996 resultados para Intracellular Fluid -- immunology


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Background: Metabolism by peptidases plays an important role in modulating the levels of biologically-active neuropeptides. The metabolism of the anti-inflammatory neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide (GCRP), but not the pro-inflammatory neuropeptides substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA) by components of the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), could potentiate the inflammatory process in periodontitis.


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The protein components of GCF can be separated by reverse-phase microbore HPLC on a C18 column with detection on the basis of 214 nm absorbance. A single major symmetrical protein peak eluting with a retention time of 26 min (50% acetonitrile) was evident in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from periodontitis patients but not in healthy GCF. This protein was identified as human MRP-8 by N-terminal amino acid sequencing and liquid chromatography quadropole mass spectrometry.


To quantify the amount of MRP-8 detectable in GCF from individual healthy, gingivitis and periodontitis affected sites and to study the relationship, if any, between the levels of this responsive protein and periodontal health and disease.


GCF was sampled (30 s) from healthy, gingivitis, and periodontitis sites in peridontitis subjects (n=15) and from controls (n=5) with clinically healthy gingiva and no periodontitis. Purified MRP-8 was sequenced by Edmann degradation and the phenylthiohydantoin (PTH) amino acid yield determined (by comparison of peak area with external PTH amino acid standards). This value was subsequently used to calculate the relative amount of protein in the peak eluting with a retention time of 26.0 min (MRP-8) in individual GCF chromatograms.


Higher levels of MRP-8 were detected in inflammatory sites: periodontitis 457.0 (281.0) ng; gingivitis 413.5 (394.5) ng compared with periodontally healthy sites in diseased subjects 14.6 (14.3) ng and in controls 18.6 (18.5) ng, p=0.003. There was at least 20-fold more MRP-8 in the inflammatory compared with the healthy sites studied.


The preliminary data indicate that MRP-8 is present in GCF, with significantly greater amounts present at diseased than healthy sites. A systematic study of the relationship of this protein to periodontal disease could prove useful in further clarifying whether MRP-8 could be a reliable GCF biomarker of gingivitis and periodontitis.


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Aims: Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) isolates causing pulmonary infection in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients grow within an acidic environment in the lung. As exposure to acid pH has been shown to increase intracellular inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) formation in some bacteria, we investigated the inter-relationship between acidic pH and polyP accumulation in Bcc isolates.


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The importance of the frying oil as a heat-transfer medium and as a source of flavor precursors for the formation of potato chip flavor was investigated. Potato slices were fried in palmolein or silicone fluid, and the volatile flavor compounds of the resulting chips were isolated onto Tenax and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Although the heat-transfer coefficients of the oils did not differ significantly, their temperature profiles during frying were different, probably due to greater turbulence on placing potato slices in palmolein, leading to more efficient heat transfer. Levels of Strecker aldehydes and sulfides in chips fried in the two media were not significantly different, but levels of pyrazines were significantly higher in palmolein-fried chips. Amounts of 2,4-decadienal were also significantly higher in palmolein-fried chips, but there was no significant difference in hexanal levels between the samples.