844 resultados para Data mining and knowledge discovery
The use of quantitative methods has become increasingly important in the study of neuropathology and especially in neurodegenerative disease. Disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) and the frontotemporal dementias (FTD) are characterized by the formation of discrete, microscopic, pathological lesions which play an important role in pathological diagnosis. This chapter reviews the advantages and limitations of the different methods of quantifying pathological lesions in histological sections including estimates of density, frequency, coverage, and the use of semi-quantitative scores. The sampling strategies by which these quantitative measures can be obtained from histological sections, including plot or quadrat sampling, transect sampling, and point-quarter sampling, are described. In addition, data analysis methods commonly used to analysis quantitative data in neuropathology, including analysis of variance (ANOVA), polynomial curve fitting, multiple regression, classification trees, and principal components analysis (PCA), are discussed. These methods are illustrated with reference to quantitative studies of a variety of neurodegenerative disorders.
Multi-agent systems are complex systems comprised of multiple intelligent agents that act either independently or in cooperation with one another. Agent-based modelling is a method for studying complex systems like economies, societies, ecologies etc. Due to their complexity, very often mathematical analysis is limited in its ability to analyse such systems. In this case, agent-based modelling offers a practical, constructive method of analysis. The objective of this book is to shed light on some emergent properties of multi-agent systems. The authors focus their investigation on the effect of knowledge exchange on the convergence of complex, multi-agent systems.
There is an increasing pressure on university staff to provide ever more information and resources to students. This study investigated student opinions on (audio) podcasts and (video) vodcasts and how well they met requirements and aided learning processes. Two experiments within the Aston University looked at student opinion on, and usage of, podcasts and vodcasts for a selection of their psychology lectures. Recordings were produced first using a hand-held camcorder, and then using the in-house media department. WebCT was used to distribute the podcasts and vodcasts, attitude questionnaires were then circulated at two time points. Overall students indicated that podcasts and vodcasts were a beneficial addition resource for learning, particularly when used in conjunction with lecturers’ slides and as a tool for revision/assessment. The online material translated into students having increased understanding of the material, which supplemented and enhanced their learning without being a substitute for traditional lectures. There is scope for the provision of portable media files to become standard practice within higher education; integrating distance and online learning with traditional approaches to improve teaching and learning.
The article reveals a new technological approach to the creation of adaptive systems of distance learning and knowledge control. The use of the given technology helps to automate the learning process with the help of adaptive system. Developed with the help of the quantum approach of knowledge setting, a programming module-controller guarantees the support of students’ attention and the adaptation of the object language, and this helps to provide the effective interaction between learners and the learning system and to reach good results in the intensification of learning process.
According to the rapidly changing environment small and medium enterprises constantly need to adapt their strategies and activities. The transition from the industrial economy to knowledge-based economy results in the increasing of the volume of the available information. Therefore knowledge markets are needed and innovation centers have to be developed. An effective knowledge management system helps small and medium enterprises to overcome their disadvantages and compete with big corporations. The review of current developments in the field of knowledge markets is also made.
The present paper is devoted to creation of cryptographic data security and realization of the packet mode in the distributed information measurement and control system that implements methods of optical spectroscopy for plasma physics research and atomic collisions. This system gives a remote access to information and instrument resources within the Intranet/Internet networks. The system provides remote access to information and hardware resources for the natural sciences within the Intranet/Internet networks. The access to physical equipment is realized through the standard interface servers (PXI, CАМАC, and GPIB), the server providing access to Ethernet devices, and the communication server, which integrates the equipment servers into a uniform information system. The system is used to make research task in optical spectroscopy, as well as to support the process of education at the Department of Physics and Engineering of Petrozavodsk State University.
We demonstrate simultaneous demultiplexing, data regeneration and clock recovery at 10Gbits/s, using a single semiconductor optical amplifier–based nonlinear-optical loop mirror in a phase-locked loop configuration.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): K.3.1, K.3.2.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015
Software product line modeling aims at capturing a set of software products in an economic yet meaningful way. We introduce a class of variability models that capture the sharing between the software artifacts forming the products of a software product line (SPL) in a hierarchical fashion, in terms of commonalities and orthogonalities. Such models are useful when analyzing and verifying all products of an SPL, since they provide a scheme for divide-and-conquer-style decomposition of the analysis or verification problem at hand. We define an abstract class of SPLs for which variability models can be constructed that are optimal w.r.t. the chosen representation of sharing. We show how the constructed models can be fed into a previously developed algorithmic technique for compositional verification of control-flow temporal safety properties, so that the properties to be verified are iteratively decomposed into simpler ones over orthogonal parts of the SPL, and are not re-verified over the shared parts. We provide tool support for our technique, and evaluate our tool on a small but realistic SPL of cash desks.
The world is in a period of reflection about social and economic models. In particular there is a review of the capacities that countries have for improving their competitiveness. The experiences in a society are part of the process of learning and knowledge development in that society: especially in the development of communities. Risks appear continually in the process of the search for, analysis and implementation of solutions to problems. This paper discusses the issues related to the improvement of productivity and knowledge in a society, the risk that poor or even declining productivity brings to the communities and the need to develop people that support the decision making process in communities.The approach to improve the communities' development is through the design of a research programme in knowledge management based on distance learning. The research programme implementation is designed to provide value added to the decisions in communities in order to use collective intelligence, solve collective problems and to achieve goals that support local solutions. This program is organized and focused on four intelligence areas, artificial, collective, sentient and strategic. These areas are productivity related and seek to reduce the risk of lack of competitiveness through formal and integrated problem analysis. In a country such as Colombia, where different regions face varying problems to solve and there is a low level of infrastructure, the factors of production such as knowledge, skilled labour and "soft" infrastructure can be a way to develop the society.This entails using the local physical resources adequately for creating value with the support of people in the region to lead the analysis and search for solutions in the communities. The paper will describe the framework and programme and suggest how it could be applied in Colombia.
External partnerships play an important role in firms’ acquisition of the knowledge inputs to innovation. Such partnerships may be interactive – involving exploration and mutual learning by both parties – or non-interactive – involving exploitative activity and learning by only one party. Examples of non-interactive partnerships are copying or imitation. Here, we consider how firms’ innovation objectives influence their choice of interactive and/or non-interactive connections. We conduct a comparative analysis for the economies of Spain and the UK, which have contrasting innovation eco-systems and regulation burdens.
A tudásmenedzsment-rendszerek működtetése lassan elfogadottá, és a nagyobb vállalatok életében a mindennapok részévé vált az elmúlt években. A rendszer hordozta előnyök, lehetőségek teljes körű kiaknázása azonban közel sem mutat ilyen reményteli képet. Különösen igaz ez, ha a vállalati működés kulcsfolyamataival való kapcsolatát, egymásba épülését vizsgáljuk. E folyamatok közé tartozik az innováció is. Bár minden szakmabeli és laikus gondolkodás egyértelműen látja, hogy az innovációhoz tudás kell, és a tudásmenedzsment-rendszernek is a tudás az alapja, mégsem valósul meg e két terület szoros kapcsolata, együtt mozgása a siker érdekében. Különösen igaz ez a hiányosság a legújabb innovációs megoldásokban. A tanulmány a tudásmenedzsment-rendszer és a frugal innováció kapcsolatát, elvi és gyakorlati lehetőségeit mutatja be. ____ To operate a knowledge management system has become an accepted method and a part of everyday life in the biggest companies. The full circle exploitation of advantages and possibilities of this system does not show a hopeful picture. It is especially true when we examine relationships and constructions with other key processes in the operation of a company. Innovation belongs to above mentioned processes. Though every outsider and professional way of thinking sees clearly that knowledge is needed to innovate and knowledge is a basis of knowledge management, but the close connection of the two important processes has not been realized on behalf of success. Defectiveness is especially true in cases of the newest innovation methods. The paper shows the connection of frugal innovation and knowledge management, its theoretical and practical possibilities
Because some Web users will be able to design a template to visualize information from scratch, while other users need to automatically visualize information by changing some parameters, providing different levels of customization of the information is a desirable goal. Our system allows the automatic generation of visualizations given the semantics of the data, and the static or pre-specified visualization by creating an interface language. We address information visualization taking into consideration the Web, where the presentation of the retrieved information is a challenge. ^ We provide a model to narrow the gap between the user's way of expressing queries and database manipulation languages (SQL) without changing the system itself thus improving the query specification process. We develop a Web interface model that is integrated with the HTML language to create a powerful language that facilitates the construction of Web-based database reports. ^ As opposed to other papers, this model offers a new way of exploring databases focusing on providing Web connectivity to databases with minimal or no result buffering, formatting, or extra programming. We describe how to easily connect the database to the Web. In addition, we offer an enhanced way on viewing and exploring the contents of a database, allowing users to customize their views depending on the contents and the structure of the data. Current database front-ends typically attempt to display the database objects in a flat view making it difficult for users to grasp the contents and the structure of their result. Our model narrows the gap between databases and the Web. ^ The overall objective of this research is to construct a model that accesses different databases easily across the net and generates SQL, forms, and reports across all platforms without requiring the developer to code a complex application. This increases the speed of development. In addition, using only the Web browsers, the end-user can retrieve data from databases remotely to make necessary modifications and manipulations of data using the Web formatted forms and reports, independent of the platform, without having to open different applications, or learn to use anything but their Web browser. We introduce a strategic method to generate and construct SQL queries, enabling inexperienced users that are not well exposed to the SQL world to build syntactically and semantically a valid SQL query and to understand the retrieved data. The generated SQL query will be validated against the database schema to ensure harmless and efficient SQL execution. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^