999 resultados para Escolasticismo s.XV-XVI


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Studies on princely education rarely focus on the training received by future kings to perform one of their key functions – supervising the finances of the monarchy. Failure to address this issue is all the more surprising than one of the major consequences of Louis XIV’s coronation was to grant the king the direction of finances until the French Revolution, thus raising the issue of the financial education of the prince. Based on a largely unpublished body of primary sources, especially several manuscripts specifically written for the financial education of Louis XV and princes in the XVIIIth century, this article explores the teaching approaches and programme of a highly technical nature that the king’s tutors considered essential to the monarch’s duties.


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This paper reports the results of fieldwork conducted in the 2010 and 2011 DMP field seasons and of analysis of samples collected during these and previous years. Research has involved 1) studying palaeolake sediment outcrops, 2) using ground penetrating radar (GPR) to determine their extent under the Dahān Ubārī, and 3) coring palaeolakes in order to determine their palaeoenvironmental records. Research on these samples is continuing but some initial findings are discussed in this paper. The most extensive palaeolake sediments are found within the al-Mahruqah Formation and were deposited by a giant lake system that developed in the Fazzān Basin during past humid periods. Stratigraphic analysis of Lake Megafazzān sediments suggests two different sedimentary successions, a lake margin succession distinctive for its lacustrine and palaeosol carbonates, and a clastic-dominated, intensely rootleted, basin-centre succession which has terrestrial intervals (aeolian and palaeosols) as well as in the upper parts lacustrine limestones. Both basin margin and basin centre successions are underlain by fluvial deposits. Magnetostratigraphy suggests that the formation may be as old as the mid-Pliocene. After the Lake Megafazzān phase, smaller palaeolakes developed within the basin during subsequent humid periods. One of the largest is found in the Wādī al-Hayāt in the area between Jarma and Ubārī. Similar deposits further west along the Wādī at progressively higher altitudes are interpreted as small lakes and marshes fed by springs issuing from aquifers at the base of the escarpment, last replenished during the Holocene humid phase. Dating of sediments suggests that this was between c. 11 and c. 8 ka. The Wādī ash-Shāţī palaeolake core also provides a Holocene palaeoclimate record that paints a slightly different picture, indicating lake conditions until around 7 ka, whereupon it started oscillating until around 5.5 ka when sedimentation terminates. The reasons for the differences in these records are discussed.


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Governmental acquisitions, in Brazil, must be proceeded, as a rule, by means of licitation. Though this principle became constitutional rule only from 1988's Constitution, its existence in Brazilian legal system retraces century XV: by that time, the Filipinas Ordinations ruled it in one only law article. Since then, several rules of law had been incorporated to the Brazilian governmental acquirement system, especially during century XX, hardening the procedures and restricting public manager's discritionarity. Current governmental acquirement system was instituted by the Law nº 8,666/1993, which, however, did not disrupt previous system: with few innovations and more restrictions, it only copied the instruments in the system of the Decree nº 2,300/1986 and previous ones. In its original text, Law nº 8,666/1993 had three licitation procedures for acquisitions - concorrência, tomada de preços, convite - and the exceptional procedures - dispensa and inexigibilidade. Once revealed itself a rigid system, several measures were implemented in order to make it more flexible, having for objectives celerity and price reduction, from discrete alterations of articles of laws to the creation of pregão as a new licitation procedure - initially, there was only the pregão presencial, proceeded face to face - and no longer, the pregão eletrônico, proceeded through web. This research focuses the analysis of the impact of the rigidity / flexibility on Government acquirement system. Despite specialized literature, studies carried through for governmental agencies and state publicity praises the results reached with the use of the pregão eletrônico, the analyses that lead to such conclusion are based on questionable premises. The studies on the efficiency of the pregão eletrônico restrict this concept to its economic dimension, interpreting it as costs reduction. Beyond, the methodology of analysis of this cost reduction has for reference hypothetical values which are also defined by random standards. Here it is, therefore, the objective of this study: to analyze, from the perception of the public managers, the relation between flexibility or rigidity of a procedure and its efficiency, under a multidimensional perspective - taking into consideration, beyond the prices gotten for objects, the time of transaction, the quality of objects and the security of the procedure. From the answers to the questionnaires applied to licitation managers and to members of licitations permanent commissions it was raisen three kinds of information: descriptive data concerning to the ordinal or nominal variables, extracted from the analysis of the objective fields of the questionnaire; not-structuralized, extracted directly from the subjective fields of the questionnaire; e, finally, treated data, extracted from the hypotheses formulated in the research and statistically analyzed. The reflections on the information allowed concluding that the acquirement governmental procedures flexibility extends its efficiency. Restricted the analysis to the pregão eletrônico, it is concluded that it is more efficient under the economic and time perspectives, in relation to the classic procedures; however, under the perspective of the security it does not significantly differs from those; under the qualitative perspective, it is less efficient than the classic procedures, implying in the reduction of the quality of acquired or contracted objects.


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O escopo teórico de Gestão Internacional atualmente atinge tantos locais quanto pessoas ao redor do planeta e pode se expandir para atender também a um conjunto mais amplo de empresas que somente as multinacionais. Com o objetivo de analisar os desafios cross-culturais e os conflitos que permearam o Comitê Organizador dos XV Jogos Pan-americanos Rio 2007, este estudo equipara Comitês Organizadores de Jogos a subsidiárias com mandato global. A partir de uma metodologia de inspiração interpretativista cultural defendendo o papel do contexto local por uma abordagem crítica, analisa o sistema de ação cultural brasileiro e contrapõe teorias clássicas da abordagem cross-cultural com uma visão qualitativa de base sócio-antropológica. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com ex-funcionários do Comitê Rio 2007 tanto brasileiros quanto estrangeiros e consultores que apoiaram a realização dos Jogos. Várias questões foram levantadas que apóiam a influência de características comportamentais culturais brasileiras como o paternalismo, a lealdade às pessoas, a flexibilidade, e evitar conflitos nas relações pessoais e organizacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, foi possível identificar três possíveis causas de conflitos entre os atores principais das narrativas (os consultores, o Comitê Organizador Rio2007 e o governo): (1) a diferença no nível de experiência /conhecimento explícito e tácito, (2) a desconfiança, e (3) o orgulho; e o esforço de comunicação foi identificado como possível solução. Por fim, foi possível visualizar traços das teorias clássicas cross-culturais dentro do estudo, mas foi reforçada a crítica de que é impossível isolar a cultura e o contexto local como variáveis contingenciais, muito menos ignorá-los.


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A presente dissertação procura analisar e discutir as obras de reabilitação de edificações existentes no período do Renascimento Italiano, compreendido entre os séculos XV e XVI. Nosso estudo buscou este período histórico por se tratar dos primórdios deste tipo de intervenção praticadas de forma consciente e com conhecimento histórico, além do fato de o confronto entre a situação existente e as novas inserções constituírem um rico universo de estudo das transformações sociais e arquitetônicas do período. Através da análise de obras de três arquitetos (Leon Battista Alberti, Michelangelo Buonarroti e Andrea Palladio), procuramos: entender como se operavam tais intervenções, reconstituindo a situação existente e as novas inserções a partir da historiografia do projeto e do contexto histórico que o cerca; identificar as interpretações de uma determinada sociedade sobre seus edifícios em épocas distintas; e buscar posturas e exemplos de projetos para nosso presente.