1000 resultados para Lúcia Sigalho
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a forma de apresentação, diagnóstico e tratamento das taquiarritmias supraventriculares fetais, através do relato de uma série de casos acompanhados em um centro terciário de cardiologia fetal. MÉTODOS: São descritos 25 casos de taquiarritmia supraventricular diagnosticados intra-útero, no período de janeiro/89 a outubro/97, em uma população compreendendo 3117 gestantes. RESULTADOS: Foram diagnosticados 17 casos de taquiarritmia supraventricular e 8 casos de flutter atrial fetal. As idades gestacionais variaram de 26 a 40 semanas. Doze fetos apresentavam hidropisia no momento do diagnóstico (6 com taquicardia supraventricular (TSV) e 6 com flutter atrial). Quatro fetos com TSV apresentavam cardiopatias estruturais (dois casos de anomalia de Ebstein e dois com comunicação interventricular). Todos os fetos foram internados na Unidade de Cardiologia Fetal para monitorização e tratamento. Entre os 17 fetos com TSV, 12 apresentaram reversão da arritmia após administração de digoxina, mas esta medida não foi eficaz em nenhum paciente com flutter. Dois pacientes com TSV e seis com flutter necessitaram interrupção da gestação para cardioversão elétrica pós-natal. A mortalidade foi de 3/17 no grupo da TSV (incluindo dois pacientes com anomalia de Ebstein) e de 0/8 no grupo com flutter. CONCLUSÃO: As taquiarritmias supraventriculares fetais são eventos raros na população geral. Entretanto, podem provocar insuficiência cardíaca e óbito intra-uterino. Como a resposta ao tratamento é satisfatória, tornam-se de extrema importância o diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento adequado.
Secondary metabolites from plants are important sources of high-value chemicals, many of them being pharmacologically active. These metabolites are commonly isolated through inefficient extractions from natural biological sources and are often difficult to synthesize chemically. Therefore, their production using engineered organisms has lately attracted an increased attention. Curcuminoids, an example of such metabolites, are produced in Curcuma longa and exhibit anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activities. Herein we report the construction of an artificial biosynthetic pathway for the curcuminoids production in Escherichia coli. Different 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligases (4CL) and polyketide synthases (diketide-CoA synthase (DCS), curcumin synthase (CURS) and curcuminoid synthase) were tested. The highest curcumin production (70 mg/L) was obtained by feeding ferulic acid and with the Arabidopsis thaliana 4CL1 and C. longa DCS and CURS enzymes. Other curcuminoids (bisdemethoxy- and demethoxycurcumin) were also produced by feeding coumaric acid or a mixture of coumaric and ferulic acids, respectively. Curcuminoids, including curcumin, were also produced from tyrosine through the caffeic acid pathway. To produce caffeic acid, tyrosine ammonia lyase and 4-coumarate 3-hydroxylase were used. Caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase was used to convert caffeoyl-CoA to feruloyl-CoA. This pathway represents an improvement of the curcuminoids heterologous production. The construction of this pathway in another model organism is being considered, as well as the introduction of alternative enzymes.
OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados ao ecocardiograma transesofágico e evolução clínica de portadores de flail mitral valve. MÉTODOS: No período de janeiro/93 a março/97, 1675 pacientes foram submetidos, em nossa instituição, a ecocardiograma transesofágico, sendo que em 35 casos foi feito o diagnóstico de flail mitral valve e, posteriormente, obtida sua evolução clínica. RESULTADOS: A idade dos pacientes variou 12 a 87 anos (média 65±15) e 27 (77%) eram do sexo masculino. O folheto posterior foi o mais acometido (25 pacientes, 71%). O mecanismo do flail foi ruptura de cordoalha tendínea em todos os casos, exceto um, que apresentava importante alongamento e redundância de cordoalha. A etiologia foi prolapso e/ou degeneração mixomatosa em 15 pacientes, degenerativa em 9, isquêmica em 5, reumática em 4 e endocardite em 3. Regurgitação mitral de grau importante ocorreu em 25 (71%) pacientes e moderada em 10 (29%). O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de 375±395 dias (1 a 1380). Foram submetidos a tratamento clínico 19 pacientes e a tratamento cirúrgico 16, sendo que em todos foi confirmado o diagnóstico transesofágico. O número total de óbitos (hospitalar e pós-hospitalar) foi alto (34%), tanto em pacientes submetidos a tratamento clínico quanto cirúrgico. Entre os sobreviventes, 17 estão em classe funcional (CF) I e 6 em CF II da NYHA. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico de flail mitral valve ao ecocardiograma transesofágico é acurado, permitindo a definição de sua etiologia e mecanismo. A alta mortalidade à época do diagnóstico, provavelmente, se relaciona à gravidade da doença subjacente. Embora os pacientes não operados estejam evoluindo bem, a baixa CF observada nestes pacientes pode ser atribuída ao curto período de seguimento.
This study compares the performance of Portuguese-German heritage children and adult L2 speakers of European Portuguese whose L1 is German with respect to two aspects of grammar, adverb placement and VP-ellipsis, which depend on a core syntactic property of the language, verb movement. The results show that both groups have acquired V-to-I and adverb placement, showing no influence of a V2 grammar. Performance in the VP-ellipsis task is more complex: heritage children produce VP-ellipsis at the level of controls, as opposed to L2 speakers; however, both L2 and heritage speakers show that crosslinguistic influence may produce a preference for pronoun substitution over VP-ellipsis in a task asking for redundancy resolution. Nevertheless, given that overall results show that heritage children perform at the level of L1 children, we take our results to support approaches to heritage bilingualism which suggest the development of an intact grammar in childhood.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether apolipoproteins A-I (Apo A-I) and B (Apo B) have, higher ensitivity (SN), specificity (SP) and positive predictive value (PPV) than lipoproteins (LP), total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), and triglycerides (TGL) in assessing the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). METHODS: This is a transversal case-control study of 241 patients, who were divided into two groups: 1) 145 patients with CHD, and 2) 96 patients without coronary disease. A model of logistic regression to evaluate the relation between the LPs and CHD was developed in which variables with a p-alpha <0.1 were included. RESULTS: Apo A-I levels were higher in the patients without CHD, (OR 2.08, CI 1.20-3.57). There were no statistical differences between the values of Apo A-I and the remaining lipid fractions (Apo A-I: 67%; Apo B: 100%; PPV: TC= 71%; TGC=71%; HDL=71%; LDL=71%). The costs of the tests in Reais were as follows: Apo A-I: R$ 56.60; Apo B-100: R$ 56.60; TC: R$ 9.94; HDL: R$ 21.30; LDL: R$ 28.40; TGL: R$ 14.20. CONCLUSION: Levels of Apo A-I and Apo B have no advantage over conventional lipoproteins in predicting the risk of CHD, despite the statistical association between Apo A-I and CHD; in addition, their costs are higher than those of the conventional lipoproteins.
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Intervenção Precoce)
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficiency of a systematic diagnostic approach in patients with chest pain in the emergency room in relation to the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and the rate of hospitalization in high-cost units. METHODS: One thousand and three consecutive patients with chest pain were screened according to a pre-established process of diagnostic investigation based on the pre-test probability of ACS determinate by chest pain type and ECG changes. RESULTS: Of the 1003 patients, 224 were immediately discharged home because of no suspicion of ACS (route 5) and 119 were immediately transferred to the coronary care united because of ST elevation or left bundle-branch block (LBBB) (route 1) (74% of these had a final diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction [AMI]). Of the 660 patients that remained in the emergency room under observation, 77 (12%) had AMI without ST segment elevation and 202 (31%) had unstable angina (UA). In route 2 (high probability of ACS) 17% of patients had AMI and 43% had UA, whereas in route 3 (low probability) 2% had AMI and 7 % had UA. The admission ECG has been confirmed as a poor sensitivity test for the diagnosis of AMI ( 49%), with a positive predictive value considered only satisfactory (79%). CONCLUSION: A systematic diagnostic strategy, as used in this study, is essential in managing patients with chest pain in the emergency room in order to obtain high diagnostic accuracy, lower cost, and optimization of the use of coronary care unit beds.
We report the case of a 40-year-old woman with 2 previous myocardial infarctions, revascularization surgery, and an ongoing pregnancy complicated with preeclampsia and fetal hypoxia. Her follow-up performed by a multidisciplinary team made possible the birth through cesarean section of a premature infant of the female sex with a very low birth weight, but without severe respiratory distress of the hyaline membrane disease type. Three months after the delivery, mother and daughter were healthy.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of a systematic model of care for patients with chest pain and no ST segment elevation in the emergency room. METHODS: From 1003 patients submitted to an algorithm diagnostic investigation by probability of acute ischemic syndrome. We analyzed 600 ones with no elevation of ST segment, then enrolled to diagnostic routes of median (route 2) and low probability (route 3) to ischemic syndrome. RESULTS: In route 2 we found 17% acute myocardial infarction and 43% unstable angina, whereas in route 3 the rates were 2% and 7%, respectively. Patients with normal/non--specific ECG had 6% probability of AMI whereas in those with negative first CKMB it was 7%; the association of the 2 data only reduced it to 4%. In patients in route 2 the diagnosis of AMI could only be ruled out with serial CKMB measurement up to 9 hours, while in route 3 it could be done in up to 3 hours. Thus, sensitivity and negative predictive value of admission CKMB for AMI were 52% and 93%, respectively. About one-half of patients with unstable angina did not disclose objective ischemic changes on admission. CONCLUSION: The use of a systematic model of care in patients with chest pain offers the opportunity of hindering inappropriate release of patients with ACI and reduces unnecessary admissions. However some patients even with normal ECG should not be released based on a negative first CKMB. Serial measurement of CKMB up to 9 hours is necessary in patients with medium probability of AMI.
OBJECTIVE: To identifity characteristics associated with complications during pregnancy and puerperium in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis. METHODS: Forty-one pregnant women (forty-five pregnancies) with mitral stenosis, followed-up from 1991 to 1999 were retrospectively evaluated. Predictor variables: the mitral valve area (MVA), measured by echocardiogram, and functional class (FC) before pregnancy (NYHA criteria).Maternal events: progression of heart failure, need for cardiac surgery or balloon mitral valvulotomy, death, and thromboembolism. Fetal/neonatal events: abortion, fetal or neonatal death, prematurity or low birth weight (<2,500g), and extended stay in the nursery or hospitalization in newborn ICU. RESULTS: The mean ± SD of age of the patients was 28.8±4.6 years. The eventful and uneventful patients were similar in age and percentage of first pregnancies. As compared with the level 1 MVA, the relative risk (RR) of maternal events was 5.5 (95% confidence interval (CI) =0.8-39.7) for level 2 MVA and 11.4 (95% CI=1.7-74.5) for level 3 MVA. The prepregnancy FC (FC > or = II and III versus I) was also associated with a risk for maternal events (RR=2.7; 95% CI=1.4-5.3).MVA and FC were not importantly associated with these events, although a smaller frequency of fetal/neonatal events was observed in patients who had undergone balloon valvulotomy. CONCLUSION: In pregnant women with mitral stenosis, the MVA and the FC are strongly associated with maternal complications but are not associated with fetal/neonatal events. Balloon mitral valvulotomy could have contributed to reducing the risks of fetal/neonatal events in the more symptomatic patients who had to undergo this procedure during pregnancy.
Dissertação de mestrado em Técnicas de Caracterização e Análise Química
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cardiac findings in 31 Noonan syndrome patients. METHODS: Thirty-one (18 males and 13 females)patients from 26 families affected with Noonan's syndrome were evaluated from the cardiac point of view with electrocardiography and echodopplercardiography. RESULTS: Twenty patients had some type of cardiac abnormality. The most frequent was pulmonary valve stenosis followed by hypertrophic myocardiopathy, commonly associated with valve defects. Upper deviation of the QRS axis was observed in 80% of these patients. CONCLUSION: In view of the high frequency and diversity of cardiac abnormalities present in Noonan syndrome, cardiac evaluation with electrocardiography and echocardiography should be performed in all patients diagnostically suspected of having this disease.
No âmbito do projeto de investigação “COMPOLIS – Comunicação e Envolvimento Político com Questões Ambientais”, que decorreu entre agosto de 2013 e dezembro de 2014, procurou-se compreender a relação entre as práticas de comunicação e o envolvimento com questões ambientais. Especificamente, analisou-se a forma como as alterações climáticas e outros problemas ambientais são tratados e debatidos nos documentos políticos oficiais, nos media, nos movimentos sociais e também pelos próprios cidadãos. No presente relatório focar-nos-emos na tarefa 3 do projeto, que se centrou no estudo do envolvimento no Movimento de Transição em Portugal. De forma geral, o Movimento de Transição visa capacitar as comunidades para lidar com as alterações climáticas e o pico do petróleo, através da diminuição do uso de combustíveis fósseis e da construção de resiliência ecológica nas comunidades (Hopkins, 20081). O Movimento de Transição surgiu em 2006, em Totnes, no Reino Unido, e desde então tem vindo a expandir-se internacionalmente. A rede internacional denominada de Transition Network (TN) (www.transitionnetwork.org) reportava a existência de 1196 Iniciativas de Transição (ITs), a novembro de 2014. Em Portugal, o Movimento começou a dar os primeiros passos em 2010, e à semelhança do panorama internacional, tem tido um crescimento significativo em termos de número de ITs. A primeira IT surgiu no distrito do Porto, em Paredes, e foi registada na TN em Abril de 2010. Em Maio de 2015, o número de Iniciativas inscritas na TN era de 22 (TN, 2015).