961 resultados para Exogenous FSH dosage
Background. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether adenovirus-mediated p53 transfer could sensitize hepatocellular carcinoma to heavy-ion irradiation. Methods. HepG2 cells were preexposed to a C-12(6+) beam, and then infected with replication-deficient adenovirus recombinant vectors containing human wild-type p53 (AdCMV-p53) (C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection). The survival fraction was determined by clonogenic assay. The cell cycle, cell apoptosis, and p53 expression were monitored by flow cytometric analysis. Results. p53 expression in C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups was markedly higher than that in C-12(6+) irradiation only groups (P < 0.05), suggesting that the preexposure to the C-12(6+) beam promoted the expression of exogenous p53 in HepG2 cells infected with AdCMV-p53 only. The G(1)-phase arrest and cell apoptosis in the C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups were significantly more than those in the C-12(6+) irradiated groups (P < 0.05). The survival fractions of the C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups decreased by 30%-49% compared with those of the C-12(6+) beam-irradiated only groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions. Adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer can promote G(1)-phase arrest and cell apoptosis, thus sensitizing hepatocellular carcinoma cells to heavy-ion irradiation.
Objective To investigate whether the irradiation with C-beam could enhance adenovirus-mediated transfer and expression of p53 in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Materials and methods HepG2 cells were exposed to C-beam or gamma-ray and then infected with replicationdeficient adenovirus recombinant vectors containing human wild-type p53 or green fluorescent protein, respectively. The transfer efficiency and expression level of the exogenous gene were detected by flow cytometric analysis. Cell survival fraction was detected by clonogenic assay. Results The transfer frequency in C-beam or gamma-irradiated groups increased by 50-83% and 5.7-38.0% compared with the control, respectively (P < 0.05). Compared with C-beam alone, p53 alone, and gamma-ray with p53, the percentages of p53 positive cells for 1 Gy C-beam with p53 increased by 56.0-72.0%, 63.5-82.0%, and 31.3-72.5% on first and third day after the treatments, respectively (P < 0.05). The survival fractions for the 2Gy C-bearn and AdCMV-p53 infection groups decreased to similar to 2%. Conclusion C-beam irradiation could significantly promote AdCMV-green fluorescent protein transfer and expression of p53.
恶性黑色素瘤具有早期高度转移潜能,尽管常常检测到野生型p53基因,却对常规放化疗高度抗拒,因此,寻求有效治疗黑色素瘤的方法十分重要。本文就如何将放射治疗与基因治疗有机结合、外源性p53对不同p53状态的黑色素瘤细胞生长抑制和辐射增敏作用,以及外源性P53蛋白对不同传能线密度(LET)射线辐照诱导肿瘤细胞死亡途径的影响做了一些粗浅研究。 首先,采用复制缺陷的重组腺病毒载体(AdCMV-p53)介导人野生型p53基因转染1 Gy X-射线预辐照的黑色素瘤细胞系A375(wt p53)和WM983a(mu p53),RT-PCR检测mRNA水平,流式细胞仪测定细胞周期阻滞及外源性P53蛋白表达情况,克隆形成率测定辐射后细胞存活率。用携带报道基因的复制缺陷重组腺病毒载体AdCMV-GFP(绿色荧光蛋白)作为对照。结果显示1 Gy X-射线辐照可明显增加AdCMV-p53对A375和WM983a细胞系的基因转导效率,转导的外源性野生型P53可在两种细胞中高效表达,并诱导细胞周期G1期阻滞;单纯转导p53对A375(wt p53)细胞无明显诱导凋亡和生长抑制效应,但可部分诱导WM983a(mu p53)细胞凋亡;而转导p53基因48小时后给予X-射线辐射,两种细胞克隆存活率较其对照组均明显减低;外源性p53基因对WM983a(mu p53)细胞的辐射增敏作用较A375(wt p53)细胞明显。这些结果表明小剂量辐射既可有效增加腺病毒介导的p53转导,又不会对患者产生明显副作用。而且,外源性野生型p53可明显增加黑色素瘤细胞系A375(wt p53)和WM983a(mu p53)的辐射敏感性。提示p53是基因治疗黑色素瘤较好的侯选基因,也为临床上放疗联合基因治疗恶性黑色素瘤提供了实验室依据。 其次,观察了外源性P53蛋白对不同传能线密度(LET)射线辐照诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡和坏死的影响,并探讨其可能的机理。人黑色素瘤细胞系A375(wild-type p53)经携带人野生型p53基因的腺病毒载体(AdCMV-p53)感染后分别给予X-射线和碳离子束照射,采用克隆形成法测定细胞辐射敏感性,Hoechst33258和吖啶橙-溴化乙锭双染,荧光显微镜下观察细胞凋亡和死亡。结果发现:(1)高LET射线辐照时,A375细胞和转导人野生型p53基因的A375细胞(A375/p53)的辐射敏感性没有明显差异;(2)虽然辐射诱导细胞凋亡比例的增加依赖于LET,但是无论高LET或低LET,外源性P53蛋白均可有效诱导细胞凋亡。(3)高LET射线辐照时,A375细胞的坏死细胞明显高于A375/p53细胞。提示尽管高LET射线辐射对A375和A375/p53细胞的存活无明显影响,但是对细胞凋亡的诱导却部分依赖于P53蛋白的功能,提示P53蛋白可能在调节细胞死亡类型中发挥重要作用。这对临床应用高LET射线辐射联合p53基因治疗恶性黑色素瘤有一定参考意义
为了将放射治疗与基因治疗有机结合起来以寻求有效治疗恶性黑色素瘤的方法,采用了AdCMV-p53(AdCMV-GFP)转染B16细胞联合重离子(或X-射线)辐照的方法,观察辐射对基因转移效率的影响、外源性P53蛋白对重离子辐照诱导肿瘤细胞生长抑制和辐射增敏作用,以及外源性P53蛋白对重离子辐照诱导肿瘤细胞内蛋白表达的变化,现将本工作结果总结如下: 1.重离子照射可增加腺病毒载体介导p53基因转导效率,而且先转染后辐照法比先辐照后转染法能更显著的地增加基因转导效率。这样在最大限度提高基因转导效率的基础之上,同时又可以减少病毒使用量及辐照剂量。 2.p53基因转导联合重离子辐照能明显抑制细胞生长,诱导细胞凋亡,促进G0/G1期细胞阻滞。说明外源性野生型p53基因导入联合辐照可增加黑色素瘤细胞系B16的辐射敏感性。 3.重离子照射比X-射线照射能更明显增加腺病毒载体介导p53基因转导效率和G0/G1期细胞所占比例,可能是由于两种射线能量沉积的方式不同造成的。 4.重离子辐照联合p53基因转导诱导B16细胞中细胞信号通路发生变化,使得P53和P21表达明显增多,同时MDM2表达随时间而减少。推测导入的p53基因联合重离子辐照改变细胞内信号通路,从而诱导细胞凋亡和细胞周期阻滞
肿瘤是严重威胁人类生命健康的常见病、多发病,不仅病因复杂、发生发展异常迅速,而且到目前为止,发病机理不完全清楚,尚无适应范围广和有特异疗效的治疗方法。因此,肿瘤治疗方法的探索依然是医学、生物学及其相关学科研究的热点。肿瘤的重离子治疗和基因治疗是近年来发展起来的新的肿瘤治疗方法。但它们同样或多或少存在一些不足。在肿瘤治疗方法的探索中,将两种或两种以上理化特性或生物学作用原理不尽相同的现有治疗方法有机结合,充分利用各自优势,取长补短,使治疗效果叠加,对肿瘤发挥协同或相加抑制作用。本研究将重离子辐射与p53腺病毒重组体(AdCMV-p53)转染有机结合,探讨了重离子辐射联合p53基因转导对肿瘤细胞的生物学作用及其可能机理。在低剂量γ辐射联合AdCMV-p53/GFP转染HT-29和PC-3细胞研究基础上,我们用不同剂量的AdCMV-p53/GFP转染经0.5 Gy、1.0 Gy、2.0 Gy 12C6+束/γ射线预辐射处理的人非小细胞肺癌(H1299细胞系,nullp53),人肝癌细胞(HepG2细胞系,wtp53)和人宫颈癌细胞(Hela细胞系,wtp53,wtp53低水平表达)。用流式细胞分析法检测肿瘤细胞绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)、p53蛋白表达水平和细胞周期。DAPI染色后用荧光显微镜检测细胞凋亡。用RT-PCR检测外源性p53转录。用Western Blot检测外源性p53、MDM2和p21蛋白表达。用克隆形成法测定肿瘤细胞存活。通过与γ辐射联合腺病毒重组体转染组比较,观察了12C6+ 辐射联合腺病毒重组体转染对肿瘤细胞外源性p53蛋白表达、细胞周期阻滞、细胞凋亡和细胞增殖的影响。结果显示,12C6+ 辐射对AdCMV-GFP转染H1299、HepG2和Hela细胞的诱导作用明显强于γ辐射(p<0.05)。与γ辐射诱导AdCMV-GFP转染组相比,0.5 Gy 12C6+束辐射联合20 MOI AdCMV-p53转染组H1299细胞GFP阳性率增加约50% (其GFP阳性率提高到约90%)。0.5 Gy、1.0 Gy 12C6+辐射联合40 MOI AdCMV-p53转染组HepG2细胞GFP阳性率增加约44%(其阳性率分别达56.6%和76.4%)。0.5 Gy、1.0 Gy 12C6+ 束辐射联合40 MOI AdCMV-p53转染组Hela细胞GFP阳性率分别增加37.8%和50%(其阳性率分别达43.4%和59.8%)。12C6+ 辐射对AdCMV-p53转染H1299、HepG2和Hela细胞外源性p53蛋白表达的增强作用明显强于γ辐射(p<0.05)。12C6+ 辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染组各种细胞p53阳性率明显高于其它处理组同种细胞p53阳性率(p<0.05)。转染后第5天,γ辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染组3种细胞p53阳性率均降至对照水平。转染后第13天,12C6+ 辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染组3种细胞p53阳性率仍高达6-44%。12C6+ 辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染H1299细胞G0/G1、G2/M期细胞所占比例明显高于其它处理组G0/G1、G2/M期细胞所占比例(p<0.05)。与γ辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染组相比,12C6+ 辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染组G0/G1期细胞增加6-36%,G2/M期细胞增加了13-86%。12C6+ 辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染HepG2细胞G0/G1期细胞所占比例明显高于其它处理组G0/G1期细胞所占比例(p<0.05);转染后第5天,1.0、2.0 Gy 12C6+ 辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染组G2/M期细胞所占比例明显高于γ辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染组G2/M期细胞所占比例(p<0.05)。各12C6+束辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染Hela细胞G0/G1和G2/M期细胞所占比例均明显高于单纯12C6+ 辐射组和γ射线辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染组G0/G1和G2/M期细胞所占比例(p<0.05)。各12C6+ 辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染H1299、HepG2和Hela细胞凋亡率明显高于等剂量12C6+ 单纯辐射和等剂量γ辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染组细胞凋亡率(p<0.05)。与等剂量单纯12C6+辐射和等剂量γ辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染组相比,12C6+ 辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染H1299细胞凋亡率分别增加8.0-66.0%和9.3-63.5%;12C6+束辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染HepG2细胞凋亡率分别增加0.8-32.7%和4.5-27.1%; 12C6+束辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染Hela细胞凋亡率分别增加4.8-30.7%和3.1-22.7%。低剂量12C6+ 辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染细胞存活率明显低于其它处理组同种细胞存活率(p<0.05)。结果提示,低剂量碳离子辐射对腺病毒重组体转染肿瘤细胞和靶细胞内外源p53蛋白表达的促进作用明显强于低剂量γ辐射。碳离子辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染通过促进外源性p53转导、靶细胞外源性p53蛋白表达、细胞周期阻滞和细胞凋亡等增强对肿瘤细胞的抑制。碳离子辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染对肿瘤细胞生物学作用与肿瘤细胞内在p53基因状态有关。总之,我们的研究表明,低剂量碳离子辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染,可通过促进腺病毒重组体对肿瘤细胞的转染、增强靶细胞外源性p53蛋白稳定表达及其由此而诱发的细胞周期阻滞与细胞凋亡等有效抑制肿瘤细胞。在临床上,碳离子辐射联合AdCMV-p53转染有望在提高肿瘤治疗效果的基础上,进一步降低碳离子辐射与AdCMV-p53转染的各自临床用量,减少碳离子辐射的毒副作用,降低AdCMV-p53转染的潜在生物危险性
以聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)与磷石膏(PG)为土壤结构改良剂,利用离心机法,测定土壤水分特征曲线,从分析土壤的吸水能力和持水能力的角度出发,研究土壤结构改良剂对土壤水分有效性的影响。研究结果表明,土壤的吸水能力、持水能力与释水能力均表现出与用量密切相关;在使用土壤结构改良剂的情况下,仍然可用van Genuchten方程很准确的模拟土壤吸力与含水率之间的关系,即可作为使用土壤结构改良剂后的土壤水分特征曲线的模拟表达式;在试验的用量范围内,土壤结构改良剂的使用不会影响植物对水分的吸收和利用。
研究了2年生中国沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoids)在土壤干旱胁迫下苗木含水量、内源激素水平与萌芽率关系以及萌芽关键期喷施外源GA3的作用。结果表明:土壤干旱胁迫使冬季休眠与春季萌芽期苗木含水量、内源GA1/3降低,内源ABA明显提高,GA1/3ABA下降,达到萌动所需的调控阈值的时间延迟,重度干旱下苗木萌芽延迟约25d,且萌芽后的枝生长十分缓慢;中度干旱下苗木萌芽延迟10d,萌芽后生长亦有所抑制。喷施80mg/L外源GA3溶液可有效提高重度干旱下苗木内源GA1/3,降低ABA含量,使GA1/3/ABA提高,促进苗木提早萌芽及萌芽后生长;在适宜水分及中度干旱下,沙棘苗木外施GA3对萌芽及其生长作用不明显。
Through leaching experiments and simulated rainfall experiments, characteristics of vertical leaching of exogenous rare earth elements (REEs) and phosphorus (P) and their losses with surface runoff during simulated rainfall in different types of soils (terra nera soil, cinnamon soil, red soil, loess soil, and purple soil) were investigated. Results of the leaching experiments showed that vertical transports of REEs and P were relatively low, with transport depths less than 6 cm. The vertical leaching rates of REEs and P in the different soils followed the order of purple soil > terra nera soil > red soil > cinnamon soil > loess soil. Results of the simulated rainfall experiments (83 mm h(-1)) revealed that more than 92% of REEs and P transported with soil particles in runoff. The loss rates of REEs and P in surface runoff in the different soil types were in the order of loess soil > terra nera soil > cinnamon soil > red soil > purple soil. The total amounts of losses of REEs and P in runoff were significantly correlated.
Sodium polyacrylate was synthesized with acrylic acid as the monomer, and sodium bisulfate and ammonium persulfate as the initiator, by means of aqueous solution polymerization. The factors influencing the properties of moisture absorption, such as monomer concentration, dosage of initiator, and reaction temperature were systematically investigated. The experimental results indicate that the moisture-absorbing property of this polymer was better than other traditional material, such as silica gel, and molecular sieve. The best reaction condition and formula are based on the orthogonal experiment design. The optimum moisture absorbency of sodium polyacrylate reaches 1.01 g/g. The mathematical correlation of this polymer with various factors and moisture absorbency is obtained based on the multiple regression analysis. The moisture content intuitive analysis table shows that neutralization degree has the most significant influence on moisture absorbency, followed by monomer concentration and reaction temperature, while other factors have less influence.
The species and their formation constants in the ternary, systems were obtained by the Scogs2 software from potentiometric titration data. The Comics software was used to calculate the distribution of species in the ternary systems. MLXH, MLXH2 and MLXH3 are the common species in these systems. The coordination behaviors of the rare earths are very similar and their stability is closely matched. The ternary rare earth complexes are more stable than the corresponding ternary complexes of calcium. The ternary zinc complex with glutamine as the secondary ligand is more stable than the corresponding complexes of rare earths, but the ternary complex with alanine as the secondary ligand shows an inverse trend. The distributions of species in the ternary systems vary with pH changing. A prediction can be made that exogenous rare earths can affect the species of Ca and Zn in human body.
The subacute toxicity of aristolochic acid (AA) was investigated by H-1 NMR spectroscopic and pattern recognition (PR)-based metabonomic methods. Model toxins were used to enable comparisons of the urinary profiles from rats treated with known toxicants and AA at various time intervals. Urinary H-1 NMR spectra were data-processed and analyzed by pattern recognition method. The result of visual comparison of the spectra showed that AA caused a renal proximal tubular and papillary lesion and a slight hepatic impair. Pattern recognition analysis indicated that the renal proximal tubule lesion was the main damage induced by AA, and the renal toxicity induced by AA was a progressive course with the accumulation of dosage by monitoring the toxicological processes from onset, development and part-recovery. These results were also supported by the conventional clinical biochemical parameters.
Poly(vinyl alcohol) /poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP)/chitosan hydrogels were prepared by a low-temperature treatment and subsequent Co-60 -gamma-ray irradiation and then were medicated with ciprofloxacin lactate (an antibiotic) and chitosan oligomer (molecular weight = 3000 g/mol). The gel content, swelling ratio, tensile strength, and crystallinity of the hydrogels were determined. The effects of the chitosan molecular weight, the low-temperature treatment procedure, and the radiation dosage on the hydrogel properties were examined. The molecular weight of chitosan was lowered by the irradiation, but its basic polysaccharide structure was not destroyed. Repeating the low-temperature treatment and gamma-ray irradiation caused effective physical crosslinking and chemical crosslinking, respectively, and contributed to the mechanical strength of the final hydrogels. The incorporation of PVP and chitosan resulted in a significant improvement in the equilibrium swelling ratio. and elongation ratio of the prepared hydrogels. The ciprofloxacin lactate and chitosan oligomer were soaked into the hydrogels. Their in vitro release behaviors were examined, and they were found to follow diffusion-controlled kinetics.
High resolution H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR) spectroscopy has been employed to assess long-term toxicological effects of ChangLe (a kind of rare earth complex applied in agriculture). Male Wistar rats were administrated orally with ChangLe at doses of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 2.0, 10 and 20 mg/kg body weight daily, respectively, for 6 months. Urine was collected at-day 30, 60, go and serum samples were taken after 6 months. Many low-molecular weight metabolites were identified by H-1 NMR spectra of rat urine. A decrease in citrate and an increase in ketone bodies, creatinine, DMA, DMG, TMAO, and taurine in the urine of the rats. receiving high doses were found by H-1 NMR spectra. These may mean that high-dosage of ChangLe impairs the specific region of liver and kidney, such as renal tubule and mitochondria. The decrease in citrate and the increase in succinate and alpha-ketoglutarate were attributed to a combination of the inhibition of certain citric acid enzymes, renal tubular acidosis and the abnormal fatty acid catabolism. The information of the renal capillary necrosis could be derived from the increase in DMIA, DMG and TMAO. The increase in taurine was due to hepatic mitochondria dysfunction. The conclusions were supported by the results of biochemical measure. merits and enzymatic assay.
The effects of thermally crosslinkable polymerization of monomer reactant-polyimide (POI) on the miscibility, morphology, and crystallization of partially miscible poly(ether sulfone) (PES)/poly(phenylene sulfide) (PPS) blends were investigated with differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy. The addition of POI led to a significant reduction in the size of PPS particles, and the interfacial tension between PPS and crosslinked POI was smaller than that between PES and crosslinked POI. During melt blending, crosslinking and grafting reactions of POI with PES and PPS homopolymers were detected; however, the reaction activity of POI with PPS was much higher than that with PES. The crosslinking and grafting reactions were developed further when blends were annealed at higher temperatures. Moreover, POI was an effective nucleation agent of the crystallization of PPS, but crosslinking and grafting hindered the crystallization of PPS. The final effect of POI on the crystallinity of the PPS phase was determined by competition between the two contradictory factors. The crosslinking and grafting reactions between the two components was controlled by the dosage of POI in the blends, the premixing sequence of POI with the two components, the annealing time, and the temperature.
Radiation-induced crystallization of polyamide-1010 (PA1010) or nylon-1010 containing heterogeneous nuclei (neodymium oxide, Nd2O3) is discussed in this paper by Wide Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The results show that at low dosage the crystallinities of the irradiated specimens increase, while crystallite size (L(hkl)) decreases, indicating that some new crystallites are produced in the course of irradiation. The new centers were brought about in the fold surface of the lamellae. Copyright (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd