878 resultados para DUODENAL-ULCER


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Introduction. On June 2005, after a five year investigation, the Commission imposed a 60 millions euros fine on AstraZeneca (hereinafter AZ) for having abused its dominant position in several Member States in the market for proton-pump inhibitors (PPI)2. It was alleged that AZ misused the patent system and procedures for marketing pharmaceuticals to block or delay the entry of generic competitors and parallel traders to its ulcer drug Losec3. This decision is a seminal one. The political and legal importance of the CFI judgment that will review the case (and the ECJ appeal that is likely to follow) cannot be understated. On the one hand the incentive to innovate and to undertake R&D is at stake, on the other, the uncertain boundaries between competition and intellectual property law should once again be explored. In contrast to the US, where many cases concerning the abuse of regulatory and governmental procedures have already been dealt with competition authorities and courts, it is the first time in Europe that such conduct is subject to scrutiny through an anti-trust lens. Moreover, following the appeal brought by AZ against the Commission decision, the CFI will be confronted for the first time with an abuse of a dominant position in the pharmaceutical sector, which explains why this judgment is eagerly anticipated4.


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A homeostase do ferro requer um rigoroso processo de regulação, uma vez que este é um elemento essencial para alguns dos mecanismos celulares básicos mas, quando se encontra em excesso, origina profundos danos celulares e falha de órgãos. Dado que o organismo humano não possui um mecanismo ativo de excreção de ferro, é essencial que a sua homeostase seja estabelecida através de uma estreita comunicação entre os locais de absorção, utilização e armazenamento. Esta interligação é conseguida, essencialmente, através da ação de uma hormona circulante, a hepcidina. A hepcidina é sintetizada ao nível dos hepatócitos do fígado, sendo a sua expressão aumentada pelos níveis de ferro e inflamação e suprimida pela eritropoiese e hipoxia. A hepcidina regula negativamente a absorção duodenal do ferro proveniente da alimentação, a libertação pelos macrófagos do ferro resultante da fagocitose dos glóbulos vermelhos senescentes, assim como a libertação do ferro armazenado nos hepatócitos. A hemocromatose hereditátria (HH) do tipo 1 é uma doença de transmissão autossómica recessiva associada a mutações no gene HFE (p.Cys282Tyr e p.His63Asp). É a patologia humana mais comum de sobrecarga primária em ferro, apresenta penetrância incompleta, e é um dos distúrbios genéticos mais frequentes em caucasianos de ascendência Norte-Europeia. Na hemocromatose, apesar de haver um excesso de ferro no organismo, este facto não é refletido no nível de expressão da hormona hepcidina (cujos níveis deveriam aumentar). Pelo contrário, o nível de expressão da hepcidina encontra-se diminuído o que perpetua a constante absorção do ferro a nível duodenal. Os sintomas associados à doença iniciam-se geralmente na meia-idade e começam por consistir em sintomas gerais de fadiga e dores articulares. No entanto, a progressiva acumulação do ferro em vários órgãos (tais como fígado, coração e pâncreas) provoca aí graves danos, tais como cirrose, carcinoma hepatocelular, cardiomiopatias e diabetes. Para além da HH do tipo 1, podem ocorrer outros tipos de hemocromatose por mutações noutros genes relacionados com o metabolismo do ferro (tais como TFR2, HJV, HAMP, SLC40A1, etc). Mutações em genes como HAMP e HJV associam-se a hemocromatoses mais graves, de início ainda na juventude (hemocromatose juvenil). A implementação no nosso laboratório da nova metodologia de Next-Generation Sequencing permitiu-nos realizar a pesquisa de variantes simultaneamente em 6 genes relacionados com o metabolismo do ferro, em 88 doentes com fenótipo de hemocromatose hereditária não-clássica. Foram identificadas 54 variantes diferentes sendo algumas delas novas. Estudos in silico e estudos funcionais in vitro (em linhas celulares) permitiram-nos comprovar a patogenicidade de algumas das variantes novas e compreender os mecanismos moleculares subjacentes ao desenvolvimento da sobrecarga em ferro. Pelo contrário, no lado oposto do espetro das patologias relacionadas com o ferro, encontram-se as anemias por falta de ferro (anemias ferropénicas). A Organização Mundial de Saúde define anemia quando os níveis de hemoglobina no sangue são menores do que 12 g/dL na Mulher e 13 g/dL no Homem. A hemoglobina é a proteína existente nos glóbulos vermelhos do sangue, responsável pelo transporte de oxigénio no organismo, e cuja molécula é um tetrâmero formado por 4 cadeias polipeptídicas (as globinas) e 4 grupos heme que contêm 4 átomos de ferro. A falta de ferro impede que se formem as moléculas de hemoglobina a níveis normais em cerca de 20% da população portuguesa e isso é devido a carências alimentares ou a dificuldades na absorção do ferro proveniente da alimentação. Entre os fatores genéticos moduladores desta última situação parecem estar algumas variantes polimórficas no gene TMPRSS6, codificante da proteína Matriptase-2, um dos agentes envolvidos na regulação da expressão da hepcidina. Por outro lado, mutações neste gene dão origem a anemias ferropénicas graves, refratárias ao tratamento oral com ferro (Iron Refractory Iron Deficiency Anaemia - IRIDA). As Hemoglobinopatias são outro tipo de anemia hereditária. Estas não estão relacionadas com o défice de ferro mas sim com defeitos nas cadeias globínicas, constituintes da hemoglobina (α2β2). As hemoglobinopatias que estão relacionadas com um problema quantitativo, ou seja quando há ausência ou diminuição de síntese de uma cadeia globínica, denominam-se talassémias: beta-talassémia, alfa-talassémia, delta-talassémia, etc, consoante o gene afetado. Por outro lado, quando o problema é de carácter qualitativo, ou seja ocorre a síntese de uma cadeia globínica estruturalmente anómala, esta é denominada uma variante de hemoglobina. Enquadra-se neste último grupo a Anemia das Células Falciformes ou Drepanocitose. As hemoglobinopatias são das patologias genéticas mais frequentes no mundo, sendo que nalguns locais são um grave problema de saúde pública. Em Portugal foram realizados estudos epidemiológicos que permitiram determinar a frequência de portadores na população e foi implementado um programa de prevenção.


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As Ulceras de Pressão (UP) podem ocorrer em todos os níveis de cuidados particularmente em situações de mobilidade reduzida e actividade diminuídas e a sua prevalência crescente constitui um problema significativo de saúde pública já que tem repercussões importantes na qualidade de vida dos doentes e suas famílias para além da sobrecarga financeira para os mesmos e para os sistemas de saúde. Pode definir-se UP como uma lesão localizada da pele e/ou tecido subjacente, normalmente sobre uma proeminência óssea, em resultado da pressão ou de uma combinação entre esta e forças de torção. Objectivou-se determinar a prevalência e os factores determinantes de desenvolvimento de ulceras de pressão no momento da admissão e alta em utentes institucionalizadas numa UMDR integrada na RNCCI. Estudo retrospectivo, de natureza quantitativa, realizado numa instituição de média duração, sendo a amostra constituída por 300 participantes. Para a colheita de dados elaborou-se um questionário que foi aplicado no período de 1 de Setembro a 31 de Outubro de 2014. Para a análise dos resultados, utilizou-se o programa estatístico SPSS. Na admissão registou-se 34% de prevalência de UP, 16,7% dos casos foi adquirida no domicílio e em 42,0% dos casos a UP é de Grau III, e em 11,7% das situações a UP mais grave localiza-se no sacro. Na alta observaram-se 24% de casos de UP, em que 12,0% das situações a UP é de Grau IV e em 10,0% de Grau III e em 7,7% das situações a UP mais grave se localiza no trocânter e em 6,7% no sacro. Constatou-se que 50% dos utentes são do sexo masculino e 50% do sexo feminino, com uma média de 74,82 anos de idade. Apresentam uma média de tempo de permanência na UMDR de 92,36 dias. 66,3% dos utentes ingressam na UMDR para reabilitação funcional e 29% para tratamento de feridas/UP. A maioria dos utentes revelou perda de autonomia para a realização das atividades de vida diária, com a sua dependência funcional comprometida quer na admissão, quer na alta. Os participantes na admissão apresentam 78,7% de alto risco para desenvolver úlceras de pressão e na alta este valor desceu para 54%. Como conclusão poderá inferir-se que a idade avançada, incontinência urinária e fecal, a presença de sonda vesical, o alto risco de desenvolvimento de UP e a presença de incapacidade aumenta o risco de desenvolver ulceras de pressão. Descritores: Ulceras de Pressão, Factores de Risco, Epidemiologia.


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Giardia lamblia is an intestinal protozoan parasite infecting humans and various other mammalian hosts. The most important clinical signs of giardiasis are diarrhoea and malabsorption. Giardia lamblia is able to undergo continuous antigenic variation of its major surface antigen, named VSP (variant surface protein). While intestinal antibodies, and more specifically anti-VSP IgA antibodies, were proven to be involved in modulating antigenic variation of the parasite the participation of the local antibody response in control of the parasite infection is still controversial. Conversely, previous studies based on experimental infections in mice showed that cellular immune mechanisms are essential for elimination of the parasite from its intestinal habitat. Furthermore, recent data indicated that inflammatory mast cells have a potential to directly, or indirectly, interfere in duodenal growth of G. lamblia trophozoites. However, this finding was challenged by other reports, which did not find a correlation between intestinal inflammation and resistance to infection. Since intestinal infiltration of inflammatory cells and/or CD8+T-cells were demonstrated to coincide with villus-shortening and crypt hyperplasia immunological reactions were considered to be a potential factor of pathogenesis in giardiasis. The contribution of physiological factors to pathogenesis was essentially assessed in vitro by co-cultivation of G. lamblia trophozoites with epithelial cell lines. By using this in vitro model, molecular (through surface lectins) and mechanical (through ventral disk) adhesion of trophozoites to the epithelium was shown to be crucial for increased epithelial permeability. This phenomenon as well as other Giardia-induced intestinal abnormalities such as loss of intestinal brush border surface area, villus flattening, inhibition of disaccharidase activities, and eventually also overgrowth of the enteric bacterial flora seem to be involved in the pathophysiology of giardiasis. However, it remains to be elucidated whether at least part of these pathological effects are causatively linked to the clinical manifestation of the disease.


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Transmission of the protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia from one to another host individuum occurs through peroral ingestion of cysts which, following excystation in the small intestine, release two trophozoites each. Many studies have focused on the major surface antigen, VSP (for variant surface protein), which is responsible for the antigenic variability of the parasite. By using trophozoites of G. lamblia clone GS/M-83-H7 (expressing VSP H7) and the neonatal mouse model for experimental infections, we quantitatively assessed the process of antigenic variation of the parasite on the transcriptional level. In the present study, variant-specific regions identified on different GS/M-83-H7 vsp sequences served as targets for quantitative reverse transcription-PCR to monitor alterations in vsp mRNA levels during infection. Respective results demonstrated that antigenic switching of both the duodenal trophozoite and the cecal cyst populations was associated with a massive reduction in vsp H7 mRNA levels but not with a simultaneous increase in transcripts of any of the subvariant vsp genes analyzed. Most importantly, we also explored giardial variant-type formation and vsp mRNA levels after infection of mice with cysts. This infection mode led to an antigenic reset of the parasite in that a VSP H7-negative inoculum "converted" into a population of intestinal trophozoites that essentially consisted of the original VSP H7 type. This antigenic reset appears to be associated with excystation rather than with a selective process which favors expansion of a residual population of VSP H7 types within the antigenically diversified cyst inoculum. Based on these findings, the VSP H7 type has to be regarded as a predominant variant of G. lamblia clone GS/M-83-H7 which (re-)emerges during early-stage infection and may contribute to an optimal establishment of the parasite within the intestine of the experimental murine host.


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"Radiology of the gallbladder, by Ernest E. Smith": p. 84-104. "Diagnostic and therapeutic duodenal drainage, by Harry M. Eberhard": p. 105-136.


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Histoplasmosis is a rare but serious fungal infection commonly presenting as mucosal ulceration of the oral cavity. It is increasingly recognized in Australia but the source of infection remains obscure and it is likely to be under-diagnosed. We report a case of chronic mucosal ulceration which failed to fully respond to periodontal therapy. Histology and culture of a gingival biopsy was consistent with histoplasmosis, and the patient responded favourably to treatment with oral itraconazole. Histoplasmosis may present to general dental practitioners as chronic mucosal ulceration and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of such lesions. Diagnosis is best made by culture and histology of biopsy specimens.


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Objective. To compare the efficacy of two forms of eye care (hypromellose and Lacri-Lube combination vs polyethylene/Cling wrap covers) for intensive care patients. Design. Randomised-controlled trial. Setting. University affiliated, tertiary referral hospital. Patients and participants. One hundred ten patients with a reduced or absent blink reflex were followed through until they regained consciousness, were discharged from the facility during study enrolment, died or developed a positive corneal ulcer or eye infection. Interventions. All patients received standard eye cleansing every 2 h. In addition to this, group one (n=60) received a treatment combining hypromellose drops and Lacri-Lube (HL) to each eye every 2 h. Group two (n=50) had polyethylene covers only placed over the eye to create a moisture chamber. Measurements and results. Corneal ulceration was determined using corneal fluorescein stains and mobile slit lamp evaluation, performed daily. No patients had corneal ulceration in the polyethylene cover group, but 4 patients had corneal ulceration in the HL group. Conclusions. Polyethylene covers are as effective as HL in reducing the incidence of corneal damage in intensive care patients.


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Objectives: To identify and demonstrate necrotizing dermatitis in infancy; an uncommon, puzzling syndrome, in which anecdotal reporting and personal experience indicates that one third of cases may require skin grafting. Much informed discussion about the pathogenesis of this distressing syndrome centres on the role of spider envenomation; and in particular on the speculative role of the Australian White-tailed spider, Lampona cylindrata. Methods: We present here six cases of necrotizing dermatitis treated surgically at the Royal Children's Hospital and Mater Children's Hospital in Brisbane over the period from 1991 to 1999. Clinical history, surgical details and pathological investigations were reviewed in each case. Microbiological investigation of necrotic ulcers included standard aerobic and anaerobic culture. Result: Nocardia and Staphylococcus were cultured in two cases, but no positive bites were witnessed and no spiders were identified by either the children or their parents. All cases were treated with silver sulphadiazine creme. Two of the infants required general anaesthesia, excision debridement and split skin grafting. The White-tailed spider, Lampona cylindrata, does not occur in Queensland, but Lampona murina does; neither species has necrotizing components in its venom. Circumstantial evidence is consistent with this syndrome being due to invertebrate envenomation, possibly following arachnid bites. Conclusion: In our experience there is insufficient evidence to impute a specific genus as the cause, at this stage of scientific knowledge. If the offending creature is a spider, we calculate that the syndrome of necrotizing dermatitis occurs in less than 1 in 5000 spider bites.


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The objective of this study was to predict the number of cases of pressure ulcer, the bed days lost, and the economic value of these losses at Australian public hospitals. All adults (>= 18 years of age) with a minimum stay of 1 night and discharged from selected clinical units from all Australian public hospitals in 2001-02 were included in the study. The main outcome measures were the number of cases of pressure ulcer, bed days lost to pressure ulcer, and economic value of these losses. We predict a median of 95,695 cases of pressure ulcer with a median of 398,432 bed days lost, incurring median opportunity costs of AU$285 M. The number of cases, and so costs, were greatest in New South Wales and lowest in Australian Capitol Territory. We conclude that pressure ulcers represent a serious clinical and economic problem for a resource-constrained public hospital system. The most cost-effective, risk-reducing interventions should be pursued up to a point where the marginal benefit of prevention is equalized with marginal cost. By preventing pressure ulcers, public hospitals can improve efficiency and the quality of the patient's experience and health outcome.


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The use of ultrasound as a diagnostic tool in birds has been documented for cardiac, urogenital, and liver disease. However, its use in gastrointestinal tract disease is not defined. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the ultrasonographic findings of the intestine and liver of six healthy racing pigeons with those of six racing pigeons with gastrointestinal disease. The echogenicity of the liver was significantly different between the two groups. Pigeons with gastrointestinal disease had less homogeneous liver echogenicity with focal heterogeneous areas and the hepatic blood vessels were visible and dilated. The duodenum was visualized and its mean diameter of 7.2 +/- 0.3 mm in the diseased pigeons was significantly wider (P < 0.001) than the 5.7 +/- 0.2 mm in healthy birds. The thickness of the duodenal wall in healthy and diseased pigeons was 1.6 +/- 0.1 and 2.4 +/- 0.1 mm, respectively, and they were significantly different (P < 0.001). We defined baseline measurements for the duodenal loop in pigeons and provided evidence that ultrasound can be a useful diagnostic tool for investigating intestinal disease in pigeons.


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Background. Genital ulcer disease (GUD) is commonly caused by pathogens for which suitable therapies exist, but clinical and laboratory diagnoses may be problematic. This collaborative project was undertaken to address the need for a rapid, economical, and sensitive approach to the detection and diagnosis of GUD using noninvasive techniques to sample genital ulcers. Methods. The genital ulcer disease multiplex polymerase chain reaction (GUMP) was developed as an inhouse nucleic acid amplification technique targeting serious causes of GUD, namely, herpes simplex viruses (HSVs), Haemophilus ducreyi, Treponema pallidum, and Klebsiella species. In addition, the GUMP assay included an endogenous internal control. Amplification products from GUMP were detected by enzyme linked amplicon hybridization assay (ELAHA). Results. GUMP-ELAHA was sensitive and specific in detecting a target microbe in 34.3% of specimens, including 1 detection of HSV-1, three detections of HSV-2, and 18 detections of T. pallidum. No H. ducreyi has been detected in Australia since 1998, and none was detected here. No Calymmatobacterium ( Klebsiella) granulomatis was detected in the study, but there were 3 detections during ongoing diagnostic use of GUMP-ELAHA in 2004 and 2005. The presence of C. granulomatis was confirmed by restriction enzyme digestion and nucleotide sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene for phylogenetic analysis. Conclusions. GUMP-ELAHA permitted comprehensive detection of common and rare causes of GUD and incorporated noninvasive sampling techniques. Data obtained by using GUMP-ELAHA will aid specific treatment of GUD and better define the prevalence of each microbe among at-risk populations with a view to the eradication of chancroid and donovanosis in Australia.


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Objective: Exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is associated wit increased risk of serious gastrointestinal (GI) events compared with non-exposure. We investigated whether that risk is sustained over time. Data sources: Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (to 2002); MEDLINE, EMBASE, Derwent Drug File and Current Contents (1999-2002); manual searching of reviews (1999-2002). Study selection: From 479 search results reviewed and 221 articles retrieved, seven studies of patients exposed to prescription non-selective NSAIDs for more than 6 months and reporting time-dependent serious GI event rates were selected for quantitative data synthesis. These were stratified into two groups by study design. Data extraction: Incidence of GI events and number of patients at specific time points were extracted. Data synthesis: Meta-regression analyses were performed. Change in risk was evaluated by testing whether the slope of the regression line declined over time. Four randomised controlled trials (RCTs) provided evaluable data from five NSAID arms (aspirin, naproxen, two ibuprofen arms, and diclofenac). When the RCT data were combined, a small significant decline in annualised risk was seen: -0.005% (95% Cl, -0.008% to -0.001%) per month. Sensitivity analyses were conducted because there was disparity within the RCT data. The pooled estimate from three cohort studies showed no significant decline in annualised risk over periods up to 2 years: -0.003% (95% Cl, -0.008% to 0.003%) per month. Conclusions: Small decreases in risk over time were observed; these were of negligible clinical importance. For patients who need long-term (> 6 months) treatment, precautionary measures should be considered to reduce the net probability of serious GI events over the anticipated treatment duration. The effect of intermittent versus regular daily therapy on long-term risk needs further investigation.


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This is the second in a series of articles emphasizing the cautions in the interpretation of health-care studies. Systematic reviews are presented as comprehensive, unbiased summaries of evidence and are often referred to by clinicians, guideline developers and health policy-makers. Their strengths and limitations, and how their results can be subject to bias and misinterpretation, are discussed.