913 resultados para Medicamentos excepcionais
Superfaturamento, venda de remédio a falecidos, “empréstimo” de medicamentos entre hospitais, direcionamento de licitação, sobrepreço que chega a 10.000%, estoques sem monitoramento e até uso de talidomida sem controle. Levantamento do GLOBO em auditorias e fiscalizações do Denasus (Departamento Nacional de Auditoria do SUS) nas capitais brasileiras mostra problemas na área de medicamentos em praticamente todas elas: em 23 das 27 capitais, relatórios de 2013 e 2014 do órgão de controle interno do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) apontaram falhas de gestão ou indícios de fraudes no setor. O GLOBO também levantou exemplos de fraudes e má administração envolvendo uso de remédios nos Ministérios Públicos federal e estaduais, em Defensorias Públicas e na Polícia Federal.
Irregularidades, como sobrepreço de até 10.000%, ocorrem em 23 capitais. Na segurança, outro tema criticado pela população em pesquisas, índice de homicídios aumentou. Auditorias e fiscalizações do Ministério da Saúde feitas em 2013 e neste ano flagraram irregularidades na distribuição de medicamentos em 23 capitais, como direcionamento de licita- ções, sobrepreçode 10.000%e venda a mortos, enquanto doentes sofrem no SUS à espera de remédios, contam ALESSANDRA DUARTE e CAROLINA BENEVIDES. Em maio, pesquisa da FGV mostrou que 79% dos entrevistados criticam a saúde pública, e 80% estão descontentes com a segurança, outro tema frequente na agenda eleitoral. O governo pretendia reduzir pela metade o índice de homicídios, mas esses crimes subiram 10% em quatro anos, segundo dados oficiais. PÁGINAS 3 a 9
A despeito de o Brasil contar com modelo de distribuição pública gratuita de medicamentos, representando avanço em relação à maioria dos países em desenvolvimento, o cenário geral apresenta problemas de diversas ordens. O abastecimento público é falho e ineficiente, contando com profissionais pouco motivados e com pouco treinamento. Isso resulta em perdas oriundas de desvios, má condição de estocagem e processos inadequados de distribuição. A utilização da malha privada através do Programa Farmácia Popular do Brasil, do ponto de vista do governo, promove capilaridade no atendimento, aumentando o bem estar social e reduz custos com a utilização de pessoal. Do ponto de vista da sociedade, amplia o acesso de medicamentos à população. Deste modo, o programa tem representado uma solução eficiente para a distribuição de medicamentos no país. No entanto, do ponto de vista empresarial, os resultados da utilização da malha privada para a distribuição gratuita de medicamentos ainda são pouco descritos. O presente estudo pretende avaliar os impactos relacionados ao credenciamento no programa do governo federal em redes independentes de farmácias e drogarias privadas na distribuição gratuita de medicamentos para a população. Aborda um assunto multifuncional, além de consistir em uma análise do programa que faz parte das diretrizes do governo federal e ser um tema de caráter inédito com foco no ambiente empresarial. Do ponto de vista empresarial, o atendimento ao programa de distribuição gratuita de medicamentos em atendimento ao programa do governo federal pode representar um fator de alavancagem dos negócios ao trazer consumidores potenciais para o estabelecimento. No entanto, é necessário que ocorram adaptações na gestão do capital de giro para suportar os possíveis atrasos no repasse do governo e suprir o abastecimento de medicamentos à demandas crescentes. Assim, as drogarias inseridas no setor varejista farmacêutico em cidades em desenvolvimento adquirem vantagem competitiva e fornecem maior valor a seus consumidores. Em suma, o projeto de acesso a medicamentos, implica em benefícios líquidos generalizados. Para a população, o acesso direto e efetivo. Para o setor privado, a ampliação do mercado e a estabilidade da demanda. Para o governo, a substituição de uma estratégia que converge para o desgaste econômico, social e político.
O presente trabalho é um estudo de caso, tendo como objetivo principal avaliar a sanção de desinvestimentos de ativos, isto é, a pena de cisão de sociedade, transferência de controle societário e/ou venda de ativos, conforme disposto no art. 38, inciso V, da Lei no 12.529/2011 (Lei de Defesa da Concorrência). Para tanto, parte-se da exposição da decisão proferida pelo Tribunal do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) no Processo Administrativo no 08012.011142/2006-79, denominado Cartel de Cimento e Concreto. Tal decisão condenou as empresas fabricantes de cimento e prestadoras de serviços de concretagem a desinvestirem ativos próprios, frutos de aquisição ou de crescimento orgânico. É importante destacar que essa decisão sofreu relevante modificação ao longo do julgamento, decorrente da alteração de entendimento pelos conselheiros do Cade. Em um segundo momento, o trabalho procura propiciar ao leitor uma visão ampla (prós e contras) dos tipos de remédios ou sanções existentes e aplicáveis aos casos em que se determina a medida de desinvestimento, por meio da seleção de alguns casos internacionais e nacionais, escolhidos a partir de casos amplamente tratados pela doutrina, e também citados no julgamento do Processo Administrativo no 08012.011142/2006-79. A seguir, aborda-se a questão do desinvestimento específico ocorrido no Processo Administrativo no 08012.011142/2006-79, buscando-se evidenciar, a partir da análise do aparente choque dos votos do conselheiro-relator e do conselheiro-revisor, que as bases utilizadas para determinação dos desinvestimentos carecem de parâmetros concretos para sua aplicação. Ao final do estudo acerca do desinvestimento, delineia-se uma proposição para solução jurídica. Ao final, conclui-se que a aplicação de medidas de desinvestimentos como penalização por participação em cartel não é escolha fácil, e sua utilização tampouco é pacífica, devendo-se levar em conta alguns aspectos relevantes para que possa ser utilizada de maneira legítima e garantir a sua melhor eficácia.
Esta pesquisa tem como principal objetivo descrever e analisar a atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) em casos que envolvam veto presidencial a projeto de lei (veto), a fim de identificar como se constrói a relação do STF com os poderes Legislativo e Executivo, nessas situações. Reflexamente, a partir disso, esta pesquisa também analisa quais são as regras criadas pelo STF na delimitação do papel do Executivo e do Legislativo ao decidir os casos sobre o veto presidencial a projeto de lei e para a sua própria competência para resolver esses casos. Para isso, esta pesquisa apresenta a construção do raciocínio teórico sobre o papel do Judiciário dentro dessa fase da separação dos poderes (veto) e a analisa cinquenta e cinco decisões do STF sobre o tema; diversos documentos do poder Legislativo quanto a projetos de leis e lei e; diversos documentos com justificativas quanto ao veto presidencial. Constatou-se que a forma de decisão do STF, nesses casos, é diversificada, sendo possível identificar perfis para cada um dos sete grupos de casos criados na pesquisa; também foi constatado que, por regra, os casos que chegam ao STF representam algum rompimento de entendimento quanto à tomada de decisão política entre os atores políticos envolvidos e fica a encargo do STF a resolução do conflito; constatou-se, também, que o STF é claro quanto ao limite da sua competência para o controle desse tipo de casos, reservando amplo espaço para esse seu poder, contudo, na prática, apenas em casos excepcionais este órgão decide julgar inválido (inconstitucional) o caso. Concluiu-se que, mesmo sendo excepcional, os casos em que o STF atua de maneira enfática as consequências que essas decisões podem causar são graves e, que, por isso, deveriam haver limites legais para a sua atuação e até mesmo responsabilização pelas suas decisões. Concluiu-se, também, que os estudiosos da separação dos poderes, mais especificamente quanto ao veto, não analisam a importância que o Judiciário tem nesse processo.
This work analyzes the reutilization of real estate of patrimonial interest, come back toward habitation. One understands as real estate of patrimonial interest the old ones that present relevant architectural typologies that must be preserved; some buildings that represent characteristic architectural styles of a determined period; some valued real estates for the history of the city (historical, memory and image signification that has of certain places) and buildings with exceptional artistic elements. In short, real estate of patrimonial interest. The place or site to be studied will be the neighborhood of the Ribeira, because is an area that protects a bigger interest for the historic patrimony of the city. The habitation use was thought as a booster element of revitalization processes of degradable historic site, contributing to the preservation of artistic, architectural and historic patrimony, and thus to stimulate the accomplishment of the re-qualification of the neighborhood of the Ribeira. It is intended with the present study to examine alternatives to make possible habitation re (uses) in the historical quarter of the Ribeira in old constructions of patrimonial value
Galactans are polysaccharides sulfated present in the cell wall of red algae. Carrageenans are galactans well known in the food industry as gelling polysaccharides and for induce inflammatory process in rodents as animal model. The extraction of polysaccharides from A. multifida has been carried out by proteolysis and precipitation in different volumes of acetone, which produced three fractions (F1, F2, and FT). Chemical and physical analyses revealed that these fractions are sulfated galactan predominantly. Results of the antioxidant activity assays showed that all of these fractions have antioxidant activity and that was associated with sulfate content of the analysis of reducing power and total antioxidant capacity. However, these fractions were not effective against lipid peroxidation. The fraction FT presented higher activity on the APTT test at 200 μg (> 240 s). The assessment of the hemolytic activity showed that the FT fraction has the best activity, increasing lyses by the complement system to 42.3% (50 μg) (p< 0,001). The fraction FT showed the best yield, anticoagulant and hemolytic activity between the three fractions and therefore it was choose for the in vivo studies. The Inflammation assessment using the FT fraction (50 mg / kg MB) showed that the cellular migration and the IL-6 production increased 670.1% (p< 0,001) and 531.8% (p< 0,001), respectively. These results confirmed its use as an inflammation inducer in animal model. Cytotoxicity assay results showed that all fractions have toxic effects on 3T3 and HeLa cells after exposition of 48 hours, except when 100 μg for both F1 and FT were used. These results arise the discussion whether these polysaccharides it should be used as additive in foods, cosmetics and medicines.
In this work, biodiesel was produced from castor oil that was a byproduct glycerin. The molar ratio between oil and alcohol, as well as the use of (KOH) catalyst to provide the chemical reaction is based on literature. The best results were obtained using 1 mol of castor oil (260g) to 3 moles of methyl alcohol (138g), using 1.0% KOH as catalyst at a temperature of 260 ° C and shaken at 120 rpm. The oil used was commercially available, the process involves the reaction of transesterification of a vegetable oil with methyl alcohol. The product of this reaction is an ester, biodiesel being the main product and the glycerin by-product which has undergone treatment for use as raw material for the production of allyl alcohol. The great advantage of the use of glycerin to obtain allyl alcohol is that its use eliminates the large amount of waste of the biodiesel and various forms of insult to the environment. The reactions for the formation of allyl alcohol was conducted from formic acid and glycerin in a ratio 1/1, at a temperature of 260oC in a heater blanket, being sprayed by a spiral condenser for a period of 2 hours and the product obtained contains mostly the allylic alcohol .. The monitoring of reactions was performed by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer: FTIR Fourier transform, the analysis showed that these changes occur spectrometer indicating the formation of the product allylic alcohol (prop-2-en-1-ol) in the presence of water, This alcohol was appointed Alcohol GL. The absorption bands confirms that the reaction was observed in (υ C = C) 1470 -1600 cm -1 and (υ CO), 3610-3670 attributed to C = C groups and OH respectively. The thermal analysis was carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer SDT Q600, where the mass and temperature are displayed against time, that allows checking the approximate rate of heating. The innovative methodology developed in the laboratory (LABTAM, UFRN), was able to treat the glycerine produced by transesterification of castor oil and used as raw material for production of allyl alcohol, with a yield of 80%, of alcohol, the same is of great importance in the manufacture of polymers, pharmaceuticals, organic compounds, herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals
Resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to the usual antimalarials, as well as their adverse effects and high cost, has led to the search of new drugs against malaria. Several of these have been developed from medicinal plants based on ethnopharmacology, including the most widely used antimalarials today: quinine and artemisinin. In the present study schizonticide activity of extracts and fractions of a number of medicinal plants from the Caatinga and Amazon biomes were assessed based on ethnopharmacological and chemosystematic information. These included Ximenia americana, Maytenus rigida, Sideroxylon obtusifolium, Stryphnodendro coriaceum, Bowdichia virgiliodes, Schinopis brasiliensis and Picrolemma sprucei, the last, an Amazon species. Antimalarial tests of blood schizonticides were conducted in Swiss mice infected with P. berghei and in vitro against P. falciparum. In vitro cytotoxicity studies were carried out using HeLa, CHO, 3T3, Raw and HEPG2 cell lines. Except for X. americana, all species exhibited in vivo or in vitro antimalarial activity, inhibiting parasitic growth by up to 79%. Extracts exhibited moderate toxicity with dosedependent kinetics. In this sense, ethnopharmacological and chemosystematic approaches were shown to be useful and promising tools in the search of new drugs. These findings represent a significant contribution to scientific knowledge of the antimalarial potential of Brazilian flora, thereby opening perspectives for the development of new antimalarials
Malaria is a major parasitic disease worldwide, accounting for about 500 million cases and causing 2 million to 3 million deaths annually. Four species are responsible for transmitting this disease to humans: Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium ovale. The parasite resistance to antimalarial drugs and the usual limitations of the vector control implications are contributing to the spread of the disease. The most of significant advances in the search for new antimalarial drugs is based on natural components, the main ones being currently used antimalarial drugs derived from plants. Research on natural products of marine origin (particularly algae) show that some species possess antiplasmodial activity. Knowing that the coast of Rio Grande do Norte is home to several species of algae, the present study was to evaluate, for the first time, the antimalarial activity of ethanolic extracts of seaweed Spatoglossum schroederi, Gracilaria birdiae and Udotea flabellum against Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 strain tests and in vitro using the murine model (Plasmodium berghei) for evaluation in vivo. These species were ground, macerated with ethanol for 24 hours and the extracts concentrated in rotaevaporador (45 ° C ± 5 ° C). For in vitro tests, the extracts were diluted and tested at concentrations between 100 and 1.56 μg/ml (seven concentrations in triplicate), in order to obtain IC50 of each extract. The cytotoxicity tests with macrophages and BGM were performed using the MTT colorimetric assay. BGM macrophages and cells were distributed in 96 wells per plate (1x 105 to macrophages and 1x104 cells per well for BGM) and incubated for 24h at 37 ° C. The ethanol extracts were diluted and tested at concentrations of 100 to 1,56 μg/ml (seven concentrations in triplicate). After periods of 24 hours of incubation with the extracts, 100 μg of MTT was added to each well, and 3 hours elapsed, the supernatant was removed and added 200 μl of DMSO in each well. The absorbance of each well was obtained by reading on a spectrophotometer at 570 nm filter. To evaluate the acute toxicity in vivo, Swiss mice received a single dose (oral) 2000 mg/kg/animal of each extract tested. The parameters of acute toxicity were observed for 8 days. For in vivo tests, Swiss mice were inoculated with 1x105 erythrocytes infected with P. berghei. The treatment was given first to fourth day after infection with 0.2 ml of the extracts in doses of 1000 and 500 mg//g animal. The negative control group received 0.2 ml of 2% Tween-20, whereas the positive control group received sub-dose of chloroquine (5 mg/kg/animal). The assessment of antimalarial activity was done by suppressing suppressing the parasitemia at 5 and 7 days after infection. The growth inhibition of parasites was determined relative to negative control (% inhibition = parasitaemia in control - parasitemia in sample / parasitemia control x 100), the mortality of animals was monitored daily for 30 days The results showed that algae Spatoglossum schroederi and Udotea flabellum showed antimalarial activity in vitro, with reduced parasitemia of 70.54% and 54, respectively. The extracts of the three algae tested showed moderate to high cytotoxicity. Algae S. schroederi and U. flabellum were active against P. berghei only at doses of 500 mg / kg with reduction ranging from 54.58 to 52.65% for the fifth day and from 32.24 to 47.34% for the seventh day, respectively. No toxicity was observed in vivo at the dose tested, over the 8 days of observation. Although preliminary data, the bioactive components in those possible seaweed may be promising for the development of new anti-malarial drugs
Toxoplasmosis, a benign disease in normal healthy individuals, can have serious effects in pregnant women and immunocompromised patients. It is a parasitic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii (Tg), an obligatory intracellular protozoan. The prophylactic and therapeutic arsenal against this parasite is very restricted. Thus, there is an ongoing search for novel drugs and therapeutic strategies. A promising alternative is a rational approach using medicinal plants. This study aimed to standardize methodologies for assessing the toxicological, antiproliferative, antioxidant, antiinflammatory and anti-Toxoplasma effects of Estragole and Thymol compounds isolated from species of plants (Lippia sidoides and Croton zenhtneri) commonly used in the Cariri region of Ceara State, Brazil. First we evaluated in vivo toxicity and conducted a pathological analysis of mice livers. In vivo antiinflammatory activity was assessed using air pouch and paw edema methods. Cytotoxicity assays were performed and antiproliferative, antioxidant and nitric oxide production analyzed. Anti-Toxoplasma activity was evaluated in a congenital experimental model with varying stages of maternal infection using the ME-49 strain and a non- congenital model by using ME-49 and RH strains. The results suggest low to moderate toxicity for both compounds. Thymol was more toxic in vivo and in vitro, having greater pathological repercussion than Estragole. The compounds were inactive for antiproliferative activity. Thymol showed better antioxidant activity, while Estragole stimulated nitric oxide production in macrophages. Both showed significant antiinflammatory activity. In non-congenital Tg infection, both compounds were active only against the ME49 strain. In congenital infection, Estragole (oral route) improved the newborn weight of infected mothers compared with untreated controls. Subcutaneous administration of the two compounds increased the weight of offspring born to infected mothers compared with untreated controls. We concluded that Estragole and Thymol exhibit important biological and anti-Toxoplasma activities. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism of action of these compounds and other possible activities not investigated in the present study
Malaria is a disease of global distribution, recognized by governments around the world as a serious public health problem, affecting more than 109 countries and territories and endangering more than 3.3 billion people. The economic costs of this disease are also relevant: the African continent itself has malaria-related costs of about $ 12 billion annually. Nowadays, in addition to chloroquine, Plasmodium falciparum is resistant to many drugs used in the treatment of malaria, such as amodiaquine, mefloquine, quinine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine; resistance of Plasmodium vivax to treatments, although less studied, is also reported. Nature, in general, is responsible for the production of most known organic substances, and the plant kingdom is responsible for the most of the chemical diversity known and reported in the literature. Most medicinal plants commercialized in Brazil, however, are of exotic origin, which makes the search for endemic medicinal plants, besides a patent necessity, a fascinating subject of academic research and development. This study aimed to: (i) verify the antimalarial activity of ethanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts of Boerhavia paniculata Rich. And acetonic extract of Clethra scabra Pers. in Swiss albino mice infected by Plasmodium berghei NK65, (ii) observe possible combined effects between the course of infection by P. berghei NK65 and administration of these extracts in Swiss albino mice, and (iii) conduct a preliminary study of the acute toxicity of these extracts in Swiss albino mice. All extracts notable pharmacological activities - with parasite infections inhibitions ranging from 22% to 54%.These characteristics suggest that the activities are relevant, although comparatively lower than the activity displayed by the positive control group (always above 90%). The general framework of survival analysis demonstrates an overall reduction in survival times for all groups. Necroscopy has not pointed no change in color, shape, size and/or consistency in the evaluated organs - the only exception was the livers of rats submitted to treatment to hydroalcoholic extracts: these organs have been presented in a slightly congestive aspect with mass increasing roughly 28% higher than the other two groups and a p-value of 0.0365. The 250 mg/Kg ethanolic group has been pointed out by the Dunn s post test, as the only class with simultaneous inequalities (p<0.05) between positive and negative control groups. The extracts, notably ethanol extract, have, in fact, a vestigial antimalarial activity, although well below from the ones perceived to chloroquine-treated groups; nevertheless, the survival times of the animals fed with the extracts do not rise by presence of such therapy. Both the toxicopharmacological studies of the synergism between the clinical course of malaria and administration of extracts and the isolated evaluation of toxicity allow us to affirm the absence of toxicity of the extracts at the level of CNS and ANS, as well as their non-influence on food and water consumption patterns, until dosages of 500 mg/Kg. Necroscopic analysis leads us to deduct a possible hepatotoxic effect of hydroalcoholic extract at dosages of 500 mg/Kg, and an innocuous tissue activity of the ethanol extract, in the same dosage. We propose a continuation of the studies of these extracts, with protocol modifications capable of addressing more clearly and objectively their pharmacological and toxicological aspects