987 resultados para Concepção de ciência
This project was grounded in public policy for inclusive education in the city of Bauru / Brazil. Its objective was to examine the struture of these public policies aimed at inclusive education, which are in place and their effectiveness from the viewpoint of specialist teachers in municipal schools in Bauru/ Brazil. Subjects were 20 teachers of special education specialists who work with students from kindergarten and elementary school in the city of Bauru. To collect data were questionnaires and interviews. The theoretical studies carried out showed that the legislation today was the result of many years of changes in structure and design on the figure of people with disabilities and their integration into society. As a result it was possible to draw a profile of specialist teachers, their training, and that has knowledge about the specific legislation. As the profile of the specialist teacher noticed that they have good training, but this should be a continuous process, during his performance.Public policy for Special Education but there are geared towards a macro-structure, which makes them often decontextualized from everyday classroom, and often not enforced because of lack of policies in other areas of basic needs that are constitutional law as well as education
Com o ritmo acelerado que a vida moderna exige, é cada vez mais evidente a necessidade do ser humano em buscar novas experiências para que os façam sentir emoções e sensações inéditas, não existentes no dia a dia. Com isso a busca por esportes de risco vem sendo cada vez maior, visto que muitos destes esportes satisfazem os desejos por novas experiências. Acredita-se que haja inúmeros fatores atrativos que levam os indivíduos a aderirem a essas praticas. No presente estudo foi verificado que fatores psicológicos estão fortemente presentes, o medo e a ansiedade mostram-se fatores atrativos, assim como o desejo de conhecer lugares novos, o que aponta para uma ligação direta com o turismo. A sensação de bem estar, satisfação, alegria e orgulho foi afirmada por maioria dos sujeitos, o que acaba levando os indivíduos a procurarem diversos esportes de risco, favorecendo a aderência a essas modalidades e a permanência nas mesmas.
Camping alloys the implementation of a broad variety of activities that involves many aspects of the corporal culture of movement. There is much more than fun in games and plays and that’s what we seek to include in the children’s daily routine. The Physical Education professional has as one of its duties to teach these elements, such as the knowledge related to the citizenship formation to its students. Therefore, the participation in camping can contribute to this formation, since the students have the chance to realize the amplitude of Physical Education and change their view on it, even at school. The aim of this research is to investigate after the camping experience, if the students change their conception on the Physical Education role at school. This study has used qualitative methodology consisting on interviews done prior and post the students camping experience at the school . Ten students of both gender, aged between 13 and 15 years old, were interviewed. It was used a script with semi-structured questions. As the main result it has found an unanimity among the students towards the importance of Physical Education: the responsibility for the health and it’s also arisen discussions on cooperation and respect. Although they recognize that the teacher does not discuss these values and attitudes; two students believe that to have changed their view towards school Physical Education after experiencing the activities proposed in the camping. Despite most of the students haven’t changed their concept on school Physical Education, they had the opportunity to see new activities and to think more carefully about the importance of Physical Education classes at school, an opportunity on building a more critical view on the discipline.
Recentemente, a temática ambiental tem sido caracterizada como um dos temas mais abrangentes, nesse sentido, o tema degradação ambiental tem se constituído em um problema tanto da geração que nos constituiu quanto da geração que nos sucederão. Podemos afirmar que o modelo de desenvolvimento econômico adotado em inúmeros paises, inclusive no Brasil, baseado no consumo e na exploração dos recursos naturais tem contribuído para a persistência dos problemas relacionados a degradação ambiental. Tendo em vista, esse contexto e a importância dos meios de comunicação em especial às revistas de divulgação científica. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo responder as seguintes questões norteadoras: Quais os problemas relacionados à temática ambiental, particularmente, os problemas relativos à degradação ambiental, são veiculados na Revista Ciência Hoje (CH)?Os temas e os problemas relativos à degradação ambiental são trabalhados de modo a contemplar as controvérsias socioambientais? Em caso positivo quais controvérsias socioambientais são veiculadas? Consistiram na investigação da abordagem da temática ambiental na Revista Ciência Hoje particularmente, os problemas relativos à degradação ambiental. A Ciência Hoje, criada em 1982, a partir do Projeto Ciência Hoje responsável pelas publicações de divulgação cientifica da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência (SBPC) entidade civil sem fins lucrativos e que tem como objetivo promover o desenvolvimento tecnológico no Brasil. Dessa forma realizou-se uma pesquisa documental, cujo corpus documental foi constituído por 161 exemplares da CH publicados nos anos de 1990-2005. A metodologia utilizada na analise dos artigos da Revista foi a “Análise de Conteúdo” proposta por Bardin (1991). A partir da analise dos artigos selecionados, foram identificados os seguintes problemas relativos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This project aims to explore the many methods used for the development of recommendation systems to user ’ s items and apply the content - based recommendation method on a prototype system whose purpose is to recommend books to users. This paper exposes the most popular methods for creating systems capable of providing items (products) according to user preferences, such as collaborat ive filtering and content - based. It also point different techniques that can be applied to calculate the similarity between two entities, for items or users, as the Pearson ’s method, calculating the cosine of vectors and more recently, a proposal to use a Bayesian system under a Dirichlet distribution. In addition, this work has the purpose to go through various points on the design of an online application, or a website, dealing not only oriented algorithms issues, but also the definition of development to ols and techniques to improve the user’s experience. The tools used for the development of the page are listed, and a topic about web design is also discussed in order to emphasize the importance of the layout of the application. At the end, some examples of recommender systems are presented for curiosity , learning and research purposes
In engineering projects, it’s fundamental to determine the active loads in components in order to guarantee acceptable values of safety and reliability according to project specifications. On the other hand, force measurement methods might be very complex and impracticable in some cases and, so that, load cells with eletric resistance strain gages can be applied as a simple and accurate option to measure the required load. The main purpose of this paper is to present the development of a load cell that measures uniaxial forces using electric resistance strain gages without being influenced by the location of the loading in a cantilever beam. For that, it was taken as basis a secondary purpose which is to present a general study of basic and wide concepts about transducers, load cells and extensometers primarily. Information such as: loading and measurements types, characteristics of the presented devices as well as factors that influence its functioning, the most common kinds of Wheatstone bridge links, the main points of a load cell project, cements used to fix extensometers and, finally, the project itself with the tests of the built transducer are presented. By the end of this paper, all the results are shown and analyzed, concluding about the designed load cell and the work itself
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O presente trabalho discute a evolução histórica das políticas de ciência e tecnologia (C&T) no Brasil e seus desdobramentos para o desenvolvimento do país. É sabido que a C&T pode estimular o crescimento econômico, o investimento e a competitividade de um país. Nesse sentido, a inovação também se torna importante para as políticas de C&T. Além disso, o nível de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) acaba sendo estimulado, permitindo que haja dinamismo tecnológico e absorção de avanços – que são gerados em outros países – no país. No caso brasileiro, a C&T começou a se desenvolver ainda na época da ditadura (fim da década de 60), mas pode-se dizer que ela começou a ter uma importância realmente evidente a partir da década de 90 e, em particular, durante o governo Lula (2003-2010). Entende-se também que recursos humanos com alta qualificação constituem um contingente fundamental para o desenvolvimento econômico e social do país, sendo decisivo para a difusão e a criação de novos produtos e processos. É a partir destas idéias, que o trabalho discute a forma como as políticas de C&T voltadas para a formação de mãode- obra especializada podem ajudar no processo de desenvolvimento do país através, entre outros, de um maior esforço em P&D, de projetos cooperativos que unem as universidades e empresas e, conseqüentemente, através da promoção de inovações
Based on the ideas of Gaspar and Marandino, discuss the teaching of physics through Museums and Science Centers, drawing on ideas such as: Scientific Literacy, Informal Education and Zone of Proximal Development. We visited and analyzed the museums: Museum of Energy Rio Claro - Mill Park Corumbataí, Catavento Culture and Education - Social Organization of Culture, Centre for Scientific and Cultural (CDCC) and Studies Center of the Universe - CEU. Point out elements of these museums that benefit the formal teaching of physics in schools, as well as positive elements of schooling that maximize the experience of museum visits
A necessidade de se pensar o futuro, bem como a necessidade em atender uma demanda em questão, foram os pontos de partida deste trabalho, que aborda as questões teóricas e práticas do projeto de um Apart-hotel em São João da Boa Vista, utilizando técnicas de eficiência energética. Para alcançar o resultado final, foram abordadas questões como a utilização de cartas bioclimáticas, carta solar, entre outros fatores empregados para se entender e estudar as questões climáticas, bem como o estudo da cidade no que se refere à contextualização do projeto
This work’s main purpose is to research how the scientific speech is outlined on the Revista Língua Portuguesa in statements made by linguists. Statements issued in the previously mentioned magazine have been analyzed. In order to achieve the proposal, the research was based on the following questions: how both the scientific and the scientific divulgation speeches are formed in the magazine, and whether the opinion texts written by scholars and researchers in the linguistic field identify themselves with opinion articles, scientific articles or scientific divulgation texts. Those questions were discussed from the theoretical-methodological bakhtinian perspective, taking the notion of dialogism, the human activity sphere, genres of discourse and style as conceptual elements. It has been detected that there is a complexity in the construction of the genres in the magazine, always taking into account the journalistic and scientific spheres of circulation. The analyzed statements presented themselves as a confluence of many genres’ characteristics, showing a point of view, a scientific subject, a researcher-author and a language adjustment to the magazine reader, making it more accessible. The analysis showed that the discussed statements resemble opinion articles, scientific articles, and reviews, besides being scientific divulgation at the same time
This work seeks to explain the historical perspective of the building temporal western, showing the concepts of morphogenesis and morphodynamics as contemporary representations of geographical science for the synthesis forged about time. In this sense, it is the perspective of time in the Middle Ages, its implications and social substantiality, as interposed to time erected by the rise of a merchant class in Europe, we seek to present the social conception of this category in the West, stating that this not constituted as a supra-social element, but built by the organization itself and internal contradiction of European society. Finally, we saw the delineations drawn by geography, set in propositions about the dynamics of nature and society, such being the latest concepts in terms of the logic of assimilation weather prevailing. For this, we use literature review and comparison of temporal models at different times for the delineation of the contours of the research... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC