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Abstract Background To identify the most appropriate cut-off points of fasting glycemia for the screening of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) with the comparison of the properties of capillary glycemia (CG) and venous blood plasma glycemia (PG) in a population of Japanese origin from the community of Mombuca, Guatapará - SP, Brazil. Methods This was a population-based descriptive cross-sectional study conducted on a sample of 131 individuals of both genders aged 20 years or more (66.8% of the target population). CG was measured with a glucometer in a blood sample obtained from the fingertip and PG was determined by an enzymatic method (hexokinase) in venous blood plasma, after a 10-14 hour fast in both cases. Data were analyzed by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve in order to identify the best cut-off point for fasting glycemia (CG and PG) for the diagnosis of DM, using the 2-hour plasma glycemia > 200 mg/dl as gold - standard. Results The ROC curve revealed that the best cut-off point for the screening of DM was 110 mg/dl for CG and 105 mg/dl for PG, values that would optimize the relation between individuals with positive and false-positive results. The area under the ROC curve was 0.814 for CG (p < 0.01) and 0.836 for PG (p < 0.01). Conclusions The cut-off points of 105 mg/dl(5.8 mmol/l) for PG and of 110 mg/dl(6.1 mmol/l) for CG appear to be the most appropriate for the screening of DM2 in the population under study, with emphasis on the fact that the value recommended for CG is 5 mg/dl higher than that for PG, in contrast to WHO recommendations.


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Background To determine the characteristics of clinical care offered to type 1 diabetic patients across the four distinct regions of Brazil, with geographic and contrasting socioeconomic differences. Glycemic control, prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, screening for chronic complications and the frequency that the recommended treatment goals were met using the American Diabetes Association guidelines were evaluated. Methods This was a cross-sectional, multicenter study conducted from December 2008 to December 2010 in 28 secondary and tertiary care public clinics in 20 Brazilian cities in north/northeast, mid-west, southeast and south regions. The data were obtained from 3,591 patients (56.0% females and 57.1% Caucasians) aged 21.2 ± 11.7 years with a disease duration of 9.6 ± 8.1 years (<1 to 50 years). Results Overall, 18.4% patients had HbA1c levels <7.0%, and 47.5% patients had HbA1c levels ≥ 9%. HbA1c levels were associated with lower economic status, female gender, age and the daily frequency of self-blood glucose monitoring (SBGM) but not with insulin regimen and geographic region. Hypertension was more frequent in the mid-west (32%) and north/northeast (25%) than in the southeast (19%) and south (17%) regions (p<0.001). More patients from the southeast region achieved LDL cholesterol goals and were treated with statins (p<0.001). Fewer patients from the north/northeast and mid-west regions were screened for retinopathy and nephropathy, compared with patients from the south and southeast. Patients from the south/southeast regions had more intensive insulin regimens than patients from the north/northeast and mid-west regions (p<0.001). The most common insulin therapy combination was intermediate-acting with regular human insulin, mainly in the north/northeast region (p<0.001). The combination of insulin glargine with lispro and glulisine was more frequently used in the mid-west region (p<0.001). Patients from the north/northeast region were younger, non-Caucasian, from lower economic status, used less continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, performed less SBGM and were less overweight/obese (p<0.001). Conclusions A majority of patients, mainly in the north/northeast and mid-west regions, did not meet metabolic control goals and were not screened for diabetes-related chronic complications. These results should guide governmental health policy decisions, specific to each geographic region, to improve diabetes care and decrease the negative impact diabetes has on the public health system.


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Four goyazensolide-type sesquiterpene lactones - lychnofolide, centratherin, goyazensolide and goyazensolide acetate - were thoroughly studied by NMR experimental techniques. ¹H NMR, 13C NMR {¹H}, COSY, HMQC, HMBC, J-res. and NOE experiments were performed to provide the needed structural information. Complete and unequivocal assignment, including the determination of all multiplicities, was obtained for each structure and the data collections are presented in tables.


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Industrial recurrent event data where an event of interest can be observed more than once in a single sample unit are presented in several areas, such as engineering, manufacturing and industrial reliability. Such type of data provide information about the number of events, time to their occurrence and also their costs. Nelson (1995) presents a methodology to obtain asymptotic confidence intervals for the cost and the number of cumulative recurrent events. Although this is a standard procedure, it can not perform well in some situations, in particular when the sample size available is small. In this context, computer-intensive methods such as bootstrap can be used to construct confidence intervals. In this paper, we propose a technique based on the bootstrap method to have interval estimates for the cost and the number of cumulative events. One of the advantages of the proposed methodology is the possibility for its application in several areas and its easy computational implementation. In addition, it can be a better alternative than asymptotic-based methods to calculate confidence intervals, according to some Monte Carlo simulations. An example from the engineering area illustrates the methodology.


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Friends' support is a key element in the management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. This study describes the influence of friends on the lives of children with Diabetes Mellitus and its implications for managing the disease. Empirical data were collected through semi-structured interviews, supported with the use of puppets, with 19 children aged between seven and 12 years old. The qualitative analysis of the testimonies allowed understanding the phenomenon from two perspectives: the attitude of friends towards the child, positively or negatively affecting the disease's management, and the attitude of the child toward friends. The knowledge of those involved and the interaction between the children with DM1 and their friends impacts the management of the disease. Understanding the implications of these interactions contributes to the delivery of qualified nursing care to this population.


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Primary hyperparathyroidism associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1) differs in many aspects from sporadic hyperparathyroidism, which is the most frequently occurring form of hyperparathyroidism. Bone mineral density has frequently been studied in sporadic hyperparathyroidism but it has very rarely been examined in cases of hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Cortical bone mineral density in hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 cases has only recently been examined, and early, severe and frequent bone mineral losses have been documented at this site. Early bone mineral losses are highly prevalent in the trabecular bone of patients with hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. In summary, bone mineral disease in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1related hyperparathyroidism is an early, frequent and severe disturbance, occurring in both the cortical and trabecular bones. In addition, renal complications secondary to sporadic hyperparathyroidism are often studied, but very little work has been done on this issue in hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. It has been recently verified that early, frequent, and severe renal lesions occur in patients with hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, which may lead to increased morbidity and mortality. In this article we review the few available studies on bone mineral and renal disturbances in the setting of hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. We performed a meta-analysis of the available data on bone mineral and renal disease in cases of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1-related hyperparathyroidism.


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We briefly review the surgical approaches to medullary thyroid carcinoma associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (medullary thyroid carcinoma/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2). The recommended surgical approaches are usually based on the age of the affected carrier/patient, tumor staging and the specific rearranged during transfection codon mutation. We have focused mainly on young children with no apparent disease who are carrying a germline rearranged during transfection mutation. Successful management of medullary thyroid carcinoma in these cases depends on early diagnosis and treatment. Total thyroidectomy should be performed before 6 months of age in infants carrying the rearranged during transfection 918 codon mutation, by the age of 3 years in rearranged during transfection 634 mutation carriers, at 5 years of age in carriers with level 3 risk rearranged during transfection mutations, and by the age of 10 years in level 4 risk rearranged during transfection mutations. Patients with thyroid tumor >5 mm detected by ultrasound, and basal calcitonin levels >40 pg/ml, frequently have cervical and upper mediastinal lymph node metastasis. In the latter patients, total thyroidectomy should be complemented by extensive lymph node dissection. Also, we briefly review our data from a large familial medullary thyroid carcinoma genealogy harboring a germline rearranged during transfection Cys620Arg mutation. All 14 screened carriers of the rearranged during transfection Cys620Arg mutation who underwent total thyroidectomy before the age of 12 years presented persistently undetectable serum levels of calcitonin (<2 pg/ml) during the follow-up period of 2-6 years. Although it is recommended that preventive total thyroidectomy in rearranged during transfection codon 620 mutation carriers is performed before the age of 5 years, in this particular family the surgical intervention performed before the age of 12 years led to an apparent biochemical cure.


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Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) arise from ancient infections of the host germline cells by exogenous retroviruses, constituting 8% of the human genome. Elevated level of envelope transcripts from HERVs-W has been detected in CSF, plasma and brain tissues from patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), most of them from Xq22.3, 15q21.3, and 6q21 chromosomes. However, since the locus Xq22.3 (ERVWE2) lack the 5' LTR promoter and the putative protein should be truncated due to a stop codon, we investigated the ERVWE2 genomic loci from 84 individuals, including MS patients with active HERV-W expression detected in PBMC. In addition, an automated search for promoter sequences in 20 kb nearby region of ERVWE2 reference sequence was performed. Several putative binding sites for cellular cofactors and enhancers were found, suggesting that transcription may occur via alternative promoters. However, ERVWE2 DNA sequencing of MS and healthy individuals revealed that all of them harbor a stop codon at site 39, undermining the expression of a full-length protein. Finally, since plaque formation in central nervous system (CNS) of MS patients is attributed to immunological mechanisms triggered by autoimmune attack against myelin, we also investigated the level of similarity between envelope protein and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). Comparison of the MOG to the envelope identified five retroviral regions similar to the Ig-like domain of MOG. Interestingly, one of them includes T and B cell epitopes, capable to induce T effector functions and circulating Abs in rats. In sum, although no DNA substitutions that would link ERVWE2 to the MS pathogeny was found, the similarity between the envelope protein to MOG extends the idea that ERVEW2 may be involved on the immunopathogenesis of MS, maybe facilitating the MOG recognizing by the immune system. Although awaiting experimental evidences, the data presented here may expand the scope of the endogenous retroviruses involvement on MS pathogenesis


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Abstract Background Regardless the regulatory function of microRNAs (miRNA), their differential expression pattern has been used to define miRNA signatures and to disclose disease biomarkers. To address the question of whether patients presenting the different types of diabetes mellitus could be distinguished on the basis of their miRNA and mRNA expression profiling, we obtained peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) RNAs from 7 type 1 (T1D), 7 type 2 (T2D), and 6 gestational diabetes (GDM) patients, which were hybridized to Agilent miRNA and mRNA microarrays. Data quantification and quality control were obtained using the Feature Extraction software, and data distribution was normalized using quantile function implemented in the Aroma light package. Differentially expressed miRNAs/mRNAs were identified using Rank products, comparing T1DxGDM, T2DxGDM and T1DxT2D. Hierarchical clustering was performed using the average linkage criterion with Pearson uncentered distance as metrics. Results The use of the same microarrays platform permitted the identification of sets of shared or specific miRNAs/mRNA interaction for each type of diabetes. Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-126, hsa-miR-1307, hsa-miR-142-3p, hsa-miR-142-5p, hsa-miR-144, hsa-miR-199a-5p, hsa-miR-27a, hsa-miR-29b, and hsa-miR-342-3p) were shared among T1D, T2D and GDM, and additional specific miRNAs were identified for T1D (20 miRNAs), T2D (14) and GDM (19) patients. ROC curves allowed the identification of specific and relevant (greater AUC values) miRNAs for each type of diabetes, including: i) hsa-miR-1274a, hsa-miR-1274b and hsa-let-7f for T1D; ii) hsa-miR-222, hsa-miR-30e and hsa-miR-140-3p for T2D, and iii) hsa-miR-181a and hsa-miR-1268 for GDM. Many of these miRNAs targeted mRNAs associated with diabetes pathogenesis. Conclusions These results indicate that PBMC can be used as reporter cells to characterize the miRNA expression profiling disclosed by the different diabetes mellitus manifestations. Shared miRNAs may characterize diabetes as a metabolic and inflammatory disorder, whereas specific miRNAs may represent biological markers for each type of diabetes, deserving further attention.


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Hyperthyroidism promotes cardiac hypertrophy and the Angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R) has been demonstrated to mediate part of this response. Recent studies have uncovered a potentially important role for the microRNAs (miRNAs) in the control of diverse aspects of cardiac function. Then, the objective of the present study was to investigate the action promoted by hyperthyroidism on β-MHC/miR-208b expression and on α-MHC/miR-208a expression, as well as the possible contribution of the AT1R in this event. The findings of this study confirmed that AT1R is a key mediator of the cardiac hypertrophy induced by hyperthyroidism. Additionally, we demonstrated that like β-MHC, miR-208b was down-regulated in the hyperthyroid group. Similarly, like the expression of its host gene, α-MHC, miR-208a expression was up-regulated in response to hyperthyroidism. Finally, our data suggest for the first time that AT1R mediates the hyperthyroidism-induced increase on cardiac miRNA-208a/α-MHC levels, while does not influence on the reduction of miRNA-208b/β-MHC levels.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare impulsivity among patients with bipolar disorder, their siblings, and healthy controls in order to examine whether impulsivity in bipolar disorder is related to genetic liability for the illness. METHODS: Using the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, we assessed 204 subjects: 67 euthymic outpatients with bipolar disorder type I, 67 siblings without bipolar disorder, and 70 healthy controls. RESULTS: Impulsivity scores were higher among patients with bipolar disorder than among healthy controls. Siblings showed higher motor impulsivity scores than did healthy controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that motor impulsivity may be a vulnerability marker for bipolar disorder. Our data may contribute to further improve preventive strategies in subjects at high risk for bipolar disorder.


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BACKGROUND: DENV-1 is one of the four viral serotypes that causes Dengue, the most common mosquito-borne viral disease of humans. The prevalence of these viruses has grown in recent decades and is now present in more than 100 countries. Limited studies document the spread of DENV-1 over the world despite its importance for human health. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used representative DENV-1 envelope gene sequences to unravel the dynamics of viral diffusion under a Bayesian phylogeographic approach. Data included strains from 45 distinct geographic locations isolated from 1944 to 2009. The estimated mean rate of nucleotide substitution was 6.56 × 10⁻⁴ substitutions/site/year. The larger genotypes (I, IV and V) had a distinctive phylogenetic structure and since 1990 they experienced effective population size oscillations. Thailand and Indonesia represented the main sources of strains for neighboring countries. Besides, Asia broadcast lineages into the Americas and the Pacific region that diverged in isolation. Also, a transmission network analysis revealed the pivotal role of Indochina in the global diffusion of DENV-1 and of the Caribbean in the diffusion over the Americas. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The study summarizes the spatiotemporal DENV-1 worldwide spread that may help disease control.


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The intermetallic compounds ScPdZn and ScPtZn were prepared from the elements by high-frequency melting in sealed tantalum ampoules. Both structures were refined from single crystal X-ray diffractometer data: YAlGe type, Cmcm, a = 429.53(8), b = 907.7(1), c = 527.86(1) pm, wR2 = 0.0375, 231 F2 values, for ScPdZn and a = 425.3(1), b = 918.4(2), c = 523.3(1) pm, wR2 = 0.0399, 213 F2 values for ScPtZn with 14 variables per refinement. The structures are orthorhombically distorted variants of the AlB2 type. The scandium and palladium (platinum atoms) build up ordered networks Sc3Pd3 and Sc3Pt3 (boron networks) which are slightly shifted with respect to each other. These networks are penetrated by chains of zinc atoms (262 pm in ScPtZn) which correspond to the aluminum positions, i.e. Zn(ScPd) and Zn(ScPt). The corresponding group-subgroup scheme and the differences in chemical bonding with respect to other AlB2-derived REPdZn and REPtZn compounds are discussed. 45Sc solid state NMR spectra confirm the single crystallographic scandium sites. From electronic band structure calculations the two compounds are found metallic with free electron like behavior at the Fermi level. A larger cohesive energy for ScPtZn suggests a more strongly bonded intermetallic than ScPdZn. Electron localization and overlap population analyses identify the largest bonding for scandium with the transition metal (Pd, Pt).


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The use of type Ia supernovae as distance estimators has shown that about 75% of the energy content of the universe has a negative equation of state parameter and thus, drives the acceleration of the universe. Constraining the exact nature of this energy is one of the main goals in cosmology. As the statistics of observed high-redshift supernovae increases, systematic effects become the limiting factor to pursue such investigations, thus deeper understanding of the physical properties of SNe is of great importance. In this thesis we investigate spectral homogeneity and diversity of local and high redshift supernovae. Special emphasis has been given to the analysis of optical spectra of local peculiar supernovae 1999aa and 1999ac. The study of the spectra of SN 1999aa pointed out that this SN could be a link between the extreme peculiar SN 1991T and normal SNe. Moreover, the identification of a high velocity component of Ca II and possibly of a low velocity component of C III suggests some degree of asphericity in the ejecta of this supernova. Evidence for a deflagration of a C+O white dwarf was found in the early spectra of SN 1999ac. The spectral proprieties of a vast sample of local SNe are also studied by means of newly introduced spectral indicators. These were used to possibly improve the intrinsic spread of SN peak magnitudes to 0.15 mag, independently of light curve parameters. The first quantitative comparison between local and high redshift supernova is carried out. No evidence for extreme peculiar sub-luminous SNe was found in our data set including 13 SNe with redshift range z=0.279-0.912. Furthermore, SN2002fd (z=0.279) was found to show spectral characteristics similar to SN 1991T/SN 1999aa-like supernovae. We also present a feasibility study of the Hubble diagram in rest frame I-band up to z~0.5, and show the possibility to probe the presence of intergalactic dust, which could possibly mimic the effect of dark energy in the Hubble diagram.


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Type Ia supernovae have been successfully used as standardized candles to study the expansion history of the Universe. In the past few years, these studies led to the exciting result of an accelerated expansion caused by the repelling action of some sort of dark energy. This result has been confirmed by measurements of cosmic microwave background radiation, the large-scale structure, and the dynamics of galaxy clusters. The combination of all these experiments points to a “concordance model” of the Universe with flat large-scale geometry and a dominant component of dark energy. However, there are several points related to supernova measurements which need careful analysis in order to doubtlessly establish the validity of the concordance model. As the amount and quality of data increases, the need of controlling possible systematic effects which may bias the results becomes crucial. Also important is the improvement of our knowledge of the physics of supernovae events to assure and possibly refine their calibration as standardized candle. This thesis addresses some of those issues through the quantitative analysis of supernova spectra. The stress is put on a careful treatment of the data and on the definition of spectral measurement methods. The comparison of measurements for a large set of spectra from nearby supernovae is used to study the homogeneity and to search for spectral parameters which may further refine the calibration of the standardized candle. One such parameter is found to reduce the dispersion in the distance estimation of a sample of supernovae to below 6%, a precision which is comparable with the current lightcurve-based calibration, and is obtained in an independent manner. Finally, the comparison of spectral measurements from nearby and distant objects is used to test the possibility of evolution with cosmic time of the intrinsic brightness of type Ia supernovae.