958 resultados para Desempenho académico - Academic achievement


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Plastic surgery is based on improving esthetic for the patient. In most services, the surgery outcome is evaluated in a subjective manner. Aim: to objectively assess the degree of patient satisfaction one year after rhinoplasty using the Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation questionnaire at a referral academic center. Materials and Methods: 69 patients operated in the otorhinolaryngology service were selected. The patients were operated upon by third year residents during the period from January to December 2007 and answered the questionnaire translated by the authors of this study. Results: we obtained a mean value of 73.25% of satisfaction for primary rhinoplasty and a mean value of 72.02% of satisfaction for secondary rhinoplasty. Conclusion: the level of satisfaction presented by the patients was considered to be very good.


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As individuals gain expertise in a chosen field they can begin to conceptualize how what they know can be applied more broadly, to new populations and situations, or to increase desirable outcomes. Judd's book does just this. It takes our current understanding of the etiology, course, and sequelae of brain injuries, combines this with established psychotherapy and rehabilitation techniques, and expands these into a cogent model of what Judd calls “neuropsychotherapy.” Simply put, neuropsychotherapy attempts to address the cognitive, emotional and behavioral changes in brain-injured persons, changes that may go undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or untreated.


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Leadership is a perennially popular topic in the academic and practitioner literature on management. In particular, the past twenty years have witnessed an explosive growth of interest in what has been termed 'transformational leadership' (henceforth, TL). The theory is closely linked to the growth in what has been defined as corporate culturism - an emphasis on the importance of cohereat cultures, as a means of securing competitive advantage. This article outlines the central components of TL theory, and subjects the concept to a critical analysis. In particular, similarities are identified between the components concerned and the characteristics of leadership practice in organizations generally defined as cults. This connection has been previously unremarked in the literature. These similarities are comprehensively reviewed. Trends towards what can be defined as corporate cultism in modem management practice are also discussed. We conclude that TL models are overly concerned with the achievement of corporate cohesion to the detriment of internal dissent Such dissent is a vital ingredient of effective decision-making. It is suggested that more inclusive and participatory models of the leadership process are required.


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The present study examined the utility of a stress and coping model of adaptation to a homeless shelter among homeless adolescents. Seventy-eight homeless adolescents were interviewed and completed self-administered scales at Time 1 (day of shelter entry) and Time 2 (day of discharge). The mean duration of stay at the shelter was 7.23 days (SD = 7.01). Predictors included appraisal (threat and self-efficacy), coping resources, and coping strategies (productive, nonproductive, and reference to others coping). Adjustment outcomes were Time I measures of global distress, physical health, clinician-and youthworker- rated social adjustment, and externalizing behavior and Time 2 youthworker-rated social adjustment and goal achievement. Results of hierarchical regression analyses indicated that after controlling for the effects of relevant background variables (number of other shelters visited, sexual, emotional, and physical abuse), measures of coping resources, appraisal, and coping strategies evidenced distinct relations with measures of adjustment in ways consistent with the model's predictions with few exceptions. In cross-sectional analyses better Time I adjustment was related to reports of higher levels of coping resources, self-efficacy beliefs, and productive coping strategies, and reports of lower levels of threat appraisal and nonproductive coping strategies. Prospective analyses showed a link between reports of higher levels of reference to others coping strategies and greater goal achievement and, unexpectedly, an association between lower self-efficacy beliefs and better Time 2 youthworker-rated social adjustment. Hence, whereas prospective analyses provide only limited support for the use of a stress and coping model in explaining the adjustment of homeless adolescents to a crisis shelter, cross-sectional findings provide stronger support.


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Improving students' outcomes from schooling requires schools to be learning organisations, where both students and teachers are engaged in learning. As such, knowledge and talk about pedagogy need to be at the core of the professional culture of schools. This article argues that this will require the valuing of teachers' work, that is, their pedagogical practices, to be a central focus of educational policy. Dangers are associated with this argument in terms of understating the impacts of poverty, lack of funding to disadvantaged schools and other social factors such as the pressures of globalisation upon students' educational opportunities. Hence, while acknowledging the importance of pedagogy to students' outcomes, the article contextualises the argument through a recognition of the policy and structural conditions that work against the valuing of teachers and their work. It then conceptualises how, within this context, a focus on pedagogies can make a difference to students' academic and social outcomes from schooling. This conceptualisation utilises the productive pedagogies model of classroom practice, developed in a large Australian study of school reform, as an example of the forms of pedagogical practices that support students' achievement of academic and social outcomes. It is argued that such pedagogical practices ought to be a concern of teachers, school administrators, education systems and local communities interested in schools as learning organisations.


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O Inmetro desenvolveu e implementou modelo de avalia????o de desempenho individual, instrumento de gest??o capaz de promover nova cultura baseada no m??rito, exig??ncia, motiva????o e reconhecimento. Adota remunera????o vari??vel vinculada ao desempenho, com crit??rios objetivos e regras claras, elaborados a partir de amplo debate com os servidores; a avalia????o ?? realizada por comit??s com maioria dos membros externos ?? institui????o, rompendo com a pr??tica limitada da avalia????o exclusivamente pelas chefias. O ciclo ?? anual e o processo consta basicamente da pactua????o de um plano de trabalho do servidor com sua chefia ao in??cio do ciclo, vinculado ao conjunto de objetivos institucionais. A an??lise, ao final do ciclo, do relat??rio de atividades do servidor e do parecer de sua chefia ?? conduzida pelo Comit?? de Avalia????o. A participa????o dos servidores nos dois primeiros ciclos foi irrestrita, com excelente receptividade, independente dos resultados


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Na Ag??ncia Nacional de Melhorias, ??rg??o p??blico federal, os servidores t??cnico-administrativos recebem a Gratifica????o de Compensa????o do Vencimento (GCV), a qual ?? paga conforme o desempenho dos servidores, aferido anualmente. Entretanto, o processo de avalia????o de desempenho ocorre de forma injusta e com muitas disfun????es. O desempenho dos servidores n??o ?? efetivamente avaliado, como no caso da equipe do Cl??udio, que possui um servidor com desempenho aqu??m dos demais servidores, mas que recebe a mesma pontua????o