945 resultados para Insulin-receptor Substrate-2


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AIM: To test the hypothesis that a 'basal plus' regimenadding once-daily main-meal fast-acting insulin to basal insulin once dailywould be non-inferior to biphasic insulin twice daily as assessed by glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) concentration (predefined as ≤0.4%), but would provide superior treatment satisfaction. METHODS: This open-label trial enrolled adults to an 8- or 12-week run-in period, during which oral therapies except metformin were stopped and insulin glargine dose was titrated. Those with fasting glucose <7 mmol/l but HbA1c >7% (53 mmol/mol) were randomized to insulin glargine/glulisine once daily (n = 170) or insulin aspart/aspart protamine 30/70 twice daily (n = 165) for 24 weeks, with dose titration to glucose targets using standardized algorithms. RESULTS: For HbA1c, the basal plus regimen was non-inferior to biphasic insulin (least squares mean difference, 0.21%, upper 97.5% confidence limit 0.38%) meeting the predefined non-inferiority margin of 0.4%. Treatment satisfaction (Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire change version and Insulin Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire total scores) significantly favoured basal plus. No difference was observed between the basal plus and the biphasic insulin groups in responders (HbA1c <7%, 20.6 vs 27.9%; p = 0.12), weight gain (2.06 vs 2.50 kg; p = 0.2), diabetes-specific quality of life (Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life average weighted impact (AWI) score) and generic health status (five-dimension European Quality of Life questionnaire). Overall hypoglycaemia rates were similar between groups (15.3 vs 18.2 events/patient-year; p = 0.22); nocturnal hypoglycaemia was higher with the basal plus regimen (5.7 vs 3.6 events/patient-year; p = 0.02). CONCLUSION: In long-standing type 2 diabetes with suboptimal glycaemia despite oral therapies and basal insulin, the basal plus regimen was non-inferior to biphasic insulin for biomedical outcomes, with a similar overall hypoglycaemia rate but more nocturnal events.


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AIM/HYPOTHESIS: Skeletal muscle insulin resistance and oxidative stress are characteristic metabolic disturbances in people with type 2 diabetes. Studies in insulin resistant rodents show an improvement in skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity and oxidative stress following antioxidant supplementation. We therefore investigated the potential ameliorative effects of antioxidant ascorbic acid (AA) supplementation on skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity and oxidative stress in people with type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Participants with stable glucose control commenced a randomized cross-over study involving four months of AA (2×500mg/day) or placebo supplementation. Insulin sensitivity was assessed using a hyperinsulinaemic, euglycaemic clamp coupled with infusion of 6,6-D2 glucose. Muscle biopsies were measured for AA concentration and oxidative stress markers that included basal measures (2',7'-dichlorofluorescin [DCFH] oxidation, ratio of reduced-to-oxidized glutathione [GSH/GSSG] and F2-Isoprostanes) and insulin-stimulated measures (DCFH oxidation). Antioxidant concentrations, citrate synthase activity and protein abundances of sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter 2 (SVCT2), total Akt and phosphorylated Akt (ser473) were also measured in muscle samples. RESULTS: AA supplementation significantly increased insulin-mediated glucose disposal (delta rate of glucose disappearance; ∆Rd) (p=0.009), peripheral insulin-sensitivity index (p=0.046), skeletal muscle AA concentration (p=0.017) and muscle SVCT2 protein expression (p=0.008); but significantly decreased skeletal muscle DCFH oxidation during hyperinsulinaemia (p=0.007) when compared with placebo. Total superoxide dismutase activity was also lower following AA supplementation when compared with placebo (p=0.006). Basal oxidative stress markers, citrate synthase activity, endogenous glucose production, HbA1C and muscle Akt expression were not significantly altered by AA supplementation. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: In summary, oral AA supplementation ameliorates skeletal muscle oxidative stress during hyperinsulinaemia and improves insulin-mediated glucose disposal in people with type 2 diabetes. Findings implicate AA supplementation as a potentially inexpensive, convenient, and effective adjunct therapy in the treatment of insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes.


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Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna (HPB) é uma condição patológica que acomete os homens na senescência e está presente em 50% da população masculina, com cerca de 85 anos de idade. A glândula prostática é alvo dos hormônios androgênicos que são responsáveis pela diferenciação e crescimento do epitélio e estroma prostáticos. Os mecanismos proliferativos da próstata envolvem uma série de fatores que operam em conjunto para manter o equilíbrio entre inibição e/ou proliferação celular. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar os mecanismos moleculares mediados por androgênio que possam estar envolvidos na proliferação de células epiteliais prostáticas humanas derivadas de HPB. As células foram incubadas com diferentes concentrações de dihidrotestosterona (DHT). Uma baixa concentração de DHT (10-13 M) provocou um aumento significativo na proliferação destas células. Para se verificar se o efeito proliferativo ocorre via receptor de androgênio (AR), as células foram tratadas com o antiandrogênio hidroxiflutamida e a proliferação foi inibida. A expressão do gene do AR foi avaliada por RT-PCR em diferentes tempos de tratamento e concentrações de DHT. Os níveis de mRNA do AR aumentaram significativamente nos grupos tratados com DHT.10-13 M em 3, 4 e 6 horas de estímulo hormonal, sendo que um aumento marcante na expressão do AR foi observado em 4 horas de tratamento. Em relação às diferentes concentrações de DHT testadas no tempo de 4 horas (DHT.10-8, DHT.10-10 e DHT.10-13 M), a expressão do AR aumentou significativamente no grupo tratado com DHT.10-13 M em relação ao grupo controle. Buscando averiguar o possível papel de genes envolvidos na proliferação celular que podem ser modulados pela ação androgênica, em células epiteliais prostáticas, avaliou-se também por RT-PCR a expressão do p21 e do bcl-2. A expressão gênica do p21 foi verificada no intervalo de tempo de zero à 6 horas de tratamento com DHT.10-13 M, não apresentando diferença em seus níveis de mRNA nos tempos avaliados. Quando as células foram incubadas durante 4 horas com diferentes concentrações de DHT, observou-se que a concentração mais alta (10-8 M) provocou um aumento significativo nos níveis de mRNA do p21 em relação ao grupo tratado com DHT.10-13 M. O gene do bcl-2 teve sua expressão avaliada no mesmo intervalo de tempo do p21. Os níveis de mRNA do bcl-2 aumentaram significativamente em 15 minutos de tratamento com DHT.10-13 M em relação ao tempo zero e aos grupos tratados por 1 e 4 horas. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho indicam que baixas concentrações de dihidrotestosterona estimulam a proliferação das células epiteliais prostáticas derivadas de HPB, por uma via que parece envolver a expressão do AR, do p21 e do bcl-2.


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Inflammation has been pointed out as an important factor in development of chronic diseases, as diabetes. Hyperglycemia condition would be responsible by toll-like receptors, TLR2 and TLR4, and, consequently by local and systemic inflammation induction. Thus, the objective of present study was to evaluate type 1 Diabetes mellitus (T1DM) pro-inflammatory state through mRNA expression of TLRs 2 and 4 and proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α correlating to diabetic nephropathy. In order to achieve this objective, 76 T1DM patients and 100 normoglycemic (NG) subjects aged between 6 and 20 years were evaluated. T1DM subjects were evaluated as a total group DM1, and considering glycemic control (good glycemic control DM1G, and poor glycemic control DM1P) and considering time of diagnosis (before achieving 5 years of diagnosis DM1< 5yrs, and after achieving 5 years of diagnosis DM1 <5yrs). Metabolic control was evaluated by glucose and glycated hemoglobin concentrations; to assess renal function serum urea, creatinine, albumin, total protein and urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio were determined and to evaluate hepatic function, AST and ALT serum activities were measured. Pro-inflammatory status was assessed by mRNA expression of TLRs 2 and 4 and the inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α. Except for DM1G group (18.4%), DM1NC patients (81.6%) showed a poor glycemic control, with glycated hemoglobin (11,2%) and serum glucose (225,5 md/dL) concentrations significantly increased in relation to NG group (glucose: 76,5mg/dL and glycated hemoglobin: 6,9%). Significantly enhanced values of urea (20%) and ACR (20,8%) and diminished concentrations of albumin (5,7%) and total protein (13,6%) were found in T1DM patients, mainly associated to a poor glycemic control (DM1P increased values of urea: 20% and ACR:49%, and diminished of albumin: 13,6% and total protein:13,6%) and longer disease duration (DM1 <5yrs - increased values of urea: 20% and ACR:20,8%, and diminished of albumin: 14,3% and total protein:13,6%). As regarding pro-inflammatory status evaluation, significantly increased mRNA expressions were presented for TLR2 (37,5%), IL-1β (43%), IL-6 (44,4%) and TNF-α (15,6%) in T1DM patients in comparison to NG, mainly associated to DM1P (poor glycemic control TLR2: 82%, IL-1β: 36,8% increase) and DM1 <5yrs (longer time of diagnosis TLR2: 85,4%, IL-1β: 46,5% increased) groups. Results support the existence of an inflammatory state mediated by an increased expression of TLR2 and pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α in T1DM


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During pregnancy, the maternal endocrine pancreas undergoes, as a consequence of placental lactogens and prolactin (PR,L) action, functional changes that are characterized by increased glucose-induced insulin secretion. After delivery, the maternal endocrine pancreas rapidly returns to nonpregnant state, which is mainly attributed to the increased serum levels of glucocorticoids (GCs). Although GCs are known to decrease insulin secretion and counteract PRL action, the mechanisms for these effects are poorly understood. We have previously demonstrated that signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is increased in islets treated with PRL. In the present study, we show that STAT3 expression and serine phosphorylation are increased in pancreatic islets at the end of pregnancy (P19). STAT3 serine phosphorylation rapidly returned to basal levels 3 days after delivery (U). The expression of the sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2 (SERCA2), a crucial protein involved in the regulation of calcium handling in P-cells, was also increased in P19, returning to basal levels at L3. PRL increased SERCA2 and STAT3 expressions and STAT3 serine phosphorylation in RINm5F cells. The upregulation of SERCA2 by PRL was abolished after STAT3 knockdown. Moreover, PRL-induced STAT3 serine phosphorylation and SERCA2 expression were inhibited by dexamethasone (DEX). Insulin secretion from islets of PI 9 rats pre-incubated with thapsigargin and L3 rats showed a dramatic suppression of first phase of insulin release. The present results indicate that PRL regulates SERCA2 expression by a STAT3-dependent mechanism. PRL effect is counteracted by DEX and might contribute to the adaptation of maternal endocrine pancreas during the peripartum period.


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To identify early metabolic abnormalities in type 2 diabetes mellitus, we measured insulin secretion, sensitivity to insulin, and hepatic insulin extraction in 48 healthy normal glucose-tolerant Brazilians, first-degree relatives of type 2 diabetic patients (FH+). Each individual was matched for sex, age, weight, and body fat distribution with a person without history of type 2 diabetes (FH-). Both groups were submitted to a hyperglycemic clamp procedure (180 mg/dl). Insulin release was evaluated in its two phases. The first was calculated as the sum of plasma insulin at 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 min after the beginning of glucose infusion, and the second as the mean plasma insulin level in the third hour of the clamp procedure. Insulin sensitivity index (ISI) was the mean glucose infusion rate in the third hour of the clamp experiment divided by the mean plasma insulin concentration during the same period of time. Hepatic insulin extraction was determined under fasting conditions and in the third hour of the clamp procedure as the ratio between C-peptide and plasma insulin levels. FH+ individuals did not differ from FH- individuals in terms of the following parameters [median (range)]: a) first-phase insulin secretion, 174 (116-221) vs 207 (108-277) µU/ml, b) second-phase insulin secretion, 64 (41-86) vs 53 (37-83) µU/ml, and c) ISI, 14.8 (9.0-20.8) vs 16.8 (9.0-27.0) mg kg-1 min-1/µU ml-1. Hepatic insulin extraction in FH+ subjects was similar to that of FH- ones at basal conditions (median, 0.27 vs 0.27 ng/µU) and during glucose infusion (0.15 vs 0.15 ng/µU). Normal glucose-tolerant Brazilian FH+ individuals well-matched with FH- ones did not show defects of insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity, or hepatic insulin extraction as tested by hyperglycemic clamp procedures.


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The effect of noradrenaline, and mixed ligands to alpha(2)-adrenoceptors (alpha(2)-AR) and imidazoline receptors (IR), injected intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.), on sodium intake of sodium depleted rats, was tested against idazoxan, a mixed antagonist ligand to alpha(2)-AR and IR. The inhibition of sodium intake induced by noradrenaline (80 nmol) was completely reversed by idazoxan (160 and 320 nmol) injected i.c.v. The inhibition of sodium intake induced by mixed ligands to alpha(2)-AR and IR, UK14,304, guanabenz and moxonidine, was antagonized from 50 to 60% by idazoxan i.c.v. The results demonstrate that noradrenaline, a non-ligand for IR, acts on alpha(2)-AR inhibiting sodium intake. The possibility that either alpha(2)-AR or IR mediate the effect of mixed agonists on sodium intake remains an open question. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) belongs to a novel subfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors with seven-transmembrane domains. This receptor is widely distributed throughout the body and seems to be importantly involved in inflammatory processes. PAR2 can be activated by serine proteases such as trypsin, mast cell tryptase, and bacterial proteases, such as gingipain produced by Porphyromonas gingivalis. This review describes the current stage of knowledge of the possible mechanisms that link PAR2 activation with periodontal disease, and proposes future therapeutic strategies to modulate the host response in the treatment of periodontitis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)