864 resultados para Cooperation between Libraries


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This study examines the effects of intra-regional cooperation among firms and institutions on the growth of firms, using the unique data set of questionnaire survey collected in the three major industrial clusters in Japan. In contrast to the existing studies on regional innovations or agglomeration economies, this study explicitly focuses on the detailed contents of cooperative activities with two specific viewpoints: 1) the contents of regional cooperation in each of the three production stages of R&D, commercialization, and marketing, and 2) the detailed types of alliance partners. Our results demonstrate three points: 1) positive correlations are observed between the intensity of regional cooperation and the firm growth rate and R&D expenditure, 2) horizontal cooperation such as alliances with universities and cross-industry exchange organizations has positive significant effects on the growth rate of firms, which is in contrast with the previous studies that stressed only the role of vertically integrated inter-firm linkages in Japan, and 3) contents and partners of regional cooperation are different among the three clusters based on different dominant industries.


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Thailand's economic cooperation with neighboring countries, including not only trade and investment but also economic assistance, is tied inseparably to regional development within Thailand. Assistance to develop infrastructure along economic corridors, for example, promotes Thai regional development. This study examines the trade and investment relationships between Thailand and its neighboring countries, as well as related economic policies of Thailand. The study also examines the type of economic assistance being extended, and the resulting regional development taking place. And lastly, the study considers policies for further cooperation by Thailand and the implications this has for Japanese economic cooperation.


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The North-South Economic Corridor (NSEC), the road between Bangkok and Kunming, China, including the Laos route (R3B) and the Myanmar route (R3B), has been developed since 1998 following the GMS program. The region covering Yunnan Province in China, Shan State in Myanmar, Northern Laos and Northern Thailand has historical and ethnic closeness, and is a comparatively poor mountainous, boundary area. In the wake of the development of the NSEC, however, the region has started to show signs of change. Consequently, a review is to be carried out concerning the movement of people and cars, border trade and the situation concerning the progress of border economic zones at the five nodal border points in the four countries, and over three routes: R3A, R3B, and the Mekong River route.


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East Asian economies have been heavily dependent on the U.S. and EU markets, especially for the export of final goods. Therefore, once the financial crisis hit Western economies hard, the East Asian economies lost their major markets.Their production networks then worked to the region's disadvantage and stifled industrial development.This reflects the vulnerability of the East Asian economies which have adopted an export-led growth strategy. Such vulnerability needs to be addressed to prevent future economic crises, as well as to sustain economic growth. This paper examines the trade structure of the three countries-China, Japan, and Korea-before and after the Lehman Shock, and discusses how the three countries should cooperate in addressing imbalances in the trade structure.


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Survey Engineering curricula involves the integration of many formal disciplines at a high level of proficiency. The Escuela de Ingenieros en Topografía, Cartografía y Geodesia at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Survey Engineering) has developed an intense and deep teaching on so-called Applied Land Sciences and Technologies or Land Engineering. However, new approaches are encouraged by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This fact requires a review of traditional teaching and methods. Furthermore, the new globalization and international approach gives new ways to this discipline to teach and learn about how to bridge gap between cultures and regions. This work is based in two main needs. On one hand, it is based on integration of basic knowledge and disciplines involved in typical Survey Engineering within Land Management. On the other, there is an urgent need to consider territory on a social and ethical basis, as far as a part of the society, culture, idiosyncrasy or economy. The integration of appropriate knowledge of the Land Management is typically dominated by civil engineers and urban planners. It would be very possible to integrate Survey Engineering and Cooperation for Development in the framework of Land Management disciplines. Cooperation for Development is a concept that has changed since beginning of its use until now. Development projects leave an impact on society in response to their beneficiaries and are directed towards self-sustainability. Furthermore, it is the true bridge to reduce gap between societies when differences are immeasurable. The concept of development has also been changing and nowadays it is not a purely economic concept. Education, science and technology are increasingly taking a larger role in what is meant by development. Moreover, it is commonly accepted that Universities should transfer knowledge to society, and the transfer of knowledge should be open to countries most in need for developing. If the importance of the country development is given by education, science and technology, knowledge transfer would be one of the most clear of ways of Cooperation for Development. Therefore, university cooperation is one of the most powerful tools to achieve it, placing universities as agents of development. In Spain, the role of universities as agents of development and cooperation has been largely strengthened. All about this work deals to how to implement both Cooperation for Development and Land Management within Survey Engineering at the EHEA framework.


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In this Master’s Thesis a new Distributed Award Protocol (DAP) for robot communication and cooperation is presented. Task assignment (contract awarding) is done dynamically with contracts assigned to robots based upon the best bid received. Instead of having a manager and a contractor it is proposed a fully distributed bidding/awarding mechanism without a distinguished master. The best bidding robots are awarded with contract for execution. The contractors make decisions locally. This brings the following benefits: no communication bottleneck, low computational power requirement, increased robustness. DAP can handle multitasking. Tasks can be injected into system during the execution of already allocated tasks. As tasks have priorities, in the next cycle after taking into account actual bid parameters of all robots, tasks can be re-allocated. The aim is to minimize a global cost function which is a compromise between cost of task execution and cost of resources usage. Information about tasks and bid values is spread among robots with the use of a Round Robin Route, which is a novel solution proposed in this work. This method allows also identifying failed robots. Such failed robot is eliminated from the list of awarded robots and its replacement is found so the task is still executed by a team. If the failure of a robot was temporary (e.g. communication noise) and the robot can recover, it can again participate in the next bidding/awarding process. Using a bidding/awarding mechanism allows robots to dynamically relocate among tasks. This is also contributes to system robustness. DAP was evaluated through multiple experiments done in the multi-robot simulation system. Various scenarios were tested to check the idea of the main algorithm. Different failures of robots (communication failures, partial hardware malfunctions) were simulated and observations were made regarding how DAP recovers from them. Also the DAP flexibility to environment changes was watched. The experiments in the simulated environment confirmed the above features of DAP.


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Knowledge of how customers co-create value, the way that suppliers and providers co-produce services, and how research and development centers and universities transfer technologies is becoming increasingly important to scholars' understanding of service innovation. This paper presents an analysis of the relationship between inward and outward innovation activities in service organizations and their modes of innovation, using network innovation premises and an extended innovation model. Empirical data from retail, health and education sector service organizations show the existence of a relationship between the degree of development of the inward innovation process and the degree of development of outward innovation activities. The majority of service organizations have innovation processes with an orientation toward customers and suppliers rather than other service network members, and leading service organizations follow a path that the literature defines as oriented toward the service value network. Findings lead to implications of how innovation managers could develop their internal innovation capacity to balance inward and outward activities properly.


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Fission product yields are fundamental parameters for several nuclear engineering calculations and in particular for burn-up/activation problems. The impact of their uncertainties was widely studied in the past and valuations were released, although still incomplete. Recently, the nuclear community expressed the need for full fission yield covariance matrices to produce inventory calculation results that take into account the complete uncertainty data. In this work, we studied and applied a Bayesian/generalised least-squares method for covariance generation, and compared the generated uncertainties to the original data stored in the JEFF-3.1.2 library. Then, we focused on the effect of fission yield covariance information on fission pulse decay heat results for thermal fission of 235U. Calculations were carried out using different codes (ACAB and ALEPH-2) after introducing the new covariance values. Results were compared with those obtained with the uncertainty data currently provided by the library. The uncertainty quantification was performed with the Monte Carlo sampling technique. Indeed, correlations between fission yields strongly affect the statistics of decay heat. Introduction Nowadays, any engineering calculation performed in the nuclear field should be accompanied by an uncertainty analysis. In such an analysis, different sources of uncertainties are taken into account. Works such as those performed under the UAM project (Ivanov, et al., 2013) treat nuclear data as a source of uncertainty, in particular cross-section data for which uncertainties given in the form of covariance matrices are already provided in the major nuclear data libraries. Meanwhile, fission yield uncertainties were often neglected or treated shallowly, because their effects were considered of second order compared to cross-sections (Garcia-Herranz, et al., 2010). However, the Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)


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Five synthetic combinatorial libraries of 2,080 components each were screened as mixtures for inhibition of DNA binding to two transcription factors. Rapid, solution-phase synthesis coupled to a gel-shift assay led to the identification of two compounds active at a 5- to 10-μM concentration level. The likely mode of inhibition is intercalation between DNA base pairs. The efficient deconvolution through sublibrary synthesis augurs well for the use of large mixtures of small, nonpeptide molecules in biological screens.


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A basic evolutionary problem posed by the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma game is to understand when the paradigmatic cooperative strategy Tit-for-Tat can invade a population of pure defectors. Deterministically, this is impossible. We consider the role of demographic stochasticity by embedding the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma into a population dynamic framework. Tit-for-Tat can invade a population of defectors when their dynamics exhibit short episodes of high population densities with subsequent crashes and long low density periods with strong genetic drift. Such dynamics tend to have reddened power spectra and temporal distributions of population size that are asymmetric and skewed toward low densities. The results indicate that ecological dynamics are important for evolutionary shifts between adaptive peaks.


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The role of the abundant stress protein Hsp90 in protecting cells against stress-induced damage is not well understood. The recent discovery that a class of ansamycin antibiotics bind specifically to Hsp90 allowed us to address this problem from a new angle. We find that mammalian Hsp90, in cooperation with Hsp70, p60, and other factors, mediates the ATP-dependent refolding of heat-denatured proteins, such as firefly luciferase. Failure to refold results in proteolysis. The ansamycins inhibit refolding, both in vivo and in a cell extract, by preventing normal dissociation of Hsp90 from luciferase, causing its enhanced degradation. This mechanism also explains the ansamycin-induced proteolysis of several protooncogenic protein kinases, such as Raf-1, which interact with Hsp90. We propose that Hsp90 is part of a quality control system that facilitates protein refolding or degradation during recovery from stress. This function is used by a limited set of signal transduction molecules for their folding and regulation under nonstress conditions. The ansamycins shift the mode of Hsp90 from refolding to degradation, and this effect is probably amplified for specific Hsp90 substrates.


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Incremental truncation for the creation of hybrid enzymes (ITCHY) is a novel tool for the generation of combinatorial libraries of hybrid proteins independent of DNA sequence homology. We herein report a fundamentally different methodology for creating incremental truncation libraries using nucleotide triphosphate analogs. Central to the method is the polymerase catalyzed, low frequency, random incorporation of α-phosphothioate dNTPs into the region of DNA targeted for truncation. The resulting phosphothioate internucleotide linkages are resistant to 3′→5′ exonuclease hydrolysis, rendering the target DNA resistant to degradation in a subsequent exonuclease III treatment. From an experimental perspective the protocol reported here to create incremental truncation libraries is simpler and less time consuming than previous approaches by combining the two gene fragments in a single vector and eliminating additional purification steps. As proof of principle, an incremental truncation library of fusions between the N-terminal fragment of Escherichia coli glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (PurN) and the C-terminal fragment of human glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (hGART) was prepared and successfully tested for functional hybrids in an auxotrophic E.coli host strain. Multiple active hybrid enzymes were identified, including ones fused in regions of low sequence homology.


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We have investigated genetic differences between the closely related pathogenic Neisseria species, Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, as a novel approach to the elucidation of the genetic basis for their different pathogenicities. N. meningitidis is a major cause of cerebrospinal meningitis, whereas N. gonorrhoeae is the agent of gonorrhoea. The technique of representational difference analysis was adapted to the search for genes present in the meningococcus but absent from the gonococcus. The libraries achieved are comprehensive and specific in that they contain sequences corresponding to the presently identified meningococcus-specific genes (capsule, frp, rotamase, and opc) but lack genes more or less homologous between the two species, e.g., ppk and pilC1. Of 35 randomly chosen clones specific to N. meningitidis, DNA sequence analysis has confirmed that the large majority have no homology with published neisserial sequences. Mapping of the cloned DNA fragments onto the chromosome of N. meningitidis strain Z2491 has revealed a nonrandom distribution of meningococcus-specific sequences. Most of the genetic differences between the meningococcus and gonococcus appear to be clustered in three distinct regions, one of which (region 1) contains the capsule-related genes. Region 3 was found only in strains of serogroup A, whereas region 2 is present in a variety of meningococci belonging to different serogroups. At a time when bacterial genomes are being sequenced, we believe that this technique is a powerful tool for a rapid and directed analysis of the genetic basis of inter- or intraspecific phenotypic variations.


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A new and highly effective method, termed suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH), has been developed for the generation of subtracted cDNA libraries. It is based primarily on a recently described technique called suppression PCR and combines normalization and subtraction in a single procedure. The normalization step equalizes the abundance of cDNAs within the target population and the subtraction step excludes the common sequences between the target and driver populations. In a model system, the SSH technique enriched for rare sequences over 1,000-fold in one round of subtractive hybridization. We demonstrate its usefulness by generating a testis-specific cDNA library and by using the subtracted cDNA mixture as a hybridization probe to identify homologous sequences in a human Y chromosome cosmid library. The human DNA inserts in the isolated cosmids were further confirmed to be expressed in a testis-specific manner. These results suggest that the SSH technique is applicable to many molecular genetic and positional cloning studies for the identification of disease, developmental, tissue-specific, or other differentially expressed genes.


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A method for isolating and cloning mRNA populations from individual cells in living, intact plant tissues is described. The contents of individual cells were aspirated into micropipette tips filled with RNA extraction buffer. The mRNA from these cells was purified by binding to oligo(dT)-linked magnetic beads and amplified on the beads using reverse transcription and PCR. The cell-specific nature of the isolated mRNA was verified by creating cDNA libraries from individual tomato leaf epidermal and guard cell mRNA preparations. In testing the reproducibility of the method, we discovered an inherent limitation of PCR amplification from small amounts of any complex template. This phenomenon, which we have termed the "Monte Carlo" effect, is created by small and random differences in amplification efficiency between individual templates in an amplifying cDNA population. The Monte Carlo effect is dependent upon template concentration: the lower the abundance of any template, the less likely its true abundance will be reflected in the amplified library. Quantitative assessment of the Monte Carlo effect revealed that only rare mRNAs (< or = 0.04% of polyadenylylated mRNA) exhibited significant variation in amplification at the single-cell level. The cDNA cloning approach we describe should be useful for a broad range of cell-specific biological applications.