997 resultados para Coordination games


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The need for literacy and the English curriculum to attend to digital literacies in the twenty-first century is well established. Although studies in digital literacies have examined the inclusion of computer games in schools, there has not been an extended study of English teachers incorporating computer games into their teaching and learning through action research projects. This paper outlines the structure and progress of a research project exploring the uses of computer games in English classrooms. We argue that much can be learned about the teaching of both print and digital literacies from examining computer games and young people's engagement in online digital culture in the world beyond school.


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In addition to an increase in visitors to Sydney and movement to and from Olympic venues, many activities and attractions are planned throughout the Sydney metropolitan area for the period of the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Public health planning and strategy development has been conducted at the NSW Department of Health, area health service, public health unit, and local government levels to ensure that all possible steps have been taken to mitigate public health risk.


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This research evaluated the impact of the Olympic Games on the host city's residential property market, both before and after the Games. Using a time  series approach between 1990 and 2003, this paper examines various indicators to measure the effect of the 2000 Olympics on the Sydney property market. The research shows that although the Olympics were held for only ten days, its influence on the surrounding market in a direct and indirect manner was substantial. It appears that the lasting effect of the Games on the property market remained strongest in the general vicinity of the Olympic Village, and then gradually weakened over time in areas located further away from this precinct. It emphasised the role of urban planning both before and after the event, and how to use a major sporting event to gentrify a suburb.


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In 2006 Melbourne will host the 18th Commonwealth Games with Brisbane being the last Australian city to host this event over two decades ago in 1982. Melbourne has not held a major global sporting event since the 1956 Olympic Games, although the 2006 Commonwealth Games follows on from the successful 2000 Sydney Olympics. These sporting events have continued to grow from strength to strength, and have been assisted by Australia's close affiliation with sport and the widespread global media coverage. In a similar manner to other sporting events that Melbourne hosts, including the Australian Tennis Open, Formula One Grand Prix, Motorcycle Grand Prix, Melbourne Cup and Australian Football League, the city and its inhabitants are consumed by these events. The 2006 Commonwealth Games is certain to follow this trend.
The task of hosting the Commonwealth Games is enormous, although actively pursued in a fierce bidding process by competing cities. The benefits are undisputed and include an influx of visitors to the host city, an opportunity to enhance or rebuild infrastructure such as transport, plus the worldwide focus on the host city before and during the event. A high level of planning is undertaken for years well in advance of the event, and this may have an effect on the surrounding property market. Through the media both buyers and sellers are constantly reminded of the upcoming Games, the venues and the increased demand that will occur. Accordingly, this research investigates the task of hosting a major global sporting event such as the Commonwealth Games, and importantly how affects infrastructure in a host city. Attention is placed on the 2006 Commonwealth Games and the Melbourne property market. Whilst every host city differs in characteristics such as size, location and timing of the event, the findings of this study will assist a future host city to plan for the highly irregular circumstances that accompany a high profile one-off major sporting event.


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The health care systems in Australia are under pressure from workforce shortages, increasing costs and an ageing population with a high prevalence of chronic disease. There is a well-established description of inequity in health outcomes among rural and remote populations. Most of the inequity appears to be due to poorer access to services than higher levels of health risk factors, such as cholesterol, blood pressure or obesity. Over the last 15 years, the science of improvement has led to quality improvement techniques, such as collaboratives, managed clinical networks and collaborative care, all of which have been tried successfully in Australia. Each of these offers ways to reduce the inequity in health outcomes attributed to rurality or remoteness.


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While the traditional dependent variables of motor skill learning are accuracy and consistency of movement outcome, there has been increasing interest in aspects of motor performance that are described as reflecting the ‘energetics’ of motor behaviour. One defining characteristic of skilled motor performance is the ability to complete the task with minimum energy expenditure (Sparrow & Newell, 1998). A further consideration is that movements also have costs in terms of cognitive ‘effort’ or ‘energy’. The present project extends previous work on energy expenditure and motor skill learning within a coordination dynamics framework. From the dynamic pattern perspective, a coordination pattern lowest on the 11KB model potential curve (Haken, Kelso & Bunz, 1985) is more stable and least energy is required to maintain pattern stability (Temprado, Zanone, Monno & Laurent, 1999). Two experiments investigated the learning of stable and unstable coordination patterns with high metabolic energy demand. An experimental task was devised by positioning two cycle ergometers side-by-side, placing one foot on each, with the pedals free to move independently at any metronome-paced relative phase, Experiment 1 investigated practice-related changes to oxygen consumption, heart rate, relative phase, reaction time and muscle activation (EMG) as participants practiced anti-phase, in-phase and 90°-phase cycling. Across six practice trials metabolic energy cost reduced and AE and VE of relative phase declined. The trend in the metabolic and reaction time data and percent co-contraction of muscles was for the in-phase cycling to demonstrate the highest values, anti-phase the lowest and 90°-phase cycling in-between. It was found that anti- and in-phase cycling were both kinematically stable but anti-phase coordination revealed significantly lower metabolic energy cost. It was, therefore, postulated that of two equally stable coordination patterns, that associated with lower metabolic energy expenditure would constitute a stronger attractor. Experiment 2 was designed to determine whether a lower or higher energy-demanding coordination pattern was a stronger attractor by scanning the attractor layout at thirty-degree intervals from 0° to 330°. The initial attractor layout revealed that in-phase was most stable and accurate, but the remaining coordination patterns were attracted to the low energy cost anti-phase cycling. In Experiment 2 only 90°- phase cycling was practiced with a post-test attractor layout scan revealing that 90°-phase and its symmetrical partner 270°-phase had become attractors of other coordination patterns. Consistent with Experiment 1, practicing 90°-phase cycling revealed a decline in AE and VE and a reduction in metabolic and cognitive cost. Practicing 90°-phase cycling did not, however, destabilise the in-phase or anti-phase coordination patterns either kinematically or energetically. In summary, the findings suggest that metabolic and mental energy can be considered different representations of a ‘global’ energy expenditure or ‘energetic’ phenomenon underlying human coordination. The hypothesis that preferred coordination patterns emerge as stable, low-energy solutions to the problem of inter-and intra-limb coordination is supported here in showing that the low-energy minimum of coordination dynamics is also an energetic minimum.