912 resultados para Crime organizado, relatório, Brasil
O ponto de partida deste estudo foi a consideração de cenários futuros da mudança do clima e as respectivas incertezas. As projeções globais disponíveis no Quinto Relatório de Avaliação do Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC) - AR5 foram apresentadas e comparadas com cenários regionais (downscalling), desenvolvidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). O foco deu-se em dois cenários principais do IPCC (RCP 4.5 e RCP 8.5) e também em dois principais modelos globais (MIROC e Hadley Centre) para os períodos de 2011-2040 e 2041-2070. O objetivo foi identificar as principais tendências em termos de mudanças na temperatura e na precipitação para as regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil ? mais especificamente nos biomas Amazônia, Semiárido e Cerrado ? escopo do estudo.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Serviço Social, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social, 2016.
El desarrollo de este estudio de caso, tiene como objetivo analizar la consolidación de Argentina como un posible escenario de crimen organizado en América Latina. Para ello se analizarán los factores que han permitido la proliferación de dicho fenómeno, haciendo énfasis en que la capacidad de establecer redes, trascienden el ordenamiento estatal y permiten que se desarrolle de manera autónoma en diferentes regiones del planeta. Además se tratarán temas fundamentales que permiten dar cuenta de cómo ha sido la construcción de los pilares que conforman la sociedad argentina en el contexto de una sociedad criminal, convirtiéndose en una amenaza directa para el funcionamiento del sistema internacional.
O crescimento desordenado e acelerado das cidades associado a concentração populacional e suporte de planejamento frágil, conflitos institucionais e tecnológicos, tem provocado uma diversidade de transformações no ambiente urbano. A cidade representa um meio adaptado às necessidades específicas dos agentes sociais que modelam este espaço, porque o meio está organizado para permitir sua reprodução, criando assim condições específicas de padrões de uso do solo urbano evidenciando desastres naturais quando associado aos aspectos geoecológicos do sítio e ao processo de ocupação e transformação do espaço aliado à situação socioeconômica da população. A cidade de Aquidauana é banhada pelo rio de mesmo nome e deu início ao processo de expansão urbana às suas margens, sendo estas ocupadas até os dias atuais por parte da população. Este fator provocou significativas modificações na paisagem natural evidenciando muitos dos problemas socioambientais na atualidade, como as enchentes e inundações. Para alcançar os objetivos dessa temática foram realizados trabalhos cartográficos com auxílio do software de desenho Auto CAD, levantamento de dados e análise dos elementos climáticos na área de estudo, coleta de dados sobre os atendimentos às inundações realizados pelo Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de Mato Grosso do Sul/1º Subgrupamento de Bombeiros de Aquidauana, e concatenação de notícias da imprensa escrita local, representada pelo Jornal “O Pantaneiro”, sobre os eventos climáticos extremos ocorridos em Aquidauana-MS, além de visitas a campo nos locais sujeitos a inundações durante o período chuvoso. Os resultados desta pesquisa apontam que o aumento das inundações está relacionado ao acelerado processo de urbanização aliado à ineficácia do planejamento urbano. Os fatores que contribuem para aumentar a ocorrência de inundações destacam-se as impermeabilizações do solo, a ocupação desordenada das margens do rio, o aumento do nível do rio Aquidauana, o sistema de drenagem deficitário. Sugere-se para amenizar a ocorrência das inundações, mapeamento dos espaços atingidos na área urbana e investimentos em planejamento urbano.
As primeiras manifestações de modernidade na floresta datam das políticas de intervenções do governador da província Eduardo Gonçalves Ribeiro (1862-1900) no final do século XIX. É então a partir da década de 1890 que as obras públicas se faziam mais intensas na capital do amazonense, neste momento Eduardo Ribeiro transforma a cidade num verdadeiro “canteiro de obras”. A preocupação com o asseio e a higiene da cidade assume grandes proporções. A onda imigratória atraída pela falácia da ilusão do fausto do período áureo da borracha compromete a harmonia e a beleza da cidade de Manaus, começam a surgir a problemas de abastecimento, higiene e habitação que se ampliam para questões sociais como a prostituição, a vadiagem e etc. A utilização dos mecanismos de exclusão e do exílio para purificar o espaço que está sendo organizado, com a necessidade de excluir e até mesmo eliminar os elementos que tornam prejudiciais à saúde pública. Estas políticas de exclusão e de exílio que se destaca nesta pesquisa são aqueles relacionados à como o Estado tratou os casos de hanseníase em Manaus.
A criminalidade nos países latino-americanos transformou-se, nas últimas décadas, em um dos principais problemas vividos por seus habitantes. Estudiosos de diversas áreas do conhecimento têm se debruçado sobre tal fenômeno em função de sua complexidade social, cultural, econômica, demográfica, bem como suas implicações sobre a saúde pública. A Geografia, no entanto, começou a explorar a dimensão espacial da criminalidade recentemente, através da Geografia do Crime, trazendo importantes contribuições. Desta forma, o presente estudo visa apresentar a evolução espacial da incidência de óbitos por homicídios nos municípios brasileiros entre os anos de 1998 e 2007, buscando responder às seguintes inquietações: estariam as taxas de homicídio se redistribuindo no espaço brasileiro? Qual o papel das regiões metropolitanas e das cidades médias neste processo? Para atingir tal propósito trabalhar-se-á com dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) do Departamento de Informática do SUS (Datasus/MS). O número de óbitos por homicídio será submetido à construção de taxas por 100 mil habitantes e, posteriormente, mapeadas e analisadas com o auxílio dos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas e de técnicas de estatística espacial. Diante dos produtos apresentados poder-se-á entender melhor a dinâmica espacial dos homicídios, revelando padrões comportamentais e áreas de concentrações e desconcentração espacial.
The present paper, based on the concept of surplus of vision discussed in some works of the bakhtinian Circle, as, mainly Bakhtin (2010a) and Bakhtin (2010b), has the main aim to analyse the image of evangelicals in a cover delivered by Veja magazine from the bakhtinian categories of exotopy, otherness and expressive intonation and, consequently, the meaning effects resulting from them. Therefore, anchored by the perspective of Bakhtinian Studies (BS), we analysed the magazine cover, seeking to apprehend the meanings constructed by this genre of verb-visual basis. To the constitution of the corpus of analysis, we selected the cover of the edition 1555, published on July, 15, 1998, entitled A fé contra o crime: Numa cruzada em presídios e redutos de traficantes, os evangélicos estão convertendo bandidos em soldados de Jesus, to analyse in which way the magazine, from its discursive place, appropriates the image of the evangelicals and represents it with its intonations in its statements. From the analysis, we can state that Veja constructs an image that tends to the homogenization of the evangelicals in Brazil, from its surplus of vision, with its tone of sarcasm, prejudice and vilification of this group, attempting to position the consumer/reader of Veja against the protestant sphere. The conclusion of this research, therefore, is that the exotopic position assumed by Veja with regard to its otherness, the evangelical discursive sphere, articulates axiologic aprehensions materialized in the form of intonation on the cover of the magazine that we analysed, disseminating, with the character of truth, the protestant group as integrant of mere dualities. Although the cover figures the group as an agent of change in society, this change gets the intonation by the magazine so that it seems false or, at least, incomplete, which equips the Veja readers of mistrust and, therefore, discredit to the actions of the discussed discursive sphere.
RESUMO: A educação de surdos hoje no Brasil vive um período de transição, de conflitos e contradições: por um lado o discurso da diferença cada vez mais presente na fala de educadores e em parte da legislação educacional em vigor; por outro lado a “diferença” surda continua sendo representada nas práticas escolares em geral sob a ótica da normalização que insiste em invisibilizar as especificidades linguísticas e culturais dessa minoria, apesar dos avanços alcançados pelo decreto 5626. Com esse cenário em mente objetivamos refletir sobre as pressões normativas guiadas por ideologias monolíngues (BLACKLEDGE, 2000) que tentam formatar um suposto uso ideal de português e de Libras. O capítulo está dividido em três partes: primeiro, apresentamos algumas considerações no âmbito da legislação acerca do estatuto de Libras no Brasil. Em seguida, tematizamos o processo de (in)visibilização das línguas de sinais com vistas a mostrar que a (re)construção do conceito de língua como algo fixo, também, em relação às línguas de sinais, pode ser usado para sedimentar desigualdades em relação ao surdo na escola. Por fim, refletimos, a partir de alguns dados de pesquisa, sobre as tensões existentes entre as línguas nos contextos bi-multilíngues que caracterizam a escolarização de surdos e as ideologias linguísticas que geram efeitos de hierarquização sobre os usos de Libras e de Português.
Rather than understanding the recurrent failure of various attempts at crime control as unfortunate and undesirable aberrations, all too familiar glitches an otherwise uninterrupted teleological march to a better society, such failures are instead positioned as part of the fabric of late modernity itself. That is, society changes not according to a predetermined logic along neatly defined and clearly reasoned tracks, rather it hurtles from crisis to crisis, from failure to failure, and it is the regulation of that failure which produces new initiatives and new forms of governance. Utilising the example of the modern prison, this chapter contends that too great an emphasis upon this institution’s ‘failure’ results not only in a neglect of the many other functions that it serves in the regulation of difference, but also, and more generally, it results in an underestimation of the importance of failure in providing new impetus for social transformation.
The essays in this book catalogue a wide and varied range of instances where 'things go wrong' in the practice of criminal justice. The contributions document instances where laws, policies and practices have produced unintended consequences of the most deleterious kind, drawing attention to 'boot camps', detention centres and specific penal policies such as 'short, sharp shock' and 'three strikes and you're out'. Also examined are policing practices such as 'zero tolerance', 'saturation policing' and punitive laws in the area of drug use, sex offences, and prostitution. It will be demonstrated that in each of these cases, the objectives of government resulted in the creation of new and unforeseen problems requiring further reform to the justice system.
The misuse of alcohol is well documented in Australia and has been associated with disorders and harms that often require police attention. The extent of alcohol-related incidents requiring police attention has been recorded as substantial in some Australian cities (Arro, Crook, & Fenton, 1992; Davey & French, 1995; Ireland & Thommeny, 1993). A significant proportion of harmful drinking occurs in and around licensed premises (Jochelson, 1997; Stockwell, Masters, Phillips, Daly, Gahegan, Midford, & Philp, 1998; Borges, Cherpitel, & Rosovsky, 1998) and most of these incidents are not reported to police (Bryant & Williams, 2000; Lister, Hobbs, Hall, & Winlow, 2000). Alcohol-related incidents have also been found to be concentrated in certain places at certain times (Jochelson, 1997) and therefore manipulating the context in which these incidents occur may provide a means to prevent and reduce the harm associated with alcohol misuse. One of the major objectives of the present program of research was to investigate the occurrence and resource impact of alcohol-related incidents on operational (general duties) policing across a large geographical area. A second objective of the thesis was to examine the characteristics and temporal/spatial dynamics of police attended alcohol incidents in the context of Place Based theories of crime. It was envisaged that this approach would reveal the patterns of the most prevalent offences and demonstrate the relevance of Place Based theories of crime to understanding these patterns. In addition, the role of alcohol, time and place were also explored in order to examine the association between non criminal traffic offences and other types of criminal offences. A final objective of the thesis was to examine the impact of a situational crime prevention strategy that had been initiated to reduce the violence and disorder associated with late-night liquor trading premises. The program of research in this doctorate thesis has been undertaken through the presentation of published papers. The research was conducted in three stages which produced six manuscripts, five of which were submitted to peer reviewed journals and one that was published in a peer reviewed conference proceedings. Stage One included two studies (Studies 1 & 2) both of which involved a cross sectional approach to examine the prevalence and characteristics of alcohol-related incidents requiring police attendance across three large geographical areas that included metropolitan cities, provincial regions and rural areas. Stage Two of the program of research also comprised two cross sectional quantitative studies (Studies 3 & 4) that investigated the temporal and spatial dynamics of the major offence categories attended by operational police in a specific Police District (Gold Coast). Stage Three of the program of research involved two studies (Studies 5 & 6) that assessed the effectiveness of a situational crime prevention strategy. The studies employed a pre-post design to assess the impact on crime, disorder and violence by preventing patrons from entering late-night liquor trading premises between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. (lockout policy). Although Study Five was solely quantitative in nature, Study Six included both quantitative and qualitative aspects. The approach adopted in Study Six, therefore facilitated not only a quantative comparison of the impact of the lockout policy on different policing areas, but also enabled the processes related to the implementation of the lockout policy to be examined. The thesis reports a program of research involving a common data collection method which then involved a series of studies being conducted to explore different aspects of the data. The data was collected from three sources. Firstly a pilot phase was undertaken to provide participants with training. Secondly a main study period was undertaken immediately following the pilot phase. The first and second sources of data were collected between 29th March 2004 and 2nd May 2004. Thirdly, additional data was collected between the 1st April 2005 and 31st May 2005. Participants in the current program of research were first response operational police officers who completed a modified activity log over a 9 week period (4 week pilot phase & 5 week survey study phase), identifying the type, prevalence and characteristics of alcohol-related incidents that were attended. During the study period police officers attended 31,090 alcohol-related incidents. Studies One and Two revealed that a substantial proportion of current police work involves attendance at alcohol-related incidents (i.e., 25% largely involving young males aged between 17 and 24 years). The most common incidents police attended were vehicle and/or traffic matters, disturbances and offences against property. The major category of offences most likely to involve alcohol included vehicle/traffic matters, disturbances and offences against the person (e.g., common & serious assaults). These events were most likely to occur in the late evenings and early hours of the morning on the weekends, and importantly, usually took longer for police to complete than non alcohol-related incidents. The findings in Studies Three and Four suggest that serious traffic offences, disturbances and offences against the person share similar characteristics and occur in concentrated places at similar times. In addition, it was found that time, place and incident type all have an influence on whether an incident attended by a police officer is alcohol-related. Alcohol-related incidents are more likely to occur in particular locations in the late evenings and early mornings on the weekends. In particular, there was a strong association between the occurrence of alcohol-related disturbances and alcohol-related serious traffic offences in regards to place and time. In general, stealing and property offences were not alcohol-related and occurred in daylight hours during weekdays. The results of Studies Five and Six were mixed. A number of alcohol-related offences requiring police attention were significantly reduced for some policing areas and for some types of offences following the implementation of the lockout policy. However, in some locations the lockout policy appeared to have a negative or minimal impact. Interviews with licensees revealed that although all were initially opposed to the lockout policy as they believed it would have a negative impact on business, most perceived some benefits from its introduction. Some of the benefits included, improved patron safety and the development of better business strategies to increase patron numbers. In conclusion, the overall findings of the six studies highlight the pervasive nature of alcohol across a range of criminal incidents, demonstrating the tremendous impact alcohol-related incidents have on police. The findings also demonstrate the importance of time and place in predicting the occurrence of alcohol-related offences. Although this program of research did not set out to test Place Based theories of crime, these theories were used to inform the interpretation of findings. The findings in the current research program provide evidence for the relevance of Place Based theories of crime to understanding the factors contributing to violence and disorder, and designing relevant crime prevention strategies. For instance, the results in Studies Five and Six provide supportive evidence that this novel lockout initiative can be beneficial for public safety by reducing some types of offences in particular areas in and around late-night liquor trading premises. Finally, intelligent-led policing initiatives based on problem oriented policing, such as the lockout policy examined in this thesis, have potential as a major crime prevention technique to reduce specific types of alcohol-related offences.
This article surveys literature bearing on the issue of parental liability and responsibility for the crimes of young offenders, with a particular focus on comparing different approaches to dealing with the issue in Australia and Canada. This comparative analysis of Australian and Canadian legislative and policy approaches is situated within a broader discussion of arguments about the “punitive turn” in youth justice, responsibilisation, and cross-jurisdictional criminal justice policy transfer and convergence. Our findings suggest that there are significant differences in the manner and extent to which Australia and Canada have invoked parental responsibility laws and policies as part of the solution to dealing with youth crime. We conclude by speculating on some of the reasons for these differences and establishing an agenda for additional needed cross-jurisdictional research. In particular, we argue that it would be fruitful to undertake a cross-jurisdictional study that examines the development and effects of parental responsibility laws across a larger number of different Western countries as well as across individual states and provinces within these national jurisdictions.
In this article we survey relevant international literature on the issue of parental liability and responsibility for the crimes of young offenders. In addition, as a starting point for needed cross-jurisdictional research, we focus on different approaches that have been taken to making parents responsible for youth crime in Australia and Canada. This comparative analysis of Australian and Canadian legislative and policy approaches is situated within a broader discussion of arguments about parental responsibility, the ‘punitive turn’ in youth justice, and cross-jurisdictional criminal justice policy transfer and convergence. One unexpected finding of our literature survey is the relatively sparse attention given to the issue of parental responsibility for youth crime in legal and criminological literature compared to the attention it receives in the media and popular-public culture. In Part I we examine the different views that have been articulated in the social science literature for and against parental responsibility laws, along with arguments that have been made about why such laws have been enacted in an increasing number of Western countries in recent years. In Part II, we situate our comparative study of Australian and Canadian legislative and policy approaches within a broader discussion of arguments about the ‘punitive turn’ in youth justice, responsibilisation, and cross-jurisdictional criminal justice policy transfer and convergence. In Part III, we identify and examine the scope of different parental responsibility laws that have been enacted in Australia and Canada; noting significant differences in the manner and extent to which parental responsibility laws and policies have been invoked as part of the solution to dealing with youth crime. In our concluding discussion, in Part IV, we try to speculate on some of the reasons for these differences and set an agenda for needed future research on the topic.