930 resultados para Failed humor
This thesis explores the link between South-South remittance and development. It attempts to establish improved understanding about the role of immigrants as agents of constituency growth and development. By doing so, it illuminates the dark corners of the policy implications that the unconventional development agency of immigrants might have for countries in the Organization ft Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The thesis problematises the existence of state-centric international cooperation as providing the recipe for failed Aid in the face of global poverty menace. In the last half a century, the relative shi' of focus to non-state actors brought about the proliferation of NGOs. That, intrun, helped improve international access to crisis situations; however, their long-term remedial impacts on poverty and development have been contested. Major misgivings for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are, on one hand, low level goal-bound expenditures and lack of independence from influence of the state, on the other. Therefore, the thesis enterprises to empirically verify its fundamental question whether remitting immigrants constitute an alternative development agency to the traditional players: the State and NGOs. Its main arguments are: due to state's failures in bringing sustainable development in many countries of the South, the future of poverty reduction and development also rests in immigrants' remittances. Nonetheless, in the last decade, remittance security-nexus dominated its discourse. Because of that remittance was viewed as something requiring global regime and restrictions. These temptations to tightly regulate remittance flows carry the danger of overlooking its trans-boundary nature and its strong link with livelihood of the poor. Therefore, to avoid unintended consequences of interventions, there need to be clear policy that bases itself on a discursive knowledge on the issues of North-South and South-South remittances The study involved both literature based and empirical research. It employed Discourse Analysis (C as main method for the former and snow-balling as its approach for the latter. For the first part the thesis constructed three conceptual models, these are: metrological model, police model and ecological model on remittance development-nexus. Through this modeling, the thesis achieved better deconstruction on the concepts remittance, immigrants and development agency. The protagonists of each model, the values and interests they represent, and their main arguments along various lines of dichotomies have been discussed. For instance, the main treats of meteorological model include: it sees remittance as transitional economic variable which require constant speculations and global management; it acts as meteorological station for following up or predicting the level, direction, flow and movement of global remittance. It focuses on official lines and considers the state as legitimate recipient of advic and positive consequence of remittance. On the other hand, police model views remittance as beir at best, development neutral or as an illicit activity requiring global regulations and tight control. Both immigrants and remittance viewed as subversive to establishments. It gives primacy to state stable agent of development and a partner for international cooperation. The anti-thesis to the police model is supplied by ecological model, which this thesis is a part. Ecological model on remittance and immigrants argues that, tight global regulations alone cannot be a panacea for possible abuse of informal remittance system. Ecological model, not only links remittance to poverty reduction, the main trust of development, but also considers the development agency of immigrants as critical factor for 21st century north-south development intervention. It sees immigrants as development conscious and their remittance instrument as most stable flow of finance to the developing countries. Besides, it sees remittance as effective poverty solutions than Foreign Direct Investment and international AID. This thesis focuses on the significance of South-South remittance and investigates the South Africa - Ethiopia remittance corridor, as case study; and empirically verifies the role of Ethiopian (Kembata and Hadiya) immigrants in South Africa as agents of local development back home. The study involved techniques of interview, group discussions, observations and investigative study. It also looked into the determinants of their migration to South Africa, and their remittance to Ethiopia. The theoretical models in the first part of the thesis have been operationalised throughout the empirical part to verify if the Kembata and Hadiya immigrants played the crucial role in their household poverty and local development in comparison with the Ethiopian state and the NGOs involved in the system. As evidenced by the research the thesis has made three distinct contributions to the discourse of remittance development-nexus. Fist, it systematized the debate about linkages between remittance, immigrants, development agency and policy of international cooperation by creating three conceptual models (school of thoughts); second, it singled out remitting immigrants as new agents of development in the South; third, it deconstructed concept of remittance and established South¬South remittance as additional sphere of academic investigation. In addition to the above contributions, the thesis finds that Kembata and Hadiya immigrants have engaged in various developmental activities in their locality than usually anticipated. Hence, it concludes that Ethiopian immigrants constitute an alternative development agency to the state and other non-state actors in their country, and the lesson can be applied to poverty reduction strategies in most developing countries.
Apteekkien yksilöllinen tupakoinninvieroituspalvelu on tupakoinnin lopettamiseen motivoituneille asiakkaille tarkoitettu maksullinen erikoispalvelu, joka sisältää 4–6 tapaamista vieroitusohjaajana toimivan farmaseutin tai proviisorin kanssa. Palvelu sisältää asiakkaalle räätälöityä neuvontaa, henkilökohtaisen vieroitussuunnitelman sekä seurantajakson. Apteekkien yksilöllinen tupakoinninvieroituspalvelu perustuu Isossa-Britanniassa kehitettyyn palvelumalliin, ja sitä on tarjottu suomalaisissa apteekeissa vuodesta 2006. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee apteekkien yksilöllisen tupakoinninvieroituspalvelun pilottitutkimusta, joka toteutettiin Suomen Apteekkariliiton ja Helsingin yliopiston farmasian tiedekunnan sosiaalifarmasian osaston yhteistyönä ja se kuului osana Hengitysliitto Heli ry:n koordinoimaa tupakasta vieroituksen hankekokonaisuutta. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan pilottitutkimuksessa saadun asiakasaineiston avulla apteekkien yksilöllisen tupakoinninvieroituspalvelumallin toimivuutta, asiakkaiden kokemuksia palvelusta, asiakkaiden onnistumista tupaakoinnin lopettamisessa sekä asiakkaiden kyvykkyyden tunteen kehittymistä palvelun aikana. Tässä interventiotutkimuksessa oli mukana 14 apteekkia, jotka rekrytoivat yhteensä 36 palveluasiakasta. Ennen asiakkaiden rekrytointia apteekit perehdytettiin palvelun tarjoamiseen. Apteekit tiedottivat pilottitutkimuksesta paikallisen terveydenhuollon lääkäreitä ja muita terveydenhuollon ammattilaisia, jotka voivat ohjata asiakkaita palveluun. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön pilottitutkimukselle myöntämä rahoitus mahdollisti asiantuntijapalkkion maksamisen apteekeille ja palvelun tarjoamisen asiakkaille ilmaiseksi tai pientä omakustannusosuutta vastaan. Asiakkaiden tupakoimattomana pysymistä sekä kokemuksia tupakoinninvieroituspalvelusta kartoitettiin kyselylomakkeilla, jotka asiakkaat saivat täytettäväkseen palvelun alussa sekä noin 3 kuukauden kohdalla palvelun alkamisesta. Asiakkaiden taustatiedot kerättiin ensimmäisen tapaamisen yhteydessä erillisille taustatietolomakkeille ja palvelun aikana tehtyjä huomioita niille tarkoitetuille kaavakkeille. Ensimmäisen kyselylomakkeen palauttaneista 28 henkilöstä 20 ja toisen kyselylomakkeen palauttaneista 17 henkilöstä 13 oli pysynyt tupakoimattomana (55,6 % ja 36,1 % kaikista asiakkaista). Kaikki tupakoinnin lopettaneet käyttivät jotakin tupakasta vieroituslääkettä. Tupakoinnin lopettaneilla asiakkailla kyvykkyyden tunne oli keskimääräistä parempi sekä palvelun alussa että koko palvelun ajan. Asiakkaat pitivät palvelua tarpeellisena ja apteekin vieroitusohjaajalta saatua tukea tärkeänä. Asiakkaat kokivat myös palvelun saamisen apteekista tärkeäksi. Noin 32 % ensimmäiseen kyselyyn vastanneista ja 41 % toiseen kyselyyn vastanneista oli valmis maksamaan palvelusta. Heidän ilmoittamansa maksuvalmius oli keskimäärin noin 45 euroa (10–100 euroa). Muusta terveydenhuollosta lähetettiin palveluun vain vähän tai ei lainkaan asiakkaita. Tästä syystä apteekit rekrytoivat asiakkaita myös ilman kontaktia muuhun terveydenhuoltoon. Palvelun 36 asiakkaasta noin 36 % oli pysynyt tupakoimattomana 3 kuukauden kohdalla. Verrokkiryhmä jouduttiin jättämään tutkimuksesta pois verrokkihenkilöiden rekrytoinnin epäonnistuttua. Tulos on kuitenkin vertailukelpoinen kansainvälisiin tutkimuksiin, joissa on saatu vastaavanlaisia tuloksia. Apteekkien yksilöllisestä tupakoinninvieroituspalvelusta saattaa olla hyötyä tupakoinnin lopettamisessa siihen motivoituneille henkilöille ja erityisesti henkilöille, jotka käyttävät lisäksi tupakasta vieroituslääkettä. Asiakkaat kokivat palvelun tärkeäksi ja tarpeelliseksi, mutta heikko maksuvalmius asettaa haasteita palvelun tarjoamiselle apteekeissa. Yhteistyömallia muun terveydenhuollon kanssa tulisi kehittää.
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells grown on sulfur, pyrite, and chalcopyrite exhibit greater hydrophobicity than ferrous ion-grown cells. The isoelectric points of sulfur-, pyrite-, and chalcopyrite-grown cells were observed to be at a pH higher than that for ferrous ion-grown cells. Microbe-mineral interactions result in change in the surface chemistry of the organism as well as that of the minerals with which it has interacted. Sulfur, pyrite, and chalcopyrite after interaction with T. ferrooxidans exhibited a significant shift in their isoelectric points from the initial values exhibited by uninteracted minerals. With antibodies raised against sulfur-grown T. ferrooxidans, pyrite- and chalcopyrite-grown cells showed immunoreactivity, whereas ferrous ion-grown cells failed to do so. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of sulfur-grown cells suggested that a proteinaceous new cell surface appendage synthesized in mineral-grown cells brings about adhesion to the solid mineral substrates. Such an appendage was found to be absent in ferrous ion-grown cells as it is not required during growth in liquid substrates.
Background: Two clinically relevant high-risk HPV (HR-HPV) types 16 and 18 are etiologically associated with the development of cervical carcinoma and are also reported to be present in many other carcinomas in extra-genital organ sites. Presence of HPV has been reported in breast carcinoma which is the second most common cancer in India and is showing a fast rising trend in urban population. The two early genes E6 and E7 of HPV type 16 have been shown to immortalize breast epithelial cells in vitro, but the role of HPV infection in breast carcinogenesis is highly controversial. Present study has therefore been undertaken to analyze the prevalence of HPV infection in both breast cancer tissues and blood samples from a large number of Indian women with breast cancer from different geographic regions. Methods: The presence of all mucosal HPVs and the most common high-risk HPV types 16 and 18 DNA was detected by two different PCR methods - (i) conventional PCR assays using consensus primers (MY09/11, or GP5 +/GP6+) or HPV16 E6/E7 primers and (ii) highly sensitive Real-Time PCR. A total of 228 biopsies and corresponding 142 blood samples collected prospectively from 252 patients from four different regions of India with significant socio-cultural, ethnic and demographic variations were tested. Results: All biopsies and blood samples of breast cancer patients tested by PCR methods did not show positivity for HPV DNA sequences in conventional PCRs either by MY09/11 or by GP5+/GP6+/HPV16 E6/E7 primers. Further testing of these samples by real time PCR also failed to detect HPV DNA sequences. Conclusions: Lack of detection of HPV DNA either in the tumor or in the blood DNA of breast cancer patients by both conventional and real time PCR does not support a role of genital HPV in the pathogenesis of breast cancer in Indian women.
The cell envelope of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) is composed of a variety of lipids including mycolic acids, sulpholipids, lipoarabinomannans, etc., which impart rigidity crucial for its survival and pathogenesis. Acyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) provides malonyl-CoA and methylmalonyl-CoA, committed precursors for fatty acid and essential for mycolic acid synthesis respectively. Biotin Protein Ligase (BPL/BirA) activates apo-biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) by biotinylating it to an active holo-BCCP. A minimal peptide (Schatz), an efficient substrate for Escherichia coli BirA, failed to serve as substrate for M. tuberculosis Biotin Protein Ligase (MtBPL). MtBPL specifically biotinylates homologous BCCP domain, MtBCCP87, but not EcBCCP87. This is a unique feature of MtBPL as EcBirA lacks such a stringent substrate specificity. This feature is also reflected in the lack of self/promiscuous biotinylation by MtBPL. The N-terminus/HTH domain of EcBirA has the selfbiotinable lysine residue that is inhibited in the presence of Schatz peptide, a peptide designed to act as a universal acceptor for EcBirA. This suggests that when biotin is limiting, EcBirA preferentially catalyzes, biotinylation of BCCP over selfbiotinylation. R118G mutant of EcBirA showed enhanced self and promiscuous biotinylation but its homologue, R69A MtBPL did not exhibit these properties. The catalytic domain of MtBPL was characterized further by limited proteolysis. Holo-MtBPL is protected from proteolysis by biotinyl-59 AMP, an intermediate of MtBPL catalyzed reaction. In contrast, apo-MtBPL is completely digested by trypsin within 20 min of co-incubation. Substrate selectivity and inability to promote self biotinylation are exquisite features of MtBPL and are a consequence of the unique molecular mechanism of an enzyme adapted for the high turnover of fatty acid biosynthesis.
The flexural strength of the Kevlar/epoxy composite laminates, in the pres ence of unfilled and filled circular defects, was studied. Circular drillings of two different diameters extending up to the neutral axis from the compression face as well as through holes, at three different positions from the midspan, have been considered as simplified cases of dents and defects. Bonded buttons of aluminium metal have been tested and shown to yield a strength-wise compensation for test samples with depressions. Macrography of the failed specimens is also discussed.
Explicit and Optimal Exact-Regenerating Codes for the Minimum-Bandwidth Point in Distributed Storage
In the distributed storage setting that we consider, data is stored across n nodes in the network such that the data can be recovered by connecting to any subset of k nodes. Additionally, one can repair a failed node by connecting to any d nodes while downloading beta units of data from each. Dimakis et al. show that the repair bandwidth d beta can be considerably reduced if each node stores slightly more than the minimum required and characterize the tradeoff between the amount of storage per node and the repair bandwidth. In the exact regeneration variation, unlike the functional regeneration, the replacement for a failed node is required to store data identical to that in the failed node. This greatly reduces the complexity of system maintenance. The main result of this paper is an explicit construction of codes for all values of the system parameters at one of the two most important and extreme points of the tradeoff - the Minimum Bandwidth Regenerating point, which performs optimal exact regeneration of any failed node. A second result is a non-existence proof showing that with one possible exception, no other point on the tradeoff can be achieved for exact regeneration.
In the distributed storage setting introduced by Dimakis et al., B units of data are stored across n nodes in the network in such a way that the data can be recovered by connecting to any k nodes. Additionally one can repair a failed node by connecting to any d nodes while downloading at most beta units of data from each node. In this paper, we introduce a flexible framework in which the data can be recovered by connecting to any number of nodes as long as the total amount of data downloaded is at least B. Similarly, regeneration of a failed node is possible if the new node connects to the network using links whose individual capacity is bounded above by beta(max) and whose sum capacity equals or exceeds a predetermined parameter gamma. In this flexible setting, we obtain the cut-set lower bound on the repair bandwidth along with a constructive proof for the existence of codes meeting this bound for all values of the parameters. An explicit code construction is provided which is optimal in certain parameter regimes.
Our ability to infer the protein quaternary structure automatically from atom and lattice information is inadequate, especially for weak complexes, and heteromeric quaternary structures. Several approaches exist, but they have limited performance. Here, we present a new scheme to infer protein quaternary structure from lattice and protein information, with all-around coverage for strong, weak and very weak affinity homomeric and heteromeric complexes. The scheme combines naive Bayes classifier and point group symmetry under Boolean framework to detect quaternary structures in crystal lattice. It consistently produces >= 90% coverage across diverse benchmarking data sets, including a notably superior 95% coverage for recognition heteromeric complexes, compared with 53% on the same data set by current state-of-the-art method. The detailed study of a limited number of prediction-failed cases offers interesting insights into the intriguing nature of protein contacts in lattice. The findings have implications for accurate inference of quaternary states of proteins, especially weak affinity complexes.
Chorionic gonadotrophin (CG) is the first clear embryonic signal during early pregnancy in primates. CG has close structural and functional similarities to pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) which is regulated by gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH). To study the regulatory mechanism of CG secretion in primate embryos, we examined the production and timing of secretion of GnRH in peri-implantation embryos of the rhesus monkey. In-vivo fertilized/developed morulae and early blastocysts, recovered from non-superovulated, naturally-bred rhesus monkeys by non-surgical uterine flushing, were cultured in vitro to hatched, attached and post-attached blastocyst stages using a well-established culture system. We measured GnRH and CG in media samples from cultured embryos with a sensitive radioimmunoassay and bioassay, respectively. The secretion of GnRH (pg/ml; mean +/- SEM) by embryos (n = 20) commenced from low levels (0.32 +/- 0.05) during the pre-hatching blastocyst stage to 0.70 +/- 0.08 at 6-12 days and 1.30 +/- 0.23 at greater than or equal to 13 days of hatched blastocyst attachment and proliferation of trophoblast cells. GnRH concentrations in culture media obtained from embryos (n = 5) that failed to hatch and attach were mostly undetectable (less than or equal to 0.1). Samples that did not contain detectable GnRH failed to show detectable CG. Immunocytochemical studies, using a specific monoclonal anti-GnRH antibody (HU4H) as well as polyclonal antisera (LR-1), revealed that immunopositive GnRH cells were localized in pre-hatching blastocysts (n = 4), in blastocysts (n = 2) after 5-10 days of attachment and in monolayer cultures (n = 4) of well-established embryonic trophoblast cells. GnRH positive staining was seen only in cytotrophoblasts but not in syncytiotrophoblasts. Similarly, cytotrophoblast, but not syncytiotrophoblast, cells of the rhesus placenta were immunopositive. In controls, either in the absence of antibody or in the presence of antibody pre-absorbed with GnRH, these cells failed to show stain. These observations indicate, for the first time, that an immunoreactive GnRH is produced and secreted by blastocysts during the peri-attachment period and by embryo-derived cytotrophoblast cells in the rhesus monkey.
Previous work has shown that irrespective of the route of exposure methyl isocyanate (MIC) caused acute lactic acidosis in rats (Jeevaratnam et al., Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 19, 314�319, 1990) and the hypoxia was of stagnant type due to tissue hypoperfusion resulting from hypovolemic hypotension in rabbits administered MIC subcutaneously (Jeevarathinam et al., Toxicology 51, 223�240, 1988). The present study was designed to investigate whether MIC could induce histotoxic hypoxia through its effects on mitochondrial respiration. Male Wistar rats were used for liver mitochondrial and submitochondrial particle (SMP) preparation. Addition of MIC to tightly coupled mitochondria in vitro resulted in stimulation of state 4 respiration, abolition of respiratory control, decrease in ADP/O ratio, and inhibition of state 3 oxidation. The oxidation of NAD+-linked substrates (glutamate + malate) was more sensitive (fiveto sixfold) to the inhibitory action of MIC than succinate while cytochrome oxidase remained unaffected. MIC induced twofold delay in the onset of anerobiosis, and cytochrome b reduction in SMP with NADH in vitro confirms inhibition of electron transport at complex I region. MIC also stimulated the ATPase activity in tightly coupled mitochondria while lipid peroxidation remained unaffected. As its hydrolysis products, methylamine and N,N?-dimethylurea failed to elicit any change in vitro; these effects reveal that MIC per se acts as an inhibitor of electron transport and a weak uncoupler. Administration of MIC sc at lethal dose caused a similar change only with NAD+-linked substrates, reflecting impairment of mitochondrial respiration at complex I region and thereby induction of histotoxic hypoxia in vivo.
Physalis mottle virus (PhMV) belongs to the tymogroup of positive-strand RNA viruses with a genome size of 6 kb. Crude membrane preparations from PhMV-infected Nicotiana glutinosa plants catalyzed the synthesis of PhMV genomic RNA from endogenously bound template. Addition of exogenous genomic RNA enhanced the synthesis which was specifically inhibited by the addition of sense and antisense transcripts corresponding to 3' terminal 242 nucleotides as well as the 5' terminal 458 nucleotides of PhMV genomic RNA while yeast tRNA or ribosomal RNA failed to inhibit the synthesis. This specific inhibition suggested that the 5' and 3' non-coding regions of PhMV RNA might play an important role in viral replication.
The relative regulatory roles of the pituitary gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone in the spermatogonial proliferation has been studied using specific antibodies against these hormones in the immature rats. Immunoneutralization of luteinizing hormone for 7 days resulted in significant reduction in tetraploid cells and total absence of haploid cells, while there was a relative increase in the diploid population. This was also accomopanied by a decrease in spermatogonial proliferation as indicated by a decrease in [H-3] thymidine incorporation into DNA by purified spermatogonia. Administration bf follicle stimulating hormone als for 7 days also caused a significant decrease in the rate of spermatogonial proliferation. Withdrawal of follicle stimulating hormone led to a significant reduction in tetraploid and haploid cells However interestingly, it failed to totally abolish the appearance of these cells. Administration of testosterone (3mg/day/rat) for 2 days along with the gonadotropin a/s could partially reverse the effect on spermatogonial proliferation. It is concluded that (i) both luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone are involved in spermatogonial proliferation, (ii) lack of testosterone consequent of the neutralization of luteinizing hormone prevented the entry of spermatogonial cells into meiosis, (iii) testosterone may be involved in spermatogonial proliferation providing a mitotic signal and (v) both follicle stimulating hormone and testosterone act synergistically and lack of any one of the hormones results in impairment of spermatogonial proliferation.
Nonlinear finite element analysis is used for the estimation of damage due to low-velocity impact loading of laminated composite circular plates. The impact loading is treated as an equivalent static loading by assuming the impactor to be spherical and the contact to obey Hertzian law. The stresses in the laminate are calculated using a 48 d.o.f. laminated composite sector element. Subsequently, the Tsai-Wu criterion is used to detect the zones of failure and the maximum stress criterion is used to identify the mode of failure. Then the material properties of the laminate are degraded in the failed regions. The stress analysis is performed again using the degraded properties of the plies. The iterative process is repeated until no more failure is detected in the laminate. The problem of a typical T300/N5208 composite [45 degrees/0 degrees/-45 degrees/90 degrees](s) circular plate being impacted by a spherical impactor is solved and the results are compared with experimental and analytical results available in the literature. The method proposed and the computer code developed can handle symmetric, as well as unsymmetric, laminates. It can be easily extended to cover the impact of composite rectangular plates, shell panels and shells.
Corrugation formation is investigated in bearing components in squirrelcage induction motors. The study, conducted on site, measured shaft voltage and analysed motor bearing vibrations from 48 motors on nine sites. The on-site frequency data was compared with the measured natural frequency of the motors. Detailed profilometric, optical and SEM studies were carried out on the surface of failed bearings to aid discussion on the formation of corrugations in bearings used in squirrelcage induction motors.