975 resultados para Decoro parlamentar, Distrito Federal
Aborda as transferências voluntárias de recursos destinados à saúde. Essas transferências são repassadas pela União aos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios em decorrência da celebração de convênios, acordos, ajustes ou outros instrumentos similares, cuja finalidade é a realização de obras e/ou serviços de interesse comum. Sendo que estas não podem sofrer limitações ou interrupção dos valores devido ao compromisso assumido pelo ente federado com terceiros.
Nesta pesquisa estudamos o caso Belo Monte – entendido como a disputa judicial sobre o Aproveitamento Hidrelétrico Belo Monte, travada no Supremo Tribunal Federal –, para saber se existe uma relação entre os discursos de desenvolvimento mobilizados pelas partes litigantes e pelo STF e a interpretação dada por esses atores para o parágrafo 3º do artigo 231 da Constituição Federal de 1988. Partimos da seguinte hipótese: interpretações que restringem os direitos de participação política dos povos e comunidades indígenas e que impõem poucas condições para o exercício da discricionariedade dos Poderes da União são acompanhadas por discursos preocupados com o desenvolvimento econômico; interpretações que reconhecem amplo direito de participação política para povos e comunidades indígenas e que impõem maiores condições para o exercício da discricionariedade dos Poderes da União não são acompanhados por discursos de desenvolvimento. Confirmando parcialmente nossa hipótese, chegamos à seguinte conclusão: em primeiro lugar, parece existir uma tendência para que, quando mobilizados discursos de desenvolvimento, a interpretação dada ao parágrafo 3º do artigo 231 da Constituição Federal imponha menos condições para o exercício da discricionariedade dos Poderes da União e reduza, ou desconsidere, os direitos de participação política dos povos e comunidades indígenas; por outro lado, alguns discursos de desenvolvimento foram mobilizados num sentido aposto, e serviram tanto para afirmar os direitos políticos de povos e comunidades indígenas, quanto para impor mais condições para o exercício da discricionariedade dos Poderes da União.
Apresentado originalmente como trabalho final do autor (especialização) -- Curso de Direito Legislativo, Universidade do Legislativo Brasileiro (Unilegis) e Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), 2004
Objetiva identificar se o servidor do Senado Federal percebe que a sua atividade laboral influencia na atividade parlamentar desempenhada pelos Senadores da República.
O presente trabalho objetiva avaliar os impactos provenientes das regras eleitorais do sistema político brasileiro sobre o comportamento dos deputados federais, em particular, quanto à decisão de alocação de recursos orçamentários através das emendas feitas ao Orçamento. A literatura tradicional pressupõe que estas escolhas estarão vinculadas essencialmente à formação e manutenção do reduto eleitoral de domínio do deputado. Os incentivos, que direcionariam a ação completamente individual dos candidatos no período de eleições, permaneceriam na mesma direção durante a atuação do parlamentar eleito. Isto resultaria em uma Câmara de Deputados completamente desarticulada, sem nenhuma influência dos partidos políticos. No extremo oposto deste cenário, ainda que parcela dos autores assuma posição intermediária, interpretações recentes contestam esta visão, trazendo diferentes motivações para a atuação individual do parlamentar, mais organizadas e coordenadas, atribuindo papel ao funcionamento dos partidos. Esta literatura mais atual, porém, não investigou os incentivos para a proposição de emendas orçamentárias, lacuna que este trabalho pretendeu cobrir. Os resultados encontrados aqui corroboram a interpretação mais recente sobre o funcionamento do sistema político. No capítulo primeiro, em que são propostos indicadores que avaliam a concentração eleitoral dos deputados paulistas, os resultados indicam que as votações não são tão concentradas como a interpretação tradicional afirma. No segundo capítulo, é avaliada empiricamente a possibilidade da existência da dominância política para o caso de São Paulo. Esta investigação sugere que este conceito não pode ser afirmado como a regra para o sistema político. Em seu lugar, os modelos trabalhados, em que as eleições para deputado e prefeito mostram ser correlacionadas, parecem refletir melhor o funcionamento do sistema político nacional. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo verifica os incentivos para a proposição de emendas. Seus resultados sugerem que os deputados se influenciam não só por seus resultados individuais nas eleições, mas levam em conta as cidades em que os prefeitos são de seu partido. Além disto, os dados sugerem haver a existência de um ciclo de alocação de emendas de acordo com o momento ao longo do mandato. As evidências trazidas por este trabalho sugerem avanços na literatura recente sobre o sistema político brasileiro e merecem novas investigações que ampliem a compreensão sobre tema tão relevante.
The inclusion of the dentist in the Family Health Program (FHP) teams designates a reorganization of the mouth health care in your country and establishes a new scenario in Brazilian odontology, through of a new way to organize the basic health care, creating conditions to consolidate in mouth health practice actions, in the level of the basic attention, the validation of Unique Health System (UHS) constitutional principles. The purpose of this research is to verify if the actuation of mouth health teams (MHT) dentists, in Natal city north sanitary district, is tuned with FHP goals.The target research population was composed by all dentists working in Basic Health Units (BHU) of Natal north sanitary district. Fifth-eight questionnaires were applied and using open and closed questions we look for identify the functional characteristics of each BHU, the dentists professional attributions on each BHU, as well as the clinical procedures that they execute. This research also searched to identify the factors that facilitate and/or difficult the inclusion process and the dentists activities performance on these BHUs, as well as the necessary actions to north sanitary district MHTs to fulfill the objectives proposed by FHP. The results point that the inclusion of mouth health actions in north sanitary district FHPs brought the incorporation of new values to the used practices. Whoever, its necessary a more frequent evaluation of the carried actions, in a way they can be adapted to the real community necessities, and, is fundamental the data accompaniment, for that these serve of base for planning and redirecting activities, in a way that we do not have only a reproduction of traditional practices, fragmented and isolated, but a truly substitution of the traditional practices and a new way of promoting health
A incapacidade funcional e o déficit cognitivo são condições relacionadas com o processo de envelhecimento humano. O déficit cognitivo é considerado um importante fator preditor de prejuízos funcionais em populações idosas. Este estudo teve um caráter multidisciplinar na sua elaboração e execução, contando com profissionais de distintas áreas da saúde. Trata-se de um estudo transversal que analisou a associação do desempenho cognitivo na capacidade funcional de uma amostra populacional idosa residente em Natal-RN. Foram avaliados 213 idosos pelo Questionário Multidimensional BOAS e pelo Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). Através de análise multivariada, mediante regressão linear, os resultados apontam a idade e o nível de escolaridade como fatores associados ao desempenho cognitivo nos idosos do estudo. O modelo explicativo final elaborado através de regressão logística apresentou o desempenho cognitivo como a única variável associada à incapacidade funcional para as atividades da vida diária, mesmo quando ajustado por variáveis sócio-demográficas. A identificação dos fatores, associados ao declínio do estado funcional dos idosos que vivem na comunidade, poderá reduzir o impacto dessas condições na capacidade funcional através da aplicação de medidas preventivas voltadas para este fim
Prescription errors are the most serious type of medication errors found in the health system. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of clonazepam prescriptions. A descriptive and observational study with retrospective data collection was conducted at 30 community pharmacies in Natal/RN, Brazil, after informed consent was obtained from the pharmacists. A sample of 313 prescription notifications was randomly collected in October 2009. They were analyzed for legible handwriting and completeness. During the study, one researcher, two pharmacists, and one pharmacy undergraduate student evaluated patient and purchaser identification, pharmaceutical form, dosing regimen, administration route, and prescription by generic name. This research was approved by the institutional Ethics Committee. Among the 313 collected notifications, only 44.1% were legible. A total of 55.91% (175/313) had at least one illegible item, 100% contained incomplete information, and 97.12% (304/313) contained one or more abbreviations. The proportion of illegible handwriting related to the patient s identification (p=0.0001) was statistically significantly greater than that related to the drug purchaser s identification (p=0.0004). Contrary to legal requirements, prescriptions with the generic name accounted for 13.42% (42/313) of the total. All the examined notifications were handwritten. Prescription errors, which potentially can have serious consequences, have been evaluated worldwide, although little is known about this subject as it relates to community pharmacies. This study showed high percentages of prescribing problems, which justifies the development of future research about medication errors in community pharmacies and education activities for prescribers
This study want to know how Josué de Castro, the two terms of a congressman, participated in the Brazilian political-ideological debate of the 1950s. For this, search the 61 speeches in the plenary of the House of Representatives and its 14 projects, analyzing them as historical documents that describe an experience, which enables the central category amalgamated the subject and his time, which breaks up the possibilities of new social practices. Unity of action and reflection, the experience of Castro in the Brazilian parliament has got on the basis of a previous flow experiences in the political-institutional and scientific. Together with the personal history, the political intellectual scenario of his time was another variable considered in the first chapter of this work. In the second chapter did an analysis of 32 speeches and projects of the first term of Josué de Castro, grouping them by thematic affinities. The 43 for the second term were discussed in the third chapter, leaving the final considerations answer the research objectives: What are the main interlocutors? What are your political positions? What are the points of rupture and continuity in his political career? Josué de Castro spoke to the Brazilian state directly to the president, some ministers and to the SUDENE, the ONU appears indirectly through the reports of his participations. His political position was a national-developmentalist who embraced the cause of self-determination of the countries, anti-imperialism, agrarian reform and regional planning, strongly inspired by Celso Furtado and San Tiago Dantas. Castro often has blended a liberal and Marxist terminology, relying on different ideologies to do support his fight against hunger
Tuberculosis is an ancient disease that remains a serious problem of Public Health, requiring a pressing attention. Advances in the knowledge and technology available to control it has not been sufficient to significantly impact on morbidity and mortality, especially in developing countries. To enable patient compliance with TB treatment, preventing the abandonment of this to ensure the correct use of medicines has been suggested the DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment - Short course) or directly Observable Short Course Treatment. This study focuses on the incorporation of two technical components of the DOTS strategy at the Family Health, namely, active search for respiratoy symptoms and Supervisioned Treatment (ST). The West Sanitary District was considered best suited to be the focus of study because it is assumed that those sites that were better structured would provide better information about the situation of the strategy in the municipality. Its purpose is to analyze the organization of DOTS as the active search for respiratory symptoms and Directly Observed Therapy in Health Teams Family belonging to a Health District in the city of Natal, Brazil. An exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach which involved health professionals from 11 units of Family Health, West Sanitary District, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. We interviewed 62 professionals on the professional category, their involvement in the DOTS strategy, managers' contributions to the sustainability of the strategy, actions Search for symptomatic diagnosis and supervised treatment of TB cases and difficulties and facilities for the sustainability of the DOTS strategy. It is concluded that the actions taken by the professionals of the FHS West Health District are organized in more supervised treatment, a fact noted in their perceptions about DOTS
This dissertation has as aim the praxis of co-management of the health service of CAPS II OESTE of Natal-RN, where health workers, family members got to materialize guidelines and principles of psychiatric Brazilian reform in real possibilities of subjectivity construction, whereas they changed social relations in daily life. The path chosen to record was from testimonials and contributions of those who meant their done. Redeeming this story from social representations of the majority of their builders was an instigating, delicate and rewarding task, emphasizing the living memory, rebuilt in a line of time which could not be found in simple documentary collections. Mainly, by knowing that service routine was intense and had as characteristic the singular mobility itself from a creation process and therefore not always its dynamic allowed adequate records. At the same time, from this occurred the field and bibliographic research which allowed the detailed information from the prior milestones and motivated to the practice here reported. The rereading of concepts in an interface with the reports of the interviewees enabled the verification that the model of mental health advocated by psychiatric reform was understood. Once noticed the presence of the beliefs and values of people in motivating energy for the progress of reform, it has gone to fetch theoretical subsidies of administrative order to understand how they saw this building and that uniqueness has been printed. The theoretical way and praxis have tracked here has allowed to analyze how occurred such a process of production and subjectivity and collectives that when organize enabled themselves for analysis and intervention, including in crisis situations. Therefore, it was revealed that ethical and multi-disciplinarity, the humanitarian sense, the coresponsibility, co-production and horizontal management were the key factors for spread from a changing protagonist. One can thus conclude that co-management from that collective has been multi-disciplinary weaving a cross
One of the concerns of this century is with the handling and the final destination of urban solid waste (RSU), where depending on the form as they will be made use, they can cause diverse problems, they are of ambient or social order, being able to generate the loss of the quality of life and illnesses to the population, of direct or indirect form. The objective of the present work was to diagnosis the environmental partner situation of the Final Destination of the urban solid residues in the District of Guajiru, city of São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN, standing out the partner-economic situation of the scavengers. The research was carried through in the period of March of 2008 the October of 2009, with a methodology developed through analyzes them of documents made available for the state ambient agency, the Air base of Christmas and managing agencies of the city. For collection of the date, it was used directly application of the questionnaire with 20 existing scavengers in points of destination of residues, evaluation of the old place of final destination through the use of the spread sheet of the IQR (Index of Quality of the Residues), developed for the CETESB, identification of the matter dump and photographic register. For effect of treatment of the data, a descriptive analysis with regard to the answers of the interviewed scavengers was carried through. The acquired date, Scale had been according to tabulated and analyzed in Excel 2003, where they had been generated graphical to observe the behavior of the data. The results show that of the twenty interviewed scavengers, 35% possess age between 20 and 30 years; 75% possess incomplete basic education; 60% inhabit in houses of waal or huts (cardboard or wood); 55% do not make use of system of water supply and system of sanitary exhaustion; with regard to income monthly for scavengers, 35% had presented income between R$ 200,00 and R$300,00 and 20% possess income above of R$ 500,00 for possessing another source of income; 80% of the interviewed ones, use some type of equipment of individual protection; In the year of 2009, confirming what it was informed by the State agency of Environment, during the field visit, we evidence that the city of Is Gonçalo do Amarante, currently, destines its residues in Sanitary landfill of São Region Metropolitan of Natal in the District of Massaranduba in the city of Ceará-Mirim, after some interventions of the State Public prosecution service. However, in the district of Guajiru some diggings still exist that today are used as final destination of RCD' s (Residues of Construction and Demolition) of the cities of Natal and São Gonçalo do Amarante, as well as private dumps that are used by scavengers that deviate the final destination (Sanitary landfill) of the residues of the great generators (supermarkets, shopping Center and hotels), with presence of urubus, generating a new ambient problem for the city and the aeroportuária security. Ahead of this scene, the study it suggests viable alternatives for the elimination of the private dumps and for the social situation of the escavengers, aiming at to improve its quality of life and 10 to minimize the ambient impacts caused by the inadequate destination of the solid waste in the community of Guajiru, São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN, being able to contribute so that the public managers carry through action in the handling and the control of the final destination of the urban solid waste