894 resultados para IODE. Duke of Kent Chapter
In the following thesis I present the book The Space Race from South African author Alex Latimer and my translation of some chapters, from English into Italian. Alex Latimer is an illustrator and author based in Cape Town, known mostly for his picture books for children, although his works also appear in magazines and advertisements. The Space Race is his first novel, but it immediately had a good reception amongst readers and critics. The author, his work and his novel The Space Race will be presented in depth in Chapter 1 of the thesis. Then, an overview on the South African fictional production will follow in Chapter 2, focusing mainly on the contemporary trends and trying to understand if and how The Space Race fits. Before presenting my translation and my reflections on the translating process itself, I will outline in Chapter 3 my general approach to the text and its translation, as well as explain the reasons why I chose those specific parts of the book. The original texts and their translations are presented in Chapter 4, preceded by a short introduction to better understand the position of the chapter in the plot and the elements of interests contained in it. A commentary on the translating process will follow in Chapter 5, about problems or just remarks on aspects of interest; also, further elements of complication in the text are described and my solutions presented. The thesis ends with a conclusion on the work done.
The main purpose of this thesis is to promote the Slovak culture in Italy through the adaptation of Pásli ovce valasi (The shepherd grazed the sheep), a TV series for children by director Ladislav Čapek. The series, which was released in Czechoslovakia in 1973, is divided into thirteen episodes and tells the story of Matko and Kubko, two shepherds who live in the mountains in central Slovakia. Pásli ovce valasi represented an interesting choice from the adaptation point of view, due to its deep cultural value and the peculiarities of the language used by the characters. The constraints of audiovisual translation were combined to the difficulty of rendering Slovak cultural-specific elements into Italian, together with the limits imposed by having children as a primary recipient. The importance of their role as a target has constrained not only our translation choices, but also the adaptation mode. For this reason, it was decided to realise subtitles in order to make the audiovisual product immediately available, together with an adaptation for dubbing, more suitable for a young audience. The opportunity to present two different forms of adaptation is closely linked to the specific characteristics of the cartoon language. The present study consists of four chapters. The first one provides a brief introduction to the series, its language and setting. The second chapter outlines the main characteristics of audiovisual translation, focusing on dubbing and subtitling in particular. It also presents an analysis of the role of children as a target and the consequent decision to realise an adaptation for dubbing. The two adaptation modes, together with the transcription of the original dialogues, are provided in the third chapter. The fourth and last chapter consists of a description and analysis of the translation process, focusing on morphosyntactic, lexical, rethorical, historical and cultural aspects. The last part of the chapter analyses the differences between the subtitles and the adaptation for dubbing.
The main aim of this study is to provide a description of the phenomenon defined as Child Language Brokering (CLB), a common practice among language minority communities but which has received less attention in the academic literature. As the children of immigrants often learn the host language much more quickly than their parents, they contribute to family life by acting as language and cultural mediators between a family members and different language speakers. Many immigrant families prefer a language broker from within their own family to an external mediator or interpreter, even though there is a well-found resistance to the use of these young interpreters by professionals. In this study I report some findings from surveys of teachers in schools in Ravenna where there has been some use of students as CLBs and of students who have acted or are still acting as mediators for their families in different contexts, not only while at school. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter one aims at providing an overview of recent migration to Italy and of the differences between first-generation immigrants and second-generation immigrants. The chapter also discusses the available professional interpreting facilities provided by the municipality of Ravenna. Chapter two presents an overview of the literature on child language brokering. Chapter three provides a description of the methodology used in order to analyze the data collected. Chapter four contains a detailed analysis of the questionnaires administered to the students and the interviews submitted to the teachers in four schools in Ravenna. Chapter five focuses on the studies carried out by the researchers of the Thomas Coram Research Unit and University College London and draws a general comparison between their findings from on-line surveys of teachers in schools and my own findings on teachers’ points of view. The results of this study demonstrate that CLB is a common practice among immigrant children living in Ravenna and, although almost all students reported positive appreciation, further work is still needed to assess the impact of this phenomenon.
Die vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich in drei Kapitel. Das erste Kapitel umfasst dabei die Darstellung von Methoden, die zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt unter anderem in der provinzialrömischen Archäologie zur Untersuchung von Gefäßkeramik üblich sind, wobei die Einzelergebnisse des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersuchten gebrauchskeramischen Materials (Randfragmente) der Saalburg (bei Bad Homburg) am Ende des Kapitels zusammengefasst werden. Im zweiten Kapitel werden anhand des gleichen Materials einige naturwissenschaftliche Methoden dargestellt, die zur Materialanalyse sowohl in den Geowissenschaften (Materialwissenschaft), als auch in der Archäometrie häufig Anwendung finden und deren Ergebnisse am Ende des Kapitels zusammengefasst. In einer Gesamtbetrachtung (drittes Kapitel) werden schließlich diese hinsichtlich ihrer Aussagekraft in archäologischem Kontext evaluiert. Neben der im Anhang festgehaltenen Original-dokumentation der Dünnschliff-Untersuchungen (Ramanspektroskopie, „RS“), werden im Abbildungsteil die Kopien der Originaldaten aus der Röntgendiffraktometrie („XRD“) und der Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse („RFA“, chemische Analyse), Abbildungen einiger Festkörper, als auch Zeichnungen, Photos und Dünnschliffe der Randfragmente aufgeführt. Während die Darstellung der angewandten Methoden einer Verständniserleichterung vor allem der komplexen chemisch-physikalischen Zusammenhänge dienen soll - nicht zuletzt auch, um die künftige Methodenwahl zu optimieren - soll mittels der Evaluation, vor allem für die Keramikforschung, die Entwicklung neuer Forschungsmethoden unterstützt werden. Aus dem Vergleich der Ergebnisse beider Kapitel erhebt sich nicht allein für die Keramikforschung die Frage, inwieweit die Anwendungen bestimmter Untersuchungen überhaupt sinnvoll sind, wenn sie nicht nur der Bestätigung dienen sollen, sondern welche Konsequenzen daraus auch für die Untersuchung anderer historisch-kultureller Materialgruppen resultieren könnten.
The present thesis work proposes a new physical equivalent circuit model for a recently proposed semiconductor transistor, a 2-drain MSET (Multiple State Electrostatically Formed Nanowire Transistor). It presents a new software-based experimental setup that has been developed for carrying out numerical simulations on the device and on equivalent circuits. As of 2015, we have already approached the scaling limits of the ubiquitous CMOS technology that has been in the forefront of mainstream technological advancement, so many researchers are exploring different ideas in the realm of electrical devices for logical applications, among them MSET transistors. The idea that underlies MSETs is that a single multiple-terminal device could replace many traditional transistors. In particular a 2-drain MSET is akin to a silicon multiplexer, consisting in a Junction FET with independent gates, but with a split drain, so that a voltage-controlled conductive path can connect either of the drains to the source. The first chapter of this work presents the theory of classical JFETs and its common equivalent circuit models. The physical model and its derivation are presented, the current state of equivalent circuits for the JFET is discussed. A physical model of a JFET with two independent gates has been developed, deriving it from previous results, and is presented at the end of the chapter. A review of the characteristics of MSET device is shown in chapter 2. In this chapter, the proposed physical model and its formulation are presented. A listing for the SPICE model was attached as an appendix at the end of this document. Chapter 3 concerns the results of the numerical simulations on the device. At first the research for a suitable geometry is discussed and then comparisons between results from finite-elements simulations and equivalent circuit runs are made. Where points of challenging divergence were found between the two numerical results, the relevant physical processes are discussed. In the fourth chapter the experimental setup is discussed. The GUI-based environments that allow to explore the four-dimensional solution space and to analyze the physical variables inside the device are described. It is shown how this software project has been structured to overcome technical challenges in structuring multiple simulations in sequence, and to provide for a flexible platform for future research in the field.
This dissertation aims to examine the field of film festival subtitling by means of the analysis of two subtitling experiences. These experiences will be approached both on a methodological and on a practical level in order to analyse how subtitlers put theory into practice. This approach will also help underline the existing differences in work methodology as far as different work experiences are concerned. The subtitling experiences examined in this dissertation are part of my internships as a subtitler in two Italian film festivals, namely “Umbria Film Festival” and “900 Fest”. In this dissertation, I chose to focus on the subtitling of two of the audiovisual products I translated. These products are a German documentary titled Befreier und Befreite and a Danish fiction film titled Stille Hjerte. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 describes audiovisual translation at its most theoretical level, focusing on subtitling criteria and strategies. Chapter 2 examines the concept of film translation, focusing on the distinctive features of documentary translation as a specific genre. This chapter also presents the concept of film festival and provides information concerning the translation policies of festivals. Chapter 3 presents the festivals I worked for and details my internship experiences. Chapter 4 focuses on the German documentary and proposes a number of solutions to its main translation problems. Chapter 5 focuses on the Danish film and offers solutions to its translation problems. At the end of the dissertation, I will provide some comments on my internship experiences as well as on the practice of film festival subtitling.
This dissertation aims at enhancing the cultural and linguistic skills in Portuguese of the author of this work, as it is a third language. This activity is carried out starting from the analysis and research of topics mentioned in a number of texts within a particular literary work, “Portugal Vale A Pena”. In this work, many Portuguese personalities express their vision on their country and state why Portugal matters. Since these texts have many cultural references, it can be assumed that such work of analysis and research can lead to better linguistic skills as well as a greater knowledge of the Portuguese culture. All of the chosen texts were originally written by journalists. This choice originates from the important service these professionals provide to the public as well as from the special role their work has played in my interpreting studies over the last couple of years. Chapter 1 explains why I chose this dissertation and who are the target users of these texts. Chapter 2 focuses on the role of journalists. A brief history of modern journalism is presented and its functions are analysed. This chapter also includes a section that examines which values make an event newsworthy. Attention is then paid to the evolution of Portuguese journalism, from Salazar's dictatorship until today. Teaching of journalism in Portuguese academia is also presented. Then, a selection of Portuguese-language media is offered. Chapter 3 focuses on some aspects of Portugal, with particular attention to its history. Finally, Chapter 4 presents a selection of texts from the original book. This part provides a biography of the authors, a translation with a comment and a presentation of some of the topics from the texts. To conclude, a glossary with words and expressions from the original text is included and their translations into Italian, Spanish and English are provided.
This dissertation intends to present and analyse the translation from English into Italian of the first twenty-five chapters of Habibi, a teenager and young adult’s novel written by the Palestinian-American author Naomi Shihab Nye. It has been necessary to present the theoretical approach to the literary translation studies, in order to focus the attention on the translation problems and provide suitable solutions and strategies. The first chapter gives an historical perspective on children’s literature from the end of the Nineteenth century till today, distinguishing the Italian and the American contexts. The description of the evolution process of this literary genre, which developed to satisfy the needs of the educational system, is its central issue. At the end of the chapter, we outline the main traits characterizing children’s literature and the image of the ideal reader. The second chapter provides an overview on Palestinian literature, especially on the features of the contemporary novel and the Diaspora literature. Afterwards, we present the author Naomi Shihab Nye and the book Habibi. In the third chapter we analyze the novel, focusing the attention on the rhythm of the narration, on the linguistic registers and the textual peculiarities found during the reading stage, according to the features of the children’s literature. The fourth chapter consists of the translation of the first twenty-five chapters of the novel. The fifth chapter begins with a section about the translation theory, the literary translation studies, focusing on the translation of children’s literature. Finally, there is the translation analysis. Here we present the strategies and the choices of the translation process, along with some practical examples with reference to theoretical studies. Special attention is paid to culture-specific items, lexicon and syntax.The source text can be found in appendix.
This project focuses on the acquisition of Italian and Spanish as mother tongues. Chapter 1 explores some of the main theories concerning language acquisition in order to give a general overview about this field of investigation. Chapter 2 presents the main steps of the acquisition of Italian and Spanish during childhood as described by Camaioni (2001) and Hernández Pina (1990). Chapter 3 contains an analysis carried out on several transcripts of natural conversations between children and their parents. Particular attention was paid to understand how Italian and Spanish children acquire definite and indefinite articles between 18 and 30 months of age. The goal of this paper is to understand whether Italian and Spanish children follow the same pattern of language acquisition when articles are considered, given the undoubtable similarity of these two Romance languages. The results of this study suggest that the acquisition of articles by native Italian and Spanish speakers mirrors such similarity. Yet, Spanish children seem faster at learning new uses of articles (i.e. articulated prepositions), but at first they make many more mistakes compared to Italians. This suggests that Spanish children tend to make experiments with the linguistic items they already know in order to increase their linguistic competences. On the other hand, Italians seem slower at learning new features of their mother tongue, but the number of mistakes they make is generally lower, which suggests that they rather stabilize their competences before learning new ones. The analysis also highlights the importance of imitation in the process of language acquisition: children tend to repeat what they hear from their parents to learn new features of their mother tongue. Needless to say, this paper only aims at serving as a springboard for further investigation, since language acquisition remains a fascinating and largely unsolved process.
This thesis is aimed at providing a translation from Italian into English of some chapters taken from Osteopatia come Medicina di Terreno (Osteopathy as Ground Medicine), written by Dr. Mauro Fornari D.O.M.R.O.I., Dr. Alberto Garoli MD Ac, MD Ay, MD Tcm, Dr. Lara Gozzi D.O.M.R.O.I., Professor Stefano Guizzardi MD Ph.D., Dr. Andrea Martini D.O.M.R.O.I., and Dr. Stefano Matassoni D.O.M.R.O.I., published in 2014 by Piccin Nuova Libraria publishing house. The main reason behind this choice is a personal interest in technical-scientific translation, especially in medical translation. Furthermore, this translation has been personally requested by one of the authors of the book, Dr. Mauro Fornari, in order to export the new and functional osteopathic method to assess the patient, that is discussed in this book. The dissertation consists of four chapters. Chapter one illustrates an analysis of specialized languages from a stylistic, textual, lexical and morphosyntactic point of view. Chapter two contains an analysis of the main features of medical language, both in Italian and English. Chapter three is focused on corpus linguistics and the use of corpora in specialized translation, it includes a brief introduction to the Osteopathic practice, and contains the translation of chapters 4-5-6-7 of Osteopatia come Medicina di Terreno. And finally, chapter four contains an analysis of the problems found during the translation process, and a proposal for their resolution.
Mansfield University, founded on January 7, 1857 as Mansfield Classical Seminary, has an overwhelming history of persistence. Along with the institution, the women’s athletic programs also have a strong past. This paper outlines the history of women’s athletics at Mansfield from the establishment of the school in 1857, to the first women’s athletic program starting in 1900, and through the present day. It is organized according to the eras the institution went through and the athletic opportunities given to the women at that time. The focus of each chapter reflects the major accomplishments of both the institution and the women’s athletic programs, events, and issues that transpired during each time period. Research was conducted by reviewing yearbooks, memorandums, and reports in the Mansfield University archives, school newspaper articles, and the university website, along with several other supplemental materials. Personal interviews also accompanied the documentary research to give a first-hand historical viewpoint of several eras. It was concluded that the women at Mansfield University have fought for, and created athletic opportunities for over 100 years. In comparison to other Pennsylvania state universities, women’s athletics at Mansfield are under-funded and on the low end of receiving athletic scholarship monies. The future of women’s athletics at Mansfield is uncertain due to budgetary factors that are unknown at this time.
Chapter 1 introduces the tools and mechanics necessary for this report. Basic definitions and topics of graph theory which pertain to the report and discussion of automorphic decompositions will be covered in brief detail. An automorphic decomposition D of a graph H by a graph G is a G-decomposition of H such that the intersection of graph (D) @H. H is called the automorhpic host, and G is the automorphic divisor. We seek to find classes of graphs that are automorphic divisors, specifically ones generated cyclically. Chapter 2 discusses the previous work done mainly by Beeler. It also discusses and gives in more detail examples of automorphic decompositions of graphs. Chapter 2 also discusses labelings and their direct relation to cyclic automorphic decompositions. We show basic classes of graphs, such as cycles, that are known to have certain labelings, and show that they also are automorphic divisors. In Chapter 3, we are concerned with 2-regular graphs, in particular rCm, r copies of the m-cycle. We seek to show that rCm has a ρ-labeling, and thus is an automorphic divisor for all r and m. we discuss methods including Skolem type difference sets to create cycle systems and their correlation to automorphic decompositions. In the Appendix, we give classes of graphs known to be graceful and our java code to generate ρ-labelings on rCm.
The present chapter gives a comprehensive introduction into the display and quantitative characterization of scalp field data. After introducing the construction of scalp field maps, different interpolation methods, the effect of the recording reference and the computation of spatial derivatives are discussed. The arguments raised in this first part have important implications for resolving a potential ambiguity in the interpretation of differences of scalp field data. In the second part of the chapter different approaches for comparing scalp field data are described. All of these comparisons can be interpreted in terms of differences of intracerebral sources either in strength, or in location and orientation in a nonambiguous way. In the present chapter we only refer to scalp field potentials, but mapping also can be used to display other features, such as power or statistical values. However, the rules for comparing and interpreting scalp field potentials might not apply to such data. Generic form of scalp field data Electroencephalogram (EEG) and event-related potential (ERP) recordings consist of one value for each sample in time and for each electrode. The recorded EEG and ERP data thus represent a two-dimensional array, with one dimension corresponding to the variable “time” and the other dimension corresponding to the variable “space” or electrode. Table 2.1 shows ERP measurements over a brief time period. The ERP data (averaged over a group of healthy subjects) were recorded with 19 electrodes during a visual paradigm. The parietal midline Pz electrode has been used as the reference electrode.
The purpose of this chapter is to give a practical and clinically-orientated overview over the best radiological imaging for the most frequent diseases of the hepato-pancreatico-biliary system. For this purpose the liver parenchyma, the biliary tree, the pancreas and the hepatic vasculature are dealt with separately. According to the presumed pathology, the most cost-saving and time-efficient radiological imaging can then be chosen.