1000 resultados para Crise do capital


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The aim of this study was to contribute to the current knowledge-based theory by focusing on a research gap that exists in the empirically proven determination of the simultaneous but differentiable effects of intellectual capital (IC) assets and knowledge management (KM) practices on organisational performance (OP). The analysis was built on the past research and theoreticised interactions between the latent constructs specified using the survey-based items that were measured from a sample of Finnish companies for IC and KM and the dependent construct for OP determined using information available from financial databases. Two widely used and commonly recommended measures in the literature on management science, i.e. the return on total assets (ROA) and the return on equity (ROE), were calculated for OP. Thus the investigation of the relationship between IC and KM impacting OP in relation to the hypotheses founded was possible to conduct using objectively derived performance indicators. Using financial OP measures also strengthened the dynamic features of data needed in analysing simultaneous and causal dependences between the modelled constructs specified using structural path models. The estimates were obtained for the parameters of structural path models using a partial least squares-based regression estimator. Results showed that the path dependencies between IC and OP or KM and OP were always insignificant when analysed separate to any other interactions or indirect effects caused by simultaneous modelling and regardless of the OP measure used that was either ROA or ROE. The dependency between the constructs for KM and IC appeared to be very strong and was always significant when modelled simultaneously with other possible interactions between the constructs and using either ROA or ROE to define OP. This study, however, did not find statistically unambiguous evidence for proving the hypothesised causal mediation effects suggesting, for instance, that the effects of KM practices on OP are mediated by the IC assets. Due to the fact that some indication about the fluctuations of causal effects was assessed, it was concluded that further studies are needed for verifying the fundamental and likely hidden causal effects between the constructs of interest. Therefore, it was also recommended that complementary modelling and data processing measures be conducted for elucidating whether the mediation effects occur between IC, KM and OP, the verification of which requires further investigations of measured items and can be build on the findings of this study.


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It is developed a macrodynamic model in the post-keynesian tradition of political economy of the productive capital accumulation and income distribution to analyze some of the impacts of the (flow of) foreign direct investment and the (stock of) foreign productive capital on capital accumulation, economic growth and functional income distribution in a stylized economy. Alongside a usual demand effect, the impacts of such an internationalization of local capital through labor productivity and market concentration are taken into account as well.


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This paper has as its main objective to measure the magnitude of deviations between control rights and cash-flow rights for the ultimate shareholder with the largest voting rights of limited liability companies in Brazil. Furthermore, it pinpoints how these discrepancies are generated, evaluating the relative importance of the issuance of preferred stocks with no voting rights, pyramidal arrangements of ownership, and cross-shareholdings. The data set embraces 602 companies that in 2001 complied with the mandatory requirement of filing to the CVM.


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In recent years there has been some agreement that capital account liberalization have provided restriction on economic policies. This paper provides some evidence for Brazil. I find evidence that capital account liberalization provided limits to fiscal policy in Brazil and its effects can depend on exchange rate policy.


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The objective of this paper is to define social capital as social infrastructure and to try to include this variable in an economic growth model. Considering social capital in such a way could have an impact on the productivity of production factors. Firstly, I will discuss how institutional variables can affect growth. Secondly, after analyzing several definitions of social capital, I will point out the benefits and problems of each one and will define social capital as social infrastructure, aiming to introduce this variable into an economic growth model. Finally, I will try to open the way for subsequent empirical studies, both in the area of measuring the stock of social infrastructure as well as those comparing economies, with the idea of showing the impact of social infrastructure on economic growth.


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Under september månad 2015 gav sökordet ”kris” dagligen upphov till ett trettiotal träffar i sökmotorn till Frankrikes största dagstidningar. Dagspressen överflödas av kriser och i skrivande stund är den mest omtalade krisen de flyktingströmmar som når Europa som resultat efter flera års krig i Mellanöstern. Pro gradu-avhandlingen studerar flyktingkrisen som en diskursiv händelse, en social konstruktion av en företeelse som tar de aktuella personerna och deras åsikter i beaktande. Avhandlingen är uppbyggd som en linje som inleds med mediestrategier och går till iscensättandet av nyheten, för att sedan analysera de olika åsikterna och personerna som ger upphov till lingvistisk polyfoni och mångtydighet. Syftet med avhandlingen är att studera hur medierna påverkar vår förståelse av en kris. För att få en dynamisk bild av bevakningen av flyktingkrisen studeras rubriker till ett hundratal titlar som publicerats i september 2015 av två stora franska dagstidningar: Le Figaro och Libération. Tidningarnas motsatta politiska orientering står som grund för en heltäckande och varierande genomläsning av medieuppmärksamheten kring flyktingkrisen. Som metod utförs en diskursanalys på materialet för att få reda på hur de båda tidningarna framställer krisen. Skillnader och likheter studeras, såväl som förekommande teman och en karakteristisk vokabulär i anknytning till krisen. Hypotesen är att flyktingarnas egna åsikter kommer i skymundan i medierna. Som resultat har jag noterat element i krisen som tidigare framställts som viktiga ur lingvistisk synvinkel på krisdiskurs av lingvisten Marie Veniard. Utöver det observeras några kompletterande betydelsekomponenter som står i förbindelse med flyktingkrisens komplexa natur. Ett speciellt mönster för att framställa flyktingarna har visat sig vara ofta förekommande i de båda tidningarna. Flyktingarna nämns för att ge rubrikerna ett autentiskt värde men paradoxalt nog möjliggör de även otydlighet i fråga om vem som faktiskt yttrar sig, flyktingarna eller journalisterna?


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The role of star-up firms in economy and the importance of venture capital investors for the growth of start-up firms have been highlighted in recent years. The growth challenges of start-up firms consist of fast changing environment, the availability of venture capital funding and the development of firm management in the growth phase. A growing number of studies have focused on management accounting systems and venture capital in start-up and growth firm context. In this thesis the role of management accounting systems and venture capital investors is considered in the growth phase of firm development. The theoretical objective of this thesis is to construct a theoretical framework in order to describe the importance of management accounting systems and venture capital investors in start-up firms. The practice orientated objective of this thesis is to study the application of management accounting systems and management accounting based information in start-up firms in high-technology industry as well as the impact of venture capital for management accounting system design. In addition, the growth challenges of start-up firms are studied in order to understand the context in which management accounting systems are used. The research approach of theoretical part is conceptual as the theoretical framework is constructed by combining literature on firm growth, management accounting and venture finance in order to analyse the phenomenon. The action-orientated research approach is appropriate for analysing and describing of the studied phenomenon through empirical evidence. The empirical evidence was collected through interviews with three experts in start-up firm accelerator centers, four representatives of start-up firms and one venture capital investor. The results indicate that the growth challenges of stat-up firms are not related to the development of management accounting systems. Managers of start-up firms expressed a positive attitude towards management accounting systems that improve efficiency of operations. In start-up firms flexible and adjustable management accounting practices, such as budgets, cash flow calculations and future-orientated analysis tools, are applied that support planning and coordination of operations. The results indicate that venture capital investors affect the provision and the quality of management accounting information during the investment process. In addition, venture capital investors enhance the use of management accounting information for internal coordination in start-up firms. By applying the theoretical framework in the analysis, it can be stated that by acting as support function management accounting systems facilitate start-up firms development.


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This paper deals with the main evolutions that explain the emergence of new institutional arrangements that characterize the post-fordism. (i) Hence, I will show that the property rights modifications bring forth new forms of competition;(ii) Also, I will make explicit the concrete expressions of this new competition, as well as how it translates itself in a sub-optimum allocation in the framework of the market game; (iii) I will study the modifications of externalities nature produced by technical progress; (iv) Finally, I will analyze the macroeconomic implications in regard to growth mechanisms and to capital nature.


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This paper reexamines the issue of international financial capital mobility, which is today's economic orthodoxy. Discussion is often framed in terms of the impossible trinity. That framing distorts discussion by representing capital mobility as having equal significance with sovereign monetary policy and control over exchange rates. It also distorts discussion by ignoring possibilities for coordinated monetary policy and exchange rates, and for managed capital flows. The case for capital mobility rests on neo-classical economic efficiency arguments and neo-liberal political arguments. The case against capital mobility is based on Keynesian macroeconomic inefficiency arguments, neo-Walrasian market failure arguments, and neo-Marxian arguments regarding distortion of the social structure of accumulation. Close examination shows the case for capital mobility to be extremely flimsy, pointing to the ideological dimension behind today's policy orthodoxy.


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The State and the economy in South Korea: from the developmentist state to the Asian crisis and later recovery. The article focuses on the institutions of South Korean capitalism and on the interactions between the state and the economy. The economic model in South Korea was characterized by a very interventionist state, which played a very active role in the process of industrialization. However, South Korea suffered a severe crisis in 1997, attributed by many authors to the distortions inherent to strong state intervention. The article shows that the crisis was a result of the combination between internal economic fragilities and a rapid process of financial deregulation, which undermined the state's capacity of control. The crisis, nevertheless, does not disqualify the role of the national institutions in the very successful process of industrialization. Despite the reforms, the Korean capitalism conserves much of the previous model of business organization and industrial relations. The state continues strong and played active role in the process of economic reforms. There are, nevertheless, doubts about the impacts of the reforms and the new configuration of Korean capitalism. They will depend on the current transformations in world economy and in the East Asian countries.