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Abstract: This dissertation generally concentrates on the relationships between “gender” and “space” in the present time of urban life in capital city of Tehran. “Gender” as a changing social construct, differentiated within societies and through time, studied this time by investigation on “gender attitude” or “gender identity” means attitudes towards “gender” issues regarding Tehran residences. “Space” as a concept integrated from physical and social constituents investigated through focus on “spatial attitude” means attitudes towards using “living spaces” including private space of “house”, semi private semi public space of neighborhood and finally public spaces of the city. “Activities and practices” in space concentrated instead of “physical” space; this perspective to “space” discussed as the most justified implication of “space” in this debate regarding current situations in city of Tehran. Under a systematic approach, the interactions and interconnections between “gender” and “space” as two constituent variables of social organization investigated by focus on the different associations presented between different “gender identities” and their different “spatial identities”; in fact, “spatial identity” manifests “gender identity” and in opposite direction, “spatial identity” influences to construction of “gender identity”. The hypotheses of case study in Tehran defined as followed: • “Gender identity” is reflected on “spatial identity”. Various “gender identities” in Tehran present different perspectives of “space” or they identify “space” by different values. • As “gender identity” internalizes patriarchal oppression, it internalizes associated “spatial” oppression too. • Within the same social class, different “gender identities” related to men and women, present interconnected qualities, compared with “gender identities” related to men or women of different social classes. This situation could be found in the “spatial” perspectives of different groups of men and women too. • Following the upper hypotheses, “spatial” oppression differs among social classes of Tehran living in different parts of this city. This research undertook a qualitative study in Tehran by interviewing with different parents of both young daughter and son regarding their attitudes towards gender issues from one side and activities and behaviors of their children in different spaces from the other side. Results of case study indicated the parallel changes of parents’ attitudes towards “gender” and “spatial” issues; it means strong connection between “gender” and “space”. It revealed association of “equal” spatial attitudes with “open, neutral” gender attitudes, and also the association of “biased, unequal” spatial identities with “conservative patriarchal” gender identities. It was cleared too that this variable concept – gender space - changes by “sex”; mothers comparing fathers presented more equitable notions towards “gender spatial” issues. It changes too by “social class” and “educational level”, that means “gender spatial” identity getting more open equitable among more educated people of middle and upper classes. “Breadwinning status in the family” also presents its effect on the changes of “gender spatial” identity so participant breadwinners in the family expressed relatively more equitable notions comparing householders and housekeepers. And finally, “gender spatial” identity changes through “place” in the city and regarding South – North line of the city. The illustration of changes of “gender spatial” identity from “open” to “conservative” among society indicated not only vertical variation across social classes, furthermore the horizontal changing among each social class. These results also confirmed hypotheses while made precision on the third one regarding variable of sex. More investigations pointed to some inclusive spatial attitudes throughout society penetrated to different groups of “gender identities”, to “opens” as to “conservatives”, also to groups between them, by two opposite features; first kind, conservative biased spatial practices in favor of patriarchal gender relations and the second, progressive neutral actions in favor of equal gender relations. While the major reason for the inclusive conservative practices was referred to the social insecurity for women, the second neutral ones associated to more formal & safer spaces of the city. In conclusion, while both trends are associated deeply with the important issues of “sex” & “body” in patriarchal thoughts, still strong, they are the consequences of the transitional period of social change in macro level, and the challenges involved regarding interactions between social orders, between old system of patriarchy, the traditional biased “gender spatial” relations and the new one of equal relations. The case study drew an inhomogeneous illustration regarding gender spatial aspects of life in Tehran, the opposite groups of “open” and “conservative”, and the large group of “semi open semi conservative” between them. In macro perspective it presents contradicted social groups according their general life styles; they are the manifestations of challenging trends towards tradition and modernity in Iranian society. This illustration while presents unstable social situations, necessitates probing solutions for social integration; exploring the directions could make heterogeneous social groups close in the way they think and the form they live in spaces. Democratic approaches like participatory development planning might be helpful for the city in its way to more solidarity and sustainability regarding its social spatial – gender as well – development, in macro levels of social spatial planning and in micro levels of physical planning, in private space of house and in public spaces of the city.


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Els autors s’endinsen en aquest article en l’estudi de les relacions entre geografia, orientalisme i colonialisme a Europa al tombant del segle passat, tot introduint la perspectiva de gènere i en el marc d'un interès més general per la història del pensament geogràfic contemporani. Ho fan a partir de l’anàlisi contextualitzada d'un text de l’època que fa referència al cas espanyol i a la seva aventura colonial africana. Es tracta del llibre El Marroc sensual i fanàtic (1936) d’Aurora Bertrana, una versió molt elaborada del discurs de la diferència i una bona il•lustració de la literatura de viatges de dones europees, força excepcional i atípica -això sí- en el context literari català i espanyol de l’època


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Brief listing of books and webpages on copyright law and how to interpret it.


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Este trabajo investigativo surge a partir de la indagación que primero se realizó con los coordinadores, gerentes y directores de 16 organizaciones empresariales de Bogotá, para determinar los imaginarios que se tienen en torno a las organizaciones y su desarrollo humano y social desde el punto de vista de la teoría de la complejidad. A partir de esta indagación en los grupos focales se plantean unos conceptos propuestos desde la experiencia y la construcción cultural que posee cada uno de los integrantes. El trabajo tiene los siguientes apartes: en la primera parte en el marco teórico se profundiza en torno a la organización desde las representaciones sociales, el papel de los imaginarios, el proceso del desarrollo humano y social, desde el marco de la complejidad y concluye con la ilustración de los resultados matriciales, que nos permiten observar cómo son percibidas las diferentes dimensiones del ser humano y su desarrollo social en las organizaciones con elementos constitutivos de la teoría de la complejidad


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El interés de este estado del arte es establecer la dinámica que ha tenido el debate en torno al lobby israelí y su influencia en las decisiones en política exterior. Ante esto lo que se pretende es determinar cual es la tendencia que se sigue y específicamente cual es el estado del debate hoy en día. Por esto se pretende probar que el lobby israelí como fuerza de influencia, no es la única que busca fijar políticas en los EEUU en materia de política exterior ya que existen otros grupos que así mismo le hacen contrapeso. Para esto se recurrirá a fuentes de diferente tipo, en donde se recolecten los principales exponentes sobre el tema y así analizarlos a mayor profundidad.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar la situación vivida entre los Estados de la cuenca del Sistema Tigris-Éufrates, un recurso hídrico transfronterizo entre 1990 y el 2003. Se estudia y explica cómo el Interés Nacional de Turquía, Siria e Irak, Estados ribereños del Sistema supuso un obstáculo para la implementación de la Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos sobre la cuenca, al impedir la cooperación y coordinación de las políticas gubernamentales, dificultando la protección de la cuenca y la garantía del acceso al recurso de forma equitativa. Este trabajo se enmarca en los estudios sobre Seguridad Ambiental, particularmente en la teoría de la Escasez Ambiental de Thomas Homer-Dixon y el Grupo de Toronto, referente a la relación entre la escasez de un recurso natural renovable y el surgimiento de un conflicto.


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Revisión crítica de la ‘versión heredada’ sobre el resurgir del pragmatismo norteamericano. Aquí sostengo que ésta es una narrativa sobre la historia de la filosofía que puede ser usada para “reivindicar” la continuidad o para “añorar” la pérdida de esa tradición. Presento tres argumentos a favor de mi tesis sobre la versión heredada: i) es insuficiente para explicar el surgimiento del pragmatismo; ii) es un tipo de narrativa que hace plausible una imagen de la filosofía; iii) impide apreciar que la formación del canon obedece a los propósitos de los seguidores del movimiento.


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Se trata de una revisión de las publicaciones sobre Educación Inclusiva que han aflorado en los últimos años. Se comentan un total de veinte trabajos, principalmente: libros, artículos y capítulos de libros, que alcanzan un a variedad de puntos de vista, perspectivas y aportaciones para esta nueva educación. Entre las recensiones podemos encontrar cinco tipos de aproximaciones a la inclusión educativa: 1õ. Aquellas que conceptualmente tratan de describir, contextualizar e identificar y valorar este modelo de educación; 2õ. Ofrecen una perspectiva internacional comparando el estado de la educación inclusiva en diferentes países, la mayoría de estas, se basan en países anglosajones; 3õ. Desde una perspectiva organizativa, así los procesos intrusivos se desarrollan con la organización de las escuelas, con su estructura escolar; 4õ. Análisis y evaluación de propuestas formativas, de desarrollo profesional, capaces de ayudar al desarrollo de una Educación Intrusiva; 5õ. Investigación en y sobre educación inclusiva. Analizan y plantean la idoneidad de esa educación o en su caso el desajuste de determinadas metodologías.


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This paper proposes a two-dimensional Strategic Performance Measure (SPM) to evaluate the achievement of sustained superior performance. This proposal builds primarily on the fact that, under the strategic management perspective, a firm's prevalent objective is the pursuit of sustained superior performance. Three basic conceptual dimensions stem from this objective: relativity, sign dependence, and dynamism. These are the foundations of the SPM, which carries out a separate evaluation of the attained superior performance and of its sustainability over time. In contrast to existing measures of performance, the SPM provides: (i) a dynamic approach by considering the progress or regress in performance over time, and (ii) a cardinal measurement of performance differences and its changes over time. The paper also proposes an axiomatic framework that a measure of strategic performance should comply with to be theoretically and managerially sound. Finally, an empirical illustration of the Spanish banking sector during 1987-1999 is herein provided by discussing some relevant case


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A new 'storm-tracking approach' to analysing the prediction of storms by different forecast systems has recently been developed. This paper provides a brief illustration of the type of results/information that can be obtained using the approach. It also describes in detail how eScience methodologies have been used to help apply the storm-tracking approach to very large datasets


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It is necessary to assess the contamination of animal products by pollutants in order to protect human health. This can be achieved by understanding the processes whereby contaminants are introduced into the food chain. Such contamination can arise from the atmospheric deposition on to crops and soil or via contaminated feed. These processes are described and quantified with particular reference to the deposition of organic pollutants onto pasture. The transfer of the contaminants from the fodder and feed to the animal is also described. Finally, these processes are put in context by the illustration of how they are used in regulatory exposure models.


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In clinical trials, situations often arise where more than one response from each patient is of interest; and it is required that any decision to stop the study be based upon some or all of these measures simultaneously. Theory for the design of sequential experiments with simultaneous bivariate responses is described by Jennison and Turnbull (Jennison, C., Turnbull, B. W. (1993). Group sequential tests for bivariate response: interim analyses of clinical trials with both efficacy and safety endpoints. Biometrics 49:741-752) and Cook and Farewell (Cook, R. J., Farewell, V. T. (1994). Guidelines for monitoring efficacy and toxicity responses in clinical trials. Biometrics 50:1146-1152) in the context of one efficacy and one safety response. These expositions are in terms of normally distributed data with known covariance. The methods proposed require specification of the correlation, ρ between test statistics monitored as part of the sequential test. It can be difficult to quantify ρ and previous authors have suggested simply taking the lowest plausible value, as this will guarantee power. This paper begins with an illustration of the effect that inappropriate specification of ρ can have on the preservation of trial error rates. It is shown that both the type I error and the power can be adversely affected. As a possible solution to this problem, formulas are provided for the calculation of correlation from data collected as part of the trial. An adaptive approach is proposed and evaluated that makes use of these formulas and an example is provided to illustrate the method. Attention is restricted to the bivariate case for ease of computation, although the formulas derived are applicable in the general multivariate case.


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A glance along the finance shelves at any bookshop reveals a large number of books that seek to show readers how to ‘make a million’ or ‘beat the market’ with allegedly highly profitable equity trading strategies. This paper investigates whether useful trading strategies can be derived from popular books of investment strategy, with What Works on Wall Street by James P. O'Shaughnessy used as an example. Specifically, we test whether this strategy would have produced a similarly spectacular performance in the UK context as was demonstrated by the author for the US market. As part of our investigation, we highlight a general methodology for determining whether the observed superior performance of a trading rule could be attributed in part or in entirety to data mining. Overall, we find that the O'Shaughnessy rule performs reasonably well in the UK equity market, yielding higher returns than the FTSE All-Share Index, but lower returns than an equally weighted benchmark


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A database of books published by Italian Academies between 1525 and 1700. The Italian Academies Themed Collection provides a detailed searchable database for locating printed material relating to the Italian learned Academies active in Avellino, Bari, Benevento, Bologna, Brindisi, Caltanissetta, Catania, Catanzaro, Enna, L’Aquila, Lecce, Mantua, Naples, Padua, Palermo, Rome, Salerno, Siena, Syracuse, Trapani, and Venice in the period 1525-1700 and now held in the collections of the British Library.


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BnF fr. 95 is a late 13th century manuscript containing Arthurian romances and other fictional and didactic texts. The Estoire del saint Graal and Merlin section is the most highly illuminated, with a rich marginal iconography, an unusual feature in the illustration of lay works and in these texts’ manuscript tradition. This article shows how in Merlin and its Vulgate Sequel marginal scenes overlap with widespread subjects in courtly and chivalric vernacular romances, in contrast with Latin and religious works. The reuse of similar patterns in principal and marginal miniatures, examined in the episode of the Battle of Danablaise, where King Arthur fights the Saxon King Rion, highlights the need for a comprehensive reading of text and images, taking into account the mise en page and the different levels of illustration in the manuscript.