1000 resultados para Framework (Programas de ordenador)


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The Baldwin effect can be observed if phenotypic learning influences the evolutionary fitness of individuals, which can in turn accelerate or decelerate evolutionary change. Evidence for both learning-induced acceleration and deceleration can be found in the literature. Although the results for both outcomes were supported by specific mathematical or simulation models, no general predictions have been achieved so far. Here we propose a general framework to predict whether evolution benefits from learning or not. It is formulated in terms of the gain function, which quantifies the proportional change of fitness due to learning depending on the genotype value. With an inductive proof we show that a positive gain-function derivative implies that learning accelerates evolution, and a negative one implies deceleration under the condition that the population is distributed on a monotonic part of the fitness landscape. We show that the gain-function framework explains the results of several specific simulation models. We also use the gain-function framework to shed some light on the results of a recent biological experiment with fruit flies.


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Two different approaches currently prevail for predicting spatial patterns of species assemblages. The first approach (macroecological modelling, MEM) focuses directly on realised properties of species assemblages, whereas the second approach (stacked species distribution modelling, S-SDM) starts with constituent species to approximate assemblage properties. Here, we propose to unify the two approaches in a single 'spatially-explicit species assemblage modelling' (SESAM) framework. This framework uses relevant species source pool designations, macroecological factors, and ecological assembly rules to constrain predictions of the richness and composition of species assemblages obtained by stacking predictions of individual species distributions. We believe that such a framework could prove useful in many theoretical and applied disciplines of ecology and evolution, both for improving our basic understanding of species assembly across spatio-temporal scales and for anticipating expected consequences of local, regional or global environmental changes. In this paper, we propose such a framework and call for further developments and testing across a broad range of community types in a variety of environments.


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Objective: To understand the family management experience of liver transplantation during adolescence based on the Family Management Style Framework(FMSF). Method: This is a case study that used the FMSF as theoretical framework and the hybrid model of thematic analysis as methodological reference. The case presented is from an adolescent’s family that lives in Salvador, Bahia. The data were collected through interviews with the mother and the patient charts analysis. Results: The results shows that the family defines the transplantation as threatening and there are divergence between mother and daughter related to the teen’s capabilities perception. Facing those discrepancies, the family assumes a protective posture by believing that the teen cannot take care of herself alone. The perceived consequences reflect how much the uncertainty permeates the family environment. Conclusion: It is concluded that the use of a model to evaluate the management can help professionals to direct and plan specific interventions.


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RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar os Programas de Controle de Infecção em hospitais do Paraná, considerando como hipótese desempenho geral mínimo de 75%. Método Estudo transversal de avaliação processual, por meio de instrumento previamente validado, composto por quatro indicadores que avaliam a estrutura técnico-operacional (PCET), as diretrizes operacionais (PCDO), o sistema de vigilância epidemiológica (PCVE) e as atividades de controle e prevenção (PCCP). O estudo foi realizado de 2013 a 2014 em 50 hospitais por amostra de acesso. Resultados A conformidade geral obtida foi 71,0% (23,88dp), sendo indicador PCET 79,4% (18,9dp); PCVE 76,0% (30,5dp); PCDO 65,5% (26,9dp); e PCCP 63,2%/ (39,5dp). Houve significância estatística para melhor desempenho dos PCIRAS a realização de auditorias internas (p=0,0099), certificação de qualidade (p=0,01949), enfermeiro exclusivo (p<0,0001), profissionais médicos contratados ou concursados (p=0,0005), maior carga horária de dedicação exclusiva dos médicos, 4 horas (p=0,001), maior tempo de experiência de médicos (p=0,0028) e enfermeiros (p=0,0094). Conclusão A conformidade geral desses programas não alcançou a hipótese inicialmente formulada, devido aos indicadores PCDO e PCCP. Desse modo, é possível considerar que os programas apresentavam adequação mínima para sua operacionalização e para realizar a vigilância epidemiológica de IRAS, mas estavam prejudicados quanto à insuficiência quantitativa e qualitativa de diretrizes operacionais (PCDO) e de ações para o controle e prevenção dessas infecções (PCCP).


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Background: The analysis and usage of biological data is hindered by the spread of information across multiple repositories and the difficulties posed by different nomenclature systems and storage formats. In particular, there is an important need for data unification in the study and use of protein-protein interactions. Without good integration strategies, it is difficult to analyze the whole set of available data and its properties.Results: We introduce BIANA (Biologic Interactions and Network Analysis), a tool for biological information integration and network management. BIANA is a Python framework designed to achieve two major goals: i) the integration of multiple sources of biological information, including biological entities and their relationships, and ii) the management of biological information as a network where entities are nodes and relationships are edges. Moreover, BIANA uses properties of proteins and genes to infer latent biomolecular relationships by transferring edges to entities sharing similar properties. BIANA is also provided as a plugin for Cytoscape, which allows users to visualize and interactively manage the data. A web interface to BIANA providing basic functionalities is also available. The software can be downloaded under GNU GPL license from http://sbi.imim.es/web/BIANA.php.Conclusions: BIANA's approach to data unification solves many of the nomenclature issues common to systems dealing with biological data. BIANA can easily be extended to handle new specific data repositories and new specific data types. The unification protocol allows BIANA to be a flexible tool suitable for different user requirements: non-expert users can use a suggested unification protocol while expert users can define their own specific unification rules.


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Adopting a simplistic view of Coase (1960), most economic analyses of property rightsdisregard both the key advantage that legal property rights (that is, in rem rights) provide torightholders in terms of enhanced enforcement, and the difficulties they pose to acquirers interms of information asymmetry about legal title. Consequently, these analyses tend to overstatethe role of "private ordering" and disregard the two key elements of property law: first, theessential conflict between property (that is, in rem) enforcement and transaction costs; and,second, the institutional solutions created to overcome it, mainly contractual registries capable ofmaking truly impersonal (that is, asset-based) trade viable when previous relevant transactionson the same assets are not verifiable by judges. This paper fills this gap by reinterpreting bothelements within the Coasean framework and thus redrawing the institutional foundations of bothproperty and corporate contracting.


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Current methods for constructing house price indices are based on comparisons of sale prices of residential properties sold two or more times and on regression of the sale prices on the attributes of the properties and of their locations. The two methods have well recognised deficiencies, selection bias and model assumptions, respectively. We introduce a new method based on propensity score matching. The average house prices for two periods are compared by selecting pairs of properties, one sold in each period, that are as similar on a set of available attributes (covariates) as is feasible to arrange. The uncertainty associated with such matching is addressed by multiple imputation, framing the problem as involving missing values. The method is applied to aregister of transactions ofresidential properties in New Zealand and compared with the established alternatives.


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Describe los recursos marinos, el consumo de peces orientado hacia la evaluación de los recursos pesqueros y su explotación racional.


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Describe la magnitud y fluctuaciones de las poblaciones de ves guaneras, incluyendo sus migraciones y mortandades en relación con los cambios del medio ambiente y la disponibilidad de alimento.


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El objetivo del presente informe es el de señalar las pautas necesarias para los estudios faunísticos que conduzcan el inventario ictiológico del mar peruano.


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El presente informe contiene las normas y/o las instrucciones para realizar eco-rastreos relámpago( Operaciones Eureka) , rastreos especiales con el BAP Unanue y las tareas normales de la flota anchovetera. Contempla los principalesrequerimientos técnicos,como los presupuestos de las exploraciones de eco-sondaje durante un período vigente de cuatro años,los cuales tendrán por objetivo, determinar la distribución y concentración de cardúmenes de anchoveta desde Lobos de Afuera( Norte del litoral peruano) a Ilo ( Sur del litoral peruano).


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El informe señala las generalidades sobre la preservación industrial, sobre todo, el desempeño de los reactivos preservantes, así como,el marco genérico de la asistencia técnica a la industria pesquera, mediante los análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos de muestras determinadas de anchoveta.


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Para que o crescimento económico seja efetivo, importa registar de igual modo o crescimento real nas outras vertentes que sustentam o próprio crescimento, assim é cada vez mais importante introduzir variáveis ambientais e sociais quando se procede à análise efetiva do crescimento económico. O “crescimento económico é um indicador que revela o bem-estar económico de um país”, (Bürgenmeier, 2005, p.16-17). Só se pode falar da sustentabilidade ao nível do crescimento económico, se efetivamente os recursos forem devidamente racionalizados, mas é igualmente muito importante ter em conta a reutilização de recursos, sobretudo quando são escassos ou quando representam riscos sérios para o ambiente como também para a economia, entre outros. O protocolo do Quioto, a Convenção Quadro sobre as Mudanças Climáticas e os Objetivos Do Milénio (ODM), são apenas alguns exemplos de programas cujos objetivos visam essencialmente disciplinar a emissão de dióxido de carbono (CO2). Um dos objetivos é o de tentar “educar” o mundo global para os problemas que decorrem do uso abusivo e descontrolado de recursos, principalmente aqueles que podem pôr em causa a sustentabilidade do planeta terra. Cabo Verde (CV) é um dos poucos países ao nível do continente africano, e único na sua sub-região, que tem cumprido com os objetivos dos projetos acima listados. Essas conquistas têm permitido que este país conduza as suas políticas de desenvolvimento, balizadas em contextos das melhores práticas mundialmente aceites. Têm sido canalizados investimentos em infraestruturas de elevado valor acrescentado para a captação e exploração de energias verdes. A presente dissertação tem como objetivos: identificar os eventuais impactos ambientais em Cabo Verde que poderão decorrer do crescimento e desenvolvimento económico; sugerir melhorias ao nível da sustentabilidade. Conclui-se, por meio de inquéritos conduzidos por nós, que os Cabo-verdianos se mostram dispostos a colaborar financeiramente para a proteção ambiental em Cabo Verde.