953 resultados para Crimes violents


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No nosso Estudo obtivemos uma amostra 183 estudantes do 1º Ciclo de Direito, organizados por três grupos de intervenção: Retribuição (M=34,11; DP=12,865), Prevenção Geral (M=30,52; DP=11,489), Prevenção Especial (M=30,95; DP=13,485). Através da análise estatística dos dados recolhidos, relativamente a comparação de médias entre estratégias penais, verificou-se que o grupo Retribuição sentenciou uma média mais elevada de anos a todos os crimes, excepto ao Crime J. A nossa amostra, a qual aleatória simples apresentou uma distribuição normal e todos os testes apresentaram um p-value inferior a .05, indicando a significância dos nossos resultados, excepto no Crime I, da estratégia Prevenção Especial (pvalue=. 074).


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RESUMO: A presente dissertação, integrada no Mestrado de Psicologia Forense e da Exclusão Social, da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, tem dois objectivos fundamentais: a análise da severidade das medidas tutelar educativas, na Justiça de Menores em Portugal e, avaliar o contributo do saber da Psicologia, no momento da decisão e escolha dessas mesmas medidas, pelo aplicador da lei. Para isso, foram analisados 58 Processos Tutelares Educativos, presentes no Tribunal de Família e Menores de Lisboa, e 11 arquivados na Direcção Geral de Reinserção Social, incidindo a análise, sobretudo, no tipo de medidas aplicadas, o género de crimes cometidos, e a referência a avaliações psicológicas ou perícias sobre a personalidade, como fundamento da decisão. Estes processos são analisados à luz de um instrumento de medida da aplicação de medidas tutelares em jovens, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 16 anos: o Índice de Severidade Penalizadora e Psicologização no âmbito da transgressionalidade e delinquência juvenil (Criminalização Secundária – IPSS-CS-TDJ), de 2011. Os resultados evidenciam índices médios de severidade punitiva e de psicologização. Este estudo, dado o seu carácter pioneiro, representa, uma tentativa de abordagem empírica do problema. Para futuras investigações propõe-se a aplicação do instrumento a processos judiciais de outras regiões do país. ABSTRACT: The present thesis, integrated into Forensic Psychology and Social Exclusion Masters Degree, of Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies, has two fundamental objectives: an analysis of the tutelary educative measures severity, in juvenile justice system, in Portugal, and evaluate the contribution of the knowledge of psychology, at the moment of decision and choice of those measures, by judge. For this, were analyse 58 tutelary educative processes, belonging to the Family and Juvenile Court of Lisbon, and 11 archived in General Direction of Social Reintegration, focusing, mainly, on the type of measures applied, kind of crimes, and reference to psychological evaluations or personality investigation, as foundation of judicial decision. These processes are analysed based on an instrument to measure the application of punitive measure to young people: Punishment Severity Index and Psychologisation in the framework of Infringement and Juvenile Delinquency (ISPP-CSTDJ), 2011. The results show an average level of punishment severity and psychologisation. This study, represents a pioneer empirically approach to the problem. In order to future investigations is proposed apply the instrument to processes from other regions of the country.


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RESUMÉ: Le Droit, en tant que système de constructions institutionnelles de l'humanité, est une échelle symbolique indispensable dans la construction de la subjectivité, puisqu'elle sauvegarde les interdictions fondamentales relatives à l'inceste et aux crimes d'homicide, de parricide, de matricide et d'infanticide, lesquelles constituent des limites nécessaires au langage en tant que phénomène psychosomatique humain. Le système du Droit a la fonction de médiation dans l'économie psychique de la Référence symbolique et fonctionne comme un Tiers dans la logique triadique du langage puisque, en établissant des catégories de filiation et des niveaux de hiérarchie dans la séquence des générations, il rehausse l'importance de la généalogie patriarcale dans l'espèce parlante. Le Droit «institue la vie en instituant la subjectivité» dans l'art de l'interprétation des interdits construits dans les sociétés. C'est le représentant logique transcendantal divin, paternel ou étatique qui soutient chez le sujet l'acceptation de l'interdiction œdipienne et de ses nuances, engendrant alors sa «capacité de jugement singulier». ABSTRACT: The Law, as a system of institutional constructions for mankind, is an essential symbolic scale for the construction of subjectivity, since it saves fundamental injunctions about incest, and crimes like homicide, parricide, matricide and infanticide, all of them constituting the necessary boundaries to language as a human psychosomatic phenomenon. The Law system as the function of mediation for the symbolic Reference in the psyche economy and works as a Third party on the triadic logic of language, because as it establishes affiliation categories and hierarchic levels in the sequence of the generations, it highlights the importance of the patriarchal genealogy in the «speaker species». The Law «institutes life instituting subjectivity» in the art of injunctions interpretation built in societies. It’s the logical transcendental divine representative, fatherly or status apparatus that sustains for the subject the oedipal acceptance and its nuances, creating then its «singular judgment capacity».


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In this paper it is made a reflection on some rules of the Portuguese Criminal Code. First it is made an analysis of some aspects related to the crime of simple bodily harm, in particular on its public or semi public nature. Thereto, some aspects regarding articles 143, 145 and 146 of the portuguese Criminal Code have to be taken under consideration. Then, in the context of crimes against property, it is analised the legal institute referred to in paragraph 1. of article 206 (restitution or compensation), as well as it subjective scope.


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Nesta Dissertação é feita uma abordagem psicológica ao tema das emoções e à sua influência na criação dos estados passionais. Posteriormente é abordada a influência dos mesmos nos casos de homicídio e de que forma devem ser julgados tais crimes tendo em conta o estado psicológico do agente.


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La autora revisa la contribución de Alfredo Pareja a la memoria del país, a través de su libro La hoguera bárbara. Escrito en 1944, trae a la luz pública un tema eludido o marginado en años previos, reconstruyendo los escenarios que antecedieron a la masacre de Eloy Alfaro y otros liberales, asi mismo presenta claves para la comprensión de los eventos que estuvieron detrás de esos crímenes que marcaron la historia del país. El presente ensayo analiza tres momentos de la memoria social para indagar si fue posible olvidar estos hechos. Primero, revisa la percepción del pueblo y la versión oficial de la masacre de 1912, se recuerda que, en 1919, el fiscal en el juicio para identificar a autores, cómplices y encubridores, determinó en forma concluyente la responsabilidad del Estado en la misma, no obstante, los crímenes quedaron en la impunidad. El segundo momento es el de culto a Alfaro a través de la celebración de su obra pública, en los años 20 y 30, la memoria social sobre la masacre parece distendida. Finalmente, en los años 40, se publican obras sobre Alfaro, por el centenario de su nacimiento -entre ellas La hoguera bárbara-, presentándolo como héroe liberal y mártir del pueblo.


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La violencia sexual contra las mujeres tiene diferentes manifestaciones, todas ellas constituyen una violación de sus derechos humanos, conforme lo determina el Estatuto de Roma y la jurisprudencia internacional. En América Latina, la violencia sexual contra las mujeres ha sido una de las formas de represión desde el Estado, en las situaciones de conflicto armado, pero también es parte de la cotidianidad de las mujeres, el riesgo de ser violadas es una realidad con la que deben convivir.


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El delito de trata de personas es considerado como un tema de interés actual para la sociedad, en vista de que se encuentra catalogado como la nueva forma de esclavitud moderna, el entender que el término “trata” el término oficial utilizado por Naciones Unidas para hacer referencia al comercio de seres humanos y a la explotación por parte de terceros a estos, especialmente en los ámbitos: sexual, laboral, militar, religioso e incluso familiar, ha permitido que nuestro país, debido a los compromisos adquiridos con la comunidad internacional, adopte el principio de la debida diligencia para implementar políticas destinadas a la prevención, persecución y protección en esta clase de delito, y que cada vez su estudio y conocimiento general se debe incrementar para evitar que existan más víctimas de un delito de lesa humanidad, como está considerado la trata de personas.


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Esta investigación analiza con detalle la evolución conceptual y la heterogeneidad de definiciones entre dos tipos principales de tráfico de personas, esto es, la trata para la explotación de seres humanos y el tráfico de migrantes. Conjuntamente se estudia el desarrollo de la cooperación internacional de la acción supranacional y nacional en materia de lucha contra el tráfico de personas, se describen los aspectos más significativos y se analizan los obstáculos que la limitan o frenan, con el fin de vislumbrar instrumentos analíticos útiles para superarlos, como, por ejemplo, en el caso de la trata, los incluidos en el Convenio del Consejo de Europa, abierto a la firma el 16 de mayo de 2005.


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El presente trabajo se inscribe en el debate acerca del conflicto entre los principios constitucionales de información y protección del honor en el terreno del delito flagrante. se trata de la tensión sobre la situación judicial de las personas aprehendidas o capturadas y el actuar de los medios de comunicación, en la emergente corporativización de la Política criminal (seguridad pública) por la agenda periodística. Es una reflexión de cómo el periodismo y las garantías de los detenidos no comulgan alrededor del principio de presunción de inocencia, en donde el metamensaje de la noticia penal buscaría asilo en el populismo legislativo.


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The article offers a close reading of Konrad Wolf’s anti-fascist Second World War film 'Mama, ich lebe' (DEFA, 1977). 'Mama, ich lebe', like all East German films about the Nazi past, deals with the re-founding of post-war Germany. Unlike the usual approach which focused on political redemption of the past crimes, Wolf’s approach explores rupture and failure of political agency as the pre-condition for a new beginning. The rupture is effected by the defection of four Wehrmacht soldiers who decide to cooperate with the Soviet enemy. Their betrayal of the national collective is ethically motivated and arises from their responsibility for the Soviet ‘other’. Its radicalness opens up a moment of utopian freedom and conciliation for the traitors. Yet the back side of betrayal is insecurity and confliction with regard to their role and roots. While the four meet their role as traitors with self-deception about their ambivalent position, they are eventually forced to acknowledge their position as one of self-defeat. Their ‘ethical betrayal’ (Parikh 2009) does therefore not lead to utopian fulfilment but to the traitors’ expiatory sacrifice as the only form of accountability and self-justification. In Wolf’s film antifascism as a tale of political redemption is thus revised and becomes a tale of necessary individual atonement.


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Retributivists believe that punishment can be deserved, and that deserved punishment is intrinsically good. They also believe that certain crimes deserve certain quantities of punishment. On the plausible assumption that the overall amount of any given punishment is a function of its severity and duration, we might think that retributivists (qua retributivists) would be indifferent as to whether a punishment were long and light or short and sharp, provided the offender gets the overall amount of punishment he deserves. In this paper I argue against this, showing that retributivists should actually prefer shorter and more severe punishments to longer, gentler options. I show this by focusing on, and developing a series of interpretations of, the retributivist claim that not punishing the guilty is bad, focussing on the relationship between that badness and time. I then show that each interpretation leads to a preference for shorter over longer punishment.


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The Commission on Investigation of Disappeared Persons, Truth and Reconciliation Act 2014 is Nepal’s latest attempt to establish a transitional programme to respond to conflict era abuses. In part, the Act remedies the inadequacies of the 2013 Ordinance. It creates two commissions, on truth and reconciliation and enforced disappearances, makes provision for the establishment of a Special Court to try past abuses and incorporates systems to enable vulnerable witnesses to participate in truth seeking. Yet in a number of respects it continues to fall short of international legal standards, not least in the possibility of amnesty for international crimes and gross violations of human rights. In addition, the relationship between the three mechanisms – truth seeking, amnesty and prosecution – remains unclear and safeguards for individual rights are lacking. This paper explores these recent developments, highlighting issues that must be remedied if transitional justice objectives are to be achieved in Nepal.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report results from a rape trial reconstruction in Ireland. Design/methodology/approach – A studio audience of 100 members of the Irish public were selected to attend a TV programme by the Republic of Ireland’s national broadcasting organisation. This involved the examination of the sentencing of a rape case. The audience’s sentencing preferences were measured at the outset, when they had been given only summary information about the case, and later, when full details had been disclosed. Findings – Previous research examining changes in public attitudes to crime and punishment has shown that deliberation, including the provision of new information and discussion with others and experts, tends to decrease public punitiveness and increase public leniency towards sentencing. An experiment in Ireland, however, showed that providing information does not invariably and necessarily moderate punitive attitudes. This paper presents the results, and offers some explanations for the anomalous outcome. Research limitations/implications – The pre/post design, in which the audience served as their own controls, is a weak one, and participants may have responded to what they took to be the agenda of the producers. Due to the quality of the sample, the results may not be generalisable to the broader Irish population. Practical implications – Policy makers should recognise that the public is not uniformly punitive for all crimes. There is good research evidence to show that the apparent public appetite for tough punishment is illusory, and is a function of the way that polls measure public attitudes to punishment. Sentencers and those responsible for sentencing policy would benefit from a fuller understanding of the sorts of cases which illicit strong punitive responses from the public, and the reasons for this response. However any such understanding should not simply translate into responsiveness to the public’s punitive sentiments – where these exist. Innovative survey methods – like this experiment – which attempt to look beyond the top-of-the-head opinions by providing information and opportunities for deliberation should be welcomed and used more widely. Originality/value – There have been limited research studies which reports factors which may increase punitiveness through the provision of information and deliberation.