975 resultados para Função de densidade espectral de correntropia cíclica
Density and biomass of bacterioplankton in parts of the Marechal Dutra reservoir were studied in periods of dry and rainy season. The averages of the total bacterial densities oscillated in the order of 107 organisms/ mL of sample. The cocci cells were numerically predominant, influencing considerably the total abundance of the bacterioplankton. The total bacterial biomass, was considered raised and varied from 2.431,82 to 2.739,01 μgC.L-1, in function of the high values of biovolume of the filaments forms, and showed no marked spacial fluctuation. These high values of density and biomass alert for the necessity of a frequent monitoring of aquatic ecosystems of semi-arid region, where the quality of the water is affected by the occurrence of extensive dry periods, influencing considerably the quality of life of its population
FUNDAMENTO: A relevância do padrão de remodelação no modelo de ratos expostos à fumaça do cigarro não é conhecida. OBJETIVO: Analisar a presença de diferentes padrões de remodelação nesse modelo e sua relação com a função ventricular. MÉTODOS: Ratos fumantes (n=47) foram divididos de acordo com o padrão de geometria, analisado pelo ecocardiograma: normal (índice de massa normal e espessura relativa normal), remodelação concêntrica (índice de massa normal e espessura relativa aumentada), hipertrofia concêntrica (índice de massa aumentado e espessura relativa aumentada) e hipertrofia excêntrica (índice de massa aumentado e espessura relativa normal). RESULTADOS: Os ratos fumantes apresentaram um dos quatro padrões de geometria: padrão normal, 51%; hipertrofia excêntrica:,32%; hipertrofia concêntrica, 13% e remodelação concêntrica, 4%. Os grupos normal e hipertrofia excêntrica apresentaram menores valores de fração de ejeção e porcentagem de encurtamento que o grupo hipertrofia concêntrica. Treze animais (28%) apresentaram disfunção sistólica, detectada pela fração de ejeção e pela porcentagem de encurtamento. Na análise de regressão univariada, os padrões de geometria e o índice de massa não foram fator de predição de disfunção ventricular (p>0,05). Por outro lado, o aumento da espessura relativa da parede foi fator de predição de disfunção ventricular na análise univariada (p<0,001) e na análise multivariada, após ajuste para o índice de massa (p=0,003). CONCLUSÃO: Ratos expostos à fumaça do cigarro apresentam um dos quatro diferentes padrões de remodelação. Entre as variáveis geométricas analisadas, somente o aumento da espessura relativa da parede do ventrículo esquerdo foi fator de predição de disfunção ventricular nesse modelo.
OBJETIVO: Determinar as alterações cardíacas estruturais e funcionais causadas pela exposição à fumaça do cigarro em ratos. MÉTODOS: Os animais foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em dois grupos: fumante (F), composto por 10 animais, expostos à fumaça do cigarro, na taxa de 40 cigarros/dia e controle (C), constituído por 10 animais não submetidos à exposição. Após 4 meses, os animais foram submetidos a estudo morfológico e funcional por meio do ecocardiograma. As variáveis estudadas foram analisadas pelo teste t ou pelo teste de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Os ratos fumantes apresentaram maior átrio esquerdo (F=4,2± 0,7mm; C=3,5±0,6mm; p<0,05), maiores diâmetros diastólicos (F=7,9±0,7mm; C=7,2±0,5mm; p<0,05) e sistólicos (F=4,1 ±0,5; C=3,4±0,5; p<0,05) do ventrículo esquerdo (VE). O índice de massa do VE foi maior nos animais fumantes (F=1,5 mg/kg± 0,2; C=1,3 mg/kg±0,2; p<0,05), e a fração de ejeção (F=0,85±0,03; C=0,89±0,03; p<0,05) e a fração de encurtamento (F=47,8 %±3,7; C=52,7%±4,6; p<0,05) maiores no grupo controle. Não foram identificadas diferenças nas variáveis de fluxo diastólico (onda E, na onda A e na relação E/A) transmitral. CONCLUSÃO: A exposição crônica à fumaça do cigarro resulta em remodelação cardíaca, com diminuição da capacidade funcional ventricular.
FUNDAMENTO: A esfericidade do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) é fator associado com disfunção ventricular, mas não está bem caracterizada no modelo de ratos infartados. OBJETIVO: Analisar a relação entre o índice de esfericidade, a função ventricular e a área infartada no modelo experimental em ratos. MÉTODOS: Seis meses após infarto (IAM, n=33) ou cirurgia simulada (SHAM, n=18), os animais foram submetidos a ecocardiograma. O índice de esfericidade foi obtido pela razão entre as áreas diastólicas nos eixos maior e menor do VE. RESULTADOS: O grupo IAM apresentou menor índice de esfericidade (1,32 × 0,23 vs 1,57 × 0,33; p=0,002), de função sistólica e espessura relativa (0,13 × 0,003 vs 0,18 × 0,04; p<0,001) e maior índice de estresse parietal (1,27 × 0,33 vs 0,88 × 0,25; p<0,001). Houve correlação significativa entre tamanho do infarto e esfericidade (p=0,046). Na análise de regressão linear, o tamanho de infarto (p=0,014), mas não a esfericidade (p=0,683) e o estresse parietal (p=0,176), foi fator de predição da função sistólica. Remodelação excêntrica (p=0,011), mas não a esfericidade (p=0,183) ou o tamanho de infarto (p=0,101), foi fator preditor do estresse parietal. Adicionalmente, o tamanho do infarto (p=0,046), mas não remodelação excêntrica (0,705), foi fator preditor da esfericidade. O tamanho do infarto (p=0,015) e o estresse parietal (p=0,011), mas não a esfericidade (p=0,705), foram preditores de remodelação excêntrica. CONCLUSÃO: A esfericidade está associada mas não é fator determinante do estresse parietal, da remodelação excêntrica e da função sistólica ventricular no modelo de infarto experimental em ratos.
Water scarcity is a reality for the inhabitants of the Brazilian semiarid region. The problem, in quantitative terms , is caused due to local climatic conditions due mostly to a water deficit. Qualitatively, results of multiple uses and resulting contamination by human activities. Eutrophication is presented as a threat to the sustainable use of water resources, in order to favor the predominance of dense populations of cyanobacteria, which can be potentially harmful to human health. The aim of this study is to understand the population dynamics of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria to assess water quality of reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros belonging to bacia Apodi Mossoró-RN . Water samples were collected monthly between October 2011 and May 2012 in reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros, in this latter , in Jan/12 we performed a diel profile . The abiotic variables obtained in the field and in the laboratory were: water temperature , dissolved oxygen , pH , turbidity , transparency , total nitrogen and total phosphorus . Phytoplankton samples were collected with a plankton net and bottle of Van dorn . Were performed : identification , quantification , calculation of biovolume , classification into functional groups and index calculation phytoplankton assembly ( Q ) , cyanotoxins were quantified by ELISA . Statistical analyzes supported the evaluation of the dynamics between biotic and abiotic factors. A questionnaire was conducted to examine the conceptions of the population, education professionals and students. The reservoir of Pau dos Ferros, shallow , turbid and eutrophic showed dominance of the functional group SN throughout the sample period . The phytoplankton biomass ranged from 20 to 70 mm ³ . L - 1, the lowest values coincided with the increase of the mixing zone and transparency, which contributed to the occurrence of a change in species composition phytoplankton . The application of the index Q proved relevant, the reservoir of Pau dos Ferros , depending on the species present , was classified ecologically as bad for almost the entire sample period . The reservoir Santa Cruz do Apodi showed low biomass ( 0.04 and 4.31 mm ³ . L - 1 ) and greater diversity in the phytoplankton composition . According to the index assembly (Q ), it showed moderate condition during most of the period influenced by different functional groups of typical meso- eutrophic environment (K S0, H1, C, F , J , E, D and N) . Associations of diatoms and green algae D and X1 succeeded populations of cyanobacteria in periods marked by greater instability in the system , caused by wind or rain. In summary , the occurrence of drought has a direct influence on the hydrological conditions of the reservoirs , in general, these events, reducing the reservoir level is directly related to decreased water quality and increased density of phytoplankton occurring predominance of cyanobacteria , the index Q reflected well to changes in phytoplankton composition , being a good indicator for biomonitoring of reservoirs in this study and survey of previous conceptions showed the need to work on environmental awareness for the preservation of water resources by conducting workshops for Environmental Education
INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) apresentam menor tolerância ao exercício e baixa capacidade funcional, o que os torna, via de regra, sedentários. Outra alteração importante encontrada na DRC é a disfunção cognitiva. O sedentarismo tem sido associado à disfunção cognitiva na população geral, porém, poucos estudos avaliaram essa associação na DRC. OBJETIVOS: Verificar associação entre o nível de atividade física e a função cognitiva de pacientes com DRC que realizam hemodiálise (HD). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 102 pacientes que realizam HD. Os participantes responderam o Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física, que avalia o nível de atividade física e o Mini Exame do Estado Mental, utilizado para o rastreamento cognitivo. Os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos conforme a classificação do nível de atividade física (GI: ativos/GII: irregularmente ativos/GIII: sedentários). Foi aplicada análise de regressão logística adotando-se como variável desfecho a presença de disfunção cognitiva e preservando como variáveis independentes aquelas com probabilidade estatística de diferença entre os grupos inferior a 0,1. Foi considerado estatisticamente significante o valor de p inferior a 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram semelhantes quanto à idade, tempo de HD, escolaridade e tabagismo. Apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante quanto à raça, índice de massa corporal, presença de diabetes mellitus, doença de base e grau de déficit cognitivo. Quanto aos dados laboratoriais, os grupos diferiram quanto à creatinina, glicemia, hemoglobina e hematócrito. Houve associação entre o nível de atividade física e função cognitiva, mesmo ajustando-se para as variáveis de confusão. CONCLUSÃO: O maior nível de atividade física associou-se a melhor função cognitiva em renais crônicos em HD, independentemente das variáveis de confusão avaliadas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Borborema Province (BP) is a geologic domain located in Northeastern Brazil. The BP is limited at the south by the São Francisco craton, at the west by the Parnaíba basin, and both at the north and east by coastal sedimentary basins. Nonetheless the BP surface geology is well known, several key aspects of its evolution are still open, notably: i)its tectonic compartmentalization established after the Brasiliano orogenesis, ii) the architecture of its cretaceous continental margin, iii) the elastic properties of its lithosphere, and iv) the causes of magmatism and uplifting which occurred in the Cenozoic. In this thesis, a regional coverage of geophysical data (elevation, gravity, magnetic, geoid height, and surface wave global tomography) were integrated with surface geologic information aiming to attain a better understanding of the above questions. In the Riacho do Pontal belt and in the western sector of the Sergipano belt, the neoproterozoic suture of the collision of the Sul domain of the BP with the Sanfranciscana plate (SFP) is correlated with an expressive dipolar gravity anomaly. The positive lobule of this anomaly is due to the BP lower continental crust uplifting whilst the negative lobule is due to the supracrustal nappes overthrusting the SFP. In the eastern sector of the Sergipano belt, this dipolar gravity anomaly does not exist. However the suture still can be identified at the southern sector of the Marancó complex arc, alongside of the Porto da Folha shear zone, where the SFP N-S geophysical alignments are truncated. The boundary associated to the collision of the Ceará domain of the BP with the West African craton is also correlated with a dipolar gravity anomaly. The positive lobule of this anomaly coincides with the Sobral-Pedro II shear zone whilst the negative lobule is associated with the Santa Quitéria magmatic arc. Judging by their geophysical signatures, the major BP internal boundaries are: i)the western sector of the Pernambuco shear zone and the eastern continuation of this shear zone as the Congo shear zone, ii) the Patos shear zone, and iii) the Jaguaribe shear zone and its southwestern continuation as the Tatajuba shear zone. These boundaries divide the BP in five tectonic domains in the geophysical criteria: Sul, Transversal, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, and Médio Coreaú. The Sul domain is characterized by geophysical signatures associated with the BP and SFP collision. The fact that Congo shear zone is now proposed as part of the Transversal domain boundary implies an important change in the original definition of this domain. The Rio Grande do Norte domain presents a highly magnetized crust resulted from the superposition of precambrian and phanerozoic events. The Ceará domain is divided by the Senador Pompeu shear zone in two subdomains: the eastern one corresponds to the Orós-Jaguaribe belt and the western one to the Ceará-Central subdomain. The latter subdomain exhibits a positive ENE-W SW gravity anomaly which was associated to a crustal discontinuity. This discontinuity would have acted as a rampart against to the N-S Brasiliano orogenic nappes. The Médio Coreaú domain also presents a dipolar gravity anomaly. Its positive lobule is due to granulitic rocks whereas the negative one is caused by supracrustal rocks. The boundary between Médio Coreaú and Ceará domains can be traced below the Parnaíba basin sediments by its geophysical signature. The joint analysis of free air anomalies, free air admittances, and effective elastic thickness estimates (Te) revealed that the Brazilian East and Equatorial continental margins have quite different elastic properties. In the first one 10 km < Te < 20 km whereas in the second one Te ≤ 10 km. The weakness of the Equatorial margin lithosphere was caused by the cenozoic magmatism. The BP continental margin presents segmentations; some of them have inheritance from precambrian structures and domains. The segmentations conform markedly with some sedimentary basin features which are below described from south to north. The limit between Sergipe and Alagoas subbasins coincides with the suture between BP and SFP. Te estimates indicates concordantly that in Sergipe subbasin Te is around 20 km while Alagoas subbasin has Te around 10 km, thus revealing that the lithosphere in the Sergipe subbasin has a greater rigidity than the lithosphere in the Alagoas subbasin. Additionally inside the crust beneath Sergipe subbasin occurs a very dense body (underplating or crustal heritage?) which is not present in the crust beneath Alagoas subbasin. The continental margin of the Pernambuco basin (15 < Te < 25 km) presents a very distinct free air edge effect displaying two anomalies. This fact indicates the existence in the Pernambuco plateau of a relatively thick crust. In the Paraíba basin the free air edge effect is quite uniform, Te ≈ 15 km, and the lower crust is abnormally dense probably due to its alteration by a magmatic underplating in the Cenozoic. The Potiguar basin segmentation in three parts was corroborated by the Te estimates: in the Potiguar rift Te ≅ 5 km, in the Aracati platform Te ≅ 25 km, and in the Touros platform Te ≅ 10 km. The observed weakness of the lithosphere in the Potiguar rift segment is due to the high heat flux while the relatively high strength of the lithosphere in the Touros platform may be due to the existence of an archaean crust. The Ceará basin, in the region of Mundaú and Icaraí subbasins, presents a quite uniform free air edge effect and Te ranges from 10 to 15 km. The analysis of the Bouguer admittance revealed that isostasy in BP can be explained with an isostatic model where combined surface and buried loadings are present. The estimated ratio of the buried loading relative to the surface loading is equal to 15. In addition, the lower crust in BP is abnormally dense. These affirmations are particularly adequate to the northern portion of BP where adherence of the observed data to the isostatic model is quite good. Using the same above described isostatic model to calculate the coherence function, it was obtained that a single Te estimate for the entire BP must be lower than 60 km; in addition, the BP north portion has Te around 20 km. Using the conventional elastic flexural model to isostasy, an inversion of crust thickness was performed. It was identified two regions in BP where the crust is thickened: one below the Borborema plateau (associated to an uplifting in the Cenozoic) and the other one in the Ceará domain beneath the Santa Quitéria magmatic arc (a residue associated to the Brasiliano orogenesis). On the other hand, along the Cariri-Potiguar trend, the crust is thinned due to an aborted rifting in the Cretaceous. Based on the interpretation of free air anomalies, it was inferred the existence of a large magmatism in the oceanic crust surrounding the BP, in contrast with the incipient magmatism in the continent as shown by surface geology. In BP a quite important positive geoid anomaly exists. This anomaly is spatially correlated with the Borborema plateau and the Macaú-Queimadas volcanic lineament. The integrated interpretation of geoid height anomaly data, global shear velocity model, and geologic data allow to propose that and Edge Driven Convection (EDC) may have caused the Cenozoic magmatism. The EDC is an instability that presumably occurs at the boundary between thick stable lithosphere and oceanic thin lithosphere. In the BP lithosphere, the EDC mechanism would have dragged the cold lithospheric mantle into the hot asthenospheric mantle thus causing a positive density contrast that would have generated the main component of the geoid height anomaly. In addition, the compatibility of the gravity data with the isostatic model, where combined surface and buried loadings are present, together with the temporal correlation between the Cenozoic magmatism and the Borborema plateau uplifting allow to propose that this uplifting would have been caused by the buoyancy effect of a crustal root generated by a magmatic underplating in the Cenozoic
Considering that osteopenia and osteoporosis are diabetes mellitus complications, and that tamoxifen (TAM) is an anti-estrogenic drug used in breast cancer treatment, this drug may have a beneficial action preventing accentuaded bone loss associated to diabetes. Female Wistar rats (n=60) weighting 180-250g were divided in four groups: Group C, control animals (n=5); Group T, animals treated with TAM (n=5); Group D, diabetic animals (n=5); and Group DT, diabetic animals treated with TAM (n=5). Oestrus cycle was evaluated before the beggining of experimental period to select the animals with regular cycle. This evaluation continued throughout the study period and for all studied groups. Diabetes was induced by a intra perithoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ) in a concentration of 45 mg/Kg of body weight. Those animals with serum glicose levels 250 mg/dL were considered diabetics. Animals were sacrificed in the periods of 30, 60 and 90 days after diabetes onset. Left femur histomorphometric measurements and serum biochemical analysis (glycemia, alkaline phosphatase, tartaric-resistant acid phosphatase, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, total proteins, albumin, globulins, urea and creatinine) were done. Histomorphometric results showed a progressive bone loss in Group D animals when compared to those from Group C all over the experimental period, becoming accentuaded in the 90 days period. In relation to Groups T and DT, values approcimated to those obtained for control group were found during the whole period of study. Those data may indicate a bone mass recovery or a diminished bone loss due to diabetes when animals were treated with TAM. During the whole experimental period animals of groups D and DT maintained glycemic levels above 250 mg/dL whereas animals of groups C and T maintained those levels below 150mg/dL. Alkaline phosphatase activity was increased in all study periods for groups D and DT when compared to group C animals over the 90 days period. Tartarate-resistant acid phosphatase activity was showed unaltered in all periods of study and for all groups. Calcium and magnesium results were also unaltered, maintaining reference levels for all groups in all experimental periods. Phosphorous levels were increased in groups D and DT when compared to groups C and T in the 30 days period. However no difference was found in the periods of 60 and 90 days for this test. No difference was found for total proteins levels for groups C, T, D and DT over the study period. Albumin levels were reduced in DT group in the 60 days period and in D and DT groups in the 90 days period. Urea levels were significantly increased in the 30, 60 and 90 days study periods in groups D and DT when compared to groups C and T. Creatinine results showed a significantly increase in the 90 days period for groups D and DT when compared to groups C and T, and maintaining unaltered in the 30 and 60 days periods. These results suggest that the treatment with TAM may reduce bone loss caused by diabetes mellitus
Difusive processes are extremely common in Nature. Many complex systems, such as microbial colonies, colloidal aggregates, difusion of fluids, and migration of populations, involve a large number of similar units that form fractal structures. A new model of difusive agregation was proposed recently by Filoche and Sapoval [68]. Based on their work, we develop a model called Difusion with Aggregation and Spontaneous Reorganization . This model consists of a set of particles with excluded volume interactions, which perform random walks on a square lattice. Initially, the lattice is occupied with a density p = N/L2 of particles occupying distinct, randomly chosen positions. One of the particles is selected at random as the active particle. This particle executes a random walk until it visits a site occupied by another particle, j. When this happens, the active particle is rejected back to its previous position (neighboring particle j), and a new active particle is selected at random from the set of N particles. Following an initial transient, the system attains a stationary regime. In this work we study the stationary regime, focusing on scaling properties of the particle distribution, as characterized by the pair correlation function ø(r). The latter is calculated by averaging over a long sequence of configurations generated in the stationary regime, using systems of size 50, 75, 100, 150, . . . , 700. The pair correlation function exhibits distinct behaviors in three diferent density ranges, which we term subcritical, critical, and supercritical. We show that in the subcritical regime, the particle distribution is characterized by a fractal dimension. We also analyze the decay of temporal correlations
Neste trabalho estudamos o comportamento das estrelas pertencentes a sistemas planetários no que diz respeito às suas características infravermelho e à distribuição espectral de energia (SED). Nosso estudo tem como base uma análise detalhada do comportamento da emissão no infravermelho de 48 estrelas com planetas, classificadas como estrelas da seqüência principal, subgigantes ou gigantes. Foram analisados dados de fotometria infravermelho nas bandas 12, 25 e 60µm do catálogo de fontes IRAS puntiformes (IPSC) e nas bandas JHK do projeto 2 Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). A partir do cálculo da discrepância na posição de apontamento da fonte e do cálculo do índice de cor, selecionamos e localizamos os objetos no diagrama de cor-cor do IRAS. Este diagrama permite-nos identificar possíveis objetos detentores de disco de poeira. Fizemos também uma análise da distribuição espectral de energia onde observamos também traços de excesso de fluxo no infravermelho, com isso, confirmarmos a presença do disco de poeira nos objetos identificados no diagrama de cor. Apesar da atual amostra de estrelas com planetas incluir apenas um subconjunto de estrelas com planetas detectadas na vizinhança solar, a presente análise do fluxo infravermelho nesses objetos oferecem uma possibilidade única de estudar as características infravermelho das estrelas pertencentes aos sistemas planetários extra-solar. Neste contexto, nosso estudo aponta resultados interessantes, entre outros destacamos o fato de algumas estrelas com planetas apresentarem um peculiar fluxo IRAS [60-25], indicando a co-existência de poeira juntamente com os planetas destes sistemas extra solar
The projected rotational velocity together with lithium abundance and the onset of the dilution by the deepening in mass of the convective envelope provide a key tool to investigate the so far poorly understood processes at work in stellar interiors of solar-analog stars. To investigate the link between abundances, convection and rotational velocities in solar-analog G dwarf stars, we study a bona fide sample of 118 selected solar-analog G dwarf stars presenting measured lithium abundances, rotational velocities, and fundamental parameters together with computed evolutionary tracks (Toulouse-Geneva code) for a range of stellar masses around 1 M and metallicity consistent with the solar-analog range. The aim of this work is to build up an evolution of lithium and rotation as a function of stellar age, mass, effective temperature, and convection. We analyze the evolutionary status of the sample of 118 solar-analog G dwarf in the HR diagram based on Hipparcos data and using a grid of stellar models in the effective temperature and mass range of the solar-analog stars. We discuss the deepening (in mass) of the convective envelope and the influence on the Li abundances and projected rotational velocities. We determined the stellar mass and the mass of the convective envelope for a bona fide sample of 118 selected solar-analog G dwarf and checked the evolutionary link between the rotational velocity, lithium abundance, and the deepening of the convective envelope. Fast rotators (vsini 6 km s��1) are also stars with high Li content. Slow rotators present a wide range of values of log n(Li). Our results shed new light on the lithium and rotational behavior in G dwarf stars. We confirmed the presence of a large Li abundance spread among the solar-analog stars and concluded that the solar twins probably share a similar mixing history with the Sun
In the present work, we have analyzed the behavior of the chromospheric activity of stars with planets, as a function of different planetary parameters, searching for possible effects of planets on the chromosphere of the hosting star. For this study we have selected a sample of 73 main sequence stars with planets, of spectral types F, G and K. Our analysis shows that among stars with planets presenting semi-major axis smaller than 0.15 AU, a few ones present enhanced CaII emission flux, paralleling recent results found in the literature for coronal X-ray flux. Nevertheless, in contrast to Kashyap et al. (2008), who claim that enhanced X-ray flux in stars with planets is associated to massive close-in planetary companions, we suggest that such an aspect, at least in the context of CaII emission flux, is rather an effect of stellar sample selection. We have also studied the behavior of the CaII emission as a function of orbital parameters such as orbital period and eccentricity, and no clear trend was found, reinforcing our present suggestion that enhanced chromospheric activity in stars with planets is an intrinsic stellar phenomenon
In this dissertation, after a brief review on the Einstein s General Relativity Theory and its application to the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmological models, we present and discuss the alternative theories of gravity dubbed f(R) gravity. These theories come about when one substitute in the Einstein-Hilbert action the Ricci curvature R by some well behaved nonlinear function f(R). They provide an alternative way to explain the current cosmic acceleration with no need of invoking neither a dark energy component, nor the existence of extra spatial dimensions. In dealing with f(R) gravity, two different variational approaches may be followed, namely the metric and the Palatini formalisms, which lead to very different equations of motion. We briefly describe the metric formalism and then concentrate on the Palatini variational approach to the gravity action. We make a systematic and detailed derivation of the field equations for Palatini f(R) gravity, which generalize the Einsteins equations of General Relativity, and obtain also the generalized Friedmann equations, which can be used for cosmological tests. As an example, using recent compilations of type Ia Supernovae observations, we show how the f(R) = R − fi/Rn class of gravity theories explain the recent observed acceleration of the universe by placing reasonable constraints on the free parameters fi and n. We also examine the question as to whether Palatini f(R) gravity theories permit space-times in which causality, a fundamental issue in any physical theory [22], is violated. As is well known, in General Relativity there are solutions to the viii field equations that have causal anomalies in the form of closed time-like curves, the renowned Gödel model being the best known example of such a solution. Here we show that every perfect-fluid Gödel-type solution of Palatini f(R) gravity with density and pressure p that satisfy the weak energy condition + p 0 is necessarily isometric to the Gödel geometry, demonstrating, therefore, that these theories present causal anomalies in the form of closed time-like curves. This result extends a theorem on Gödel-type models to the framework of Palatini f(R) gravity theory. We derive an expression for a critical radius rc (beyond which causality is violated) for an arbitrary Palatini f(R) theory. The expression makes apparent that the violation of causality depends on the form of f(R) and on the matter content components. We concretely examine the Gödel-type perfect-fluid solutions in the f(R) = R−fi/Rn class of Palatini gravity theories, and show that for positive matter density and for fi and n in the range permitted by the observations, these theories do not admit the Gödel geometry as a perfect-fluid solution of its field equations. In this sense, f(R) gravity theory remedies the causal pathology in the form of closed timelike curves which is allowed in General Relativity. We also examine the violation of causality of Gödel-type by considering a single scalar field as the matter content. For this source, we show that Palatini f(R) gravity gives rise to a unique Gödeltype solution with no violation of causality. Finally, we show that by combining a perfect fluid plus a scalar field as sources of Gödel-type geometries, we obtain both solutions in the form of closed time-like curves, as well as solutions with no violation of causality
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)