967 resultados para Concorrência.


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As the market expands, especially about construction, further treatments were required on the development of a building. This fact is noted due to the need to satisfy the client each time more, which requires more quality in the product final delivery. Therefore, the competition between companies grows every day to the effective and efficient production of their final products. This work shows negative factors that have influence in the product final delivery and consequently presents methods to improove the quality of this product. This study is characterized in management methods that are wrongly applied to the study of case of this work, which took place in the city of Guarulhos and was carried out during a work conducted by a large construction company


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The main goal of this thesis is to describe in details the development and manufacturing of hydraulic fittings for application in truck's cabin tilting lines, covering all of the pre-project, drawing, quotation and supplying processes. This development was planned due to Eaton Corporation - Hydraulics Group's interest in competing on this market with this kind of application. Company's standard procedures were executed until the final supplying stage could be reached. Moreover, the year in which this project was conducted was ruled by a crisis in the automotive segment and new opportunities had to be pursued and developed. Eaton's USA, India and China (facilities located in Aurora, Pune and Shanghai, respectively) engineering team offered all the support in order for this project to come true. As a result there are new part numbers in the company's portfolio, which now offers new fittings and a new type of adapter that was unknown prior to the project. This way Eaton has conquered even more space with this cabin tilting application and the customers (OEMs) have an alternative and homologated supplier to purchase from. Financially speaking, the project's sales income may vary from US$800,000.00 to US$1,300,000.00 worth during the following supplying years


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Nowadays, being prepared for competition is a basic demand for companies to survive and expand their businesses, requiring more and more productivity enhancements and costs reductions without interfering in the products quality. Thus, it is very important to have a solid management system adapted to each specific market and industrial sector. With that, many companies invest in studies to optimize its processes aiming to increase production. This work has the goal to present a deployment plan to Lean Manufacturing principles on a small fast food enterprise. The methodology consisted on a bibliographic research followed by an observation of the daily reality and problems found in loco. The study showed that the Lean principles can be a competitive advantage when applying the plan on new processes and enable changes on old methods already implemented by the organization. Besides that, contribute to a productivity enhancement and consequently the employee's motivation


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Founded in 1921, the company currently known as Lupo S/A is one of the most ancient textile and clothing industries in Brazil. In this article we aim to describe the general lines of the trajectory of this family company, currently producing socks, nightwear and sports articles. The focus of this paper is on the analysis of some strategies used by the company along its formation and development process, and, particularly, the way these strategies made possible the productive restructuring associated to the overcoming of the strong crisis which began in the end of the 80's and early 90's, contributing to its recent consolidation in the clothing industry. The leading hypothesis of the study is that pioneering connected to a strong organizational culture that has been formed and constructed since its foundation and that was reestablished in a more recent management were the factors which were responsible for the advances able to generate an innovation environment in products as well as in processes and management. The theoretical reflection selected to subsidize the cognitive construction of the study of the company is based on the historical approach of the development of the textile industry in Brazil and in studies about the importance of the action of the entrepreneur, in the role of the organizational culture and of innovation to choose strategies in companies. The research involved the analysis of documents and data of the company, as well as interviews with directors and employees. The results show a traditional company model, but also show the presence of a very advanced entrepreneurial dynamic. Modern world – known as a fordist industrial model – could already be noticed in the company when this production pattern was not clearly defined yet in the Brazilian industry. Nowadays, the company faces the challenge of globalization and the open competition in the international market which brings the rivalry of the greatest and best globalized companies.


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The aim of this research is to analyze the extension of changes in technological strategies of a group of Brazilian pharmaceutical companies, which we believe were induced by transformations in the institutional environment during the 1990s. Major institutional changes, such as the enacting of laws that recognized drug patents rights and fostered generic drugs market, have strengthened the market insertion and competitive position of these companies, what would enable an increase in research and development efforts in Brazil. In addition to the literature on technology strategy and drug industry, this study was based on interviews with six Brazilian pharmaceutical companies, all of which were ranked among the top national companies in the industry and have been considered in previous studies particularly active in the process of changing technological strategies. This research confirmed a significant intensification of technology efforts carried out by Brazilian drug companies. Nevertheless, the R&D intensity is still far below the global pattern and innovative impacts are slight.


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The large number of dentists in Brazilian job market has increased the competitiveness in the dentistry field, leading the professional to use different strategies in an attempt to attract more patients. This study aimed to report different forms of dental marketing, showing how they can strengthen the bond between professional and patient, making it an alternative to face the competitive market. It was concluded that there are various marketing tools that can be applied in an effective and simple manner; since supported on ethics, it can make the dentist be highlighted, attracting and retaining patients and ensuring their professional success.


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This study addresses the topic of e-commerce as a competitive strategy for companies seeking innovation and to reach new markets. In last few years, the e-commerce has intensified in Brazil, as a result, many companies have adapted to that new market demand and have invested in new strategies. An example, is the use of social medias to promote the products, specifically the fashion retail industry, which promotes its products through partnerships with fashion blogs. To prove this new market trend, based on researches and indicators, this study will present growth data of e-commerce in Brazil, the fashion industry characteristics and the influence of blogs to increase sales, to further, understand its relation to the growth in e-commerce of fashion and future expectations


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aims to elucidate the marketing experience and to show the fundamental role that strategic communication plays as a tool for approaching the target audience and for consolidating a brand. The necessity for differentiation and innovation increases with market competition, standardization of products and services and with a customer more demanding and careful, leading the sensorial experiences to a trend of communication capable of bringing closer the relation between consumer and brand. From a bibliography research, marketing concepts, public relations and marketing experience are studied, presenting national and international cases of success in the retail industry. The study focuses on the comprehension of actions that leads to experiences in the market environment


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar aspectos históricos das questões políticas, ideológicas e conceituais que estiveram presentes nas discussões referentes à instrução nacional francesa no final do século XVIII, enfatizando as proposições de Condorcet, no Rapport de 1792, como sendo base desse tipo de debate durante o processo revolucionário na França. Privilegiamos, portanto, analisar as prerrogativas discursivas dessa proposta e o certame suscitado a partir dela, pois resultaram, até mesmo, em novas proposições, entre elas as de Romme, Robespierre, Lepelletier e Lakanal. Trata-se de uma abordagem que nos proporciona a compreensão da base moderna do debate sobre instrução pública que se configurou no século XIX. Essa concorrência de ideias entre os franceses se estabeleceu como o grande legado teórico para os sistemas modernos de ensino, inclusive o brasileiro. Depreendemos, ainda, que a instrução defendida na França estava permeada pelos ideais de razão, moral e cientificismo.


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Este trabalho discute a produção da revista O Tico-Tico, publicação de quadrinhos de mais onga duração no Brasil. A revista, que teria completado 100 anos em outubro de 2005, caracterizou-se por uma postura didático-pedagógica e pela disseminação de produtos quadrinhísticos genuinamente nacionais, dando oportunidade para a atuação de dezenas de desenhistas brasileiros e propiciando o aparecimento de diversos personagens de histórias em quadrinhos. Na década de 1960, desgastada pelo tempo e sofrendo a concorrência da televisão, a revista encerrou suas atividades, ficando na lembrança de seus leitores por sua abnegação a um modelo de educação para a infância que privilegiava o civismo, os bons costumes e a religiosidade


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Esse trabalho tem por objetivo a análise de livros didáticos jurídicos na perspectiva da história dos direitos europeu e brasileiro, tendo como referencial teórico o texto de Alain Choppin sobre as funções do livro didático. Foram analisados livros didáticos jurídicos produzidos desde a Antiguidade até os dias atuais, assim como importantes mudanças legislativas ocorridas em Portugal no século XVIII e no Brasil no século XIX. Seus autores são, em sua maioria, professores universitários, para que seus textos servissem de fonte de argumentos de autoridade na prática. Ao lado dos manuais, sempre foi recorrente o uso de apostilas elaboradas pelos professores ou pelos próprios alunos, a partir das anotações das aulas. Nos últimos tempos, os manuais sofrem a concorrência dos resumos voltados para concursos públicos e dos “cadernos” distribuídos pelos alunos pela Internet. As principais conclusões foram as de que os livros didáticos jurídicos são importantes para o aprendizado do Direito.


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O Episódio do Cego de Nascença (Jo 9,1-41; 10,19-21) é produto simbólico da concorrência pelo poder religioso entre comunidade joanina e fariseus da sinagoga, tendo sido elaborado para provocar em seus leitores o questionamento da legitimidade do poder religioso exercido pelos fariseus, configurado como monopólio do capital simbólico do judaísmo. O conflito se estabelece na medida em que a comunidade joanina passa a concorrer com os fariseus por este poder, em vista do atendimento de seus próprios interesses sócio-religiosos. A concorrência é particularmente palpável no confronto entre interpretações particulares de símbolos fundamentais da tradição judaica, como a retribuição, o sábado e a profecia. O enfrentamento dos fariseus por parte dos judeus leigos da comunidade joanina convida a uma revolução simbólica, a qual propõe que os leigos da comunidade joanina assumam a função profética de disputa pelos bens simbólicos do judaísmo(AU)