982 resultados para Glycosidic linkage


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The paper identified and characterized a special multi-degree of freedom toggle behavior, called double toggle, observed in a typical MCCB switching mechanism. For an idealized system, the condition of toggle sequence is derived geometrically. The existing tools available in a multi-body dynamics package are used for exploring the dynamic behavior of such systems parametrically. The double toggle mechanism is found to make the system insensitive to the operator's behavior; however, the system is vulnerable under extreme usage. The linkage kinematics and stopper locations are found to have dominant role on the behavior of the system. It is revealed that the operating time is immune to the inertial property of the input link and sensitive to that of the output link. Novel designs exploiting this observation, in terms of spring and toggle placements, to enhance switching performance have also been reported in the paper. Detailed study revealed that strategic placement of the spring helps in selective alteration of system performance. Thus, the study establishes the critical importance of the kinematic design of MCCB over the dynamic parameters. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the chemical synthesis of 3-Aminophenylboronic acid (APBA) modified graphene oxide (GO) and its application to the electrochemical detection of glycated hemoglobin (GHb). The compound (GO-APBA) was synthesized by forming an amide linkage between the amino group (-NH2) of APBA and the carboxylic group (-COOH) of GO. The compound was characterized using IR spectroscopy. Detection of GHb was carried out using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic (EIS) measurements with GO-APBA modified glassy carbon electrode as the working electrode.


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A catalytic reduction of graphene oxide (GO) by glutathione peroxidase (GPx) mimics is reported. This study reveals that GO contains peroxide functionalities, in addition to the epoxy, hydroxyl and carboxylic acid groups that have been identified earlier. It also is shown that GO acts as a peroxide substrate in the GPx-like catalytic activity of organoselenium/tellurium compounds. The reaction of tellurol, generated from the corresponding ditelluride, reduces GO through the glutathione (GSH)-mediated cleavage of the peroxide linkage. The mechanism of GO reduction by the tellurol in the presence of GSH involves the formation of a tellurenic acid and tellurenyl sulfide intermediates. Interestingly, the GPx mimics also catalyze the decarboxylation of the carboxylic acid functionality in GO at ambient conditions. Whereas the selenium/tellurium-mediated catalytic reduction/decarboxylation of GO may find applications in bioremediation processes, this study suggests that the modification of GO by biologically relevant compounds such as redox proteins must be taken into account when using GO for biomedical applications because such modifications can alter the fundamental properties of GO.


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Synthesis of amphiphilic, cyclic di- and tetrasaccharides, which incorporate a methylene moiety at the inter-glycosidic bond, is reported. The amphiphilic properties of the new cyclic tetrasaccharide host were identified through assessing the solubilities of guests in aqueous and in organic solvents. The glycosidic bond stability of the cyclic tetrasaccharide under aqueous acidic condition was also verified.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has evolved protective and detoxification mechanisms to maintain cytoplasmic redox balance in response to exogenous oxidative stress encountered inside host phagocytes. In contrast, little is known about the dynamic response of this pathogen to endogenous oxidative stress generated within Mtb. Using a noninvasive and specific biosensor of cytoplasmic redox state of Mtb, we for first time discovered a surprisingly high sensitivity of this pathogen to perturbation in redox homeostasis induced by elevated endogenous reactive oxygen species (ROS). We synthesized a series of hydroquinone-based small molecule ROS generators and found that ATD-3169 permeated mycobacteria to reliably enhance endogenous ROS including superoxide radicals. When Mtb strains including multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) patient isolates were exposed to this compound, a dose-dependent, long-lasting, and irreversible oxidative shift in intramycobacterial redox potential was detected. Dynamic redox potential measurements revealed that Mtb had diminished capacity to restore cytoplasmic redox balance in comparison with Mycobacterium smegmatis (Msm), a fast growing nonpathogenic mycobacterial species. Accordingly, Mtb strains were extremely susceptible to inhibition by ATD-3169 but not Msm, suggesting a functional linkage between dynamic redox changes and survival. Microarray analysis showed major realignment of pathways involved in redox homeostasis, central metabolism, DNA repair, and cell wall lipid biosynthesis in response to ATD-3169, all consistent with enhanced endogenous ROS contributing to lethality induced by this compound. This work provides empirical evidence that the cytoplasmic redox poise of Mtb is uniquely sensitive to manipulation in steady-state endogenous ROS levels, thus revealing the importance of targeting intramycobacterial redox metabolism for controlling TB infection. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET), is a type of wireless ad-hoc network that aims to provide communication among vehicles. A key characteristic of VANETs is the very high mobility of nodes that result in a frequently changing topology along with the frequent breakage and linkage of the paths among the nodes involved. These characteristics make the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements in VANET a challenging issue. In this paper we characterize the performance available to applications in infrastructureless VANETs in terms of path holding time, path breakage probability and per session throughput as a function of various vehicle densities on road, data traffic rate and number of connections formed among vehicles by making use of table-driven and on-demand routing algorithms. Several QoS constraints in the applications of infrastructureless VANETs are observed in the results obtained.


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A new carbazole-based tetraimidazole ligand 1,3,6,8-tetra(1H-imidazol-1-yl)-9-methyl-9H-carbazole (L) has been synthesized. The unsymmetrical nature of L as well as the rotational freedom of imidazole donor moieties around C-N bond make it a special building unit, which upon treatment with cis-(tmeda)Pd(NO3)(2) produced an unprecedented single linkage-isomeric Pd-8 tetrafacial molecular nanobarrel (PSMBR-1) tmeda N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethane-1,2-diamine]. Unlike closed architectures, open barrel architecture of water-soluble PSMBR-1 makes it an ideal host for some water insoluble polyaromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous medium; one such inclusion complex coroneneCPSMBR-1 was characterized by X-ray diffraction study. Moreover, the potential application of PSMER-1 as carrier in aqueous medium for the transportation of water insoluble fluorophore (perylene) for live cell imaging is explored.


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The Southern Granulite Terrain in India is a collage of crustal blocks ranging in age from Archean to Neoproterozoic. This study investigate the tectonic evolution of one of the northernmost block- the Biligiri Block (BRB) through a multidisciplinary approach involving field investigation, petrographic studies, LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotopic analyses, metamorphic P-T phase diagram computations, and crustal thickness modeling. The garnet bearing quartzofeldspathic gneiss from the central BRB preserve Mesoarchean magmatic zircons with ages between 3207 and 2806 Ma and positive epsilon Hf value (+2.7) which possibly indicates vestiges of a Mesoarchean primitive continental crust. The occurrence of quartzite-iron formation intercalation as well as ultramafic lenses along the western boundary of the BRB is interpreted to indicate that the Kollegal structural lineament is a possible paleo-suture. Phase diagram computation of a metagabbro from the southwestern periphery of the Kollegal suture zone reveals high-pressure (similar to 18.5 kbar) and medium-temperature (similar to 840 degrees C) metamorphism, likely during eastward subduction of the Western Dharwar oceanic crust beneath the Mesoarchean BRB. In the model presented here, slab subduction, melting and underplating processes generated arc magmatism and subsequent charnockitization within the BRB between ca. 2650 Ma and ca. 2498 Ma. These results thus reveal Meso- to Neoarchean tectonic evolution of the BRB. The spatial variation of crustal thickness, derived from flexure inversion technique, provides additional constraints on the tectonic linkage of the BRB with its surrounding terrains. In conjunction with published data, the Moyar and the Kollegal suture zones are considered to mark the trace of ocean closure along which the Nilgiri and Biligiri Rangan Blocks accreted on to the Western Dharwar Craton. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Numerical study of three-dimensional evolution of wake-type flow and vortex dislocations is performed by using a compact finite diffenence-Fourier spectral method to solve 3-D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. A local spanwise nonuniformity in momentum defect is imposed on the incoming wake-type flow. The present numerical results have shown that the flow instability leads to three-dimensional vortex streets, whose frequency, phase as well as the strength vary with the span caused by the local nonuniformity. The vortex dislocations are generated in the nonuniform region and the large-scale chain-like vortex linkage structures in the dislocations are shown. The generation and the characteristics of the vortex dislocations are described in detail.


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Chemical control of surface functionality and topography is an essential requirement for many technological purposes. In particular, the covalent attachment of monomeric proteins to surfaces has been the object of intense studies in recent years, for applications as varied as electrochemistry, immuno-sensing, and the production of biocompatible coatings. Little is known, however, about the characteristics and requirements underlying surface attachment of supramolecular protein nanostructures. Amyloid fibrils formed by the self-assembly of peptide and protein molecules represent one important class of such structures. These highly organized beta-sheet-rich assemblies are a hallmark of a range of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease and type II diabetes, but recent findings suggest that they have much broader significance, potentially representing the global free energy minima of the energy landscapes of proteins and having potential applications in material science. In this paper, we describe strategies for attaching amyloid fibrils formed from different proteins to gold surfaces under different solution conditions. Our methods involve the reaction of sulfur containing small molecules (cystamine and 2-iminothiolane) with the amyloid fibrils, enabling their covalent linkage to gold surfaces. We demonstrate that irreversible attachment using these approaches makes possible quantitative analysis of experiments using biosensor techniques, such as quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) assays that are revolutionizing our understanding of the mechanisms of amyloid growth and the factors that determine its kinetic behavior. Moreover, our results shed light on the nature and relative importance of covalent versus noncovalent forces acting on protein superstructures at metal surfaces.


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La presente investigación se realizó de junio a diciembre del año 1997 en el Centro Experimental Campos Azules (CECA) ubicado en el municipio de Masatepe, departamento de Masaya. Dicho trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de elaborar una guía preliminar de descriptores para el cultivo de la pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.), caracterizar de forma preliminar 16 accesiones de pitahaya y proponer accesiones sobresalientes para caracteres de importancia agronómica que pueden ser introducidas a mejoramiento genético. El diseño utilizado es propio de los bancos de germoplasma de frutales en los que se establecieron tres individuos de cada accesión, por lo tanto, cada una de las plantas fue considerada una replica, realizándose para los caracteres cualitativos y cuantitativos un análisis estadístico a través del programa SAS (Sistema de Análisis Estadísticos), así mismo se realizo un análisis de conglomerados (Cluster) mediante el método Simple Linkage utilizándolo para caracteres cuantitativos, y el método Ward's para descriptores cuantitativos y cualitativos. En cada uno de los análisis se determinaron cuatro y cinco conglomerados respectivamente, siendo las accesiones más sobresalientes la 4103, 4107, 4542, 4549, 4556, 4563, 4566, 4127, 4165, 4552, 4575, 4577, 4578 y 4601 para seleccionar de acuerdo a las necesidades de los usuarios. También se realizó un análisis de Componentes Principales para determinar las variables que más aportaron a la variación, siendo las variables de fruto las que más explicaron la variación, presentando las accesiones 4127 y 4165 los valores más altos en los dos componentes principales. La guía de descriptores se realizó de acuerdo a parámetros establecidos con descriptores de pasaporte y caracterización, que fueron recopilados según características morfológicas tomadas en cuenta en el ensayo por experiencia de investigadores.


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Resumen: Es habitual que en la fundamentación de derecho de la privacidad se acuda al valor de la dignidad humana, pero cuando los autores realizan esa vinculación suelen entender a la dignidad hu - mana como justificada en la mera autonomía del sujeto. Para este punto de vista que denominamos visión moderna, en el ámbito de los derechos fundamentales existe un amplio e indefinido campo de libertad, y esta libertad es o sería el derecho básico en sí mismo, o derecho fundamental por antonomasia. Esto significa la concepción del derecho entendido bajo su faz subjetiva. El derecho como un mero poder cuyo límite está en el poder o la facultad de otro, y el Estado como arbitrador de esos poderes subjetivos en pugna. Sin embargo, los derechos fundamentales entre los que se encuentran el derecho a la intimidad y a la privacidad, el derecho al resguardo del honor y de la imagen, encuentran su justificación en lo justo objetivo y en la dignidad humana. La dignidad como un valor que da sentido se justifica cuando es entendida con una apertura a la trascendencia de la persona, y a un fin objetivo al que dicha trascendencia se encamina.


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Resumen: La ciudad de Rosario y su región experimentó en las primeras décadas del siglo XX un proceso de modernización institucional sin precedentes por su magnitud. En el presente artículo se analiza la interrelación entre sectores de la dirigencia, puntualmente la vinculada al sistema educativo provincial y la Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario, por generar recursos especializados que acompañaran el crecimiento de la actividad mercantil y la transferencia de dichos recursos a una de las principales ramas de la producción: la comercialización de cereales. De allí que el trabajo consta de tres partes: el movimiento Pro Escuela de Comercio, el movimiento pro universidad y el inicio del proceso de transferencia de las primeras investigaciones académicas del área.


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[EN] This research provides a useful framework for identifying a small firms’ propensity to engage in entrepreneurial orientation. We examine the impact of the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) as a main resource and capability on small firm’ growth. The growth seems to come out as an important demonstration of the entrepreneurial orientation of small firms (Davidsson, 1989; Green and Brown, 1997; Janney and Gregory, 2006). Thus, this research builds on prior conceptual research that suggests a positive integration between entrepreneurial orientation and resource-based view. In the first instance, the research will focus on reviewing literature in the emerging area of entrepreneurial orientation as it applies to growth oriented small firms and resource-based view of the firm. Secondly, an empirical study was developed based on a stratified sample of small firms of manufacturing industry. Data were submitted to a multivariate statistical analysis and a linear regression model was performed in order to predict the influence of the resources and capabilities on small firms’ growth. In this sense, we consider the construct growth as a dependent variable and the ones relates with resources and capabilities (entrepreneur resources, firm resources, networks and EO) as independent variables. The research results suggest a set of resources and capabilities that promote the growth of the small firms. Also, the EO seems to have a predictive value on growth. Explaining variables related with resources and capabilities and EO were identified as essential in growth oriented small firms. It was still possible to conclude that the entrepreneurial firms which grew seem to have resources and develop more capabilities and take advantage in the search for those competences. This attitude reflects on the EO of the firm. This study has important implication for both researchers and practitioners. It highlights the necessity of firms to develop superior EO of all their members and also to invest on better resources and consequently superior capabilities as a way of reaching higher levels of growth. While previous authors have attempted to analyse certain aspects of this process (linkage between entrepreneurial orientation and growth), this research developed a framework that combines these and others factors (resource-based view) pertinent to growth oriented small firms. The results support the necessity to identify explicative variables of multiple levels to explain the growth of small firms. The adoption of an entrepreneurial orientation as an indispensable variable to the growth oriented small firms seems pertinent.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is employed to study the bio-adhesion in F1 ATP molecular motor. Histidine-peptide is widely used as linkage in micro systems because of its strong binding strength to metals. This paper focuses on the adhesion between a synthetic peptide containing 6xHis-tag (Gly-Gly-Lys-Gly-Gly-Lys-Gly-Gly-His-His-His-His-His-His) and metal substrate, which is used to define the position of the F1 ATP molecular motor on the metal substrate. It is shown that the binding strength between histidine and nickel substrate is the strongest, while that of copper is smaller and that of gold substrate is the smallest. From the result of simulation, we find that the stability of adhesion between histidine and the metal substate result of the ringed structure in histidine.