873 resultados para INFESTATION
Los programas de Gestión Integrada de Plagas (GIP) promueven el uso de estrategias de control que sean respetuosas con el medio ambiente, sin embargo el uso de insecticidas en los cultivos hortícolas sigue siendo necesario para el control de determinadas plagas, como es el caso de la mosca blanca Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Por ello, el objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de la integración de las tres estrategias de control más empleadas hoy en día para el control de plagas: el control biológico, el físico y el químico. Una primera parte de este trabajo ha consistido en el estudio de los efectos letales y subletales de once insecticidas, aplicados a la dosis máxima de campo, sobre los enemigos naturales Eretmocerus mundus Mercet y Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot, mediante ensayos de laboratorio y persistencia (laboratorio extendido). Para la evaluación de la toxicidad de los insecticidas sobre los estados de vida más protegidos de estos enemigos naturales, se trataron bajo la Torre de Potter las pupas de E. mundus y los huevos de A. swirskii. Además, se llevaron a cabo ensayos de contacto residual para determinar los efectos letales y subletales de estos insecticidas sobre el estado adulto de ambas especies de enemigos naturales. Para ello, los pesticidas se aplicaron sobre placas de cristal (laboratorio) o sobre plantas (laboratorio extendido: persistencia). Los resultados mostraron que los insecticidas flonicamida, flubendiamida, metaflumizona, metoxifenocida, spiromesifen y spirotetramat eran compatibles con el estado de pupa de E. mundus (OILB 1: Inocuos). Sin embargo, abamectina, deltametrina y emamectina fueron categorizadas como ligeramente tóxicas (OILB 2) al causar efectos deletéreos. Los dos pesticidas más tóxicos fueron spinosad y sulfoxaflor, los cuales redujeron significativamente la emergencia de las pupas tratadas (OILB 4: Tóxicos). Flonicamida, flubendiamida, metoxifenocida y spiromesifen fueron compatibles con el estado adulto de E. mundus (OILB 1: Inocuos). Abamectina, deltametrina, emamectina, metaflumizona y spiromesifen pueden ser recomendados para su uso en programas de GIP, si se usan los plazos de seguridad apropiados, de acuerdo con la persistencia de cada uno de estos insecticidas, antes de la liberación del enemigo natural. Al contrario, spinosad y sulfoxaflor no resultaron ser compatibles (OILB D: Persistentes), aunque la realización de ensayos adicionales es necesaria para ver los efectos de los mismos en campo. Todos los insecticidas estudiados, excepto el spirotetramat (OILB 2: Ligeramente tóxico), fueron selectivos para el estado de huevo de A. swirskii (OILB 1: Inocuos). Flonicamida, flubendiamida, metaflumizona, metoxifenocida, spiromesifen, spirotetramat y sulfoxaflor, fueron compatibles con el estado adulto de A. swirskii (OILB 1: Inocuos). Abamectina, deltametrina, emamectina y spinosad pueden ser recomendados para su uso en programas de GIP, si se usan los plazos de seguridad apropiados, de acuerdo con la persistencia de cada uno de estos insecticidas, antes de la liberación del enemigo natural. Entre las nuevas estrategias de la GIP, los plásticos y mallas fotoselectivas han demostrado ser una herramienta importante para el control de plagas y enfermedades en cultivos hortícolas protegidos. Por ello, en una segunda parte de este trabajo, se estudiaron tanto los efectos directos, como la combinación de efectos directos y mediados por planta y plaga de ambientes pobres en luz UV, en presencia o ausencia del Virus del rizado amarillo del tomate (TYLCV), sobre E. mundus. En primer lugar, se realizó un ensayo al aire libre para la evaluación de la capacidad de vuelo de E. mundus en cajas tipo túnel (1 x 0,6 x 0,6 m) cubiertas con distintas barreras absorbentes de luz UV. Se detectó un efecto directo en la capacidad de orientación de E. mundus, debido a que este parasitoide utiliza estímulos visuales para localizar a sus huéspedes, únicamente en las barreras que bloqueaban más del 65% de la luz UV (malla G). En segundo lugar, bajo condiciones de invernadero, se evaluó la combinación de efectos directos y mediados por planta y plaga sobre E. mundus, usando plantas de tomate sanas o infectadas con el TYLCV y cajas (30 x 30 x 60 cm) cubiertas con los distintos plásticos fotoselectivos. En este caso, no se observó ningún efecto en la capacidad benéfica del parasitoide cuando este estaba en contacto con plantas de tomate infestadas con ninfas de B. tabaci, lo que demuestra que este insecto usa estímulos táctiles para encontrar a sus huéspedes a cortas distancias. Además, las diferentes condiciones de radiación UV estudiadas tuvieron cierto impacto en la morfología, fisiología y bioquímica de las plantas de tomate, infestadas o no con el virus de la cuchara, detectándose pequeñas alteraciones en alguno de los parámetros estudiados, como el peso fresco y seco, el contenido en H y el espesor de las cutículas y de las paredes celulares de la epidermis foliar. Por último, no se observaron efectos de la radiación UV mediados por planta, ni en B. tabaci ni en su parasitoide, E. mundus. En una tercera parte, se evaluaron los efectos de una malla tratada con bifentrin sobre ambos enemigos naturales, en ensayos de laboratorio, semicampo y campo. Las mallas tratadas fueron diseñadas originariamente para el control de mosquitos vectores de la malaria, y actualmente se está trabajando para su uso en agricultura, como una nueva estrategia de control de plagas. En ensayos de laboratorio, cuando adultos de E. mundus y A. swirskii se expusieron por contacto durante 72 horas con la malla tratada (cajas de 6 cm diámetro), se registró una alta mortalidad. Sin embargo, en el ensayo de preferencia, estos enemigos naturales no fueron capaces de detectar la presencia de bifentrin y, en aquellos individuos forzados a atravesar la malla tratada, no se observó mortalidad a corto plazo (72 horas). En estudios de semicampo, llevados a cabo bajo condiciones de invernadero en cajas de 25 x 25 x 60 cm de altura, la capacidad benéfica de E. mundus no se vio afectada. Finalmente, en ensayos de campo llevados a cabo en invernaderos comerciales (4000m2) en Almería, A. swirskii no se vio afectado por la presencia en el cultivo de la malla tratada con bifentrin y los niveles de infestación de B. tabaci y F. occidentalis detectados bajo dicha malla, fueron inferiores a los del control. Por último, se ha evaluado la composición de la microflora bacteriana de tres especies de parasitoides, E. mundus, Eretmocerus eremicus Rose & Zolnerowich y Encarsia formosa Gahan, y la influencia de la misma en su susceptibilidad a insecticidas. Se llevó a cabo una extracción total de ADN de los insectos y la región variable V4 del ARNr se amplificó usando cebadores universales bacterianos. Para identificar las secuencias de los géneros bacterianos presentes en los parasitoides, se realizó una Next Generation sequencing (Illumina sequencing). Una vez identificados los géneros bacterianos, el gen ADNr 16S de las Actinobacterias se amplificó del ADN extraído de los insectos, usando cebadores universales bacterianos y específicos de Actinobacterias, y los productos de la Nested PCR fueron clonados para identificar todas las especies del género Arthrobacter. Tres bacterias (A. aurescens Phillips, A. nicotinovarans Kodama, Yamamoto, Amano and Amichi y A. uratoxydans Stackebrandt, Fowler, Fiedler and Seiler), próximas a las especies de Arthrobacter presentes en los parasitoides, se obtuvieron de la colección bacteriana del BCCMTM/LMG y se midió su actividad esterasa. Finalmente, se realizaron ensayos con antibióticos (tetraciclina) y de contacto residual con insecticidas (abamectina) para determinar la influencia de las especies de Arthrobacter en la susceptibilidad de E. mundus a insecticidas. Los resultados muestran que este género bacteriano puede afectar a la toxicidad de E. mundus a abamectina, mostrando la importancia de la comunidad microbiana en enemigos naturales, factor que debe ser considerado en los estudios de evaluación de los riesgos de los insecticidas. ABSTRACT Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs promote the use of control strategies more respectful with the environment; however the use of insecticides in vegetable crops is still needed to control certain pests, such as the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Therefore, the objective of this work is to study the integration of the three most commonly used pest control strategies nowadays: biological, physical and chemical control. Firstly, the lethal and sublethal effects of eleven insecticides, applied at their maximum field recommended concentration, on the parasitic wasp Eretmocerus mundus Mercet and the predator Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot has been assessed in the laboratory and in persistence tests (extended laboratory). To test the effects of pesticides on the most protected life stage of these natural enemies, E. mundus pupae and A. swirskii eggs were sprayed under a Potter precision spray tower. Laboratory contact tests were therefore conducted to determine the lethal and sublethal effects of these pesticides on the adult stage of these natural enemies. In the residual contact tests the pesticides were applied on glass plates (laboratory) or plants (extended laboratory: persistence). The study showed that the insecticides flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone, methoxyfenozide, spiromesifen and spirotetramat were selective for E. mundus pupae (IOBC 1: Harmless). Nevertheless, abamectin, deltamethrin and emamectin were categorized as slightly harmful (IOBC 2) due to the deleterious effects caused. The two most harmful pesticides were spinosad and sulfoxaflor, which significantly reduced the adult emergence from treated pupae (IOBC 4: Harmful). Flonicamid, flubendiamide, methoxyfenozide and spiromesifen were compatible with E. mundus adults (IOBC 1: Harmless). Base on the duration of the harmful activity, abamectin, deltamethrin, emamectin, metaflumizone and spirotetramat could be recommended for use in IPM programs if appropriate safety deadlines are used before the natural enemy release. On the contrary, spinosad and sulfoxaflor were not compatible (IOBC D: persistent), although additional studies are required to determine their effects under field conditions. All the pesticides tested, except spirotetramat (IOBC 2: Slightly harmful), were selective for A. swirskii eggs (IOBC 1: Harmless). Flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone, methoxyfenozide, spiromesifen, spirotetramat and sulfoxaflor were compatible with A. swirskii adults (IOBC 1: Harmless). However, abamectin, deltamethrin, emamectin and spinosad could be recommended for use in IPM programs if appropriate safety deadlines are used before the natural enemy release. Among new IPM strategies, UV-absorbing photoselective plastic films and nets have been shown to be an important tool for the control of pests and diseases in horticultural protected crops. Because of that, we secondly studied the plant and pest insect-mediated and/or the direct effects on E. mundus under different UV radiation conditions, in presence or absence of the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV). In the first experiment, performed outdoors, the flight activity of E. mundus was studied in one-chamber tunnels (1 x 0.6 x 0.6 m) covered with different photoselective barriers. Because E. mundus uses visual cues for host location at a long distance, a direct effect on its host location ability was detected, but only in the UV-absorbing barriers blocking more than 65% of the UV light (G net). In a second experiment, the direct and plant and pest insect-mediated effects of different UV radiation conditions on E. mundus were studied, inside cages (30 x 30 x 60 cm) covered with the different UVplastic films and under greenhouse conditions, using healthy or TYLCV-virus infected tomato plants. In this case, not any effect on the beneficial capacity of this parasitoid was detected, proving that he uses tactile cues at a short distance of the host. Moreover, the different UV radiation conditions studied had a certain direct impact in the morphology, physiology and biochemistry of tomato plants infested or not with the TYLCV, and small alterations in some parameters such as fresh and dry weight, H percentage and cuticle and cell wall thickness of epidermal cells of the leaves, were detected. Finally, none plant-mediated UV effects neither in the whitefly B. tabaci nor in their parasitic wasp were found. Thirdly, the effects of a bifenthrin treated net were evaluated in different laboratory, semi-field and field experiments on the natural enemies studied. Treated nets were developed long time ago aiming at the control of the mosquitoes vectors of malaria, and nowadays, there is a great interest on assessing the possibility of their use in agriculture. In laboratory assays, a high mortality was recorded when E. mundus and A. swirskii adults were exposed by contact to the bifenthrin treated net for 72 hours in small cages (12 cm diameter). However, these natural enemies were not able to detect the presence of bifenthrin in a dual-choice test and no short-term mortality (72 hours) was recorded in those individuals that went through the treated net. In semi-field assays, performed under greenhouse conditions with cages of 25 x 25 x 60 cm high, the beneficial capacity of E. mundus was not affected. Finally, in field assays carried out in commercial multispan greenhouses (4000 m2) in Almería, A. swirskii was not affected by the presence of the bifenthrin treated net in the crop and the B. tabaci and F. occidentalis infestation levels were significantly lower than in the control. Finally, the composition of the microflora present in three species of parasitoids, E. mundus, Eretmocerus eremicus Rose & Zolnerowich and Encarsia formosa Gahan, and its influence in their susceptibility to insecticides, have been assessed. A total DNA extraction was performed on insects and universal bacterial primers were used to amplify the variable V4 region of the rRNA. A Next Generation sequencing (Illumina sequencing) was performed to identify the sequences of the bacterial genera present in the parasitic wasps. Once, the bacterial genera were identified, 16S rDNA gene of Actinobacteria were amplified from insects DNA extracts using the universal bacterial and actinobacterial primers, and the nested PCR products, were cloned to identify the Arthrobacter species. Three bacteria (A. aurescens Phillips, A. nicotinovarans Kodama, Yamamoto, Amano and Amichi and A. uratoxydans Stackebrandt, Fowler, Fiedler and Seiler), having the closest match with the Arthrobacter species present in the parasitic wasps, were obtained from the BCCMTM/LMG bacteria collection and its esterase activity was measured. Finally, antibiotic and residual contact tests were done to determine the influence of Arthrobacter species in the susceptibility of E. mundus to pesticides (abamectin). The results suggest that this bacterial genus can affect the toxicity of E. mundus to abamectin, which in turn supports the importance of the microbial community in natural enemies that it should be considered as a factor in risk assessment tests of pesticides.
Hamilton and Zuk [Hamilton, W. D. & Zuk, M. (1982) Science 218, 384-387] proposed that females choosing mates based on the degree of expression of male characters obtain heritable parasite resistance for their offspring. Alternatively, the "contagion indicator" hypothesis posits that females choose mates based on the degree of expression of male characters because the latter indicate a male's degree of infestation of parasites and thus the risk that choosing females and their offspring will acquire these parasites. I examined whether parasite transmittability affects the probability that parasite intensity and male mating success are negatively correlated in intraspecific studies of parasite-mediated sexual selection. When females risk infection of themselves or their future offspring as a result of mating with a parasitized male, negative relationships between parasite intensity and male mating success are significantly more likely to occur than when females do not risk such infection. The direct benefit to females of avoiding parasitic infection is proposed to lead to the linkage between variable secondary sexual characters and the intensity of transmittable parasites. The direct benefits of avoiding associatively transmittable parasites should be considered in future studies of parasite-mediated sexual selection.
O glyphosate é o principal herbicida utilizado no manejo de plantas daninhas na agricultura, aplicado em alguns sistemas de forma repetitiva ao longo de cada ano. Esta prática selecionou biótipos resistentes de espécies de plantas daninhas, sendo o capim-amargoso (Digitaria insularis) selecionado no Brasil. Portanto, se tornam necessários estudos para entender, manejar e reduzir a infestação do capim-amargoso resistente ao glyphosate. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com os objetivos de: (i) mapear áreas do Brasil com possíveis infestações de capim-amargoso resistente ao glyphosate; (ii) avaliar alternativas químicas de seu manejo; (iii) elucidar os mecanismos de resistência ao glyphosate e; (iv) avaliar a herança genética dos genes que conferem resistência ao glyphosate. Para o desenvolvimento dos experimentos foram coletadas sementes de biótipos potencialmente resistentes de diversas regiões do Brasil onde ocorreram falhas de controle de D. insularis após a aplicação de glyphosate. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa foram realizados experimentos para determinação de uma dose discriminatória de triagementre as populações resistentes e suscetíveis ao glyphosate, através de curvas de dose-resposta, para identificar a resistência ao Glyphosate, sendo que estes dados foram utilizados para mapear a ocorrência de biótipos resistentes em algumas regiões do país. Na segunda etapa foi conduzido um experimento em casa-de-vegetação visando encontrar herbicidas alternativos ao Glyphosate para controle do capim-amargoso, utilizando herbicidas recomendados para as culturas do milho e algodão, tanto em condições de aplicação de pré como em pós-emergência da planta daninha. Na terceira etapa foram realizados ensaios para determinar a existência de absorção e translocação diferencial do glyphosate em biótipos suscetíveis e resistentes, juntamente com a análise molecular para comparar a região 106 do gene que codifica a EPSPs nestes biótipos. Por fim um estudo de polinização cruzada foi conduzido para avaliar se genes de resistência ao glyphosate são transferidos para a geração seguinte após inflorescências de biótipos suscetíveis serem acondicionadas com as de biótipos resistentes, submetendo a geração seguinte a experimentos de curva de dose-resposta com o glyphosate. Através do modelo de curva dose-resposta do programa estatístico R, determinou-se a dose de 960 g e.a ha-1, como a dose utilizada para triagem dos biótipos oriundos de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Com isto foram gerados mapas indicando a presença ou ausência de resistência ao herbicida, sendo que as região oeste do Paraná e sul do Mato Grosso do Sul apresentam maior número de localidades com a presença de biótipos resistentes. As alternativas de controle viáveis como pós-emergentes no estádio de um a dois perfilhos, foram os herbicidas Nicosulfuron, Imazapic + Imazapyr, Atrazine, Haloxifop-methyl e Tepraloxydim. Na pré-emergência do capim-amargoso os herbicidas Atrazine, Isoxaflutole, S-metolachlor, Clomazone, Diuron e Flumioxazin se apresentaram como eficazes para o controle desta espécie. Os resultados do experimento de absorção, translocação e comparação da região 106 não mostraram diferenças entre os biótipos resistente e suscetível. O experimento sobre cruzamento entre biótipos resistente e suscetível determinou a espécie D. insularis como autógama e sem transferência de genes que causam a resistência ao glyphosate.
Atualmente, a produtividade do feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) pode ser reduzida devido à ocorrência de doenças em todo o território nacional, destacando-se a murcha de fusário, causada por Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli (Fop). No campo, o patógeno é disseminado a longas distâncias através das sementes infectadas e/ou contaminadas e a sua sobrevivência ocorre, principalmente, no solo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: avaliar a inibição do crescimento micelial de Fop por Trichoderma spp.; classificar a sensibilidade in vitro de Fop e Trichoderma spp., separadamente, a fungicidas e verificar a compatibilidade entre fungicidas químicos e biológicos para controle de Fop, presente nas sementes e no solo. Para avaliar a inibição do crescimento micelial de Fop, foram utilizados três isolados do patógeno, os quais foram confrontados, in vitro, com três isolados de Trichoderma spp. em testes de cultura pareada e produção de metabólitos voláteis a 20-22°C. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições para cada isolado de Trichoderma. Para a classificação da sensibilidade in vitro de Fop e Trichoderma a fungicidas, foram avaliados os mesmos isolados anteriormente utilizados. Foram comparados dez fungicidas, em doses entre 0 a 100 mg L-1 que foram ajustadas de acordo com a CI50 de cada fungicida. Com base na percentagem de inibição do crescimento micelial, foram estimados os valores da concentração inibitória de 50% (CI50) e 100% (CI100) e selecionaram-se os fungicidas compatíveis com Trichoderma spp. A compatibilidade entre tratamentos químico e biológico foi avaliada através da inoculação artificial de sementes de feijão com um isolado de Fop (IAC 11.299-1) e infestação do mesmo no solo. As sementes foram tratadas com os fungicidas fludioxonil, flutriafol e tiofanato metílico, e com os três produtos biológicos, separadamente e em misturas. Avaliou-se o efeito dos tratamentos por meio dos testes de sanidade, germinação, comprimento de plântulas, massa da matéria seca em laboratório e índice de velocidade de emergência e porcentagem de emergência em estufa não climatizada. O efeito protetor dos tratamentos foi verificado através do teste de transmissão do patógeno solo-planta. Todos os isolados de Trichoderma apresentaram antagonismo in vitro contra Fop. No teste de cultura pareada foi observada uma redução de 15 a 20% no crescimento micelial do patógeno. No teste de produção de metabólitos voláteis, o isolado T12-1086G05 foi responsável pela maior inibição do crescimento micelial de Fop (10 a 48%). Os testes de sensibilidade in vitro mostraram que tiofanato metílico, flutriafol e fludioxonil foram compatíveis com Trichoderma (CI50 > 2 mg L-1). Com exceção do flutriafol e do GF 422 isolados e em mistura, todos os tratamentos foram eficientes na erradicação de Fop nas sementes, sem afetar a sua qualidade fisiológica. No teste de transmissão, verificou-se que a incidência de Fop foi de 5 a 40% no hipocótilo e de 5 a 30% nas raízes de feijoeiro provenientes de sementes tratadas com os produtos.
A solid state formulation of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin has been developed for biological control of the Red Palm Weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790). Two kinds of bioassays (dry conidia and dipping) using 10 isolates from several coleopterans in Mediterranean environments, identified 2 RPW derived isolates (193 and 203) as most pathogenic to RPW larvae and adults (zero survival within first 4–5 d for dry conidia, and 14 and 23 d for dipping bioassays). Isolate 203 (5.1 × 108 ± 1.9 × 108 conidia g-1) was formulated with fragmented date seed into solid granules and tested in palms infested with RPW under semi-field conditions in Feb, Apr/May and Jun of both 2007 and 2008. Beauveria bassiana significantly reduced RPW adult survival with respect to controls in May 2007 and in the Apr/Jun 2008 experiments. Total RPW adult mortality was achieved within 30 days for all B. bassiana treatments, and was associated with increasing numbers of insects with signs of mycosis in 2008 experiments. Beauveria bassiana formulation reduced RPW multiplication in artificially infested palms compared to controls, and a positive correlation between numbers of larvae and time post-infestation was recorded. The suppression of RPW adult populations by B. bassiana persisted for at least 3 months under semi-field conditions. The Beauveria bassiana solid formulation, which induces great adult mortality and persistence in the field, could be applied as a preventive as well as a curative treatment for the integrated management of RPW.
Historically an ectoparasite of the native Giant honey bee Apis dorsata, the mite Tropilaelaps mercedesae has switched hosts to the introduced western honey bee Apis mellifera throughout much of Asia. Few data regarding lethal and sub-lethal effects of T. mercedesae on A. mellifera exist, despite its similarity to the devastating mite Varroa destructor. Here we artificially infested worker brood of A. mellifera with T. mercedesae to investigate lethal (longevity) and sub-lethal (emergence weight, Deformed wing virus (DWV) levels and clinical symptoms of DWV) effects of the mite on its new host. The data show that T. mercedesae infestation significantly reduced host longevity and emergence weight, and promoted both DWV levels and associated clinical symptoms. Our results suggest that T. mercedesae is a potentially important parasite to the economically important A. mellifera honey bee.
La presente investigación es para evaluar la posibilidad de cultivo de Paralichthys adspersus (lenguado común) bajo las condiciones fisicoquímicas del agua del mar de la región de Tumbes. Luego de aclimatar 100 ejemplares de P. adspersus a la temperatura de 23,4 °C y 32 ‰ de salinidad, se distribuyó en dos tanques iguales de 1000 L a una densidad inicial de 50 ind./m3, realizando recambios diarios de 50 %, alimentados a saciedad durante todo el día con alimento balanceado de 42 % de proteínas (consumo total de alimento: 413 g). Mensualmente se muestreo el 100 % de los peces, determinando su tasa de crecimiento especifico, supervivencia y presencia de infecciones por Vibrio spp. La tasa de crecimiento específico durante esta experiencia fue de 0,41 %/día, la supervivencia luego de la aclimatación fue de 100 % hasta los 42 días de cultivo que alcanzó el 0 %, debido a la infestación por protozoarios parásitos del genero Amyloodinium en las branquias, descartando en todo momento la presencia de infecciones por Vibrio spp. La presente investigación permite precisar que P. adspersus se adapta a las condiciones fisicoquímicas de la región de Tumbes
In colonial species, it is often assumed that locations in the center of the colony are of highest quality and provide highest breeding success. We tested this prediction, known as the "central-periphery model," in a King Penguin colony in the subantarctic Crozet Archipelago. Breeding activity and survival of 150 penguins, fitted with transponder tags, were monitored over an entire breeding season. Among these 150 birds, 50 bred on the slope at the upper periphery of the colony, where the rates of predation and parasitism by ticks were high. Fifty birds bred in the center of the colony, where rates of predation and tick parasitism were low, and 50 bred at the lower end of the colony, where the rate of tick parasitism was low but predation and flooding were important risks. We predicted that the center of the colony should provide the safest breeding place and consequently be characterized by the highest breeding success and be used by the highest-quality individuals. Yet we found that penguins breeding in the center of the colony had the same breeding success as those at both peripheral locations. In addition, penguins breeding on the upper slope had a higher survival rate than penguins breeding at the center or bottom of the slope and were likely of higher quality. Our study does not support the central-periphery model and emphasizes the complexity behind the relationships among breeding site, breeding success, and individual quality.
There exists a major cost issue as regards termite damage to wooden structures. A factor in this cost has been the increasing trend towards slab-on-ground construction. Current literature has been reviewed in relation to concerns about the possible public/environmental health consequences of the repeated use of termiticides in large quantities. The previous, current and projected future use patterns of termiticides are reviewed in the context of techniques appropriate for termite control and treatment priorities. The phasing out of organochlorine termiticides in Australia was undertaken to minimise impact of these substances on the environment and to a lesser extent on public health. These persistent chemicals were replaced by substances with high activity but relatively low persistence in the soil. There has also been an increase in the use of alternative methods (e.g. physical barriers) for the control of termites. The transition away from organochlorine termiticides has led to a realisation that significant information gaps exist with regard to replacement chemicals and other technologies. Although relatively persistent, the organochlorine chemicals have a limited lifespan in soils. Their concentrations are gradually attenuated by processes such as transport away from the point of application and biodegradation. Wooden structures originally treated with these substances will, with the passing of time, be at risk of termite infestation. The only available option is re-treatment with chemicals currently registered for termite control. Thus, there are likely to be substantial future increases associated with the cost of re-treatment and repairs of older slab-on-ground dwellings. More information is required on Australian termite biology, taxonomy and ecology. The risks of termite infestation need to be evaluated, both locally and nationally so that susceptible or high risk areas, structures and building types can be identified and preventive measures taken in terms of design and construction. Building regulations and designs need to be able to reduce or eliminate high-risk housing; and eliminate or reduce conditions that are attractive to termites and/or facilitate termite infestation.
The influence of different light regimes on the germination of Australian and English populations of Phalaris paradoxa L. (awned canary-grass) seed was investigated to determine the impact of changing tillage practices on weed infestation. Seeds of all biotypes were highly viable, but differed in levels of innate dormancy (26-99%). In one experiment seed from a single Australian biotype, either enclosed in the spikelet glumes or having the spikelet glumes removed, were exposed to nine light treatments. Germination was stimulated by red and white light, but was inhibited by far-red light. Time to 50%, germination was less for seed enclosed in the spikelet glumes than for naked caryopses, although the final percentage of seed germinating when still enclosed in the spikelet glumes was significantly lower than for naked caryopses. In another experiment, six Australian and English biotypes with varying dormancy characteristics were exposed to eight light treatments. Red light did not stimulate germination in the deeply dormant biotype, however stimulated all other biotypes. Germination in darkness was below 20% in all biotypes except for one where germination was 51%. To overcome dormancy seeds were imbibed and placed in darkness at 16degreesC for either 7 or 14 days prior to exposure to red or white light for a single 15-min period. Dormancy in all biotypes was overcome indicating that a period of burial may decrease the dormancy level and increase seed sensitivity to light. This increased light sensitivity suggests that exposure to light during tillage may stimulate germination in P. paradoxa seed.
Human scabies, caused by skin infestation with the arthropod mite, Sarcoptes scabiei, typically results in a papular, intensely pruritic eruption involving the interdigital spaces, and flexure creases. Recent research has led to a reassessment of the morbidity attributable to this parasite in endemic communities, particularly resulting from secondary skin sepsis and postinfective complications including glomerulonephritis. This has led to studies of the benefits of community based control programmes, and to concerns regarding the emergence of drug resistance when such strategies are employed. The renewed research interest into the biology of this infection has resulted in the application of molecular tools. This has established that canine and human scabies populations are genetically distinct, a finding with major implications for the formulation of public health control policies. Further research is needed to increase understanding of drug resistance, and to identify new drug targets and potential vaccine candidates.
Little is known about the population genetics of the louse infestations of humans. We used microsatellite DNA to study 11 double infestations, that is, hosts infested with head lice and body lice simultaneously. We tested for population structure on a host, and for population structure among seven hosts that shared sleeping quarters. We also sought evidence of migration among louse populations. Our results showed that: (i) the head and body lice on these individual hosts were two genetically distinct populations; (ii) each host had their own populations of head and body lice that were genetically distinct to those on other hosts; and (iii) lice had migrated from head to head, and from body to body, but not between heads and bodies. Our results indicate that head and body lice are separate species.
This study surveys the population genetic structure of Childers canegrub, Antitrogus parvulus, to elucidate its population dynamics and gene flow. Antitrogus parvulus is a pest of sugarcane in the Bundaberg region and this knowledge can be used to optimise integrated pest management practices. Here, base-pair differences in the cytochrome oxidase II gene (COII) were used to characterise haplotypic diversity, infer levels of gene flow, and phylogenetic relationships of alleles and their phylogeographical structure. There were 28 unique haplotypes among the 70 sequenced individuals from the seven locations. All three variance components (among regions, among populations, within populations) are highly significant, with highest genetic diversity among regions and lowest among populations within regions. A positive correlation between migration rates and geographical distance and significant phylogeographical structure between four main geographical regions. The main implication of these findings for pest management is that if a grower can eliminate an existing infestation within a field, then reinvasion will be slow and further outbreaks within that field are unlikely to occur. The low dispersal ability of females also means that any resistance to insecticides that develops is likely to remain localised, but will rapidly become dominant within the affected population.
Aim: To compare cell phenotypes displayed by cholangiocarcinomas and adjacent bile duct lesions in patients from an area endemic in liver-fluke infestation and those with sporadic cholangiocarcinoma. Methods: 65 fluke-associated and 47 sporadic cholangiocarcinomas and 6 normal livers were studied. Serial paraffin-wax sections were stained immunohistochemically with monoclonal antibodies characterising a Brunner or pyloric gland metaplasia cell phenotype (antigens D10 and 1F6), intestinal goblet cells (antigen 17NM), gastric foveolar apomucin (MUC5AC), a gastrointestinal epithelium cytokeratin (CK20) and the p53 protein. Results: 60% of the 112 cholangiocarcinomas expressed antigen D10, 68% MUC5AC, 33% antigen 17NM and 20% CK20; 37% showed overexpression of p53. When present together in a cholangiocarcinoma, cancer cells expressing D10 were distinct from those displaying 17NM or MUC5AC. Many more fluke-associated cholangiocarcinomas than sporadic cholangiocarcinomas displayed 17NM and p53 expression. Most cases of hyperplastic and dysplastic biliary epithelium expressed D10 strongly. Pyloric gland metaplasia and peribiliary glands displayed D10 and 1F6, with peribiliary gland hyperplasia more evident in the livers with fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma; goblet cells in intestinal metaplasia stained for 17NM. No notable association of expression between any two antigens (including p53) was found in the cancers. Conclusions: Most cases of dysplastic biliary epithelium and cholangiocarcinoma display a Brunner or pyloric gland cell phenotype and a gastric foveolar cell phenotype. The expression of D10 in hyperplastic and dysplastic epithelium and in cholangiocarcinoma is consistent with a dysplasia-carcinoma sequence. Many more fluke-associated cholangiocarcinomas than sporadic cholangiocarcinoma display an intestinal goblet cell phenotype and overexpress p53, indicating differences in the aetiopathology of the cancers in the two groups of patients.
Using a combination of techniques including relative deprivation index developed by the Government, school performance, household survey and drawing of lots, a sample frame constituting of poverty areas of Mauritius was constructed and four test areas identified. Relevant haematological, parasitological and biochemical parameters of all school-going children living in the four test areas were determined so as to study the possibility of correlation between parasitic infections, plasma ferritin, haemoglobin concentration, white blood cells count, packed cells volume and blood group. It was found that there is a negative correlation between the number of parasites and haemoglobin concentration, packed cells volume of blood and degree of infestation, number of parasites and ferritin and number of parasites and age of subject. It has also been found that, children with blood group 'A' and blood group '0' tend to harbour the most parasites. As regards to storage iron depletion, this is significant only with hookworm infestation. Additionally it has been noted that hookworm infestation is directly related to age contrary to other parasitic infestations.