propagation de la chromatine du centromère peuvent mener à des problèmes de ségrégation des chromosomes, pouvant entraîner l’aneuploïdie, un phénomène fréquemment observé dans le cancer. De plus, une expression non-régulée de CENP-A a aussi été rapportée dans différentes tumeurs humaines. Ainsi, plusieurs tudes ont cherchées à élucider la structure et le rôle de la chromatine contenant CENP-A dans des cellules en prolifération. Toutefois, la nature moléculaire de CENP-A en tant que marqueur épigénétique ainsi que ces dynamiques l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire demeurent des sujets débat. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle méthode de comptage de molécules uniques l'aide de la microscopie à réflexion totale interne de la fluorescence (TIRF) sera décrite, puis exploitée afin d'élucider la composition moléculaire des nucléosomes contenant CENP-A, extraits de cellules en prolifération. Nous démontrons que les nucléosomes contenant CENP-A marquent les centromères humains de façon épigénétique à travers le cycle cellulaire. De plus, nos données démontrent que la forme prénucléosomale de CENP-A, en association avec la protéine chaperon HJURP existe sous forme de monomère et de dimère, ce qui reflète une étape intermédiaire de l'assemblage de nucléosomes contenant CENP-A. Ensuite, des analyses quantitatives de centromères lors de différenciation myogénique, et dans différents tissus adultes révèlent des changements globaux qui maintiennent la marque épigénétique dans une forme inactive suite à la différentiation terminale. Ces changements incluent une réduction du nombre de points focaux de CENP-A, un réarrangement des points dans le noyau, ainsi qu'une réduction importante de la quantité de CENP-A. De plus, nous démontrons que lorsqu'une dédifférenciation cellulaire est induite puis le cycle cellulaire ré-entamé, le phénotype "différencié" décrit ci-haut est récupéré, et les centromères reprennent leur phénotype "prolifératif". En somme, cet oeuvre décrit la composition structurale sous-jacente à l'identité épigénétique des centromères de cellules humaines lors du cycle cellulaire, et met en lumière le rôle de CENP-A à l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire.


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All the exciting work on developing new and better alloys has led older alloys, such as AZ9l , being abandoned by researchers. lt is believed that the full potential of AZ9l in automotive design has not been realized. Whatever works have been carried out on AZ9lalloy to improve its mechanical properties are insufficient in terms of its potential usage in auto industries. Due to the fact that AZ91 offers high room temperature mechanical properties and good castability, still this alloy is a primary choice for the auto component manufactures. Small improvement in its creep properties will have a huge impact in the transportation industries. Hence, in the present work, “Influence of Si, Sb and Sr Additions on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy”, an attempt has been made to improve the creep properties of AZ9l alloy through minor alloying elemental additions and to understand its strengthening mechanisms. The effect of alloying additions on the ageing and tensile properties of AZ9l is also studied. In addition to that, role of various intermetallics formed due to the alloying additions on the corrosion properties of AZ9l alloy is investigated.