848 resultados para Girona (Catalonia) -- History -- 14th century -- Book reviews
El trabajo analiza los principales determinantes y las características de la desnutrición en América Latina durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. En primer lugar, se explican las bases del problema moderno del hambre y la desnutrición, tanto en su dimensión fisiológica como social, al destacarse su condición de calamidad social y de expresión biológica del subdesarrollo y de las desigualdades sociales. En segundo lugar, a partir de testimonios contemporáneos, se exponen las principales características de la desnutrición que ha afectado a la población iberoamericana, y las causas que la explican. Por último, a modo de conclusión, se subrayan las consecuencias negativas de no haber aprovechado la oportunidad que conllevaba el reto de superar los factores condicionantes de la malnutrición por defecto, y haber finalizado el siglo XX con un panorama epidemiológico nutricional donde los problemas del hambre y la desnutrición conviven con fenómenos como los de la obesidad de la pobreza.
El trabajo aborda, a través de la obra de José María Bengoa Lecanda (1913-2010), la condición de intolerable social que alcanzó, a lo largo del siglo XX, el problema del hambre y la desnutrición. Así mismo, intenta mostrar la oportunidad que comportaba dicho reto, si como parecía razonable, se trataba de corregir los factores condicionantes que estaban detrás del hambre y la desnutrición, en particular la pobreza y la falta de equidad.
This review is part of a research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (ref. FFI 2008-02165).
In this article I study the Preface by Ferran Valentí to his own translation into Catalan of Cicero’s Paradoxa. Ferran Valentí was a humanist from Majorca, author in Catalan language who earned a Low Degree at the University of Bologna and who declared himself a devoted “son and pupil” of humanist Leonardo Bruni. Valentí made an analysis of the humanistic Canon in mid-15th century, including troubadours, Dante, Lullius, Latin literature classics and several Catalan authors, such as Bernat Metge. This proves that humanism was a true trend in the Crown of Aragon from the 2nd half of the 14th Century on.
Se propone como objetivo principal mostrar y analizar tres fuentes documentales inéditas del siglo XVIII, localizadas en el Archivo Municipal Sant Joan d’Alacant que aportan información sobre la gestión de enfermería realizada en el Hospital San Juan de Dios de Alicante. Son tres las fuentes documentales que se transcriben y analizan, una “relación jurada de Fray Joseph Martínez Maza”, fechando el documento entre 1710 y 1718; un “Real privilegio de S.M. para amortizar la cantidad de 120 libras libres de sello y demás”. Dado en 23 de enero de 1794, a favor del convento hospital de N.P. San Juan de Dios de la ciudad de Alicante y un “formulario o modelo para dar cumplimiento a la orden del nuncio de su Santidad referente a las rentas, gravámenes, limosnas y otras entradas, con la curación a pobres, enfermos, con arreglo a los libros de caja”, datando el documento entre 1748 y 1760.
"Paul and Mary are two people who are from different tribes and deeply in love. Their families share a close relationship and everything looks well for their wedding. However, with the out break of the post-election violence. Dr. Sawega, Paul's father, loses his clinic and his brother through arson. Stoked by politicians and tribalists, things get tense between the two families and the entire nation."--Spaceyangu.com.ar
This documentary is about the internal displacement of ethnic minorities brought about by politically instigated post-election violence towards ethnic minorities in all eight provinces, namely, Coast, Rift Valley, Western, Eastern, North Eastern, Central Kenya, Nairobi, and Nyanza. During the years of 1991 to 1996, over 15,000 people died and almost 300,000 were displaced in the Rift Valley, Central, Nyanza and Western provinces. Before the 1997 elections, violence erupted. Again, following the disputed presidential elections in December 2007 politically and ethnically instigated displacements resulted in human rights violations against 600,000 people in 8 provinces of Kenya.
Schachzabelbuch (ff. 1-87r; incomplete at the beginning) -- Heil- und Segenssprüche (87r-88v) -- Tageszeiten (89r-144v) -- Kalender (145r-159v) -- Heil- und Segenssprüche (160r-v).
This journal contains minutes from meetings held from February 1792 through October 1793. These minutes include the names of participants and the questions and arguments which were debated, including: whether or not French slaves in the West Indies should be emancipated; whether or not reading novels was beneficial; whether sermons were more effective when memorized than when simply read; whether theater contributed to corrupt morals; whether drunkenness or gambling was more detrimental to society; and whether or not French assistance to the colonies in their Revolutionary War provided sufficient cause for the United States to join with France in its own wars. Most of the topics of debate centered on religion, government and education. Several entries also include notes on related topics of discussion, including the reasons for Native American tribes' hostilities against federal authorities, and there are several references to published works which were cited and consulted in the course of debate.
To Mary Ann [passages copied from several poems, written by an unknown student on November 21, 1790]
The creator of this document is unknown, though he was presumably a student at Harvard College, as the name of the college appears on the document twice. Both sides of the document are filled with passages of poetry, including one from Tobias George Smollett's "The Adventures of Roderick Random" and another from John Tapner's "A New Collection of Fables in Verse." The creator seems to have intended the document for someone named Mary Ann.
The collection holds a heavily interleaved 1791 Triennial Catalogue annotated, in part, by Jeremy Belknap. A note by Harvard Librarian John Langdon Sibley, on the verso of the flyleaf, indicates a second annotator: "It should be observed that this catalogue is in the handwriting of two persons, Dr. Belknap & probably interlineations & additions by Rev. Dr. [John] Eliot. The interlineing part should not be too confidently relied on for accuracy. J. L. Sibley, April 14, 1848." The volume contains biographical notes, newspaper clippings, excerpts from manuscript and printed sources such as New England's First Fruits, the manuscript memoirs of Charles Chauncey, and John Winthrop's Journal, and a 1795 letter from Isaac Mansfield. In the letter, Mansfield references an item he believed to be written by his grandfather, Ames Cheever (Harvard AB 1707), and briefly describes his grandfather. A list of election sermon orators with dates is also pasted into the inside back cover, along with an obituary of the Rev. John Wales (Harvard AB 1728) from the Boston Post-Boy, March 4, 1765.
Two-page handwritten oration titled "On devotion" composed by graduate Samuel Farrar for the July 17, 1793 Harvard University Commencement. The essay begins, "The mind assuming reason for its guide, and the works of nature for its contemplation..."
Four-page handwritten essay titled "On Freedom" composed by graduate Joseph Stowers for the July 17, 1793 Harvard University Commencement. The essay begins, "Freedom alone constitutes the happiness of the human race..."