854 resultados para India Forestry.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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India has a third of the world’s tuberculosis cases. Large-scale expansion of a national program in 1998 has allowed for population-based analyses of data from tuberculosis registries. We assessed seasonal trends using quarterly reports from districts with stable tuberculosis control programs (population 115 million). In northern India, tuberculosis diagnoses peaked between April and June, and reached a nadir between October and December, whereas no seasonality was reported in the south. Overall, rates of new smear-positive tuberculosis cases were 57 per 100 000 population in peak seasons versus 46 per 100 000 in trough seasons. General health-seeking behavior artifact was ruled out. Seasonality was highest in paediatric cases, suggesting variation in recent transmission.


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Data was collected from 22 selected medical college libraries and 526 undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, using a survey. The article presents a list of findings and recommendations based on them to improve the services of medical college libraries in Andhra Pradesh.


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Biochemistry is the most fascinating subject as it deals with the chemical language of life. The ultimate goal of biochemistry is to describe the phenomena that distinguish living from non-living in the language of chemistry and physics. Researchers in biochemistry use specific techniques native to biochemistry, but increasingly combine these with techniques and ideas from genetics, molecular biology and biophysics. In India at present around 75,000 students are enrolled in research and nearly 11,000 are awarded PhDs every year, of which 50 percent are from science and technology disciplines. Theses and dissertations reflect the scholarly communication process. Scientometrics and citation characteristics of dissertations like the subject fields of dissertations, the number of citations and their distribution by type of source, years, and by number of authors etc., have been studied with a view to identify the basic features of the scholarly communication process in different fields of study. The purpose of the present study is to determine the bibliometric characteristics of the biochemistry research in the university of Kerala, India including subject distribution, bibliographic forms of cited documents, most cited journals, collaboration in authorship, etc. A total of 168 doctoral dissertations awarded between 1966 and 2007 at the Department of Biochemistry of University of Kerala were used as a source.


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This study evaluates the content and quality of academic library websites. An evaluation checklist is used as a tool for evaluation of academic library websites. The checklist is divided into five main parts followed by Rating Table. The quantitative pointing system (ten point scale) and five point rating scales are used to evaluate and rank the websites. The study reveals that very few (16 percent) websites provide information about the date of last updating. Similarly very few (20 percent) websites provide links to other web reference sites and a moderate number (40 percent) have feedback forms for comments. On the other side, a good number of websites (76 percent) are efficient in loading images, icons, and graphics, and a large number (80 percent) have incorporated a web OPAC. The study is limited to the evaluation of websites of five academic libraries located in Bangalore, India.


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A rich and well-preserved Glossopteris-dominated plant fossil assemblage is described from the Barakar Formation of the Makardhokra and Umrer open-cast projects, Umrer Coalfield, Nagpur District, Wardha Basin, Maharashtra, India. The assemblage includes equisetalean axes, cordaitalean leaves (Noeggerathiopsis hislopii), Gangamopteris clarkeana and diverse Glossopteris leaves and a fertile organ assigned to Scutum sp. cf. S. leslii. The flora, although similar to that of the Barakar Formation of the Damodar Basin complex (the reference basin system with respect to the qualitative and quantitative distribution of Indian Permian plant taxa), exhibits unique characteristics and is Artinskian to Kungurian in age. Besides supplementing knowledge of the broader Wardha Basin flora, this is the first systematic documentation of the Glossopteris flora from the Barakar Formation of this basin.


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Indicators of soil quality associated with N-cycling were assessed under different land-use systems (native forest NAT, reforestation with Araucaria angustifolia or Pinus taeda and agricultural use AGR) to appraise the effects on the soil potential for N supply. The soil total N ranged from 2 to 4 g/kg (AGR and NAT, respectively), and the microbial biomass N ranged from 80 to 250 mg/kg, being higher in NAT and A. angustifolia, and lower in P. taeda and AGR sites. Activities of asparaginase (ca. 50200 mg NH4+-N/kg per h), glutaminase (ca. 200800 mg NH4+-N/kg per h) and urease (ca. 80200 mg NH4+-N/kg/h) were also more intense in the NAT and A. angustifolia-reforested soils, indicating greater capacity for N mineralization. The NAT and AGR soils showed the highest and the lowest ammonification rate, respectively (ca. 1 and 0.4 mg NH4+-N/kg per day), but the inverse for nitrification rate (ca. 12 and 26%), indicating a low capacity for N supply, in addition to higher risks of N losses in the AGR soil. A multivariate analysis indicated more similarity between NAT and A. angustifolia-reforested sites, whilst the AGR soil was different and associated with a higher nitrification rate. In general, reforestation with the native species A. angustifolia had less impact than reforestation with the exogenous species P. taeda, considering the soil capacity for N supply. However, AGR use caused more changes, generally decrease in indicators of N-cycling, showing a negative soil management effect on the sustainability of this agroecosystem.


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This study focuses on comparison of perceptions of ethical business cultures in large business organizations from four largest emerging economies, commonly referred to as the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), and from the US. The data were collected from more than 13,000 managers and employees of business organizations in five countries. The study found significant differences among BRIC countries, with respondents from India and Brazil providing more favorable assessments of ethical cultures of their organizations than respondents from China and Russia. Overall, highest mean scores were provided by respondents from India, the US, and Brazil. There were significant similarities in ratings between the US and Brazil.


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Loaded with 16% of the world’s population, India is a challenged country. More than a third of its citizens live below the poverty line - on less than a dollar a day. These people have no proper electricity, no proper drinking water supply, no proper sanitary facilities and well over 40% are illiterates. More than 65% live in rural areas and 60% earn their livelihood from agriculture. Only a meagre 3.63% have access to telephone and less than 1% have access to a computer. Therefore, providing access to timely information on agriculture, weather, social, health care, employment, fishing, is of utmost importance to improve the conditions of rural poor. After some introductive chapters, whose function is to provide a comprehensive framework – both theoretical and practical – of the current rural development policies and of the media situation in India and Uttar Pradesh, my dissertation presents the findings of the pilot project entitled “Enhancing development support to rural masses through community media activity”, launched in 2005 by the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lucknow (U.P.) and by the local NGO Bharosa. The project scope was to involve rural people and farmers from two villages of the district of Lucknow (namely Kumhrava and Barhi Gaghi) in a three-year participatory community media project, based on the creation, implementation and use of a rural community newspaper and a rural community internet centre. Community media projects like this one have been rarely carried out in India because the country has no proper community media tradition: therefore the development of the project has been a challenge for the all stakeholders involved.


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Il tema oggetto della tesi riguarda la riqualificazione del nuovo waterfront per la città di Pondicherry situata nell'India del sud. Dopo una attenta analisi sulla città, comprendente un'ampia analisi storica e cartografica, l'analisi del verde e dell'acqua, del tessuto edilizio e dell'emergenza abitativa che la città si trova ad affrontare, è stato scelto di progettare una nuova darsena come polo attrattivo al cui interno fossero previsti spazi per la comunità ed il turismo: un museo del mare, un hotel, un parco pubblico, un sistema di piazze e zone di sosta all'aperto, un complesso residenziale di espansione.


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Lo spazio periurbano della città di Mehrauli è caratterizzato dalla massiccia presenza di reperti archeologici di importanza rilevante. L’intervento si pone come obbiettivo la valorizzazione di questo vasto patrimonio storico-culturale attraverso il progetto di un parco archeologico che alterna verde attrezzato ad un reticolo di percorsi connettivi. In particolare il parco archeologico individua un sistema museale capace di connettere il tessuto urbano della città ai reperti storici più rilevanti. Il sistema parco si connette quindi alla città attraverso la realizzazione di servizi, dove oltre al museo possono essere individuati: un mercato, un aggregato residenziale e differenti edifici che possono ospitare in maniera flessibile diverse attività.


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Il mio lavoro di Tesi prende in considerazione la possibilità di riportare alla vita un antico luogo che ha smarrito il suo senso nella città contemporanea. Si tratta dell’area della vasca dello Hauz-i-Shamsi,suggestiva per il legame forte con l’elemento acqua. Il tema progettuale è quello di mantenere questa zona come fonte attrattiva turistica poiché sede del Museo della città di Delhi, riconnettendolo con le altre aree di interesse e con i villaggi circostanti, diventando insieme al parco archeologico di Mehrauli un grande luogo socio culturale della collettività. Risulta evidente di conseguenza, che l'architettura dell'edificio collettivo, o più semplicemente edificio pubblico, si lega indissolubilmente alla vita civile e al suo sviluppo. In tal senso l'analisi storica è il primo momento di un lavoro che tende a definirsi nell'ambito più propriamente disciplinare, progettuale, attraverso l'analisi del ruolo urbano di tali edifici. Per questo motivo i capitoli sono così suddivisi: nel primo si riportano brevi cenni sulla storia dell’India, per poi concentrarsi sulla storia delle evoluzioni urbane di Delhi fino ad arrivare alla progettazione nel XX secolo di Nuova Delhi, esempio di città di fondazione. Nel secondo capitolo si riporta un’analisi dell’area di Mehrauli con un breve elenco dei principali monumenti, fondamentali per capire l’importanza del Parco archeologico, luogo indicato come Patrimonio dell’UNESCO. Ritengo che il viaggio in India sia per un architetto un’esperienza travolgente: non a caso questa tappa ha segnato profondamente le opere e il lavoro di due maestri quali Louis I. Kahn e Le Corbusier. Ho dedicato, infatti, il terzo capitolo ad alcune considerazioni su quest’argomento. Il quarto capitolo vuole essere un’analisi delle principali architetture indiane quali padiglioni, moschee, templi sacri. Nella cultura indiana l’architettura è legata alle religioni del paese e credo che si possano capire le architetture solo dopo aver compreso la complessità del panorama religioso. Si sono analizzati anche i principi compositivi in particolare il ruolo delle geometrie sia nelle architetture tipiche, sia nella pianificazione delle città di fondazione. Il quinto capitolo è un approfondimento sul rapporto architettura-acqua. Prima con brevi cenni e foto suggestive sul rapporto nella storia dell’architettura, poi con spiegazioni sul ruolo sacro dell’acqua in India. Il sesto capitolo, infine, è un approfondimento sul progetto del Museo della città di Delhi.