974 resultados para Drone aircraft
Il presente elaborato è stato approfondito e sviluppato presso lo stabilimento della Blackshape Aircraft S.p.A. sito in Monopoli (Bari). L’obiettivo è stato principalmente orientato sull’individuazione di un metodo di progettazione di giunzioni incollate fra laminati in CFRP basato su di un modello matematico in grado di prevederne la resistenza. Per realizzare tale studio sono stati necessari approfondimenti preliminari relativi al comportamento meccanico dei laminati in materiale composito e agli studi condotti da Hart-Smith sulla teoria degli incollaggi. E’ stato determinato un metodo analitico per il calcolo della lunghezza di sovrapposizione degli aderenti. Il criterio di resistenza del giunto individuato, basato sulla teoria del cedimento multiassiale di Von Mises, è stato approvato dalla Agenzia Europea per la Sicurezza Aerea, EASA. A livello numerico-pratico è stato preso in esempio il giunto fra i gusci di fusoliera relativi al nuovo velivolo Blackshape con certificazione VLA (Very Light Aircraft).
Descrizione e analisi del movimento di piattaforme multirotore tramite modellazione e simulazione computazionale. In particolare è stata analizzata l’attitudine di un quadricottero privo di sistema di controllo automatico. Per la scrittura e l’implementazione degli algoritmi risolutivi è stato utilizzato l’ambiente Matlab. Il codice realizzato permette, dopo successiva introduzione di alcune variabili realative a velivolo ed assetto, di ottenere l’evoluzione di parametri di volo che descrivono lo stato del drone nel tempo attraverso una progressiva integrazione numerica. In questo modo è possibile simulare teoricamente qualunque modello di quadricottero conoscendo i suoi parametri costruttivi, ottenendo così una modellazione preliminare da lanciare nel simulatore. Nella tesi viene utilizzato un unico modello realizzato in CAD Solidworks da cui sono stati ricavati i dati necessari. La tesi si compone di una trattazione semplificata di fattibilità di manovre semplici di un multirotore di tipo quadricottero con un approccio di Eulero-Newton ed, in seguito, in presenza di un carico sospeso tramite cavo considerato inestensibile, si sono analizzate delle evoluzioni nel tempo con un’approccio questa volta lagrangiano. Infine vengono trattati brevemente osservazioni conclusive e possibili sviluppi di questo lavoro di tesi.
Studio, a livello preliminare, di un sistema a pilotaggio remoto che permetta la sorveglianza e il monitoraggio di zone aeree e marine ad alto rischio e in contemporanea di compiere una raccolta di dati che possa essere inviata in tempo reale ad un utente a terra. Negli ultimi anni si è sviluppato notevolmente il settore dei velivoli a pilotaggio remoto sia ad ala fissa sia ad ala rotante, per la videoripresa e la fotografia aerea a bassa quota, che è utilizzata in molti ambiti tra i quali la fotogrammetria, la geologia e l’archeologia, nonché per studi scientifici e per la sicurezza. Nel presente lavoro di tesi è stata studiata la fattibilità di un UAV capace di effettuare la sua missione, previa pianificazione, in due ambienti completamente diversi fra loro: l’aria e l’acqua. Così facendo si ha la possibilità di acquistare un solo mezzo con costi minori e con un profilo di missione molto più vasto. Lo sviluppo di questo drone, pensato per operazioni di protezione civile, si è articolato in più fasi: anzitutto si è cercato di stabilire quale fosse il suo ambito di utilizzo e quali caratteristiche avrebbe dovuto avere. Successivamente si è iniziato a valutare l’equipaggiamento del velivolo con tutti i sistemi necessari per compiere la sua attività ed infine si è realizzato un disegno CAD semplificato della sua struttura. La seconda parte del lavoro è stata incentrata sullo studio preliminare della stabilità del velivolo sia in configurazione aerea sia in quella marina andando dapprima a calcolare la posizione del baricentro dell’UAV in modo da avere un velivolo aereo staticamente stabile e a simularne il volo. Successivamente si è modificato un modello Simulink di un UAV disponibile in rete, adattandolo opportunamente a questo caso per simulare parte della missione e si è potuto constatare che il velivolo risulta essere stabile; per far questo sono state calcolate diverse derivate aerodinamiche in modo da poter simulare il comportamento dinamico del velivolo. Anche per la configurazione marina sono state calcolate le derivate aerodinamiche più significative ed è stata realizzata una simulazione per valutare la stabilità del ROV, sempre a comandi fissi. In ultima analisi si è studiata una missione tipica che potrebbe effettuare questo UAV multi-modale: per fare ciò si è tracciata in Google Earth una traiettoria cui sono stati aggiunti alcuni modelli CAD nelle fasi principali del volo per far capire come varia la forma del mezzo durante la missione. Lo scenario della missione è in un contesto di disastro ambientale dovuto ad un incidente in una centrale nucleare vicina al mare, caso che ben si presta alla applicazione di questo mezzo a pilotaggio remoto.
Individuare e conoscere la natura degli inquinanti atmosferici e disporre dei dati delle emissioni sono azioni fondamentali per formulare politiche ambientali incentrate sul miglioramento della qualità dell'aria e monitorarne l'efficacia. Sorge l'esigenza di un controllo costante della qualità dell'aria, processo che avviene utilizzando delle centraline di monitoraggio fisse sparse nelle vie delle maggiori città o nei pressi dei principali insediamenti industriali. Lo scopo di questo progetto è quello di realizzare una stazione di monitoraggio mobile al fine di aumentare la superficie di controllo, realizzando un oggetto dinamico capace di acquisire dati sull'inquinamento. Questo è stato fatto applicando ad un drone un sistema di sensori capaci di rilevare le variazioni dei livelli di concentrazione degli agenti inquinanti. Ciò permette di eliminare le stazioni di monitoraggio fisse, le quali rappresentano una spesa ingente. Inoltre, attraverso l'utilizzo di un drone, è possibile monitorare siti più vasti, permettendo un monitoraggio costante e ripetuto nel tempo. La prima parte dell'elaborato analizza il sistema Embedded utilizzato per l'acquisizione dei dati, concentrando l'attenzione prevalentemente sui moduli utilizzati. La seconda descrive quali sono i primi passi per cominciare ad utilizzare i sensori posti sulla Gases Board 2.0 e risponde ai dubbi più comuni su quali parametri di configurazione adottare per un avere una risposta adeguata, quale processo di calibrazione seguire o come trasformare i dati acquisiti, espressi in tensioni, in valori di concentrazione di gas. La terza parte illustra i test effettuati per verificare il corretto funzionamento del sistema completo, con l’esposizione delle problematiche individuate, e una presentazione delle alternative più valide per superarle.
Il presente elaborato ha lo scopo di descrivere le fasi di riparazione del trave di coda di un Cessna Super Skymaster 337A danneggiatosi durante le fasi di rimessaggio in hangar. Per prima cosa andremo ad analizzare le normative in materia di manutenzione degli aeromobili, in particolare la circolare 13 del RAI (Metodi accettabili per la manutenzione degli aeromobili) e la circolare 43.13-1A delle FAA (Acceptable methods, techniques, and practices-Aircraft ispection and repair). Verificheremo poi la tipologia del danno subito dal velivolo e, rifacendoci anche al Service Manual del costruttore, andremo a progettare la riparazione. Riparazioni estese a rivestimenti resistenti su strutture a guscio, infatti, devono preferibilmente essere fatte seguendo le specifiche raccomandazioni del costruttore dell’aeromobile. In molti casi, soprattutto se il danno non è esteso, le parti della riparazione possono essere progettate, e ne può essere dimostrata l’adeguata resistenza, senza calcolare i carichi e le sollecitazioni di progetto, considerando nel modo dovuto il materiale e le dimensioni delle parti originali e dei giunti chiodati. La cosa importante è che la parte riparata dovrà risultare pari all’originale per quanto riguarda la robustezza in relazione a tutti i tipi di carichi e alla rigidezza generale. Nel nostro caso andremo comunque a effettuare un’analisi strutturale per verificare l’effettiva correttezza dei principi contenuti nel manuale di manutenzione. Una volta verificato questo, procederemo con la realizzazione della riparazione soffermandoci sulle caratteristiche dei materiali utilizzati e sulle metodologie utilizzate durante la lavorazione. A lavoro ultimato trarremo poi le dovute conclusioni.
The volcanic aerosol plume resulting from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in Iceland in April and May 2010 was detected in clear layers above Switzerland during two periods (17–19 April 2010 and 16–19 May 2010). In-situ measurements of the airborne volcanic plume were performed both within ground-based monitoring networks and with a research aircraft up to an altitude of 6000 m a.s.l. The wide range of aerosol and gas phase parameters studied at the high altitude research station Jungfraujoch (3580 m a.s.l.) allowed for an in-depth characterization of the detected volcanic aerosol. Both the data from the Jungfraujoch and the aircraft vertical profiles showed a consistent volcanic ash mode in the aerosol volume size distribution with a mean optical diameter around 3 ± 0.3 μm. These particles were found to have an average chemical composition very similar to the trachyandesite-like composition of rock samples collected near the volcano. Furthermore, chemical processing of volcanic sulfur dioxide into sulfate clearly contributed to the accumulation mode of the aerosol at the Jungfraujoch. The combination of these in-situ data and plume dispersion modeling results showed that a significant portion of the first volcanic aerosol plume reaching Switzerland on 17 April 2010 did not reach the Jungfraujoch directly, but was first dispersed and diluted in the planetary boundary layer. The maximum PM10 mass concentrations at the Jungfraujoch reached 30 μgm−3 and 70 μgm−3 (for 10-min mean values) duri ng the April and May episode, respectively. Even low-altitude monitoring stations registered up to 45 μgm−3 of volcanic ash related PM10 (Basel, Northwestern Switzerland, 18/19 April 2010). The flights with the research aircraft on 17 April 2010 showed one order of magnitude higher number concentrations over the northern Swiss plateau compared to the Jungfraujoch, and a mass concentration of 320 (200–520) μgm−3 on 18 May 2010 over the northwestern Swiss plateau. The presented data significantly contributed to the time-critical assessment of the local ash layer properties during the initial eruption phase. Furthermore, dispersion models benefited from the detailed information on the volcanic aerosol size distribution and its chemical composition.
The Jing Ltd. miniature combustion aerosol standard (Mini-CAST) soot generator is a portable, commercially available burner that is widely used for laboratory measurements of soot processes. While many studies have used the Mini-CAST to generate soot with known size, concentration, and organic carbon fraction under a single or few conditions, there has been no systematic study of the burner operation over a wide range of operating conditions. Here, we present a comprehensive characterization of the microphysical, chemical, morphological, and hygroscopic properties of Mini-CAST soot over the full range of oxidation air and mixing N-2 flow rates. Very fuel-rich and fuel-lean flame conditions are found to produce organic-dominated soot with mode diameters of 10-60nm, and the highest particle number concentrations are produced under fuel-rich conditions. The lowest organic fraction and largest diameter soot (70-130nm) occur under slightly fuel-lean conditions. Moving from fuel-rich to fuel-lean conditions also increases the O:C ratio of the soot coatings from similar to 0.05 to similar to 0.25, which causes a small fraction of the particles to act as cloud condensation nuclei near the Kelvin limit (kappa similar to 0-10(-3)). Comparison of these property ranges to those reported in the literature for aircraft and diesel engine soots indicates that the Mini-CAST soot is similar to real-world primary soot particles, which lends itself to a variety of process-based soot studies. The trends in soot properties uncovered here will guide selection of burner operating conditions to achieve optimum soot properties that are most relevant to such studies.
The Institute of Applied Physics observes middle atmospheric trace gases, such as ozone and water vapour, by microwave radiometry. We report on the comparison of measurements using a novel digital Fast Fourier Transform and accousto optical spectrometers. First tests made on ground are presented as well as first experience about the use of such spectrometers under aircraft conditions.
EPON 862 is an epoxy resin which is cured with the hardening agent DETDA to form a crosslinked epoxy polymer and is used as a component in modern aircraft structures. These crosslinked polymers are often exposed to prolonged periods of temperatures below glass transition range which cause physical aging to occur. Because physical aging can compromise the performance of epoxies and their composites and because experimental techniques cannot provide all of the necessary physical insight that is needed to fully understand physical aging, efficient computational approaches to predict the effects of physical aging on thermo-mechanical properties are needed. In this study, Molecular Dynamics and Molecular Minimization simulations are being used to establish well-equilibrated, validated molecular models of the EPON 862-DETDA epoxy system with a range of crosslink densities using a united-atom force field. These simulations are subsequently used to predict the glass transition temperature, thermal expansion coefficients, and elastic properties of each of the crosslinked systems for validation of the modeling techniques. The results indicate that glass transition temperature and elastic properties increase with increasing levels of crosslink density and the thermal expansion coefficient decreases with crosslink density, both above and below the glass transition temperature. The results also indicate that there may be an upper limit to crosslink density that can be realistically achieved in epoxy systems. After evaluation of the thermo-mechanical properties, a method is developed to efficiently establish molecular models of epoxy resins that represent the corresponding real molecular structure at specific aging times. Although this approach does not model the physical aging process, it is useful in establishing a molecular model that resembles the physically-aged state for further use in predicting thermo-mechanical properties as a function of aging time. An equation has been predicted based on the results which directly correlate aging time to aged volume of the molecular model. This equation can be helpful for modelers who want to study properties of epoxy resins at different levels of aging but have little information about volume shrinkage occurring during physical aging.
Volcanoes pose a threat to the human population at regional and global scales and so efficient monitoring is essential in order to effectively manage and mitigate the risks that they pose. Volcano monitoring from space has been possible for over thirty years and now, more than ever, a suite of instruments exists with the capability to observe emissions of gas and ash from a unique perspective. The goal of this research is to demonstrate the use of a range of satellite-based sensors in order to detect and quantify volcanic sulphur dioxide, and to assess the relative performances of each sensor against one another. Such comparisons are important in order to standardise retrievals and permit better estimations of the global contribution of sulphur dioxide to the atmosphere from volcanoes for climate modelling. In this work, retrievals of volcanic sulphur dioxide from a number of instruments are compared, and the individual performances at quantifying emissions from large, explosive volcanic eruptions are assessed. Retrievals vary widely from sensor to sensor, and often the use of a number of sensors in synergy can provide the most complete picture, rather than just one instrument alone. Volcanic emissions have the ability to result significant economic loses by grounding aircraft due to the high risk associated with ash encountering aircraft. As sulphur dioxide is often easier to measure than ash, it is often used as a proxy. This work examines whether this is a reasonable assumption, using the Icelandic eruption in early 2010 as a case study. Results indicate that although the two species are for the most part collocated, separation can occur under some conditions, meaning that it is essential to accurately measure both species in order to provide effective hazard mitigation. Finally, the usefulness of satellite remote sensing in quantifying the passive degassing from Turrialba, Costa Rica is demonstrated. The increase in activity from 2005 – 2010 can be observed in satellite data prior to the phreatic phase of early 2010, and can therefore potentially provide a useful indication of changing activity at some volcanoes.
This dissertation presents the competitive control methodologies for small-scale power system (SSPS). A SSPS is a collection of sources and loads that shares a common network which can be isolated during terrestrial disturbances. Micro-grids, naval ship electric power systems (NSEPS), aircraft power systems and telecommunication system power systems are typical examples of SSPS. The analysis and development of control systems for small-scale power systems (SSPS) lacks a defined slack bus. In addition, a change of a load or source will influence the real time system parameters of the system. Therefore, the control system should provide the required flexibility, to ensure operation as a single aggregated system. In most of the cases of a SSPS the sources and loads must be equipped with power electronic interfaces which can be modeled as a dynamic controllable quantity. The mathematical formulation of the micro-grid is carried out with the help of game theory, optimal control and fundamental theory of electrical power systems. Then the micro-grid can be viewed as a dynamical multi-objective optimization problem with nonlinear objectives and variables. Basically detailed analysis was done with optimal solutions with regards to start up transient modeling, bus selection modeling and level of communication within the micro-grids. In each approach a detail mathematical model is formed to observe the system response. The differential game theoretic approach was also used for modeling and optimization of startup transients. The startup transient controller was implemented with open loop, PI and feedback control methodologies. Then the hardware implementation was carried out to validate the theoretical results. The proposed game theoretic controller shows higher performances over traditional the PI controller during startup. In addition, the optimal transient surface is necessary while implementing the feedback controller for startup transient. Further, the experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical simulation. The bus selection and team communication was modeled with discrete and continuous game theory models. Although players have multiple choices, this controller is capable of choosing the optimum bus. Next the team communication structures are able to optimize the players’ Nash equilibrium point. All mathematical models are based on the local information of the load or source. As a result, these models are the keys to developing accurate distributed controllers.
PMR-15 polyimide is a polymer that is used as a matrix in composites. These composites with PMR-15 matrices are called advanced polymer matrix composite that is abundantly used in the aerospace and electronics industries because of its high temperature resistivity. Apart from having high temperature sustainability, PMR-15 composites also display good thermal-oxidative stability, mechanical properties, processability and low costs, which makes it a suitable material for manufacturing aircraft structures. PMR-15 uses the reverse Diels-Alder (RDA) method for crosslinking which provides it with the groundwork for its distinctive thermal stability and a range of 280-300 degree Centigrade use temperature. Regardless of such desirable properties, this material has a number of limitations that compromises its application on a large scale basis. PMR-15 composites has been known to be very vulnerable to micro-cracking at inter and intra-laminar cracking. But the major factor that hinders its demand is PMR-15's carcinogenic constituent, methylene dianilineme (MDA), also a liver toxin. The necessity of providing a safe working environment during its production adds up to the cost of this material. In this study, Molecular Dynamics and Energy Minimization techniques are utilized to simulate a structure of PMR-15 at a given density of 1.324 g/cc and an attempt to recreate the polyimide to reduce the number of experimental testing and hence subdue the health hazards as well as the cost involved in its production. Even though this study does not involve in validating any mechanical properties of the model, it could be used in future for the validation of its properties and further testing for different properties like aging, microcracking, creep etc.
Space-based (satellite, scientific probe, space station, etc.) and millimeter – to – microscale (such as are used in high power electronics cooling, weapons cooling in aircraft, etc.) condensers and boilers are shear/pressure driven. They are of increasing interest to system engineers for thermal management because flow boilers and flow condensers offer both high fluid flow-rate-specific heat transfer capacity and very low thermal resistance between the fluid and the heat exchange surface, so large amounts of heat may be removed using reasonably-sized devices without the need for excessive temperature differences. However, flow stability issues and degradation of performance of shear/pressure driven condensers and boilers due to non-desirable flow morphology over large portions of their lengths have mostly prevented their use in these applications. This research is part of an ongoing investigation seeking to close the gap between science and engineering by analyzing two key innovations which could help address these problems. First, it is recommended that the condenser and boiler be operated in an innovative flow configuration which provides a non-participating core vapor stream to stabilize the annular flow regime throughout the device length, accomplished in an energy-efficient manner by means of ducted vapor re-circulation. This is demonstrated experimentally. Second, suitable pulsations applied to the vapor entering the condenser or boiler (from the re-circulating vapor stream) greatly reduce the thermal resistance of the already effective annular flow regime. For experiments reported here, application of pulsations increased time-averaged heat-flux up to 900 % at a location within the flow condenser and up to 200 % at a location within the flow boiler, measured at the heat-exchange surface. Traditional fully condensing flows, reported here for comparison purposes, show similar heat-flux enhancements due to imposed pulsations over a range of frequencies. Shear/pressure driven condensing and boiling flow experiments are carried out in horizontal mm-scale channels with heat exchange through the bottom surface. The sides and top of the flow channel are insulated. The fluid is FC-72 from 3M Corporation.
The development of wrought alloys of aluminum to which high strength and ductility can be imparted by heat treatment began with the work of Wilm and Claesser in Germany, 1905-1911. During this time an alloy was developed which was later commercially produced in that country under the tradename of duralumin. The need for strong, light alloys for aircraft during the World War greatly hastened the development of duralumin.
In this issue...Boeing Aircraft, Shell Oil Company, Hugo Pulju, mauled grizzly bear, Dean McAuliffe, Geology, Rocky Mountains, Coach Olsen, Petroleum Department