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The goal of this work was to compare the differences between human immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) of B and F1 Subtypes in the acquisition of major and rninot- protease inhibitor (P1)-associated resistance mutations and of other polymorphisms at the protease (PR) gene, through a cross sectional Study. PR sequences from subtypes B and F1 isolates matched according to P1 exposure time from Brazilian patients were included in this study. Sequences were separated in four groups: 24 and 90 from children and 141 and 99 from adults infected with isolates of subtypes F1 and B, respectively. For comparison, 211 subype B and 79 subtype F1 PR sequences from drug-naive individuals Were included. Demographic and clinical data were similar among B- and F1-infected patients. In untreated patients, Mutations L1OV, K20R, and M361 were more frequent in subtype F1, while L63P, A7IT, and V771 were more prevalent in Subtype B. In treated patients, K20M, D30N, G73S, 184V, and L90M, were More prevalent in subtype B, and K20T and N88S Were more prevalent in Subtype F1. A higher proportion of subtype F1 than Of subtype B Strains Containing other polymorphisms was observed. V82L mutation was Present With increased frequency in isolates from children compared to isolates from adults infected with both subtypes. We could observe a faster resistance emergence in children than in adults, during treatment with protease inhibitors. This data provided evidence that, although rates of overall drug resistance do not differ between subtypes B and F1, the former accumulates resistance at higher proportion in specific amino acid positions of protease when compared to the latter. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: Although suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide, clinicians and researchers lack a data-driven method to assess the risk of suicide attempts. This study reports the results of an analysis of a large cross-national epidemiologic survey database that estimates the 12-month prevalence of suicidal behaviors, identifies risk factors for suicide attempts, and combines these factors to create a risk index for 12-month suicide attempts separately for developed and developing countries. Method: Data come from the World Health Organization (WHO) World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys (conducted 2001-2007), in which 108,705 adults from 21 countries were interviewed using the WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview. The survey assessed suicidal behaviors and potential risk factors across multiple domains, including socio-demographic characteristics, parent psychopathology, childhood adversities, DSM-IV disorders, and history of suicidal behavior. Results: Twelve-month prevalence estimates of suicide ideation, plans, and attempts are 2.0%, 0.6%, and 0.3%, respectively, for developed countries and 2.1%, 0.7%, and 0.4%, respectively, for developing countries. Risk factors for suicidal behaviors in both developed and developing countries include female sex, younger age, lower education and income, unmarried status, unemployment, parent psychopathology, childhood adversities, and presence of diverse 12-month DSM-IV mental disorders. Combining risk factors from multiple domains produced risk indices that accurately predicted 12-month suicide attempts in both developed and developing countries (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve = 0.74-0.80). Conclusions: Suicidal behaviors occur at similar rates in both developed and developing countries. Risk indices assessing multiple domains can predict suicide attempts with fairly good accuracy and may be useful in aiding clinicians in the prediction of these behaviors. J Clin Psychiatry 2010;71(12):1617-1628 (C) Copyright 2010 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
Background: An impairing preoccupation with a nonexistent or slight defect in appearance is the core symptom of body dysmorphic disorder (ODD), a psychiatric condition common in dermatology settings. Objective: We sought to determine the prevalence of ODD in dermatologic patients, comparing general and cosmetic settings, and describing some demographic and clinical characteristics. Methods: In all, 300 patients were consecutively assessed. Screening and diagnoses were performed with validated instruments plus a best estimate diagnosis procedure. The final sample comprised 150 patients in the cosmetic group, 150 patients in the general dermatology group, and 50 control subjects. Standard statistical analyses were performed (chi(2), nonparametric tests, logistic regression). Results: The current prevalence was higher in the cosmetic group (14.0%) compared with general (6.7%) and control (2.0%) groups. No patient had a previous diagnosis. Frequently the reason for seeking dermatologic treatment was not the main ODD preoccupation. Patients with ODD from the cosmetic group were in general unsatisfied with the results of dermatologic treatments. Limitations: Cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital is a limitation. It is uncertain if the findings can be generalized. Retrospective data regarding previous treatments are not free from bias. Conclusions: BUD is relatively common in a dermatologic setting, especially among patients seeking cosmetic treatments. These patients have some different features compared with general dermatology patients. Dermatologists should be aware of the clinical characteristics of ODD to identify and refer these patients to mental health professionals. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;63:235-43.)
Background: Detection of aquaporin-4-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) has expanded the spectrum of neuromyelitis optica (NMO). Rare reports of familial aggregation have suggested a component of genetic susceptibility but these reports mostly antedated the discovery of the NMO-IgG biomarker and recently updated diagnostic criteria. Methods: We report a case series describing the demographic, clinical, neuroimaging, and NMO-IgG serologic status of 12 multiplex NMO pedigrees with a total of 25 affected individuals. Results: Twenty-one patients (84%) were women. Families were Asian (n = 5), Latino (n = 4), white (n = 1), or African (n = 2). Apparent transmission was either maternal (n = 5) or paternal (n = 2). In 1 family, 3 individuals had NMO; in the others, 2 individuals were affected. Sibling pairs (n = 6), parent-child (n = 4), and aunt-niece (n = 3) pairs were observed. Nineteen patients (76%) were NMO-IgG positive. Twelve (48%) had clinical or serologic evidence of another autoimmune disease. Familial occurrence of NMO occurs in approximately 3% of patients with well-established diagnosis of NMO. Conclusions: A small proportion of patients with NMO have relatives with this condition, but familial occurrence is more common than would be expected from its frequency in the general population. Familial NMO is indistinguishable from sporadic NMO based on clinical symptoms, age at onset, sex distribution, and frequency of NMO-IgG detection. One or 2 generations were affected and affected individuals represented a small fraction of family members. Taken together, these data suggest complex genetic susceptibility in NMO. Neurology (R) 2010;75:310-315
Introduction: The association between serological markers with the need of biological therapy for early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA) is not known, with few available data addressing this question. Objectives: To prospectively evaluate a cohort of patients with ERA (less than 12 months of symptoms) in order to determine the possible association between serological markers (rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP), and citrullinated anti-vimentin (anti-Sa) with parameters of therapeutic outcome (this later defined by the need of introducing biological therapy). Patients and methods: Forty patients with early RA were evaluated at the time of diagnosis and have been followed for 3 years, in use of standardized therapeutic treatment. Demographic and clinical data were recorded, as well as serology tests (ELISA) for RF (IgM, IgG and IgA), anti-CCP (CCP2, CCP3 and CCP3.1) and anti-Sa in the initial evaluation and at 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months of follow-up. As outcomes of the RA development, the need or not for biological therapy during the follow-up period were considered. Comparisons were made through the Student t test, mixed-effects regression analysis and analysis of variance (significance level of 5%). Results: The mean age was 45 (+/- 12) years; a female predominance was observed (90%). At the time of diagnosis, RF was observed in 50% of cases (RF IgA - 42%, RF IgG - 30% and RF IgM - 50%), anti-CCP in 50% (no difference between CCP2, CCP3 and CCP3. 1) and anti-Sa in 10%. After 3 years, no change in the RF prevalence neither in the anti-CCP was observed, but the anti-Sa increased to 17.5% (p = 0.001). Biological therapy was necessary in 22.5% of patients. The mean RF IgA and anti-CCP 2 levels during the 3 years were higher among patients who needed biological therapy (p <0.05 for both). Conclusion: Higher titles of RF and anti-CCP over time were associated with the need for biological therapy.
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of traditional risk factors in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) in comparison to those with systemic lupus erythematosus-secondary APS. Methods: Transversal study of 96 APS patients (Sapporo`s criteria). Demographic and clinical data, cardiovascular risk factors and drug use were investigated. Results: Thirty-nine Primary APS and 57 secondary APS were included. The groups did not differ regarding age (38.5 +/- 9.9 vs. 39.4 +/- 10.5 years, p=0.84) and female gender (84.6 vs. 96.5%, p=0.06), respectively. Arterial events were more observed in primary than secondary APS (59 vs. 36.8%, p=0.04) patients. No difference was seen concerning venous and obstetric events. In regard to traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease, both groups were comparable related to current or previous smoking, sedentarism, family history for coronary disease, systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, overweight and obesity. The frequencies of altered lipid profiles were alike in the two groups, except for a higher prevalence of low HDL-c levels in primary APS group (84.6 vs. 45.5%, p=0.0001). Concerning drug use, no significant differences were observed related to chloroquine and statin use, however the secondary APS patients had a higher rate of prednisone use (10.2 vs. 57.9%, p<0.001) as well as mean dose of corticosteroid (1.5 +/- 5.7 vs. 9.2 +/- 12.5mg/ /day, p=0.0001). Conclusion: Traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease are present and comparable between patients with primary and secondary APS, except for a high frequency of low HDL-c in primary APS patients.
Different from other countries Of Europe and North American, studies about the behavioral profile of Noonan syndrome`s patients are inexistent. The objective of this study was to report the profiles of behavioral functions of 10 participants (4 females and 6 males), with mutations in the PTPN11 gene. For this assessment it was used the Inventory of Behaviors of Children and Adolescents from 6 to 18 years (CBCL/6-18) and the Inventory of Auto-Evaluation for Adults from 18 to 59 years (ASR). The main results point that in Adaptive Functioning Scale all the participants were in the normality range. In the Syndrome Scale the adult participants were in normality range and the children were in clinical range to the sub-scales anxious/depressed, somatic complaints and aggressive behavior. In the DSM-Oriented Scale, 25% of the adult patients were in the borderline clinical range and clinical range, respectively, for Avoidant Personality Problems and Antisocial Personality Problems. About the both children in this scale were in the clinical range of Affective Problems and Anxiety Problems. This relatively homogenous sample, regarding the PTPN11 gene, shows a normal adult behavioral profile, on the average. However, the individual children anti adult profiles show diverse internalizing and externalizing behavioral disturbances.
Studies that have investigated ascorbic acid (AA) concentrations in cord blood have pointed to significant associations with maternal blood AA concentrations. smoking, age, diet, type of delivery, duration of gestation, fetal distress and birth weight. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between cord blood AA concentrations in newborns and maternal characteristics. A total of 117 Brazilian healthy parturients were included in this cross-sectional study. The concentrations of AA in blood were determined by the HPLC method. Data concerning socio-economic, demographic, obstetric, nutritional and health characteristics of the parturients, including alcohol consumption and smoking habit, were assessed by a standardised questionnaire. A FFQ was used to investigate the intake of foods rich in vitamin C. Cord blood AA concentration was significantly correlated with per capita income (r 0.26; P=0.005), maternal blood AA concentration (r 0.48; P<0.001) and maternal vitamin C-rich food intake score (r 0.36; P<0.001). The linear regression model including maternal AA concentration, alcohol consumption, smoking, parity, vitamin C-rich food intake score and per capita income explained 31.13% of the variation in cord blood AA concentrations in newborns. We recommend further experimental studies to assess the effects of ethanol on placental AA uptake, and epidemiological cohort studies to evaluate in detail the influence of maternal alcohol consumption on cord blood AA concentrations.
Context Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies in adults with bipolar disorder (BD) indicate altered white matter (WM) in the orbitomedial prefrontal cortex (OMPFC), potentially underlying abnormal prefrontal corticolimbic connectivity and mood dysregulatioin in BD. Objective: To use tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) to examine VVM skeleton (ie, the most compact whole-brain WM) in subjects with BD vs healthy control subjects. Design: Cross-sectional, case-control, whole-brain DTI using TBSS. Setting: University research institute. Participants: Fifty-six individuals, 31 having a DSM-IV diagnosis of BD type 1 (mean age, 35.9 years [age range, 24-52 years]) and 25 controls (mean age, 29.5 years [age range, 19-52 years]). Main Outcome Measures: Fractional anisotropy (FA) longitudinal and radial diffusivities in subjects with BD vs controls (covarying for age) and their relationships with clinical and demographic variables. Results: Subjects with BD vs controls had significantly greater FA (t > 3.0, P <=.05 corrected) in the left uncinate fasciculus (reduced radial diffusivity distally and increased longitudinal diffusivity centrally), left optic radiation (increased longitudinal diffusivity), and right anterothalamic radiation (no significant diffusivity change). Subjects with BD vs controls had significantly reduced FA (t > 3.0, P <=.05 corrected) in the right uncinate fasciculus (greater radial diffusivity). Among subjects with BD, significant negative correlations (P <.01) were found between age and FA in bilateral uncinate fasciculi and in the right anterothalamic radiation, as well as between medication load and FA in the left optic radiation. Decreased FA (P <.01) was observed in the left optic radiation and in the right anterothalamic radiation among subjects with BD taking vs those not taking mood stabilizers, as well as in the left optic radiation among depressed vs remitted subjects with BD. Subjects having BD with vs without lifetime alcohol or other drug abuse had significantly decreased FA in the left uncinate fasciculus. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to use TBSS to examine WM in subjects with BD. Subjects with BD vs controls showed greater WM FA in the left OMPFC that diminished with age and with alcohol or other drug abuse, as well as reduced WM FA in the right OMPFC. Mood stabilizers and depressed episode reduced WM FA in left-sided sensory visual processing regions among subjects with BD. Abnormal right vs left asymmetry in FA in OMPFC WM among subjects with BD, likely reflecting increased proportions of left-sided longitudinally aligned and right-sided obliquely aligned myelinated fibers, may represent a biologic mechanism for mood dysregulation in BD.