969 resultados para Military bases and forts


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Unawareness related to brain injury has implications for participation in rehabilitation, functional outcomes, and the emotional well-being of clients. Addressing disorders of awareness is an integral component of many rehabilitation programmes, and a review of the literature identified a range of awareness interventions that include holistic milieu-oriented neuropsychological programmes, psychotherapy, compensatory and facilitatory approaches, structured experiences, direct feedback, videotaped feedback, confrontational techniques, cognitive therapy, group therapy, game formats and behavioural intervention. These approaches are examined in terms of their theoretical bases and research evidence. A distinction is made between intervention approaches for unawareness due to neurocognitive factors and approaches for unawareness due to psychological factors. The socio-cultural context of unawareness is a third factor presented in a biopsychosocial framework to guide clinical decisions about awareness interventions. The ethical and methodological concerns associated with research on awareness interventions are discussed. The main considerations relate to the embedded nature of awareness interventions within rehabilitation programmes, the need for individually tailored interventions, differing responses according to the nature of unawareness, and the risk of eliciting emotional distress in some clients.


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Background and Aims Dormancy has been extensively studied in plants which experience severe winter conditions but much less so in perennial herbaceous plants that must survive summer drought. This paper reviews the current knowledge on summer dormancy in both native and cultivated perennial temperate grasses originating from the Mediterranean Basin, and presents a unified terminology to describe this trait. Scope Under severe drought, it is difficult to separate the responses by which plants avoid and tolerate dehydration from those associated with the expression of summer dormancy. Consequently, this type of endogenous (endo-) dormancy can be tested only in plants that are not subjected to moisture deficit. Summer dormancy can be defined by four criteria, one of which is considered optional: (1) reduction or cessation of leaf production and expansion; (2) senescence of mature foliage; (3) dehydration of surviving organs; and (4, optional) formation of resting organs. The proposed terminology recognizes two levels of summer dormancy: (a) complete dormancy, when cessation of growth is associated with full senescence of foliage and induced dehydration of leaf bases; and (b) incomplete dormancy, when leaf growth is partially inhibited and is associated with moderate levels of foliage senescence. Summer dormancy is expressed under increasing photoperiod and temperature. It is under hormonal control and usually associated with flowering and a reduction in metabolic activity in meristematic tissues. Dehydration tolerance and dormancy are independent phenomena and differ from the adaptations of resurrection plants. Conclusions Summer dormancy has been correlated with superior survival after severe and repeated summer drought in a large range of perennial grasses. In the face of increasing aridity, this trait could be used in the development of cultivars that are able to meet agronomic and environmental goals. It is therefore important to have a better understanding of the genetic and environmental control of summer dormancy.


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O trabalho que tem por título: O Direito é torcido à Porta porque a Justiça se encontra deitada por terra é um exercício exegético que tem por objeto a perícope Am 5,10-13. Na análise semântica dos seus principais vocábulos evidenciou-se uma realidade social, política e econômica paradoxal em Israel, sob o comando de Jeroboão II (787-747 a.C.), como resultado de uma expansão territorial e comercial, de vitórias militares e da organização de um Estado tributarista. Esse modelo de sociedade gerou um antagonismo social entre uma elite abastada que esbanjava luxo e ostentação, à custa do suor e da fome de uma população empobrecida, especialmente a classe camponesa, que trabalhava para sustentar as benesses do mundo urbano. É de dentro dessa realidade que ecoa o grito de Amós como denúncia a esse estado de coisas, como palavra de desgraça e condenação a toda sorte de desmandos praticados em Israel. Entre esses a falência do sistema judiciário, pela prática da exploração e corrupção por parte dos magistrados, de ricos comerciantes e latifundiários, desviando o pobre do seu direito de recorrer em sua defesa perante o tribunal. Em razão disso, Amós anuncia a ruína de Israel, com o Dia de Javé, que será um anti-Êxodo, e aponta uma exigência ético-religiosa como forma de reverter esse não futuro para Israel, que se traduz no compromisso de estabelecer à Porta o Direito e a Justiça.


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No início da década de 1970 o Brasil viveu um período de grande crescimento econômico e de ampla divulgação das ações governamentais através dos meios de comunicação para tentar legitimar o Regime Militar. O País era governado pelo general-presidente Emílio Garrastazu Médici (1969-1974), cuja gestão ficara conhecida como os anos de chumbo . Em meados de 1973 ele decide que seu sucessor no comando da República seria o general Ernesto Geisel. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a campanha de propaganda ideológica feita pelas revistas Manchete e Veja e pelos jornais O Estado de S. Paulo e Folha de S. Paulo para apresentar aos seus leitores o novo Presidente. O trabalho deu-se inicialmente por meio de pesquisas bibliográficas para compreensão daquele período histórico e de analises documentais. Posteriormente realizou-se o estudo das edições selecionadas dos periódicos acima citados para buscar neles evidências dos componentes da propaganda ideológica realizada e para descobrir se eles atuaram ou não como difusores dos interesses oficiais.


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Esta investigação empírica discute e analisa o trabalho docente do profissional do Ensino Médio, sua formação e desestruturação na sociedade contemporânea, procurando relacioná-la à própria crise da formação cultural em vigor. O objetivo principal é analisar as formas de adaptação e de resistência do professor perante as grandes mudanças e novas exigências para o educador do novo século iniciado no ano de 2000, com a chegada do novo milênio. A partir desse objetivo analisado, foi estudado como o professor compreende sua formação e carreira, focalizando as ações instauradas atualmente pela Secretaria do Estado da Educação de São Paulo, no período de 2000 a 2014, nas escolas de Ensino Médio do município de Barueri, confrontando com as regras propostas pela última LDB (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases) e legislação correlata também em âmbito estadual. A hipótese que rege esta investigação é a de que há inconsistências e incoerências na normatização na esfera executiva do sistema estadual de ensino. As Escolas Estaduais de Ensino Médio do município de Barueri (SP) serão o campo empírico desta pesquisa que se realizará em 2013 e 2014. A partir de informações obtidas por meio de análise documental e de respostas fornecidas por professores com questionários padronizados, objetivando caracterizar o perfil profissional do professor, confronta-lo com as exigências do sistema, identificar ações que regulam a sua seleção e explicitar sua manifestação sobre o impacto da má qualidade de sua formação no exercício da docência, fator que favorece o agravamento de forças conservadoras, cristalizadas em forma de práticas voltadas para a resolução de problemas do cotidiano escolar do Ensino Médio. Os estudos sobre cultura escolar, história da educação será apoiado Florestan Fernandes (1966), Otaíza de Oliveira Romanelli (1990), Helena Souza Patto (1999), Raquel Volpato Serbino (1998), Edgar Morin (2006), Guiomar Namo de Mello (2004), Dermeval Saviani (2003), Antônio Nóvoa (1995), José Mário P. Azanha (1968), Selma Pimenta Garrido (1992), Bernadete Gatti (1996), Francisco Imbernón (2002), Martha Abrahão Saad Lucchesi (2002), Lizete Shizue Bomura Maciel (2004), entre outros autores que estaremos pesquisando ao longo do nosso trabalho.


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Esta dissertação procurou apreender que consciência, ou consciências, formaram as Comunidades Eclesiais de Base CEBs com a apropriação das orientações da Educação Popular e da Teologia da Libertação durante o Regime Militar brasileiro. Entretanto, diferente da maioria dos trabalhos que se voltam a essa experiência, o estudo elaborou uma abordagem que as colocaram em prismas diversos. Focalizou, inicialmente, o momento histórico e algumas experiências nos vinte anos de regime e, em seguida, a Educação Popular e a Teologia da Libertação (teoria e prática), objetivando compreender seus projetos político-pedagógicos. A reflexão sobre a Educação Popular e a Teologia da Libertação aliada à reconstituição histórica do período forneceram o contexto no qual se inseriu a análise pretendida: a observação do fenômeno educacional numa perspectiva de micro-análise retratando os processos sociais e as experiências vividas para conhecer a consciência que emergiu de tal experiência educacional. Neste sentido, a pesquisa inferiu, por meio da análise de uma comunidade em particular, que a consciência nascida de tal prática foi de curto alcance, uma vez que os sujeitos envolvidos nesse projeto conscientizador perceberam apenas a ausência imediata de direitos.(AU)


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A presente pesquisa propõe analisar o contexto educacional ocorrido no período da ditadura militar, buscando extrair aspectos históricos e educacionais referentes ao período (1964- 1985). Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada com professores do antigo segundo grau da rede pública de ensino do Município de Santo André (S.P). Optou-se por entrevistar seis professores que atuaram durante esse contexto histórico. Para investigar, foi utilizada a abordagem histórica-metodológica de cunho qualitativo, elegendo a memória como fonte principal de estudo. Para tanto, recorreu-se às contribuições de Bosi (Memória e sociedade: lembranças de velhos, 1984), Thompson (A voz do Passado, 1992), Romanelli (História da Educação no Brasil, 1978), Freitag (Escola Estado e Sociedade, 1980), Góes (O golpe na Educação, 1996), Cunha (Educação e Desenvolvimento Social no Brasil, 1977), Cardoso (Para uma crítica do presente, 2001), Vieira (Estado e miséria social no Brasil, 1995), Minguili (Direção de Escola de 2º grau no Estado de São Paulo, 1984), Arelaro (A extensão do ensino básico no Brasil, 1988), Teixeira (Política e administração de pessoal docente, 1988), Hilsdorf (História da educação brasileira, 2005), Gadotti (Educação e poder, 2001), Germano (Estado militar e educação no Brasil, 1990), Saviani (Escola e democracia, 1986), Santos (Professoras em tempos de mudanças, 2003). A hipótese trabalhada centra-se em interpretar a postura dos professores que atuaram no período em questão, relativa ao regime político que se instalou no País durante esta época, e de que forma isso repercutiu no seu trabalho docente. Na análise do contexto político/social e educacional, recorreu-se à revisão que forneceram subsídios para compreender e explicitar a voz do professor.


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Esta pesquisa teve como pano de fundo a história, as legislações e ações de âmbito nacional referentes ao tema das relações étnico-raciais. O foco central de estudo foram as práticas educativas de professores da Educação Básica, especificamente na realidade sócio-educacional de escolas públicas da rede municipal de ensino da cidade de São Bernardo do Campo. Para isso, à luz da lei 10.639/2003 que alterou a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional e incluiu a história e cultura afrobrasileira no currículo oficial de ensino, analisou-se o que justificou o desenvolvimento de projetos pedagógicos sobre essa temática por aproximadamente 400 professores nos anos de 2008 e 2009, período em que não havia investimentos significativos da Secretaria de Educação no que se refere ao tema. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa de natureza interpretativa, foram aplicados questionários aos professores, para saber o que motivou a realização dos projetos e o papel da formação nesse contexto. Analisou-se, ainda, como as práticas docentes têm contribuído para a discussão do papel da escola (problematizadora /reprodutora) em relação à implementação da Lei 10639/03. A pesquisa constatou que os processos de formação em suas diferentes modalidades podem ser um importante disparador para o desenvolvimento de trabalhos significativos sobre a temática das relações étnico-raciais. Evidenciou, ainda, a importância das leis mencionadas, se não para resolver a questão da invisibilidade da história da África e suas contribuições para a história e cultura brasileira, para contribuir também na problematização das relações raciais e apontar novos caminhos para redução das grandes diferenças sociais existentes no interior das escolas brasileiras.


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The need for low bit-rate speech coding is the result of growing demand on the available radio bandwidth for mobile communications both for military purposes and for the public sector. To meet this growing demand it is required that the available bandwidth be utilized in the most economic way to accommodate more services. Two low bit-rate speech coders have been built and tested in this project. The two coders combine predictive coding with delta modulation, a property which enables them to achieve simultaneously the low bit-rate and good speech quality requirements. To enhance their efficiency, the predictor coefficients and the quantizer step size are updated periodically in each coder. This enables the coders to keep up with changes in the characteristics of the speech signal with time and with changes in the dynamic range of the speech waveform. However, the two coders differ in the method of updating their predictor coefficients. One updates the coefficients once every one hundred sampling periods and extracts the coefficients from input speech samples. This is known in this project as the Forward Adaptive Coder. Since the coefficients are extracted from input speech samples, these must be transmitted to the receiver to reconstruct the transmitted speech sample, thus adding to the transmission bit rate. The other updates its coefficients every sampling period, based on information of output data. This coder is known as the Backward Adaptive Coder. Results of subjective tests showed both coders to be reasonably robust to quantization noise. Both were graded quite good, with the Forward Adaptive performing slightly better, but with a slightly higher transmission bit rate for the same speech quality, than its Backward counterpart. The coders yielded acceptable speech quality of 9.6kbps for the Forward Adaptive and 8kbps for the Backward Adaptive.


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Military collaboration is one of the least acknowledged aspects of France under the Occupation. Yet from summer 1941 France raised a number of fighting units for Hitler’s armies, each with its distinctive mission and each drawing the Vichy regime deeper into collaboration with Nazi Germany. This article discusses that process and its diverse implications. It shows how the Paris collaborationists used military engagement to pressure the Vichy government into more activist collaboration and explores the divergent perspectives in which this was viewed from Berlin, Paris and Vichy; it considers the mobilising myths, motivations and misapprehensions behind military collaboration; and it identifies some of the anomalies of that collaboration, with its reconceptualising of France and Other, friend and foe, belonging and alienation. Those French ‘patriots’ who fought in German uniform would become effective exiles from a homeland they departed to ‘defend’ only to see it ‘liberated’ by their ‘enemies’. Exposing the divisions and the delusions underlying military collaboration, the article sheds light on conflicting political calculations and shifting allegiances in occupied France.


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Following the end of the Cold War and the ensuing changes to the international landscape, thinking about security has tended to become more discursive and interpretative in nature. What counts as security has increasingly derived from security discourses (that is, 'securitisation') and uncertainty about the multi-faceted future facing various countries and regions. Within this post-Cold War discourse, the Western Mediterranean has emerged as a region fraught with latent and manifest threats in the economic, political, societal and military sectors. Improved access to EU markets for Maghrebi exports; the security of energy supplies to the EU from Algeria and Libya; lack of democracy and the advance of political Islam; the flow of northward migration and worries about law and order in France, Italy and Spain; the growth in military expenditure and weapons proliferation in the Maghreb; all have been central to the securitisation agenda. However, this agenda has often lacked credibility especially when inter-linkages have purportedly been established between economic underdevelopment and political instability, between the advance of political Islam and the threat to energy supplies, or between immigration and the threat to national identity. Such inter-sectoral linkages distract from the credibility of those 'securitisation instances' which correspond to reality; the former linkages have often been exploited by extremist politicians in south-west European countries as well as by regimes in the Maghreb to advance their respective interests. Thus, securitisation may defeat its main purpose; it may generate responses out of keeping with the aims proclaimed at the outset, aims centred on the countering of real threats and the ensuring of greater stability.


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The paper is a description of information and software content of a computer knowledge bank on medical diagnostics. The classes of its users and the tasks which they can solve are described. The information content of the bank contains three ontologies: an ontology of observations in the field of medical diagnostics, an ontology of knowledge base (diseases) in medical diagnostics and an ontology of case records, and also it contains three classes of information resources for every division of medicine – observation bases, knowledge bases, and data bases (with data about patients), that correspond to these ontologies. Software content consists of editors for information of different kinds (ontologies, bases of observations, knowledge and data), and also of a program which performs medical diagnostics.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 17A50, Secondary 16R10, 17A30, 17D25, 17C50.


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Recent advances in electronic and computer technologies lead to wide-spread deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). WSNs have wide range applications, including military sensing and tracking, environment monitoring, smart environments, etc. Many WSNs have mission-critical tasks, such as military applications. Thus, the security issues in WSNs are kept in the foreground among research areas. Compared with other wireless networks, such as ad hoc, and cellular networks, security in WSNs is more complicated due to the constrained capabilities of sensor nodes and the properties of the deployment, such as large scale, hostile environment, etc. Security issues mainly come from attacks. In general, the attacks in WSNs can be classified as external attacks and internal attacks. In an external attack, the attacking node is not an authorized participant of the sensor network. Cryptography and other security methods can prevent some of external attacks. However, node compromise, the major and unique problem that leads to internal attacks, will eliminate all the efforts to prevent attacks. Knowing the probability of node compromise will help systems to detect and defend against it. Although there are some approaches that can be used to detect and defend against node compromise, few of them have the ability to estimate the probability of node compromise. Hence, we develop basic uniform, basic gradient, intelligent uniform and intelligent gradient models for node compromise distribution in order to adapt to different application environments by using probability theory. These models allow systems to estimate the probability of node compromise. Applying these models in system security designs can improve system security and decrease the overheads nearly in every security area. Moreover, based on these models, we design a novel secure routing algorithm to defend against the routing security issue that comes from the nodes that have already been compromised but have not been detected by the node compromise detecting mechanism. The routing paths in our algorithm detour those nodes which have already been detected as compromised nodes or have larger probabilities of being compromised. Simulation results show that our algorithm is effective to protect routing paths from node compromise whether detected or not.


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Since the 1950s, the theory of deterministic and nondeterministic finite automata (DFAs and NFAs, respectively) has been a cornerstone of theoretical computer science. In this dissertation, our main object of study is minimal NFAs. In contrast with minimal DFAs, minimal NFAs are computationally challenging: first, there can be more than one minimal NFA recognizing a given language; second, the problem of converting an NFA to a minimal equivalent NFA is NP-hard, even for NFAs over a unary alphabet. Our study is based on the development of two main theories, inductive bases and partials, which in combination form the foundation for an incremental algorithm, ibas, to find minimal NFAs. An inductive basis is a collection of languages with the property that it can generate (through union) each of the left quotients of its elements. We prove a fundamental characterization theorem which says that a language can be recognized by an n-state NFA if and only if it can be generated by an n-element inductive basis. A partial is an incompletely-specified language. We say that an NFA recognizes a partial if its language extends the partial, meaning that the NFA’s behavior is unconstrained on unspecified strings; it follows that a minimal NFA for a partial is also minimal for its language. We therefore direct our attention to minimal NFAs recognizing a given partial. Combining inductive bases and partials, we generalize our characterization theorem, showing that a partial can be recognized by an n-state NFA if and only if it can be generated by an n-element partial inductive basis. We apply our theory to develop and implement ibas, an incremental algorithm that finds minimal partial inductive bases generating a given partial. In the case of unary languages, ibas can often find minimal NFAs of up to 10 states in about an hour of computing time; with brute-force search this would require many trillions of years.