844 resultados para LDPE Blends
The search for new materials especially those possessing special properties continues at a great pace because of ever growing demands of the modern life. The focus on the use of intrinsically conductive polymers in organic electronic devices has led to the development of a totally new class of smart materials. Polypyrrole (PPy) is one of the most stable known conducting polymers and also one of the easiest to synthesize. In addition, its high conductivity, good redox reversibility and excellent microwave absorbing characteristics have led to the existence of wide and diversified applications for PPy. However, as any conjugated conducting polymer, PPy lacks processability, flexibility and strength which are essential for industrial requirements. Among various approaches to making tractable materials based on PPy, incorporating PPy within an electrically insulating polymer appears to be a promising method, and this has triggered the development of blends or composites. Conductive elastomeric composites of polypyrrole are important in that they are composite materials suitable for devices where flexibility is an important parameter. Moreover these composites can be moulded into complex shapes.
Chapter 6 concerns ‘Designing and developing digital and blended learning solutions’, however, despite its title, it is not aimed at developing L&D professionals to be technologists (in so much as how Chapter 3 is not aimed at developing L&D professionals to be accounting and financial experts). Chapter 6 is about developing L&D professionals to be technology savvy. In doing so, I adopt a culinary analogy in presenting this chapter, where the most important factors in creating a dish (e.g. blended learning), are the ingredients and the flavour each of it brings. The chapter first explores the typical technologies and technology products that are available for learning and development i.e. the ingredients. I then introduce the data Format, Interactivity/ Immersion, Timing, Content (creation and curation), Connectivity and Administration (FITCCA) framework, that helps L&D professionals to look beyond the labels of technologies in identifying what the technology offers, its functions and features, which is analogous to the ‘flavours’ of the ingredients. The next section discusses some multimedia principles that are important for L&D professionals to consider in designing and developing digital learning solutions. Finally, whilst there are innumerable permutations of blended learning, this section focuses on the typical emphasis in blended learning and how technology may support such blends.
Résumé: Le développement de l’industrie des polymères fourni de plus en plus de choix pour la formulation de matériaux pour les couvre-planchers. Les caoutchoucs, le PVC et le linoleum sont les polymères habituellement utilisés dans l’industrie des couvre-planchers. Ce projet répond à un problème de facilité de nettoyage des couvre-planchers de caoutchouc qui sont reconnus pour être mous, collants et ayant une surface rugueuse. L’INTRODUCTION couvrira l’état actuel de la recherche sur les couvre-planchers, surtout en regard au problème de la «nettoyabilité». La théorie pertinente et les informations générales sur les polymères, les composites polymériques et la science des surfaces seront introduites au CHAPITRE 1. Ensuite, le CHAPITRE 2 couvrira la méthode utilisée pour déterminer la nettoyabilité, l’évaluation des résultats ainsi que l’équipement utilise. Le CHAPITRE 3, discutera des premières expériences sur l’effet de la mouillabilité, la rugosité et la dureté sur la facilité de nettoyage des polymères purs. Plusieurs polymères ayant des surfaces plus ou moins hydrophobes seront investigués afin d’observer leur effet sur la nettoyabilité. L’effet de la rugosité sur la nettoyabilité sera investigué en imprimant une rugosité définie lors du moulage des échantillons; l’influence de la dureté sera également étudiée. Ensuite, un modèle de salissage/nettoyage sera établi à partir de nos résultats et observations afin de rationaliser les facteurs, ou « règles », qui détrminent la facilité de nettoyage des surfaces. Finalement, la réticulation au peroxyde sera étudiée comme une méthode de modification des polymères dans le but d’améliorer leur nettoyabilité; un mécanisme découlant des résultats de ces études sera présenté. Le CHAPITRE 4 étendra cette recherche aux mélanges de polymères; ces derniers servent habituellement à optimiser la performance des polymères purs. Dans ce chapitre, les mêmes tests discutés dans le CHAPITRE 3 seront utilisés pour vérifier le modèle de nettoyabilité établi ci-haut. De plus, l’influence de la non-miscibilité des mélanges de polymères sera discutée du point de vue de la thermodynamique (DSC) et de la morphologie (MEB). L’utilisation de la réticulation par peroxyde sera étudié dans les mélanges EPDM/ (E-ran-MAA(Zn)-ran-BuMA) afin d’améliorer la compatibilité de ces polymères. Les effets du dosage en agent de réticulation et du temps de cuisson seront également examinés. Finalement, un compatibilisant pré-réticulé a été développé pour les mélanges ternaires EPDM/ (E-ran-MAA(Zn)-ran-BuMA)/ HSR; son effet sur la nettoyabilité et sur la morphologie du mélange sera exposé.
La présente recherche couvre les premiers essais d’une nouvelle méthode de fonctionnalisation chimique de surfaces hydroxylées. La méthode consiste à faire réagir ladite surface avec un réactif en excès, le tétrachlorure de silicium (SiCl4), rendant celle-ci chimiquement réactive à n’importe quel alcool externe ajouté par la suite au milieu. L’alcool externe modifie les propriétés de surface du substrat dépendamment de sa composition. Une multitude de fonctionnalités chimiques peuvent être présentes sur l’alcool externe et ce sont elles qui dictent les nouvelles propriétés de surface. Dans l’étude présente, les substrats étudiés ont été la cellulose microcristalline commerciale (MCC), la fibre de chanvre délignifiée et la corde de lin. La MCC est une cellulose fortement hydrolysée et purifiée ayant une structure cristalline la rendant insoluble. L’absence d’impuretés pouvant engendrer des interférences est la raison majeure pour laquelle ce substrat a été employé en premier. Avec des alcools tels que le 1-décanol, le 10-undécènol et le PEG-400, les propriétés de surfaces ont été ajustées et ont permis les premières applications comme substrat fibreux dans des composites de LDPE et de PLA. Une fois modifiés avec le 1-décanol et le 10-undécènol, les substrats ont montré des propriétés surfaciques hydrophobes n’absorbant plus l’eau et montrant des angles de contacts supérieurs à 90o avec celle-ci. Des mélanges à 17 et à 50 % massiques de ces substrats modifiés ont donc été faits avec le LDPE et une caractérisation complète des composites a été effectuée. Les tests mécaniques des composites modifiés de 17 % massique de MCC et de corde ont démontré une claire adhésion substrat-matrice par l’augmentation de la contrainte maximale ainsi que de l’élongation à la rupture. Pour ce qui est des substrats avec PEG-400, la fonctionnalisation a été démontrée et des composites MCC-PLA ont été faits. La modification de la MCC a engendré un changement des propriétés mécaniques sans toutefois surpasser le PLA de départ. Néanmoins, dans tous les cas, l’adhésion substrat-matrice a été améliorée par la réaction et a pu être démontrée par l’étude des fractures et des coupes microtomes au MEB. Finalement, la dispersion et les interactions à l’intérieur des composites de MCC à 17 et à 50 % ont été observées par rhéologie. Les composites modifiés ont montré une meilleure dispersion comparativement aux composites de MCC qui eux engendrent même la formation de réseau substrat-substrat.
The viscosity of biodiesels of soybean and rapeseed biodiesels blended with mineral diesel fuel were measured at pressures of up to 200 MPa. Using a falling sinker-type viscometer reproducible viscosity data were obtained based on the time taken for a sinker to descend a fixed distance down an enclosed tube under the influence of gravity. Measurements were taken using pressures which correspond to those of interest in automotive common rail diesel engines, and at temperatures of between 25oC and 80oC. In all cases, the viscosity of the biodiesel blends were found to increase exponentially for which the blends were noted as being more viscous than pure mineral fuels. A pressure-freezing effect was not observed for the blends.
This dissertation presents a case study of collaborative research through design with Floracaching, a gamified mobile application for citizen science biodiversity data collection. One contribution of this study is the articulation of collaborative research through design (CRtD), an approach that blends cooperative design approaches with the research through design methodology (RtD). Collaborative research through design is thus defined as an iterative process of cooperative design, where the collaborative vision of an ideal state is embedded in a design. Applying collaborative research through design with Floracaching illustrates how a number of cooperative techniques—especially contextual inquiry, prototyping, and focus groups—may be applied in a research through design setting. Four suggestions for collaborative research through design (recruit from a range of relevant backgrounds; take flexibility as a goal; enable independence and agency; and, choose techniques that support agreement or consensus) are offered to help others who wish to experiment with this new approach. Applying collaborative research through design to Floracaching yielded a new prototype of the application, accompanied by design annotations in the form of framing constructs for designing to support mobile, place-based citizen science activities. The prototype and framing constructs, which may inform other designers of similar citizen science technologies, are a second contribution of this research.
Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a major horticultural insect pest in Australia which significantly limits domestic and international market access for Australian horticultural produce. Citrus is one of the industries seriously affected by the fruit fly problem in Australia. This research investigated the effect of citrus peel essential oil chemicals on B. tryoni larval survival in five different commercially important Citrus species and cultivars as a way of better understanding fruit susceptibility. The fruits used were Murcott Mandarin, Navel orange, Eureka lemon, Valencia orange and yellow grapefruit. The essential oils of each citrus type were extracted using hydrodistillation and then mixed, at different concentrations, with artificial larval diets to which B. tryoni eggs were added. Surviving larvae were counted after five trial days. The same process was repeated for six essential oil components. Regression analysis of increasing oil concentration against larval survival showed that the crude oil blends of Navel orange, Eureka lemon and yellow grapefruit had significant negative effects on B. tryoni larval survival, but no such effects were seen for Murcott Mandarin and Valencia orange. Of the individual essential oil fractions, only D-limonene had a significant effect on B. tryoni larval survival, with this chemical being highly toxic at very low concentrations. The results of this study open up opportunities for incorporating B. tryoni resistance mechanisms into citrus through minor peel property changes which would not impact on the eating attributes of the fruit.
In this dissertation I study the development of urban areas. At the aggregate level I investigate how they may be affected by climate change policies and by being designated the seat of governmental power. At the household level I study with coauthors how microfinance could improve the health of urban residents. In Chapter 1, I investigate how local employment may be affected by electricity price increases, which is a likely consequence of climate change policies. I outline how previous studies that find large, negative effects may be biased. To overcome these biases I develop a novel estimation strategy that blends border-pair regressions with the synthetic control methodology. I show the conditions for consistent estimation. Using this estimator, I find no effect of contemporaneous price changes on employment. Consistent with the longer time-frame for manufacturing decisions, I do find evidence for negative effects from perceived permanent price shocks. These estimates are much smaller than previous research has found. National capital cities are often substantially larger than other cities in their countries. In Chapter 2, I investigate whether there is a causal effect from being a capital by studying the 1960 relocation of the Brazilian capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasília. Using a synthetic controls strategy I find that losing the capital had no significant effects on Rio de Janeiro in terms of population, employment, or gross domestic product (GDP). I find that Brasília experienced large and significant increases in population, employment, and GDP. I find evidence of large spillovers from the public to the private sector. Chapter 3 investigates how microfinance could increase the uptake of costly health goods. We study the effect of time payments (micro-loans or micro-savings) on willingness-to-pay (WTP) for a water filter among households in the slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh. We find that time payments significantly increase WTP: compared to a lump-sum up-front purchase, median WTP increases 83% with a six-month loan and 115% with a 12-month loan. We find that households are quite patient with respect to consumption of health inputs. We find evidence for the presence of credit and savings constraints.
Export of Fijian papaya (Carica papaya) fruit to destinations such as New Zealand has increased significantly over the last several years. Shipment by sea rather than air is the preferred method, given the capacity for larger volumes and reductions in cost. Long shipping times, however, can compromise fruit quality, although the use of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) may provide a viable solution for extending fruit storage life. In a collaborative ACIAR project, Australian and Fijian researchers investigated the potential of using MAP to extend storage life of a Fijian papaya ('Fiji Red') fruit based on simulated sea transport conditions. Fruit were packed in one of three MAP environments within cartons, consisting of either a (1) Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) bag with 10 g of KMnO4, (2) Polyamide Film (PF) bag with macro-perforations or (3) without a bag (control fruit). Fruit were held for 1, 2 or 3 weeks at 10°C before being unpacked, ripened and assessed for quality. On day 6 after outturn, fruit with the highest overall quality were those held in LDPE bags. LDPE fruit generally coloured up faster at outturn than PF or control fruit, had less overall moisture loss and scored high in flavour. Headspace carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations within the LDPE bags were also near recommended levels for maintaining optimum storage-life quality. The LDPE bag provided the most suitable conditions for long term storage of fresh papaya fruit and is therefore the recommended MAP type for use with sea freight export out of Fiji.
A utilização do óleo de mamona como matéria-prima para produção de biodiesel mostra-se inviável na combustão interna do motor devido sua natureza química incomum que lhe confere especificações acima do permitido nas especificações técnicas da legislação nacional brasileira. Desta forma, a blenda com óleo de arroz refinado (OM:OA) qualifica o biodiesel atendendo a legislação nacional, além de corrigir a elevada acidez do óleo bruto de mamona prejudicial ao processo de transesterificação homogênea básica. No presente estudo realizou-se a produção de biodiesel etílico em escala piloto a partir de blendas de óleo bruto de mamona e óleo refinado de arroz em dois processos: o primeiro processo adotando a mistura direta dos dois óleos e o segundo processo pela esterificação antecipada do óleo bruto de mamona. Ambos os processos foram aplicados visando tanto definir os critérios de processo (acidez inicial) quanto o cumprimento das especificações técnicas (viscosidade e densidade). A produção em escala piloto (200 litros/batelada) foi realizada na Usina Demonstrativa para Produção de Biodiesel – BIOSUL (Edital FINEP, 2005) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG utilizando em ambos os processos transesterificação, com hidróxido de sódio, e esterificação com ácido sulfúrico. Os processos apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, sendo o processo de mistura direta (Processo A) o que obteve melhores rendimentos (94,04%, blenda 20:80) enquanto que o processo de pré- esterificação (Processo B) foi aquele que proporcionou a maior fração de óleo de mamona na blenda (80,36%, 33:67). Os resultados para o Processo A de glicerol livre, monoacilgliceróis, diacilgliceróis, triacilgliceróis e de glicerol total foram, respectivamente, de 1,322 %, 6,092 %, 1,000 %, 0,884 e 3,152%. Neste estudo foi comprovada a viabilidade do processamento, em batelada, de blendas dos óleos de mamona e arroz. O óleo de mamona bruto pode ser utilizado em até 30% produzindo biodiesel dentro da legislação, verificando-se assim a viabilidade do uso da mamona na produção de biocombustíveis.
No presente trabalho foi utilizado o processo de produção de biodiesel a partir da transesterificação de blendas de óleo de mamona e soja com etanol empregando-se como catalisador NaOH e posterior adição de H2SO4 para a neutralização do catalisador, visando a quebra de sabões e a melhor separação do biodiesel de seus co-produtos. Foi investigada a reação de transesterificação em blendas de óleo de mamona:soja nas proporções de 10:90, 20:80, 30:70, 40:60, 50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 e 90:10, sendo que as proporções que apresentaram melhores rendimentos foram 30:70, 60:40 e 80:20. O biodiesel obtido das blendas como melhor rendimento foram submetidos a medições viscosimétricas, sendo a proporção 30:70 a que apresentou a viscosidade mais próxima à especificada pela ANP (6,12 mm2 /s). O biodiesel etílico produzido com a blenda 30:70 obtido na transesterificação foi submetido a esterificação para diminuir o índice de acidez, utilizando H2SO4 como catalisador em concentrações de 5% e 10% em relação a massa de ácidos graxos livres, com álcool etílico numa razão molar de 60:1 e 80:1 álcool:ácido graxo. Para a reação de transesterificação, também foi estudada, a influência da concentração do catalisador no rendimento de biodiesel etílico e na formação de sabão. A quantidade de sabão formado no processo variou de 5,70% a 9,54% para 1% a 2% de catalisador, respectivamente.
No presente trabalho foi investigada a transesterificação de blendas dos óleos de soja e de tungue com metanol ou etanol empregando catalisador alcalino (NaOH ou KOH). Foi investigado o tempo reacional, a proporção da blenda, a concentração e o tipo de catalisador, tipo de álcool e razão molar, temperatura e metodologia empregada no tratamento da reação. Nas reações com metanol obtiveram-se melhores conversões com tempo reacional de 1,5h; temperatura de 60°C; proporção blenda dos óleos de soja e de tungue de 90:10 (m/m); concentração de NaOH de 0,5% em relação a massa da blenda e razão molar metanol:blenda de 6:1. O tratamento dos ésteres metílicos produzidos na reação foi realizado por lavagem com água a 60°C após o processo de decantação das fases, metodologia C. O rendimento de ésteres metílicos foi superior a 96% e, o teor de mono-, di- e triacilglicerídeos, glicerol livre e total ficou abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela ANP, indicando boa conversão (> 96,5%). Nas reações com etanol verificou-se que as melhores condições reacionais foram com uma concentração de catalisador de 0,8% de NaOH em relação a massa da blenda, razão molar etanol:blenda de 9:1, tempo de 1,5h e temperatura de 60°C. O tratamento dos produtos da reação foi realizado por lavagem com água a 60°C após o processo de remoção do etanol e decantação das fases, metodologia D. A concentração do catalisador foi um fator determinante na separação das fases. Uma maior concentração de catalisador favorece a saponificação, dificultando a separação das fases e afetando o rendimento do biodiesel sintetizado, tanto para o metílico quanto o etílico. O índice de acidez, tanto para o biodiesel metílico como o etílico, para qualquer proporção da blenda dos óleos de soja e tungue, ficaram dentro das normas da ANP, com valores abaixo de 0,5 mg.g-1 de KOH.
No Brasil o biodiesel é utilizado em misturas com óleo diesel em proporções de 5%, sem que haja modificações nos motores. Com o intuito de diversificar a utilização de oleaginosas não comestíveis no ramo dos biocombustíveis, e ainda vincular a produção com agricultura sustentável, uma alternativa para o RS é a utilização do óleo de tungue para a produção de biodiesel. A caracterização e quantificação de ácidos graxos do biodiesel de tungue, torna-se importante devido à seu exclusivo perfil graxo. Neste trabalho, foi estudado o desenvolvimento e validação de método para a determinação do perfil graxo do biodiesel metílico de tungue e blendas com soja utilizando GC-MS. Os parâmetros de validação considerados foram: curva analítica, linearidade, seletividade, limite de detecção e quantificação, robustez, precisão e exatidão. Para determinar as melhores condições cromatográficas, foram testadas diferentes programações de temperatura no forno cromatográfico; fluxo de gás; temperatura do injetor, detector e interface; e modo de injeção. As condições do GCMS após a otimização foram: injeção de 1 µL com injeção em alta pressão (300 kPa), T do injetor: 250 ºC, injeção split 1:30, fluxo de 1 mL min-1, coluna Rtx-5MS com dimensões 30 m x 0,25 mm x 0,25 µm, T forno: isoterma de 2 min a 130 ºC, aumento de 20 ºC/min até 220 ºC, aumento de 0,5ºC/min até 223ºC, aumento de 7 ºC/min até 250 ºC e isoterma em 250 ºC por 3 min, resultando em 20 min de análise. A temperatura da fonte e interface foram de 200 ºC e 250 ºC, respectivamente, com o MS no modo full scan, ionização por impacto eletrônico a 70 eV, e intervalo de massas de 30 a 500 u.m.a. A identificação do α-eleosteárico foi baseada na fragmentação característica do composto, pela comparação com o espectro do ácido linolênico, e ainda pelo tempo de retenção do composto. Na validação, as curvas analíticas apresentaram valores de r maiores que 0,99. O LD e LQ foram adequados, permitindo a quantificação de ésteres na concentração mínima de 0,6%. Os valores de exatidão ficaram entre 86 e 117%, com RSD% menores que 8%. O efeito matriz também foi avaliado, sendo que esse efeito foi considerado médio para a maioria dos compostos, ficando entre ± 20 e 50%. Durante a aplicação do método, o mesmo se mostrou adequado para amostras de biodiesel metílico de tungue e blendas com soja, nas proporções de 15:85, 20:80 e 25:75 (T:S, v/v). A aplicabilidade do método também foi testada para o biodiesel de soja, obtendo resultados satisfatórios, mostrando-se assim, além de tudo, ser um método robusto.
When you are invited to offer a conference like this, can not stop having a series of questions and considerations about the very fact of speaking to an audience informed and educated about the issues that the title might suggest exposure and how without falling into the usual cliches, without repeating the views and opinions set forth, if not obvious. I propose, then, establish, as a starting point, two things: the first is a promise: I will not talk about internet, a recurrent theme in his classes and activities. The second is a kind of contract between you and me: check out the obviousness of some views and question it, see it from behind, because that is where we might find the seams, some of the patches, if not outright nudity. I wonder if this is not precisely one of the first tasks of teaching in the University: to force what seems obvious to justify its obviousness, which is not easy.We can start messing things up a bit, looking like a very smooth and made some surrealist poets to cut one by one the words of poems and writings, throw them into the air and read with amazement the order they fall to form a new verse, Perhaps more interesting and evocative than the first. Is not this somewhat random operation of new blends the fundamental operation of so many new discoveries and innovative ideas in the fields of science, culture, arts? Some of you know the thought of Pascal says: "Do not say that I am not proposing something new: the order in which the material presented is different."
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Nutrição, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição Humana, 2015.