956 resultados para Mediterranean dry grasslands


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Two tomato scions (cvs. 'Raf' and 'Gorety') were grafted on three different rootstocks: S. torvum, 'Beaufort' (Lycopersicum esculentum × Lycopersicum hirsutum) and intermediate grafting of eggplant 'Cristal' between tomato and S. torvum (double graft). Plants were grown in Mediterranean greenhouse conditions. The response to grafting was measured through growth parameters, Fv/Fm and leaf macronutrients analysis, and it was compared with non-grafted plants. The scions grafted on S. torvum in simple and double graft showed lower fresh and dry weight of leaves, number of commercial fruits, plant height, Fv/Fm and decreased their capacity to absorb several nutrients resulting in a lower mineral concentration in scions leaves, as a result of a thickened graft union. On the other hand, both scions showed a good response when grafted on the rootstock 'Beaufort', with which growth parameters, yield and photosynthetic capacity were similar to non-grafted plants. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Aim: This study evaluates bond strength between dentin and composite using adhesives with different solvents to dry and wet dentin. Materials and methods: Ninety bovine incisors were used; the vestibular surfaces were worn by the exposure of an area with a diameter of 4 mm of dentin. The specimens were divided into 6 groups, according to the type of adhesive used and hydratation stals: Group SB-wet: Single Bond 2 in wet dentin, Group SBdry: Single Bond 2 in dry dentin, Group SL-wet: Solobond M in wet dentin, Group SL-dry: Solobond M in dentin dry. Group XPwet: XP Bond in wet dentin, Group XP-dry: XP Bond in dentin dry. They were cut to obtain specimens in the shape of stick with 1 × 1 mm and subjected to microtensile test in universal testing machine with a cross speed of 1mm/min. The data were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey's tests (5%). Results: ANOVA showed significant differences for surface treatment and interaction, but no difference was found for adhesive factor. The Tukey's test showed that the samples with wet dentin shown higher values of bond strength. Conclusion: The adhesive did not influence in the bond strength. The groups with wet dentin showed higher values of bond strength than groups with dry dentin.


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Purpose: The purpose of this research was to analyze and measure, under optical microscopy, the hybrid layer thickness and resin tags length, as well as the microtensile bond strength of two conventional adhesive systems when applied to dry and moist dentinal substrate. Methods: Thirty-two extracted human molars were randomly distributed into four groups according to the adhesive systems (XP Bond and Prime&Bond 2.1) and moisture condition (dry and moist). In Groups I and II, XP adhesive system was applied on dry and moist dentin, respectively; while Groups III and IV received PB adhesive system, in the same way as was done in Groups I and II, respectively. After adhesive and restorative procedures, all specimens were sectioned along their long axes; one hemi-tooth sample was subjected to the microtensile bond strength test while the other was decalcified and serially sectioned into six micron thick slices and sequentially mounted on glass slides. These sections were stained by the Brown and Brenn method for posterior analysis and measurement of the hybrid layer and resin tags under a light microscope with a micrometric ocular 40/075. Results: Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). For the variable hybrid layer thickness, XP showed no significant differences between dry and moist dentin (5.2 μm and 5.5 μm, respectively), but for PB, hybrid layer was significantly thicker for moist (4.0 μm) than for dry dentin (3.0 μm). For the variable resin tags length XP showed 17.9 μm length for dry dentin and 20.8 μm for moist dentin; PB 11.7 μm for dry and 12.69 μm for moist dentin;there was no significant differences between them, independent of the moisture condition. For the variable microtensile bond strength, XP showed 38.0 MPa for dry dentin and 44.5 MPa for moist dentin; and PB showed 22.7 MPa for dry dentin and 20.8 MPa for dry dentin no significant difference was observed between moist and dry dentin for XP (p=0.2) and PB (p=0.7), but XP was presented significantly higher bond strength values than PB in both moisture conditions (p=0.003 for dry and p=0.002 for moist). Conclusion: The two-step butanol-based etch-and-rinse adhesive XP Bond presented a superior behavior with regard to the hybrid layer thickness, length of resin tags and bond strength to dry and moist dentin substrates when compared with two-step acetone-based adhesive system Prime&Bond2.1. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Introduction: The retroarticular process is a bony prominence formed by the thickening of the lateral border of the mandibular fossa, forming the posterior wall of the temporomandibular joint. Since little is known and discussed about the retroarticular process, our aim was to study its presence, shape and size, relating these findings to the shape of the skulls according to the horizontal cephalic index. Materials and Methods: We used 400 dry human skulls of the Institute of Science and Technology - UNESP Anatomy Laboratory. Each skull was classified in brachycranics, mesocranics or dolichocranics, and then positioned on a craneostat to measure the height of the retroarticular process from its lower extremity to the auriculo-orbital plane. The width was obtained by measuring the base of the process on its longer lateral axis. Results: The retroarticular process was found bilaterally in 397 skulls (99.25%). All the processes were classified into the following shapes: pyramidal (35.55%), tubercular (31.78%), mammilar (20.73%), crest-like (9.05%) and molar shape (2.89%); 254 skulls (63.50%) showed the same type of process at the right and left sides (Kappa=0.496, moderate agreement). The average height and width were 5.28 mm and 12.81 mm, respectively. Conclusion: The retroarticular process was found in almost all the skulls examined. There are no significant evidences about the relationship among the presence, shape and size of the retroarticular process and the shape of the skulls according to the horizontal cephalic index. However, our findings led us to infer that there would be a functional relationship between the process and the temporomandibular joint.


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Nezumia aequalis and Coelorinchus mediterraneus are abundant species on the upper and lower continental slopes, respectively, in the Mediterranean Sea. A study on the reproductive strategy of the two species was conducted on the Catalan margin (NW Mediterranean). The reproductive cycle of both species was investigated using visual analyses of gonads and histological screening. The shallower species, N. aequalis, showed continuous reproduction with a peak of spawning females in winter months. In contrast, the deeper-living species, C. mediterraneus, showed semi-continuous reproduction with a regression period during the spring. Juveniles of N. aequalis were present in all seasons, but most abundant in the spring. Only two juveniles of C. mediterraneus were found. Both species had asynchronous oocyte development. The average fecundity of N. aequalis was 10,630 oocytes per individual, lower than known for the same species in the Atlantic Ocean. The fecundity of C. mediterraneus was measured for the first time in this study, with an average of 7693 oocytes per individual. Males of both species appear to have semi-cystic spermatogenesis. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Background and Purpose: The evidence of the benefits from regular physical activity to hypertensives is based on dry land training studies. Therefore, the aim of this study is to compare the effect of aquatic exercise with dry land training on hypertensive women. Methods: This is a randomized controlled study with 52 post-menopausal hypertensive women. The patients were randomly allocated in three groups: water aerobic training group (n=19), dry land aerobic training group (n=19) and a non-intervention control group (n=14). The training protocol was performed by 12weeks. Results: There were no differences among the three groups concerning basal blood pressure (BP) and biochemical variables. In water group, there was a statistically significant reduction of systolic BP from 136±16mmHg at zero week to 124±18mm Hg at 11th week and 124±15mmHg at 12th week. In dry land training group, there was a statistically significant reduction of systolic BP from 138±15mmHg at zero week to 125±10mmHg at 7th week, 127±10mmHg at 10th week and 126±9mmHg at 12th week. The control group presented no change in any of the assessed variables. No changes were carried out in any antihypertensive medications during study. Discussion: This is a randomized controlled study that demonstrates the antihypertensive efficacy of aerobic aquatic exercise. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Sofrito is a key component of the Mediterranean diet, a diet that is strongly associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular events. In this study, different Mediterranean sofritos were analysed for their content of polyphenols and carotenoids after a suitable work-up extraction procedure using liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation-linear ion trap quadrupole-Orbitrap-mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap- MS) and liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation tandem triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS-MS). In this way, 40 polyphenols (simple phenolic and hydroxycinnamoylquinic acids, and flavone, flavonol and dihydrochalcone derivatives) were identified with very good mass accuracy (<2 mDa), and confirmed by accurate mass measurements in MS and MS2 modes. The high-resolution MS analyses revealed the presence of polyphenols never previously reported in Mediterranean sofrito. The quantification levels of phenolic and carotenoid compounds led to the distinction of features among different Mediterranean sofritos according to the type of vegetables (garlic and onions) or olive oil added for their production. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Foi realizado o inventário da araneofauna do Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades (municípios de Brasileira e Piracuruca, Piauí), utilizando amostragem padronizada para permitir comparações entre as assembléias de aranhas de seis fitofisionomias existentes na área de estudo e obter estimativas de riqueza. Utilizaram-se dados oriundos amostragem com armadilhas de queda (PTF), extratores de Winkler (WIN), guarda-chuva entomológico (GCE), rede de varredura (RV) e coletas manuais noturnas (MN), totalizando 1386 amostras; além do exame de todos os demais espécimes já coletados na área de estudo (n=1166). As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se os dados obtidos com GCE, RV e MN. Ao todo, foram coletados 14.890 indivíduos (4491 adultos), segregados em 364 espécies. Destas, 72 foram determinadas a nível específico, 62 são novos registros para a área de estudo, 2 são novos registros para o Brasil e 48 foram reconhecidas como espécies novas por especialistas. A aplicação dos métodos GCE, RV e MN resultou em 11.085 aranhas, pertencentes a 303 espécies. As estimativas de riqueza variaram entre 355 (Bootstrap) e 467 (Jack 2). Entretanto o estimador que apresentou maior tendência a atingir a assíntota foi Chao 2 (403 spp.). A riqueza observada foi maior na mata seca semi-decídua (131 spp.), seguida pela mata de galeria (104 spp.), campo limpo (102 spp.), cerradão (91 spp.), cerrado típico (88 spp.) e cerrado rupestre (78 spp.). A eficiência dos métodos de coleta exibiu variação de acordo com a fitofisionomia onde o método foi aplicado, destacando-se a elevada eficiência da rede de varredura em áreas abertas. A composição de espécies variou entre as fitofisionomias e pode ser, em parte, explicada pela complexidade estrutural das áreas em questão. Os resultados das análises de agrupamento sugerem que em condições de dominância elevada, estes testes sejam realizados com coeficientes que utilizem dados qualitativos, a fim de anular-se o efeito da escolha do coeficiente e/ou a necessidade de transformação dos dados. De maneira geral, a araneofauna do Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades não segue padrões de agrupamento como sugerido para as análises botânicas, em que fitofisionomias campestre, savânicas e florestais são agrupadas.


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A região do Rio Paracauari apresenta sérios problemas hídricos devido o excesso de chuvas no inverno e escassez de água no verão. A indústria agropecuária, principal atividade econômica da região, sofre tremendamente durante o período de secas. Foram realizados estudos geofísicos através do método de resistividade para localizar e mapear os aquíferos rasos de boa potencialidade. Foram feitas 53 sondagens elétricas verticais, do tipo Schlumberger, e 5 perfis de resistividade do tipo Wenner. Foi utilizada a técnica do ponto auxiliar e, depois, os diagramas coletivamente foram tratados e processados no computador, para obtenção de modelos aproximados. Depois da interpretação, foi possível separar duas áreas distintas. A primeira com resistividade alta até 950 Ω.m, com predominância de areia, é constituída de excelentes aquíferos e, provavelmente, trata-se de "Paleocanais". A segunda, com resistividade baixa até 0,5 Ω.m, com predominância de sedimentos argilosos, sílticos, com água salobra. Com os mapas de resistência transversal total e de resistividade foram definidas as áreas mais favoráveis à exploração de água potável. A área favorável é somente 30% da área total. Foi feita coleta das águas rasas e superficiais da área, e suas resistividades variam de 362 Ω.m a 1,1 Ω.m. Algumas perfurações foram feitas, e vieram constatar a existência destas áreas distintas. Com isto, foram solucionados parcialmente os problemas de água de algumas fazendas como São Lourenço, Gavinho e Conceição.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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The experiment was carried out aiming to analyze the dry mass production and distribution and the content and accumulation of macronutrients in sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) plants cultivated under mineral nutrition standard conditions. Plants grew in 7-liter pots filled with sand substrate and daily irrigated with nutrient solution, being maintained under greenhouse conditions. Treatments consisted of times of evaluation (21, 35, 49, 63, 77, 91, 105, 119, and 133 days after emergence - DAE) and were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replicates. Sourgrass showed small accumulation of dry mass (0.3 g per plant) and macronutrients (3.7 mg of N per plant, 0.4 mg of P per plant, 5.6 mg of K per plant, 0.9 mg of Ca per plant, 0.7 mg of Mg per plant, and 0.3 mg of S per plant) at vegetative growth stage (< 49 DAE). Those accumulations increased mainly after 77 DAE, reaching the maximum theoretical value at 143, 135, 141, 129, 125, 120, and 128 DAE, for dry mass (12.4 g per plant), N (163.2 mg per plant), P (27.1 mg per plant), K (260.5 mg per plant), Ca (47.6 mg per plant), Mg (30.9 mg per plant), and S (13.7 mg per plant), respectively. K and N were found with higher rates and, as a consequence, they were required and accumulated in greater amounts in plant tissues of sourgrass.


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The Brazilian campos rupestres (high-altitude grasslands) are very important on the world conservation scenario because of high species richness and endemism. These grasslands are regarded as threatened ecosystems due to intense, on-going disruption by man's activities. The aim of this study was to describe the reproductive and vegetative phenological patterns of six shrub species endemic to these grasslands in the Espinhaço Range, sympatric in Serra do Cipó, MG. We tested the relationship between species phenophases and local climate seasonality. We expect that the species phenophases are strongly correlated with variations of the dry and wet seasons. Observations were conducted monthly on reproductive (flowering, fruit production and dispersal) and vegetative (leaf fall and budding) phenophases. Given the combination of reproductive phenology, vegetative phenology, and seasonality, we observed four phenological strategies for the six species. Therefore this study revealed great diversity in phenological patterns, even when considering the small number of species sampled. Moreover, all species showed a significant seasonal pattern for the reproductive phenophases, with high concentrations of species reproducing during a given season, suggesting a key role of climate in defining phenological patterns in the campo rupestre grasslands.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)