997 resultados para Daniel, von Soest
Cod captured by commercial fi shery in the Bornholm Basin in quarter 2 of 2001 were not suitable for the mechanical processing due to low condition and weight. The absolute mean weight of cod captured by the commercial fishery in the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin in the same quarter during the last fi ve years was studied to describe its development. The results of a GLM (Generalized Linear Model) analysis showed similar development of body weight in the Bornholm Basin and in the Arkona Sea between 2007 and 2011. The mean weight of cod in the Bornholm Basin increased from 2007 to 2008 in both areas followed by a relative stable weight until 2009 and a decrease until 2011. In the Arkona Sea the mean weight of cod 2009 has decreased in comparison to 2008, then have increased 2010 slightly and last have decreased in 2011. The analyses showed that the weight of cod is signifi cantly infl uenced by length, age and maturity of individuals.
The von Bertalanffy growth function is used for length based analysis of growth and mortality patterns for management of fisheries. However, certain fish have growth patterns that the VBGF may not be able to describe adequately.e.g. the Acanthurus lineatus in Samoa. In such cases a two phase VBGF may be a useful approach.
A simple modification of Pauly's model for relating food conversion efficiency (K sub(1)) and body weight is proposed. The key parameter is an index to how efficiently food can be absorbed; the other parameter is related to the surface-limiting growth, an important component of von Bertalanff's and Pauly's theories of fish growth.
The simple model relating food conversion efficiency (K sub(1)) to body weight derived from the theoretical concepts behind von Bertalanffy's growth model, is extended here in the context of Pauly's generalization of that model. The exponent, which was fixed to 1/3 in the simple model, is in the extended model equivalent to 1-d, with d being the weight exponent of the anabolism term in Pauly's growth model. This makes the model applicable to fish for which the assumptions of the original (special) version of von Bertalanffy's growth model are violated.
Diante da recorrência da criação de personagens-escritores nas obras brasileiras de ficção publicadas a partir dos anos 1990, foi escolhida a produção de Daniel Galera como estudo de caso. O personagem-escritor foi observado como estratégia para discutir questões relativas à cena literária contemporânea. Foi delimitado como corpus dessa pesquisa o blog criado durante a estada de Daniel Galera em Buenos Aires, ao participar do projeto Amores Expressos, e o romance Cordilheira (2008), escrito como fruto dessa experiência. Tendo em vista a trajetória de sua carreira em constante relação com a internet, foi analisada a construção do escritor-personagem no blog hospedado no site do projeto, em contraponto à figura do personagem-escritor no romance. Para tanto, foram utilizados textos sobre a autoficção, a performance e a autoria. Na comparação dos textos de ambos os suportes, foram evidenciadas semelhanças e diferenças nas problematizações a respeito da formação do autor. Foi investigada a inserção de trechos do blog no romance como estratégia que oferece complexidade nos espelhamentos das imagens e enriquece os efeitos de leitura do romance
Many species of reef f ish agg regate seasonally in large numbers to spawn at predictable times and sites (Johannes, 1978; Sadovy, 1996; Domeier and Colin, 1997). Although spawning behavior has been observed for many reef fish in the wild (Wicklund, 1969; Smith, 1972; Johannes, 1978; Sadovy et al., 1994; Aguilar Perera and Aguilar Davila, 1996), few records exist of observations on the courtship or natural spawning for the commercially important family Carangidae (jacks) (von Westernhagen, 1974; Johannes, 1981; Sala et al., 2003). In this study, we present the first observations on the natural spawning behavior of the economically-valuable permit (Trachinotus falcatus)(Linnaeus, 1758) from the full to new moon period at reef promontories in Belize, with notes on the spawning of the yellow jack (Carangoides bartholomaei) (Cuvier, 1833), and the courtship of five other carangid species.
Two examples of indirect validation are described for age-reading methods of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus). Aging criteria that exclude faint translucent zones (checks) in counts of annuli and criteria that include faint zones were both tested. Otoliths from marked and recaptured fish were used to back-calculate the length of each fish at the time of its release by using measurements of the area of annuli. Estimated fish size at time of release and actual observed fish size were similar, supporting the assumption that translucent zones are laid down on an annual basis. A second method for validating reading criteria used otolith age and von Bertalanffy parameters, estimated from the tagging data, to predict how much each fish grew in length after tagging. We found that otolith aging criteria applied to otoliths from tagged and recovered Pacific cod predicted quite accurately the growth increments that we observed in these specimens. These results provide further evidence that the current aging criteria are not underestimating the age of the fish and support our current interpretation of checks (i.e., as subannual marks). We expect these indirect validations to advance age determination for Pacific cod, which in turn would enhance development of stock assessment methods based on age structure for this species in the eastern Bering Sea.
Kurzfassung Im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit wurde untersucht, ob die Larven des frühjahrslaichenden Herings der westlichen Ostsee im Greifswalder Bodden eine inhomogene vertikale Verteilung aufweisen, da in bisherigen Studien aufgrund der niedrigen Gewässertiefe des Boddens von hydrografischer Durchmischung und somit homogener Ichthyoplanktonverteilung ausgegangen wurde. Dazu wurden zwei Nullhypothesen überprüft, eine, die annimmt, dass Heringslarven allgemein im Greifswalder Bodden homogen verteilt sind, eine zweite, nach der auch verschiedenen Längenklassen der Heringe homogen verteilt sind. Die Proben, die Mitte April an drei verschiedenen Stationen im Greifswalder Bodden genommen wurden, zeigten signifikante Unterschiede der Larvenabundanzen allgemein zwischen den beprobten Tiefenstufen als auch der Längenklassen zwischen den Tiefenstufen, sodass beide Nullhypothesen abzulehnen sind. Eine homogene Verteilung der Heringslarven kann ausgeschlossen werden. Abstract Larvae of the Western Baltic Spring Spawning Herring were sampled in the Greifswalder Bodden in the course of a Bachelor Thesis to investigate whether they are inhomogeneously vertically distributed. Previous research assumed homogeneous vertical distribution because of the shallowness of the Greifswalder Bodden due to hydrographical mixing of the water and the ichthyoplankton. Two null hypotheses were tested, one which presumes even vertical distribution of the herring larvae and another which presumes even vertical distribution within different length classes in the Greifswalder Bodden. Sampling took place at three different stations in the Greifswalder Bodden during April and results showed significant differences of the larvae abundances between the sampled depths and also significant differences of the length classes between the sampled depths. Therefore both null hypotheses can be rejected and a homogeneous vertical distribution of the herring larvae in the Greifswalder Bodden can be excluded.