825 resultados para Keyboard harmony.


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Cette-recherche-action émerge d’une problématique élaborée à partir de l’observation des pratiques catéchétiques à la paroisse Saint-Joachim dans le diocèse de Montréal. L’essentiel du projet se situe en théologie pratique, menée dans le cadre de la praxéologie pastorale. Un premier chapitre situe l’historique de la catéchèse en paroisse. Le deuxième déploie l’observation de la pratique à partir des pôles structurels et des fonctions d’élaboration, mais aussi par la mise à contribution des parents qui ont accepté de répondre à un questionnaire. Le troisième pose la problématique de la mise à l’écart des parents dans l’éducation à la foi et est suivi d’une interprétation sur un changement de posture et un appel à la coéducation dans la foi tout en prenant compte des évolutions des familles à l’égard du religieux. Cela est fait à partir de référents théologiques principalement, enrichis de référents dans les domaines de l’éducation et des sciences sociales. Des pistes à envisager avec les parents et avec les catéchètes sont ensuite formulées, avec un accent mis sur la pratique du dialogue pastoral et la notion d’accompagnement, et également en faisant le lien avec les différentes dimensions de la vie chrétienne. Le dernier chapitre veut offrir une prospective dans la transmission de la foi en révélant le rôle missionnaire de la catéchèse qui s’accorde avec la nouvelle évangélisation et la pastorale des familles.


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The most natural mode of family firm succession is the intergenerational ownership transfer. Statistical evidence, however, suggests that in most cases the succession process fails. There can be several reasons as a lot of personal, emotional and structural factors can act as an inhibitor to succession. The effectiveness of the implementation of any succession strategy is strongly dependent on the efficiency of intergenerational knowledge transfer, which is related to the parties’ absorptive capacity and willingness to learn. The paper is based on the experiences learned from the INSIST project. In the framework of the project different aspects of family business succession have been investigated in three participating countries (Hungary, Poland and the United Kingdom). The aim of the paper is to identify the patterns of management, succession, knowledge transfer and learning in family businesses. Issues will be examined in detail such as the succession strategies of companies investigated and the efforts family businesses and their managers make in order to harmonize family goals (such as emotional stability, harmony, and reputation) with business- related objectives (e.g. survival, growth or profitability).


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The purpose of this thesis is to provide a historical and musical analysis that illustrates characteristic features of musical compositions from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Twentieth century styles. The structural analysis of the pieces reveal the evolution in the musical expression regarding line, texture, form, and the technical skills employed by the composers through polyphonic, homophonic, and twelve-tone procedures. The works of this recital represent four different styles: The prelude and fugue among the important forms of the Baroque style; the sonata embodying the principles of balance and unity of the Classical style; the etude and waltz as representative of the Romantic style; and the nocturne as an illustration of the transformation of the melody, harmony, and rhythm in the music of the 20thcentury.


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Cette-recherche-action émerge d’une problématique élaborée à partir de l’observation des pratiques catéchétiques à la paroisse Saint-Joachim dans le diocèse de Montréal. L’essentiel du projet se situe en théologie pratique, menée dans le cadre de la praxéologie pastorale. Un premier chapitre situe l’historique de la catéchèse en paroisse. Le deuxième déploie l’observation de la pratique à partir des pôles structurels et des fonctions d’élaboration, mais aussi par la mise à contribution des parents qui ont accepté de répondre à un questionnaire. Le troisième pose la problématique de la mise à l’écart des parents dans l’éducation à la foi et est suivi d’une interprétation sur un changement de posture et un appel à la coéducation dans la foi tout en prenant compte des évolutions des familles à l’égard du religieux. Cela est fait à partir de référents théologiques principalement, enrichis de référents dans les domaines de l’éducation et des sciences sociales. Des pistes à envisager avec les parents et avec les catéchètes sont ensuite formulées, avec un accent mis sur la pratique du dialogue pastoral et la notion d’accompagnement, et également en faisant le lien avec les différentes dimensions de la vie chrétienne. Le dernier chapitre veut offrir une prospective dans la transmission de la foi en révélant le rôle missionnaire de la catéchèse qui s’accorde avec la nouvelle évangélisation et la pastorale des familles.


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Introdução: Ao longo da última década a procura por um sorriso estético (inclui harmonia e continuidade de forma) transformou-se numa preocupação relevante na Medicina Dentária e em particular nos tratamentos periodontais. As recessões gengivais com as consequentes exposições radiculares e alteração morfológica dos tecidos periodontais, podem constituir um problema estético importante podendo trazer outros problemas associados. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar qual a técnica cirúrgica mais vantajosa para recobrimento radicular (RRC, RRC com ETC e TUN) e saber em que situações uma poderá ser melhor escolha que a outra, sabendo que ambas são técnicas de alta fiabilidade. Materiais e métodos: Para o cumprimento do objetivo, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa entre Junho e Setembro de 2016, de artigos em português e inglês, sem limites temporais, recorrendo às bases de dados electrónicas: PUBMED e Google Académico utilizando para o efeito as seguintes “palavras-chave”: “tunnel technique”, “microsurgery”, “recession coverage”, “connective tissue graft”, “coronally advanced flap”, “coronally advanced flap vs. tunnel technique”. Foram utilizados 40 artigos científicos e duas obras literárias (Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry e Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery) para complementar o tema. Conclusão: Segundo a literatura publicada e consultada, os procedimentos mais eficazes são aqueles que utilizam enxertos de tecido conjuntivo para o aumento da espessura gengival. Sendo que comparando as duas técnicas Retalho de Reposicionamento Coronal e Técnica de Tunelização, a segunda leva vantagem em relação à primeira, uma vez que, necessitando de menos incisões trará aspetos positivos quanto à cicatrização pois permite maior aporte sanguíneo, além de haver uma preservar das papilas.


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What is religion and what is spirituality? Can you be religious and spiritual at the same time? Is religion's influence on society declining? What role does religion play in social change? Do religions foster cultures of violence or social harmony?Sociologists of religion have long grappled with these questions. While there is no agreed definition of either religion or spirituality, scholars have provided useful explanations to help us understand these terms and the changing place of religion in contemporary societies. We will examine some of these questions and frameworks in this chapter. We will also investigate how religions can contribute towards or undermine the creation of peaceful societies. These aspects of religion are of most interest to governments, non-governmental organisations and the media, particularly after the tragic events of 11 September 2001. More recently, religions have become the subject of significant public scrutiny and debate: This has occurred in parallel with a dramatic growth in the number of people declaring themselves as having 'no religion' in Western societies.


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Culture and identity in a society can be represented in the architecture and the meanings intertwined with it. In this sense, the architecture and design are the interface for transferring meaning and identity to the nation and future generations. Persian gardens have been evolved through the history of Persian Empire in regard to the culture and beliefs of the society. This paper aims to investigate the patterns of design and architecture in Persian gardens and the meanings intertwined with their patterns and significant elements such as water and trees. Persian gardens are not only about geometries and shapes; but also manifest different design elements, each representing a specific symbol and its significance among the society. This paper seeks to explore Persian gardens in terms of their geometric structure, irrigation system, network construction and pavilions alongside design qualities such as hierarchy, symmetry, centrality, rhythm and harmony. In the second stage, the paper investigates the fundamental symbols and their philosophy in the creation of Persian gardens and in relation to the architecture and design.


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With the fast growth of applications of service-oriented architecture (SOA) in software engineering, there has been a rapid increase in demand for building service-based systems (SBSs) by composing existing Web services. Finding appropriate component services to compose is a key step in the SBS engineering process. Existing approaches require that system engineers have detailed knowledge of SOA techniques which is often too demanding. To address this issue, we propose KS3 (Keyword Search for Service-based Systems), a novel approach that integrates and automates the system planning, service discovery and service selection operations for building SBSs based on keyword search. KS3 assists system engineers without detailed knowledge of SOA techniques in searching for component services to build SBSs by typing a few keywords that represent the tasks of the SBSs with quality constraints and optimisation goals for system quality, e.g., reliability, throughput and cost. KS3 offers a new paradigm for SBS engineering that can significantly save the time and effort during the system engineering process. We conducted large-scale experiments using a real-world Web service dataset to demonstrate the practicality, effectiveness and efficiency of KS3.


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We are currently witnessing an era where interaction with computers is no longer limited to conventional methods (i.e. keyboard and mouse). Human Computer Interaction (HCI) as a progressive field of research, has opened up alternatives to the traditional interaction techniques. Embedded Infrared (IR) sensors, Accelerometers and RGBD cameras have become common inputs for devices to recognize gestures and body movements. These sensors are vision based and as a result the devices that incorporate them will be reliant on presence of light. Ultrasonic sensors on the other hand do not suffer this limitation as they utilize properties of sound waves. These sensors however, have been mainly used for distance detection and not with HCI devices. This paper presents our approach in developing a multi-dimensional interaction input method and tool Ultrasonic Gesture-based Interaction (UGI) that utilizes ultrasonic sensors. We demonstrate how these sensors can detect object movements and recognize gestures. We present our approach in building the device and demonstrate sample interactions with it. We have also conducted a user study to evaluate our tool and its distance and micro gesture detection accuracy. This paper reports these results and outlines our future work in the area.


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En este segundo número de reflexiones pedagógicas se presenta una revisión de la denominada clase invertida (flipped classroom). Este texto presentan los componentes que caracterizan esta estrategia. Se comparan igualmente los elementos que la diferencian de la clase tradicional y se destacan los pasos para adelantar esta innovación y su forma de funcionamiento. De igual manera se muestran algunos indicadores que pueden llevar a una reflexión de la pacífica pedagógica y se concluye con estudios que muestran sus aportes e investigaciones que la soportan.


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O repertório português para instrumentos de tecla da segunda metade do século XVIII encontra-se disperso em bibliotecas e arquivos, em Portugal e no estrangeiro, essencialmente sob a forma de manuscrito. Neste repertório, a sonata emerge como um género musical de grande importância. De facto, as duas coleções de sonatas publicadas na época constituem as únicas obras para instrumentos de tecla impressas em Portugal durante todo esse século. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar um inventário do repertório português composto para instrumentos de tecla durante o período acima descrito, focando a respectiva descrição formal e as características composicionais das sonatas em geral, e na produção de cada compositor português em particular, bem como as suas biografias e perfis. De forma a estudar a sonata portuguesa e o seu desenvolvimento no período compreendido entre 1750–1807, foi realizado um levantamento das obras portuguesas existentes para instrumentos de tecla deste período. Este levantamento foi acompanhado por pesquisas biográficas sobre cada compositor e por uma abordagem analítica baseada na Teoria da Sonata de James Hepokoski e Warren Darcy. A divisão deste período em dois subperíodos demonstra variações significativas na evolução da sonata portuguesa. O estudo deste repertório demonstra que a sonata é o género musical predominante e define o modelo da sonata portuguesa deste período, para além de caracterizar o desenvolvimento da sonata em Portugal em paralelo com o desenvolvimento deste género musical em Itália e Espanha; ABSTRACT: The Sonata Genre in Portugal: Contributions for the Study of the Portuguese Keyboard Repertory from 1750 to 1807 The extant Portuguese repertory of the second half of the eighteenth century for keyboard instruments is dispersed in libraries and archives, in Portugal and abroad, mainly in manuscript form. In that repertory, the sonata emerges as a genre of great importance. Indeed, the two collections of sonatas published at the time are the only works for keyboard instruments printed in Portugal throughout the entire century. The aim of the present work is to make an inventory of the Portuguese repertory written for keyboard instruments during the above-mentioned period, with a focus on its formal description and the compositional characteristics of the sonatas in general and in the production of each Portuguese composer in particular, in addition to the biographies and profiles of the latter. In order to study the Portuguese sonata and its development in the period comprised between 1750–1807, a survey of the existing Portuguese works for keyboard instruments from that period was done. This survey was followed by a research on the biography of each composer and an analytic approach based on the Sonata Theory by James Hepokoski and Warren Darcy. Dividing this period in two sub periods showed significant variations on the evolution of the Portuguese sonata. The study of this repertory shows that the sonata is the predominant musical genre within it and identifies the Portuguese sonata model of this period, besides characterizing the development of the sonata in Portugal in parallel with the development of the same genre in Italy and Spain.


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Nesta dissertação pretendemos analisar a interpretação do papel do tenor nas óperas Lucia di Lammermoor e L´Elisir d´Amore de Gaetano Donizetti, estudando os principais fatores que influenciaram a interpretação do papel do tenor e como esta mudou ao longo dos anos, por comparação de gravações destas óperas com 50 anos de intervalo entre si. O período do bel canto está associado à linha de canto ornamentada para exprimir emoções, o que, em conjunto com outros aspetos, fez com que a voz de tenor passasse a ter uma emissão distinta, especialmente no registo agudo. O contexto histórico e musical desta época, bem como os desenvolvimentos técnicos que se verificaram, influenciaram a forma de cantar e introduziram o tenor como papel principal nas óperas, com todos os desafios de cantar na zona de passagem, de domínio da respiração e de respeito pelas diversas formas de expressão musical que os compositores do período do bel canto usavam como veículos de interpretação e expressão dos sentimentos. A escolha destas duas óperas de Donizetti assenta num gosto pessoal e no meu interesse em estudar os contrastes dos personagens Edgardo e Nemorino, que são apresentados nesta dissertação sob o ponto de vista interpretativo, analisando a problemática de cada papel e a forma como o percurso tonal destas obras influencia as performances dos intérpretes; Abstract: STUDY AND ANALYSIS TECHNICAL-INTERPRETATION OF THE LEADING ROLE OF THE TENOR IN THE OPERAS LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR (EDGARDO) AND L´ELISIR D´AMORE (NEMORINO) OF GAETANO DONIZETTI In this dissertation we analyze the interpretation of the tenor role in the operas Lucia di Lammermoor and L´Elisir d´Amore by Gaetano Donizetti, studying the major factors that influenced the tenor role interpretation and how it developed along the years, by comparing two recordings of these operas recorded 50 years apart from each other. The period of the bel canto is associated with the vocal ornamentation to express emotions which, as a consequence and together with other aspects, required technical changes to the tenor voice, in particular the high register. The historic and musical context of this time, as well as the technical developments that happened then, influenced the way of singing and introduced the tenor as the main role in operas, with all the challenges to sing in the passagio, to master the breathing process and to use all the forms of musical expression that the bel canto composers used as vehicles to interpret and express feelings. The choice of these two operas by Donizetti is based on personal taste and also on the interpretative contrasts between the roles of Edgardo and Nemorino, studied in this dissertation in terms of their interpretation, their problematic and how the harmony of these operas influences the interpretation of the singers.


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O presente estudo, sobre avaliação de aprendizagens, apesar de ser abordado por outros autores de variadas formas, esboça-se aqui com o tema A Avaliação da Aprendizagem na Escola Waldecy Corrêa: um estudo na terceira e quarta série do ensino fundamental I que tem como finalidade uma análise teórica e prática acerca da avaliação no processo de ensino e aprendizagem na escola supracitada. Essa abordagem constitui-se de extrema relevância para o entendimento da temática, haja vista, que a avaliação da aprendizagem ser um assunto bastante discutido entre os teóricos que postularam um significado com o propósito de nortear a base conceituai sobre o tema em estudo. Para embasar teoricamente foram imprescindíveis as ideias produzidas por alguns autores como Luckesi, Hoffmann, Perrenoud, Sant’Anna, Saul, além das políticas públicas como a LDB\ PCN's2, a Sistemática de Avaliação do Estado do Amapá entre outros, que focalizam a importância desta temática. Embora a estimativa produzida na presente pesquisas se traduza em efeitos de mudança na forma de aplicar a avaliação da aprendizagem com a realidade analisada. Os procedimentos metodológicos envolveram tanto a técnica qualitativa - articulada com o estudo de caso envolvendo como instrumentos na coleta de dados as observações e entrevistas, bem como a quantitativa como tratamento das informações recolhidas pela aplicação dos questionários para obtenção de resultados em consonância com nossos objetivos. As informações obtidas por meio dos resultados revelaram tendencialmente que os investigados estão perpassando de uma concepção de avaliação seletiva para uma avaliação de processo, embora tenha se observado alguns contrapontos. Nesse sentido, a proposta é que o professor busque ampliar o seu entendimento acerca da avaliação para que possa promover uma nova cultura do verdadeiro sentido do que, como, quando e para que avaliar. Dessa forma, a avaliação da aprendizagem se manifestará objetivando uma ação reflexiva e emancipatória dos sujeitos envolvidos em sua processualização. ABSTRACT: ln spite of being approached in several ways by other authors, the present study here outlines itself with the theme "The Evaluation of the Learning at Waldecy Corrêa School: a study in the third and fourth year of the primary education" and its purpose is a theoretical and practical analysis about the evaluation in the process of teaching and learning at the aforesaid school. This approach is constituted of extreme relevance for the understanding of the thematic in as much as the evaluation is a subject discussed a lot among the theorists who postulate a meaning with the purpose of guiding conceptual basis on the theme studied. The ideas produced by some authors, such as Luckesi, Hoffmann, Perrenoud, Sant'Anna, Saul, besides the public politics like the LDB\ PCN's2, the systematic of evaluation of the State of Amapá, among others that focus on the importance of this thematic were indispensable to give it basis theoretically. Although the estimate produced in the present research is translated into effect of change in the way of applying the evaluation in the learning together with the reality analyzed. The methodological procedures have involved the qualitative technique - articulated with the study of cases having as the tools in the data collection the observations and interviews - as well as the quantitative technique as treatment of the information collected by applying the questionnaires for obtaining the outcomes in harmony with our goals. The information obtained by the results has revealed the tendency that the investigated students are changing from a conception of selective evaluation to an evaluation of process. Although we have observed some counterpoints. ln this sense, the proposal is that the teacher looks for enlarging his understanding about the evaluation so that he can promote a new culture of the true sense of "what", "how", "when" and ''what for" to evaluate. This way, the evaluation of learning will be made known by aiming at a reflexive and emancipating action of the subjects involved in their processing.


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ResumenDescribe la ideología de los pequeños y medianos productores de café costarricense. En esta ideología se ofrece una visión evolutiva y progresiva de la dinámica social y se privilegian constantemente los procedimientos de carácter institucional y legal cómo reguladores de la vida social. Es una ideología que la loa la tranquilidad, la paz y la armonía. La ideología cafetalera costarricense es persistente e incluso ha tenido una gran influencia en la historia intelectual de  Costa Rica.AbstractThis article describes the ideology of small and medium coffee producers in Costa Rica. Their ideology offers an evolutionary and progressive view of social dynamics, and constantly emphasizes institutional and legal procedures as the means for regulation of social life. It is an ideology which praises peacefulness and social harmony. The Costa Rican coffee ideology is seen as persistent and very influential in the country´s intellectual history.


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El paradigma holista ha transformado la sociedad actual para desarrollar una cultura de géneros con tal de promover la búsqueda y la redefinición de lo masculino y lo femenino no con características excluyentes, sino con equilibrio en las oportunidades y con equidad. Esta es una cultura en la cual todos y todas nos veamos como seres humanos holistas. El nuevo paradigma promueve una pedagogía crítica para el rescate de la armonía, la aceptación y la libertad social con el fin de recuperar la equidad de género. La sociedad necesita un cambio de paradigma en la relación masculino/femenino con una nueva conciencia que se desarrolle por medio de experiencias de aprendizaje, que dignifiquen a los hombres y a las mujeres y con un profundo sentido espiritual de la vida para que, de esta forma, puedan convivir fraternal y libremente. The holistic paradigm has transformed modern society to develop a culture of gender in order to promote a quest and redefinition of the feminine and masculine not exclusive traits, but as equilibrium in the opportunities and equity. This is a new culture where everyone is seen as holistic human beings. The new paradigm promotes critical pedagogy to rescue harmony, acceptance and social freedom in order to recover gender equity. Society needs a change of paradigm for masculine and feminine relationships, with a new consciousness developed by learning experiences that dignify men and women and with a deep spiritual feeling of life; so both of them can live freely.