969 resultados para Fall program update (LACUNY Membership Drive)


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Research on unit cohesion has shown positive correlations between cohesion and valued outcomes such as strong performance, reduced stress, less indiscipline, and high re-enlistment intentions. However, the correlations have varied in strength and significance. The purpose of this study is to show that taking into consideration the multi-component nature of cohesion and relating the most applicable components to specific outcomes could resolve much of the inconsistency. Unit cohesion is understood as a process of social integration among members of a primary group with its leaders, and with the larger secondary groups of which they are a part. Correspondingly, included in the framework are four bonding components: horizontal (peer) and vertical (subordinate and leader) and organizational and institutional, respectively. The data were collected as part of a larger research project on cohesion, leadership, and personal adjustment to the military. In all, 1,534 conscripts responded to four questionnaires during their service in 2001-2002. In addition, sociometric questionnaires were given to 537 group members in 47 squads toward the end of their service. The results showed that platoons with strong primary-group cohesion differed from other platoons in terms of performance, training quality, secondary-group experiences, and attitudes toward refresher training. On the sociometric level it was found that soldiers who were chosen as friends by others were more likely to have higher expected performance, better performance ratings, more positive attitudes toward military service, higher levels of well-being during conscript service, and fewer exemptions from duty during it. On the group level, the selection of the respondents own group leader rather than naming a leader from outside (i.e., leader bonding) had a bearing not only on cohesion and performance, but also on the social, attitudinal, and behavioral criteria. Overall, the aim of the study was to contribute to the research on cohesion by introducing a model that takes into account the primary foci of bonding and their impact. The results imply that primary-group and secondary-group bonding processes are equally influential in explaining individual and group performance, whereas the secondary-group bonding components are far superior in explaining career intentions, personal growth, avoidance of duty, and attitudes toward refresher training and national defense. This should be considered in the planning and conducting of training. The main conclusion is that the different types of cohesion components have a unique, positive, significant, but varying impact on a wide range of criteria, confirming the need to match the components with the specific criteria.


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A user friendly interactive computer program, CIRDIC, is developed which calculates the molar ellipticity and molar circular dichroic absorption coefficients from the CD spectrum. This, in combination with LOTUS 1-2-3 spread sheet, will give the spectra of above parameters vs wavelength. The code is implemented in MicroSoft FORTRAN 77 which runs on any IBM compatible PC under MSDOS environment.


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In this paper, a new five-level inverter topology for open-end winding induction-motor (IM) drive is proposed. The open-end winding IM is fed from one end with a two-level inverter in series with a capacitor-fed H-bridge cell, while the other end is connected to a conventional two-level inverter. The combined inverter system produces voltage space-vector locations identical to that of a conventional five-level inverter. A total of 2744 space-vector combinations are distributed over 61 space-vector locations in the proposed scheme. With such a high number of switching state redundancies, it is possible to balance the H-bridge capacitor voltages under all operating conditions including overmodulation region. In addition to that, the proposed topology eliminates 18 clamping diodes having different voltage ratings compared with the neutral point clamped inverter. On the other hand, it requires only one capacitor bank per phase, whereas the flying-capacitor scheme for a five-level topology requires more than one capacitor bank per phase. The proposed inverter topology can be operated as a three-level inverter for full modulation range, in case of any switch failure in the capacitor-fed H-bridge cell. This will increase the reliability of the system. The proposed scheme is experimentally verified on a four-pole 5-hp IM drive.


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A bi-level voltage drive circuit for step motors that can provide the required high starting torque is described. In this circuit, microprocessor 8085 and parallel port interface 8255 are used for generating the code sequence. The inverter buffer 74LS06 provides enough drive to a darlington pair transistor. The comparator LM339 is used to compare the required voltage for step motor with the set value. This circuit can be effectively used for step motors having maximum rated current of less than 15 A with proper heat sink.


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The method of structured programming or program development using a top-down, stepwise refinement technique provides a systematic approach for the development of programs of considerable complexity. The aim of this paper is to present the philosophy of structured programming through a case study of a nonnumeric programming task. The problem of converting a well-formed formula in first-order logic into prenex normal form is considered. The program has been coded in the programming language PASCAL and implemented on a DEC-10 system. The program has about 500 lines of code and comprises 11 procedures.


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A detailed analysis of structural and position dependent characteristic features of helices will give a better understanding of the secondary structure formation in globular proteins. Here we describe an algorithm that quantifies the geometry of helices in proteins on the basis of their C-alpha atoms alone. The Fortran program HELANAL can extract the helices from the PDB files and then characterises the overall geometry of each helix as being linear, curved or kinked, in terms of its local structural features, viz. local helical twist and rise, virtual torsion angle, local helix origins and bending angles between successive local helix axes. Even helices with large radius of curvature are unambiguously identified as being linear or curved. The program can also be used to differentiate a kinked helix and other motifs, such as helix-loop-helix or a helix-turn-helix (with a single residue linker) with the help of local bending angles. In addition to these, the program can also be used to characterise the helix start and end as well as other types of secondary structures.


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Muuttaessaan maasta toiseen ihminen kohtaa useita rajoja. Ylittäessään kohdemaan valtion rajan hän kulkee läpi ensimmäisestä maahanmuuton portista. Toinen raja erottaa tilapäiset asukkaat pysyvistä: tämän maahanmuuton toisen portin läpikulkemisen myötä yksilö pääsee osalliseksi sosiaalisista oikeuksista. Maahanmuuton viimeisestä portista kuljettuaan yksilö saavuttaa kyseisen valtion kansalaisuuden. (Hammar 1990, 21.) Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastelen toisen maahanmuuton portin aukeamista ja sosiaaliturvan piiriin pääsyä odottavien maahan-muuttajien kokemuksia. Käytän tarkastelussa sosiaalisen kansalaisuuden ja marginaalisuuden käsitteitä. Tutkielmassa selvitän, miten sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden sekä toimeentuloturvan ulkopuolelle jääminen vaikuttaa maahanmuuttajien arkeen ja miten he kokevat osallisuutensa ja jäsenyytensä yhteiskunnassa. Tutkimus on lähtökohdiltaan fenomenologis-hermeneuttinen ja sovellan lähestymistapana ko-kemuksiin keskittyvän narratiivista tutkimusta. Tutkimusaineisto on koottu kevään 2011 aikana ja se koostuu 10 teemahaastattelusta. Haastateltavien maahanmuuton keinot ja syyt vaihtelivat: he olivat saapuneet Suomeen perhesyistä, työn vuoksi tai hakeakseen turvaa. Haastateltavat tavoitettiin Helsingin Diakoniaopiston, Pro-tukipisteen, Kansainvälisen seurakunnan ja tuttava-verkostojen kautta. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin sisällönanalyysillä Atlas-ohjelman avulla syksyn 2011 aikana. Toisen maahanmuuton portin aukeamisen odottaminen oli raskaaksi: tuota aikaa leimasi epä-varmuus, tyhjyys ja yksinäisyys. Sosiaaliturvan ulkopuolella jääminen aiheutti osalle haastatel-tavista taloudellisia vaikeuksia sekä ongelmia terveydenhuollon palveluiden piiriin pääsemisessä. Toisaalta apua hakeneet haastateltavat olivat sitä lopulta saaneet. Auttamistyön ammattilaiset ja maistraatti saivat haastateltavien kertomuksissa portinvartijan aseman. Kaikille sosiaaliturvan ulkopuolelle jääminen ei ollut ongelma vaan he kokivat sosiaaliturvan puutetta suuremmaksi ongelmaksi työnteko-oikeuden puuttumisen. Kuulumisen ja ulkopuolisuuden kokemus voivat olla läsnä samanaikaisesti, ja kuulumisesta neuvotellaan jatkuvasti esimerkiksi sosiaalisessa kanssakäymisessä tai palveluita hakiessa. Insti-tutionaaliset käytännöt ja poiskäännyttämisen kokemukset tuottavat marginaalisia identiteettejä. Tasavertainen oikeus sosiaaliturvaan vahvistaa kokemusta kuulumisesta ja kodista. Sosiaaliturva ei kuitenkaan yksin määritä kuulumisen ja kodin kokemusta vaan siihen vaikuttavat myös muut tekijät. Näistä tärkeimmät ovat kehon fyysinen sijoittuminen Suomeen, perhe- ja ystä-vyyssuhteet, työ, asunto ja rasismin kokemukset.


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The worldwide research in nanoelectronics is motivated by the fact that scaling of MOSFETs by conventional top down approach will not continue for ever due to fundamental limits imposed by physics even if it is delayed for some more years. The research community in this domain has largely become multidisciplinary trying to discover novel transistor structures built with novel materials so that semiconductor industry can continue to follow its projected roadmap. However, setting up and running a nanoelectronics facility for research is hugely expensive. Therefore it is a common model to setup a central networked facility that can be shared with large number of users across the research community. The Centres for Excellence in Nanoelectronics (CEN) at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc) and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB) are such central networked facilities setup with funding of about USD 20 million from the Department of Information Technology (DIT), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Government of India, in 2005. Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program (INUP) is a missionary program not only to spread awareness and provide training in nanoelectronics but also to provide easy access to the latest facilities at CEN in IISc and at IITB for the wider nanoelectronics research community in India. This program, also funded by MCIT, aims to train researchers by conducting workshops, hands-on training programs, and providing access to CEN facilities. This is a unique program aiming to expedite nanoelectronics research in the country, as the funding for projects required for projects proposed by researchers from around India has prior financial approval from the government and requires only technical approval by the IISc/ IITB team. This paper discusses the objectives of INUP, gives brief descriptions of CEN facilities, the training programs conducted by INUP and list various research activities currently under way in the program.


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Isoactivity lines for carbon with respect to diamond as the standard state have been calculated in the ternary system C-H-O at 1223 K to identify the diamond deposition domain. The gas composition is calculated by suppressing the formation of all condensed forms of carbon using the SOLGASMIX free-energy minimization program. Thirty six gas species were included in the calculation. From the gas composition, isoactivity lines are computed using recent data on the Gibbs energy of diamond. Except for activities less than 0.1, the isoactivity lines are almost linear on the C-H-O ternary diagram. Gas compositions which generate activity of diamond ranging from 1 to 100 at 1223 K fall inside a narrow wedge originating from the point representing CO. This wedge is very similar to the revised lens-shaped diamond growth domain identified by Bachman et al., using inputs from experiment. The small difference between the calculated and observed domains may be attributed to variation in the supersaturation required for diamond deposition with gas composition. The diamond solubility in the gas phase along the isoactivity line for a(di)=100 and P=6.7 kPa exhibits a minimum at 1280 K, which is close to the optimum temperature found experimentally. At higher supersaturations, non-diamond forms of carbon, including amorphous varieties, are expected. The results suggest that thermodynamic calculations can be useful for locating diamond growth domains in more complex CVD systems containing halogens, for which very little experimental data is available.


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This paper proposes a sensorless vector control scheme for general-purpose induction motor drives using the current error space phasor-based hysteresis controller. In this paper, a new technique for sensorless operation is developed to estimate rotor voltage and hence rotor flux position using the stator current error during zero-voltage space vectors. It gives a comparable performance with the vector control drive using sensors especially at a very low speed of operation (less than 1 Hz). Since no voltage sensing is made, the dead-time effect and loss of accuracy in voltage sensing at low speed are avoided here, with the inherent advantages of the current error space phasor-based hysteresis controller. However, appropriate device on-state drops are compensated to achieve a steady-state operation up to less than 1 Hz. Moreover, using a parabolic boundary for current error, the switching frequency of the inverter can be maintained constant for the entire operating speed range. Simple sigma L-s estimation is proposed, and the parameter sensitivity of the control scheme to changes in stator resistance, R-s is also investigated in this paper. Extensive experimental results are shown at speeds less than 1 Hz to verify the proposed concept. The same control scheme is further extended from less than 1 Hz to rated 50 Hz six-step operation of the inverter. Here, the magnetic saturation is ignored in the control scheme.


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This paper proposes a simple current error space vector based hysteresis controller for two-level inverter fed Induction Motor (IM) drives. This proposed hysteresis controller retains all advantages of conventional current error space vector based hysteresis controllers like fast dynamic response, simple to implement, adjacent voltage vector switching etc. The additional advantage of this proposed hysteresis controller is that it gives a phase voltage frequency spectrum exactly similar to that of a constant switching frequency space vector pulse width modulated (SVPWM) inverter. In this proposed hysteresis controller the boundary is computed online using estimated stator voltages along alpha and beta axes thus completely eliminating look up tables used for obtaining parabolic hysteresis boundary proposed in. The estimation of stator voltage is carried out using current errors along alpha and beta axes and steady state model of induction motor. The proposed scheme is simple and capable of taking inverter upto six step mode operation, if demanded by drive system. The proposed hysteresis controller based inverter fed drive scheme is simulated extensively using SIMULINK toolbox of MATLAB for steady state and transient performance. The experimental verification for steady state performance of the proposed scheme is carried out on a 3.7kW IM.


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We explore a pseudodynamic form of the quadratic parameter update equation for diffuse optical tomographic reconstruction from noisy data. A few explicit and implicit strategies for obtaining the parameter updates via a semianalytical integration of the pseudodynamic equations are proposed. Despite the ill-posedness of the inverse problem associated with diffuse optical tomography, adoption of the quadratic update scheme combined with the pseudotime integration appears not only to yield higher convergence, but also a muted sensitivity to the regularization parameters, which include the pseudotime step size for integration. These observations are validated through reconstructions with both numerically generated and experimentally acquired data. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America


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A new configuration is proposed for high-power induction motor drives. The induction machine is provided with two three-phase stator windings with their axes in line. One winding is designed for higher voltage and is meant to handle the main (active) power. The second winding is designed for lower voltage and is meant to carry the excitation (reactive) power. The excitation winding is powered by an insulated-gate-bipolar-transistor-based voltage source inverter with an output filter. The power winding is fed by a load-commutated current source inverter. The commutation of thyristors in the load-commutated inverter (LCI) is achieved by injecting the required leading reactive power from the excitation inverter. The MMF harmonics due to the LCI current are also cancelled out by injecting a suitable compensating component from the excitation inverter, so that the electromagnetic torque of the machine is smooth. Results from a prototype drive are presented to demonstrate the concept.